Scroll of Errata

Loving the new Charms so far. Pretty cool, may not ever get to use them, but cool none the less.

I keep seeing mentions of a revised DotFA on DriveThru. Anybody know if those of us that bought the physical copy will be able to get the new version for free? I know its not real likely, but its also not my/our fault that the first writer didn't know what he was doing.
Aasharu said:
Um, where exactly do I go to find this new errata/new MA style? My google fu is weak, apparently.
Here. If you have problems, try right-clicking and "Save As."
I keep seeing mentions of a revised DotFA on DriveThru. Anybody know if those of us that bought the physical copy will be able to get the new version for free? I know its not real likely' date=' but its also not my/our fault that the first writer didn't know what he was doing.[/quote']It's unlikely. Despite White Wolf's anemic marketing, I think there would have been some kind of word on such a program by now.
Jimborg said:
Holden said:
Jimborg said:
So from what I understand Shadow Throne style is the Sidereal's 'natural' style, with VBoS a replacement style created by Saturn after the Usurpation. Kind of odd that a style that includes Divine Transcendence (Martial Arts) gets passed over by Sidereals of all people...
No, VBoS was created when the Sidereals were. They've always had two Hero styles, basically.
Well I guess if anyone would have two martial arts styles, it would be the Sidereals.

Also: I've been quoted by Holden. Awesome sauce :D
Aaaactually... *rereads a few things to be sure of stuff and takes a deep breath*

Solars have two, too, in the same fashion, actually. Snake Style to them seems to be what Violet Bier of Sorrows is to a Sidereal. Violet Bier does not state that a Sidereal can add Expansion Charms as a Hero Style does, nor does it have any, but it is specifically a Sidereal Style. Just as Snake Style is a Solar Style, that they can learn without teachers and stuff, but yet have no Expansion Charms, nor does it say that they can create them for it.

So, Sidereals and Solar both have two styles, in that respect. Lunars might have two, too, if White Reaper counts, but that style doesn't specify that it's a Lunar Style, just that it was created in the Primordial Wars by a Lunar.

And I could be wrong that Sidereals can't make Expansions for Violet Bier, but I could also be wrong that a Solar can't make expansions for Snake, by that same token. But neither style states that it is possible to, as the Hero Styles do.

Though, of course, having it called a Hero Style by Holden mean that it likely should be considered so, since that's pretty much as official as it gets and so forth. *bows* Just saying. :P
I admit, I was hoping for an entire set of high-Essence Charms for Sidereals as well... but I love Throne Shadow Style and the errata in general enough that I can't feel too disappointed. What's not to love about a Charm that lets you strangle an opponent with their own breath?

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