Scroll of Errata

A great many Bothans have fapped over this information. Because someone is always wrong on the Internet. :P
Isn't that the truth :)

But the fact people argue that sort of rule(seriously, there's no debate), makes me facepalm.
It's interesting that they repeat the exact same disconnect with "DV as a shorthand for a dice pool" vs. "DV as DV" as the books do within the errata itself, with one answer stating flat out that DV is intended to act as an shorthand for dice pool roll, but other DV related answers (such as the one on stunts) working exactly unlike that was the case.
This isn't really surprising, at least not to me once I realized this was mostly just a copy-paste job from the Question/Answer part of the Wiki.* Some of the "answers" make me want to applaud such amazing efforts at answering with out answering or just ignoring the main point of the question.

*I do not mean in anyway to slight the effort of a few, as I understand it, unpaid individuals in putting this together. Chambers just gave crap answers in many cases.
wordman said:
It's interesting that they repeat the exact same disconnect with "DV as a shorthand for a dice pool" vs. "DV as DV" as the books do within the errata itself, with one answer stating flat out that DV is intended to act as an shorthand for dice pool roll, but other DV related answers (such as the one on stunts) working exactly unlike that was the case.
The biggest oops I tend to see with DV is with some people not understanding the relationship between a given entity's dice cap and DV cap.
MrMephistopheles said:
The biggest oops I tend to see with DV is with some people not understanding the relationship between a given entity's dice cap and DV cap.
Something that the "DV as shorthand for a dice pool" approach makes relatively trivial to explain, until all the other DV stuff undermines the approach. Unfortunately, there are a number of bigger "oops" issues, particularly charm interactions and timing.
wordman said:
MrMephistopheles said:
The biggest oops I tend to see with DV is with some people not understanding the relationship between a given entity's dice cap and DV cap.
Something that the "DV as shorthand for a dice pool" approach makes relatively trivial to explain, until all the other DV stuff undermines the approach. Unfortunately, there are a number of bigger "oops" issues, particularly charm interactions and timing.
You would THINK that would be easy to many times trying to get that across.
Maybe we can hope for a revised Core Book, with these issues cleared up. Yeah, delusional, I know....
Maybe we can hope for a revised Core Book' date=' with these issues cleared up. Yeah, delusional, I know....[/quote']
Exalted Revised edition, sure. With a whole new set of ambiguities to correct. :roll:

Coming our way in 2012!
Maybe we can hope for a revised Core Book' date=' with these issues cleared up. Yeah, delusional, I know....[/quote'] Why revise it when you can simply print a 3rd edition for it and the dozens of supplements?
I'd wager that's why the authors don't respond about our questions (or respond well), they're too busy writing splat books.
If Exalted shipped under a Creative Commons license (the way, say, Eclipse Phase does) I would have built a free "Revised Edition" a long time ago. Several, probably.
Gylthinel said:
Maybe we can hope for a revised Core Book' date=' with these issues cleared up. Yeah, delusional, I know....[/quote'] Why revise it when you can simply print a 3rd edition for it and the dozens of supplements?
I'd wager that's why the authors don't respond about our questions (or respond well), they're too busy writing splat books.
Well, we all know a 3E will come along sooner or later (hopefully later). Until that time I would love to see some of the Errata be integrated into the books and reprinted, especially the DB book will all the Errata just released for them. Provided somebody shakes Chambers and gets him to actually allow some of the freelancers to correct the various ambiguities and not do it himself.
Informations: newest Scroll of Errata have Abyssal redemption guidelines, and some very interesting info about the origin of limit. Also Twilight anima power got errated.
and I'm still not happy with the rules for blindness presented in it :@ I'll just stick with -4 internal in my games, regardless of what errata says.
Haven't had time to do more than skim this so far, but... this is amazing. Pretty much a rewrite of the entire Solar Charms section, with extensive errata for the other Charms. Also, Sidereal stuff. A new martial arts style, not general Charms like I was hoping... but still.
I'm guessing we will see new Sidereal charm with the coming Sidereal errata - which should be minutes away.
So from what I understand Shadow Throne style is the Sidereal's 'natural' style, with VBoS a replacement style created by Saturn after the Usurpation. Kind of odd that a style that includes Divine Transcendence (Martial Arts) gets passed over by Sidereals of all people...
Jimborg said:
So from what I understand Shadow Throne style is the Sidereal's 'natural' style, with VBoS a replacement style created by Saturn after the Usurpation. Kind of odd that a style that includes Divine Transcendence (Martial Arts) gets passed over by Sidereals of all people...
No, VBoS was created when the Sidereals were. They've always had two Hero styles, basically.
Holden said:
Jimborg said:
So from what I understand Shadow Throne style is the Sidereal's 'natural' style, with VBoS a replacement style created by Saturn after the Usurpation. Kind of odd that a style that includes Divine Transcendence (Martial Arts) gets passed over by Sidereals of all people...
No, VBoS was created when the Sidereals were. They've always had two Hero styles, basically.
Well I guess if anyone would have two martial arts styles, it would be the Sidereals.

Also: I've been quoted by Holden. Awesome sauce :D

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