SCP Foundation Center [Inactive]


Junior Member
Prince-of-Trickery submitted a new role play:

SCP Foundation Center - Secure the freaks, Contain the danger, and Protect the normal

Welcome to SCP- a government owned facility where they store the unnatural.
No need to tell us your name. Here, you're just another specimen the doctors can poke and prod at; you're nothing but a number. Once you enter here, there is no escape. You are the big catch for hunters and they plan to keep you caged up for the rest of your lfe; you are no longer 'human', you are an animal. It's a sad truth- this existence- but it's a truth, nonetheless.

So, I welcome you, again, to SCP. When you...
Read more about this role play...
Tick. Tock. Click. Clack.

Alek tapped on his computer along to the clock's steady rhythm. Drumming his fingers on the desk, he glanced up at the clock with a sigh. It was barely an hour into his shift and he already wanted to be home. He hoped Lilly was doing alright with her nanny; also known as, 'The Stinky Hagfish'. He chuckled at his daughter's word choices. Yawning, he stretchedp and stood up; adjusting his tie while he walked. God, he needed coffee.

Alek walked past several guards as they stood outside cells. He nodded to them in acknowledgement, offering them a smile. When he entered the breakroom, he could see several staff members- ranging from Doctors to Agents like himself- idle around the room trying to shake off the last remains of sleep. He shook his head with a smile and grabbed a mug; filling it to about the rim with coffee. He took a sip- taking it black like always- letting the caffeine perk his senses. This is gonna be a long day....


This is going to be a long day.

Rose sat against the black wall of her subconcious. She could vaguely feel the chains ghost around her skin. "Snap out of it!" She told herself. The feeling vanished and she smiled lightly. Her real self's environment was starting to affect her mind. She couldn't let go of the only freedom she had. An X-man had came in earlier and injected a vial of clear liquid into her arm. That had been over an hour ago. "Will it still effect me now?" Taking the chance, she used what srength she had to project herself from the mind to the outside world.

Next thing Rose knew, she was wavering in the middle of her 'cage'. Her form made of the familiar purple smoke that flickered every now and again like a flame; symptoms from the serum. She sighed. It was the best she could do at the moment. If only she was awake...

The girl looked down at her sleeping form, chained to the wall like a rag doll. "How pathetic, Roselynn." She placed a smoky hand on the other's peaceful face. "Can't even fight back like this." She 'tsked' at the other girl. Taking her hand back, she slipped through the steel door. She loved it when the guards tensed; their fear making her feel powerful. She smiled at them and continued her way down the hall. Where shall she go today?
The creature's sigh came out as a rumbling growl of exasperation. It's eyes were closed, it's back leaned up against the wall of it's cavernous cell. The lights embedded into the ceilings were kept dim and cold, as they should have been.

Civ wondered - was it morning, or was it night? He - yes, he - had no idea, and hungered deeply to know. He wished that he could escape this retched cell and return to the beautiful freedom the outside world always held. With it's clean, open air, with the towering trees and lush grasses, with the pure, true noises and breezes and scents the world had to offer . . . The hulking creature's lips pulled up at the corners, the lips hiding many rows of incisors of teeth that could tear any prey apart. He wished that he could feel the sensation of capturing prey, and ripping the buttery flesh from it's bones. He knew doing it to one of these petty humans would never feel the same, or quite as fulfilling as he wished it would.

Civi's glowing, ghostly colored eyes opened and focused on the darkened ceiling. He wished, he so wished, yet he knew freedom would never be his again. The wistful smile on his face faded and turned into a frown, the long-fingered, lethally clawed hands resting on the ground at his sides clenching inwards and making a gut-wrenching scraping sound quickly slice through the silence and ring in his ears, making the creature react with a small flinch. A moment of chilling silence then proceeded to full the large, high room, a silence that sent a shiver down Civi's spine. He didn't like it. It turned his blood into ice.

With another mix of a whine and a deep, trembling growl, the creature braced his palms against the smooth ground and pushed himself back to his feet. His head was several inches from the ceiling, which made the room very high, considering he was nearly ten feet in height. Clawed fingers flexed as he stretched his neck and jaw, realizing that just sitting there all day and daydreaming would do him no good. Might as well try doing something productive, anything to move him around.

This thought in mind, Civi stooped himself down until his abnormally long arms reached the ground and his palms made contact with it, legs bending into a natural crawling position that although may seem funny-looking in description, looked natural and fluid for a creature such as Civi to be doing. The creature's head tilted up, and Civi activated his camouflage, feeling a tingle and wave of pricks wash over his body as his body became translucent. Civi faded into the walls behind him, and rendered himself invisible among the monotonous walls.

He then began stalking about the room on all fours, his strong claws forming small clicks against the ground as he did so. Excepting this small noise, Civi managed to keep himself surprisingly silent as he stalked around the room in circles, exercising his muscles as to not let them fall asleep and become underworked. He very rarely was let out from his cage, and even when he was, he couldn't move or see much of it under the calming/sleeping sedatives they would pump into his system. This method of movement was his only true way of getting himself moving.

After a few circles in one direction, Civi would skid to a halt and spin himself around to go in the other direction, keeping a steady, practiced pace, pale blue eyes glowing brighter as he went.
Tobias nearly skipped down the hallways as he made his way through the facility. Today, he was interviewing one of the SCPs, though he didn't actually know which. He'd pick up their file from his desk after he grabbed his coffee (as if he needed any), and prepare for the little chat. Perhaps it was a Keter class? That would be exciting, so long as it was one of the Keters capable of talking. A Euclid would sustain him, as well - it wasn't any fun when they were predictable and harmless.

As he walked by a couple cells, one guard stopped him.

"SCP 523's requesting coffee this morning, sir."

"Coffee." he tilted his head, before shrugging. "If she's tired, include an apple in her breakfast, instead."

"Yes, sir."

The doctor continued to the break room, pouring some coffee for himself.


Maybe they'd be kind enough to give her coffee today?

Cassandra didn't want to get her hopes up, but it wasn't like coffee could be considered dangerous. The SCP lingered around the door, listening for anything.

"Include an apple in her breakfast, instead." she could hear the voice of a male. It was one of the doctors, she recalled, and she pouted, standing back.

"When's breakfast?" she called, glancing around. "I don't have a clock around here!"

"Five minutes." replied one of the guards and she sighed, pacing around the room. Of course, she ran out of space soon enough, and began to pace on the walls and ceilings, avoiding looking at the cameras.
"Good morning, Tobias." Alek gave the friendly greeting to the Doctor. "You seem happy this morning. Anything big happen?" He asked, seeing the almost skip in the man's step. It was rather amusing. He took another sip of his coffee, savoring the warmth, when he was handed a few files from another Agent. Alek groaned, but a smile lit up afterwards. Breakfast duty. The most boring task, but at least he could see some of the subjects. He waited for the Doctor's reply to his question as he skimmed through the file names.




SCP-528 (NOTE: Add apple to breakfast)

There were certainly fewer than he expected, but at least he didn't have to do a whole section. Most of them were EUCLIDs, but at least one was a SAFE. Looks like today might be an easy day, after all. Alek took another sip with a grin.


Rose trailed down the sects of the Facility; throwing a not-so-secret glare at guards, agents, and doctors alike. She could go mess with the EUCLIDs or envy the SAFEs for their 'freedom'. She passed by one EUCLID room where she could hear something move inside. She used her smoke body to get through the door. Rose squinted her eyes, barely making out a moving form in the dim light.

"Hello?" She called out, a bit shyly. Even if nothing can hurt her in this form, she was still afraid of the unknown.
((I might not be on much today, tomorrow I should be on in the late afternoon until night))

List was not happy. It was a 'black mood' sort of day, where even the relatively large size of his room made him feel claustrophobic because there were no windows and the door was closed and he had nothing to do. He'd grown tired of the 'toys' they gave him, little projects he couldn't complete because screwdrivers weren't working for him today.

When a guard asked what he wanted for breakfast, he told the man, but in a more subdued tone than usual, and without leaving his bed. He stay curled up in a ball beneath his blanket, arms curled around his head and eyes squeezed shut, breathing too quick. He tried to shut out the colors and signals he could still, so he could maybe just imagine he wasn't here, he was in a field somewhere with no walls and no doors and more air. Maybe if he was there he wouldn't dissolve into another panic attack. Maybe he was already having it.


It was early in the morning, and despite the limited space Jack was dancing around her confined area. She giggled and laughed cheerily at Oslin flying in the small air space above her, spinning circles to keep him in her sight. Bart was being a poor sport and not joining in, curled up on her bed to watch. She was being lazy today.

Jack's jaunty dance came to a halt though, when Bart heard someone said it was almost breakfast time. "Hooray!" Jack cheered, and hurried over to the door, knowing it was locked to her but knowing there was a guard on the other side she could shout to. "Can I have two breakfasts today?" She called, waiting anxiously for the answer. Bart and Oslin didn't have to eat to stay alive, but who didn't like to eat nice food? She wanted to have some to share.
Immediately, the moment that Civi heard the soft voice call out to him in his cell, he froze. His entire body tensed up, and his claws very nearly dug indents into the ground as they scraped with the sharp, painful noise against it. Glowing eyes of ice whipped towards the front of his cell, and his lips curled up into a snarl which flaunted the razors of fangs lining his jaws to the possible threat. The dim light of the room did not stop the piercing, clear vision of SCP-104 as he spun himself forward, pulled in a lungful of air, and released a growl which rumbled deep in his chest and in his throat. His stance rose into a crouch with arms extended outwards, claws clear and visible, shoulders hunched and muscles coiled into a position to spring forward.

The scent was strange, though seemed familiar as it drifted towards him from the area ahead. He wouldn't be able to release himself from his tense position until whatever or whoever the organism was who had entered identified themselves to him if he knew them, or offered submission to him if they were strangers. It was a very small, petite figure, from what he could see, and it looked to be that of a young human girl. Her appearance was foreign to him, with an odd cloudiness to it, and he kept his defenses up in case it was an intruder intending to harm him - which was very unlikely, in all honesty, what with this things' size and thinner build.

Civi kept himself poised in his position, waiting impatiently and tensely for something to come from the figure - whether it be words or actions - or for them to scurry from the cell and leave him in solitude once more.
Rose held her hands up in a sign for piece. "Woah there, Creature Feature, no need to get all worked up. I won't be able to do anything while I'm like this." She gestured to her clouded form. "So I'm not much of a threat. However, if I was awake..." She trailed off, a mischievous grin formed as she thought of all the things she could do if her mind wasn't so clogged by drug-inducing 'comas'. She raised a violet hand and was able to produce a small light that allowed her to see the creature in front of him. It appeared to be a male, but she couldn't be so sure. Their skin was gray-almost like he was made from stone. It could be possible, his claws look like they can take her down in one swipe.

A pounding formed in her mind. No, not her mind- the other her. The one that was asleep. Possibly because of the extra use of power. Rose closed her hand around the light and then opened it again to see the light was gone. The only way she could see was from the dim ones overhead. With the headache ebbing away, she placed a strained smile over her face.

"Do you have a name?" She asked. "My name is Rose." She didn't offer him her hand. It would be pointless since he would go right through her; and she didn't have the strength to harden her form.
"I have the chance to interview an SCP today." the doctor said, grinning. He paused briefly, taking a sip of his coffee. "...of course, I don't know which one I'll be talking to. I have my hopes up for a Keter or Euclid." the man eyed the agent, an eyebrow raising slightly. "And, what are you doing today, then?"


She clung to the ceiling, glancing around the room. Cassandra paused momentarily when her eyes locked on to the camera, her fists clenching. Perhaps she'd break a camera today? Throw the apple at it. That would be pleasing for her, at least. She straightened up, before letting herself drop to the ground, landing on all fours. A bit of time had already passed, and she realized the guard probably wasn't keeping track of her breakfast time. She stood, approaching the table and sitting on the chair, staring down at the two magazines that she'd requested. Cassandra had already read through them, and was going to give them back and ask for a few more. Maybe when she finally received her meal.
Civi hated the pause of silence that ensued after he rose into his position. It lasted for about twenty seconds before the misty, violet-tinted form rose her hands up slowly in a gesture Civi luckily recognized as a peaceful one. Well, at least it didn't evoke any provocation from him. With a blink of his icy eyes, his curled claws lowered an inch or so and his coiled muscles ever so slowly loosened from his defensive stance. The person spoke to him, her tone one of surprise, with undertones of well-hidden fear and a generally peace-making vibe. She announced to him that she couldn't do any damage or pose herself as a threat in the form she was in, and that seemed to help Civi relax a tad more, since her tone sounded honest enough to satisfy his instincts. She seemed to be surrendering with a strange sense of dignity to it, as if not doing so entirely, but enough to get the message through. With a small huff of air, Civi rose out of his crouch and stood himself back upright to his towering height. The figure below was quite small compared to him, which comforted him somewhat knowing she didn't have a chance at testing his dominance.

The young woman held a small ball of dim light in her hands that shone on his looming figure, and Civi felt himself take a small step back upon seeing it, claws opening again and eyes narrowing. Though he had lowered his defenses a good bit, he was anything but willing to allow them to disappear completely. Plus, the light wasn't all too nice to feel on himself. After a minute of silence and stillness, the figure examining him, she suddenly closed her hand and opened it, and the purple light had disappeared.

With a small huff of his chest, he watched the figure speak to him again, asking for a name and giving him one along with it - Rose. Hm. Civi's head did a small tilt to the side in curiosity. He felt himself kneel down to get somewhat to the figures' level, and he gazed at her, running his eyes up and down the strange, violet mist that forged this tangible, smellable, seeable figure.

In an attempt to answer her question, Civi worked up some air from his chest and allowed himself to do a small hiss in reply, attempting to manipulate it in such a way that he could communicate an answer to her:

" . . . Ssssss . . . ssssivvv."

That was the best he could do. He hoped that she may be able to decode it and figure out the answer he wanted to communicate.
"A Keter would be interesting, but please be careful. We don't wanna lose another Doctor." Alek winced at the thought of a past Doctor who got too reckless in his interview and, well... He really didn't want to remember that one. At Tobias's question, he held up the hand with the folders in it while downing the rest of his coffee. He placed the mug into a nearby sink before answering. "Breakfast routine. Better start now or there will be an uproar of SCPs." Alek chuckled- giving a salute to Tobias-, tucking the folders under his arm, and going to the cart with the meal boxes.

Wheeling it down the hallway, Alek decided to do the closest one: SCP-528. The one with the apple request. He spotted the label on a cell door and handed the box to one of the guards. "Are there any other requests?"

((@Nalakitty01 I will interact with your charries after I'm done with Cassandra ^^))


Rose watched as the creature got down to about her level. She was glad for she did not want to keep staring up at his tall figure. She couldn't help to think that his head tilt reminded her of a dog; and his wary defense to a new experience was also canine-like. She took a step away from him, however, whe he started to hiss at her. Was he going to attack? That would be entirely foolish becau-. No, the hiss was becoming something more. He was trying to sound out a word. His name, perhaps?

Sssivvv...? Sssiv? Siv! Was Siv his name? Even if he was a beast, that name is a tad odd. There's got to be more to it. Sivilster... no too long. Maybe if it was shortened...?

Rose took a moment in silence to ponder the other's name. Finally, she got it. She turned to the figure and pointed a flickering finger at him as if to verify it. "Your name is Civi, isn't it? Civi, what a remarkable name." A light smile on her face was replaced by a sigh. "It doesn't seem you are used to talking, Civi. It is a shame. I bet you have amazing stories.." If only Rose was strong enough to connect to his brain and try a telepathic link of some kind. Maybe then...
Tobias gave a wave as Alek left, downing the rest of his own coffee. He had to head to his office now, as he was probably going to interview the SCP shortly after breakfast. He placed the mug aside and continued to walk down the hall at a brisk pace. His office wasn't too far from the break room, thankfully, and it'd only take a couple minutes to get there.


"She's requesting more magazines," one of the guards said, lifting two old magazines. The second guard pulled open a drawer in the door, placing the box inside and pushing it shut. The three staff members could hear a mumbled 'thank you' from within, and a few fumbling noises as the box was opened.

Cassandra stared down at the plain meal; a small, sealed cup of milk, a small container of oatmeal, an apple, two slices of toast and a hard-boiled egg, along with a few dull plastic utensils. She hesitated, before glancing up at the door, pushing on the drawer a bit so they could hear her better.

"Why can't I have coffee, anyways? I can drink it cold..."

"Apples work better than coffee, apparently." replied the first guard.

"Yeah, but I don't need it to wake up, I just want coffee 'cause it's like a... luxury."

She was silent for a few moments, glaring at the door when the guards didn't respond to her again, and took the box of food to her table, where she sat down.
((I'm curious, @sleeplessCartoonist , who is Tobias gonna interview owo ?))

Alek had been wondering why they gave him some magazines that were stufed inside her folder. "Here you go." He handed the magazines to the same guard and he placed them in that drawer. "And if I may, apples are a healthier substitute that give you energy. Coffee is all caffeine that makes you crash. Besides, between you and me, the coffee here isn't that great." Alek talked to the door as if it was the subject inside; completely ignoring the guards. "Well, I'll be off!" He waved to the other staff before pushing his cart. He might as well hit all the Euclids first. He found himself stopped in front of another door with guards. The door was labeled as SCP-421. This one was requesting two meals. He grabbed the boxes and handed them to the guard.
((Well, I was hoping Rose, but anybody would do, really. Need be, I'll just fall back on Cassandra.))

Cassandra stared at the door for a few moments, before glancing down at her meal, taking a bite out of the apple and getting to her feet, scooping up the magazines. It was a green apple, and the sourness was quite welcome. Eating it, with her teeth and jaws, was quick, and she quickly made her way to the core, placing it aside as she sat back down at the table. She pulled out the container of oatmeal, pulling the lid off and grabbing a plastic spoon from within the box, eating it just as quickly.
((Rose can do it, but she's talking to Civi right now so.... idk if you need someone to interview, Rynnki might be replying later with Davy Jones, plus we have someone new joining in as well))
Day 2189...

Grace was looking about her "room", her red eyes glowing in the near pitch black. She grumbled in her low raspy voice, "Why am I here... What did I do to deserve this..."

You killed that boy, Grace...

You're a monster! Child-killer!

Voices rang in her head. Her mothers, her fathers, that poor boy's mother... She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, then started yanking at her chains, managing to crack the walls with her struggles. The chains only seemed to tighten, to pain her more. Eventually she gave up the struggle and she stared at the floor, breathing hard. "Why... Why..."
Civi felt an odd, foreign wave of relief when the misty figure pointed towards him and announced her conclusion. It was remarkable to him that she had managed to hit the name spot-on. Though it was also sent little pricks of happiness into his heart. His palms rested on the ground next to each other between his bent legs and his fingers clicked against the cold surface when they rested there, offering just a tad more relaxation in his features to reinforce the figure and her correct guess. Though what she said to him next struck him in a strange bolt of confusion. Did she just call his name remarkable? Well, that was news for him, he'd never had his name be called something like that, especially not from another SCP {he only assumed, it was obvious that the figure wasn't human}. He didn't have much of a concept of compliments, but from her facial expressions and tone, she seemed genuinely light-hearted saying it, which reassured him further.

The young woman inferred he wasn't used to speaking, and Civi simply gazed back at the cloudy, violet figure with a flicker of subtle agreement in his eyes. The funny thing about that was that he refused to allow the scientists or any other humans to teach him how to speak. He'd rather just make do with what he had than have human knowledge shoved into his brain. He felt another bolt of curiosity shoot through his mind when she pondered what stories he had to tell. Ah, he had to agree that he had been through many experiences in his centuries alive, traveled to many places, fought many things and seen many sights. Civi felt his mood do a slight dip and the faint smile on his lips fade at the thought that he was deprived of telling others about these experiences all out of his own defiance towards the humans.

He shifted in his position just a tad in his discomfort with the thought, in silent agreement with the unique Rose girl.
((Would've replied sooner but my router pooped out for no reason and I had to troubleshoot and finally reset it -_- I'll be at work in about an hour, but I'll do my best to reply on breaks))

Jack was lying on the floor with Bart, playing with the horned sheepdog's fur, when she heard the small door open that meant food. Hopping up to her feet, she skipped over to the drawer to take the food, and looked confusedly at it for a moment before realizing they guard had passed on her request. Squealing in glee, she picked up both the boxes and hurried them back to the floor where her friends sat to give them on to share.

"Hooray!" She cried. "Look, Oslin! Food for you and Bart!" She set the two boxes down, knowing her friends wouldn't eat what was hers, and hurried back to the door to yell through it again. "Thank you~!" Oh, they would be so happy today! It almost made up for the fact that she couldn't go outside and see Frigate. Almost. Not really. It was too bad Frigate was too big to come inside. Maybe someday, if they didn't let her see him, Jack would just have him make a window for her. That would be nice.
Grace growled, and stood up after a while. She could move around a little, but not enough for her. She needed to be able to roam free, not chained to a wall by her wrists. That was just plain humiliating. If the kids from school saw her- No. They'll never see her then. Not while she lived. She wandered to the door. "EY!" She pounded on the door with a fist. "Am I going to get any food, or are you going to starve me?!" It would be so unfortunate if one of your precious test subjects dies of starvation.
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Alek looked down at his list to see that he only had two more subjects left. Great, he could finish this and go back to his paperwork. Hopefully, he can go home early. But knowing the way the Foundation works, that won't be possible. There is always something new popping up in every nook and cranny of the building. He found the room to SCP-104 and handed thebox to the guard; a clear-cut routine. He walked away as soon as the guard put the box in the drawer.

He continued on his way to the SAFE sector where he found the last subject. Funny, there was only one guard and the door didn't seem like it had any major locks. What if the subject escaped? Alek pondered this as he handed the food over to the guard. "Is the subject really not that dangerous?" He asked as the other did the automatic drop-off. The guard nodded.

"He can't even open a door." The guard found this amusing while Alek found it concerning. If the subject can't open a simple door, does that mean that it was weak or there is something to look into about the subject? Alek only skimmed the file briefly and knew that this one had great intelligence. Did he need to do an observation. Couldn't hurt to ask.

"Err... are you alright in there?" He aske through SCP-314's door.


There was an odd swell of guilt that flowed through her smokey body as she saw the other's saddening movements. Had she said the wrong thing? Of course she had! She had basically told Civi he was a worthless mute. The girl racked her brain for some sort of solution; the tendrils of purple smoke spiraled less and less as she became focused. She examined one of her hands in shock; the mist became more compact. More solid.

Her concentration was faltered when a guard opened the drawer and dropped the box inside the fairly dark room; the compact violet spiraling loose once more. Rose took in a deep breath and projected the smoke at her feet to the box, wrapping the purple around the styrofoam, and bringing it back to let the box rest in front of Civi. Maybe if she was more focused like this, then the mind connection might work.

"Hey, Civi..." She started off, unsure on how this might turn out. "If I told you I could make it possible for us to communicate properly, would you trust me enough to make it happen?" It was a long shot. After all, they only just met. It's not like they were going to become instant best friends.
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((Well, does anyone feel the need to have their character interact with someone?))

Tobias unlocked his office door and slipped inside, turning on the lights and scooping up the file on his desk, scanning the papers. It wasn't a Keter, anyways, but it was still something. He tucked the file under his arm, took a glance around, and set out.


Cassandra downed the lukewarm oatmeal quickly, picking up the toast and a fork, prodding the egg. Truthfully, she could just shove the egg in her mouth, but she enjoyed cutting it up and placing it on the toast, instead. She continued to eat quickly and quietly, glancing up at the door and the cameras every so often.
List flinched at the sound of a voice and curled up tighter on his bed, limbs folded as tightly around him as they could get. "Go away. . ." He called back, but quietly enough he wasn't sure anyone would hear. He was lucky he could speak at all, in this state. "Not hungry. . ." He didn't want food or water or more books or to be around people - he just wanted to be out, and he couldn't have that. God, he needed to breathe slower or he was going to pass out.

((Just a quick reply on lunch break))
((Last reply before bed))

Alek barely made out the words muffled through the door. Something about not being hungry or something of the like. It sounded like a young man had said this. "You have to eat something." He persisted. Why was he trying? If the kid wasn't hungry, he wasn't hungry. He would've just ended it like that, but his fatherly instincts had told him something was up and Lilly would scold him for not doing something.
((Goodnight :) ))

List curled his fingers tight in his hair. "Not hungry. . ." He repeated, quieter, and stayed curled into his little ball. He opened his eyes, just slightly, looked towards the wall that led out and found the little lines of electricity that he he knew led to the lights just outside his room, stopped it briefly a few times to make the lights flicker and maybe draw the persistent man's attention away so he would forget about List like everyone else. "Go 'way. . ." Just that little exertion made his head hurt, today, and it wasn't helping the tight feeling curled around his lungs. He just wanted it to stop so he could breathe right again, so he could uncurl before his muscles began to shake with the exertion of being held so tight for so long. He wanted to be out of this place.

((I'm leaving for the night, @sleeplessCartoonist , but if you don't get anyone before I'm back tomorrow I'll give you Jack :) ))
((Sounds good. I'll just leave Tobias in suspended animation, then.))

Cassandra made short work of the eggs and toast, and downed her milk in a few gulps. She got to her feet, collecting the containers and utensils in the box and placing it back in the drawer, closing it. She muttered another quiet 'thank you', and snatched the magazines off the table, heading over to her bed. The girl flipped through a few pages of the first one, deciding that nothing in particular would catch her mind, but she might as well read through everything, anyways. They were all outdated, she believed - it wasn't 2010 anymore, was it? It couldn't have been, time wasn't that slow -but they were, at least, something to pass the time.

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