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Fandom Scootaloo's New Family

Catro the Writer

Sorin High Baby!
Rainbow Dash let out an excited cheer as she practically flew out of the limo. Her ruby eyes sparkling with excitement as she looked at the resort in front of them. The girl had been looking forward to this trip for a while now. The Ultimate Resort experience was suppose to be a legendary experience. Which fit the reason why they were there at the resort.

"You ready for this... sis?!" Rainbow asked, sticking her head back into the limo through the open window. This entire thing was in celebration and a welcome to Scootaloo to the family. After two years of the girls being in a big sister program, Rainbow Dash filling the big sister role, the two were now officially sisters as their parents adopted the little girl. "I got this trip planned for us! Rafting, volleyball, and even a chicken wing eating contest!" She cheered

"Dashy, I'm glad you're excited to hang out with youre sister. But how about we get inside and do some relaxing first. We don't need to overextert Scootaloo right away." Windy said chuckling at her oldest daughter and reached over and tucked a loose strand of Scoots hair behind her ear. "Isn't that right princess." She said, calling the girl by the nickname she gave the girl. "We're all hear to have fun." She said making Rainbow roll her eyes.

"Fine mom." She said as the limo driver popped the trunk and Rainbow went to start pulling bags out.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Scootaloo practically vibrated with a nice sort of anxiousness, her eyes wide and pretty much glimmering with a bright spark. This was going to be the most amazing trip. The best life, too! She almost couldn’t believe, specially after being overlooked at the orphanage for so long, she had gotten, first matched with her idol in the program, then to be her little sister for real honest to goodness , name and all. And her parents … their parents, now, were the nicest people, too. She was finally lucky now!

Scoots beamed , ear to ear, at Rainbow. "Oh , just so ready, big sis!" she excitedly exclaimed Yeah, it felt so nice to able to hear and say things like that.

The little girl briefly nuzzled at her mom's gentle hand , then blushed a bit, ducking her head rapid to the side to hide it . It felt still a bit weird, yet warm to be touched like this and called such names.

"Uh, yeah, I suppose we could kick back some. The room must one of the best hotel ones ever! The nicest food, aside from home, too. And the legendary pools!” Pools did good for exercising legs like hers, right? It should be fine to get a lot out of them. It was nice to have someone look out for her like that , though, at the same time, she didn't feeling as though she was easily breakable. It wasn’t that bad.

She had spent quite a bit of time with the Dashs in the past couple years. But being with them all the time, forever, couldn't feel a bit different and get even the daring go getter just a tad nervous. She just did not want buck the trend too much , yet . They were so good on her. She had not gotten to do much even just regular holidays before, for instance, let alone one of the best of the best! Scootaloo really did appreciate it a lot.

“I have been sitting nice and tight for a while, while we were traveling , though. I should be OK for at least of one of Rainbow’s amazing plans right away for a quick bit , after we settle, right, mom?" She wanted to please everyone.

Scootaloo undid her belt and sprinted just a tad over to the trunk. Wanting to be helpful too, the little girl tiptoed to heft one of the smaller pieces of luggage, which was still quite something relatively to her size.

“Nice job! Don’t we have the two best young helpers here, hun?” Their dad, Bow, praised effusively. The large man easily bulking up one of the large sized pieces to set on the ground.
Rainbow smiled at how her little sister easily fed off her energy and in turn, it would feed Rainbow Dash again. Which was going to lead to a lot of fun and excitement for the two siblings. Of course, this wasn't anything new since the two had been together when Rainbow Dash was made Scootaloo's big sis in the Big Sis program. But now they were going to be seeing a lot more of each other which was definitely going to lead to a lot of more exciting times. This trip to the legendary resort was proof of that and Rainbow Dash was sure that they were going to have fun.

Though Rainbow was a bit disappointed when their mom jumped in and tried to calm the girl down. But she knew that their mom was just trying to make sure Scoot was alright. She had always been a little protective of the little girl especially when she found out about the girl's condition. But then her sister spoke up making her smile and pumping her fist. Plus they wouldn't have to do every extreme thing that the resort had to offer. There were plenty of relaxing things to do... What those things were she hadn't bothered to look up or plan. But she would look into it... But maybe they eating chicken wings in a normal manner and not in an insane like trying to eat them as soon as possible or without Diablo spice sauce...

"Ok Scoot, I trust you... you've been dealing with it longer than I have." Windy said, climbing out as well and smiling at the sight of the two girls loaded up like this was a grocery trip and they were trying to get all the groceries in the house in one trip. "Yeah, they're both pretty amazing." She said, going over a grabbing a bag as well. However, since her oldest daughter was holding a bag over each shoulder and had a rolling bag in each hand there wasn't really much left. "Let's get inside and at least see our room." She said.

"Yeah." Rainbow squeaked out, not gonna give up now that she had grabbed all the bags, but the star athlete was struggling a bit to carry all of the bags. She just wanted to make sure they got everything inside. She started to walk forward and went through the spinning doors of the resort. Immediately hit by the AC of the lobby, a salty sea smell hit her in the face, and immediately dropped the bags onto one of those weird carts people stacked their bags on before looking around. Bright brown walls that purposely looked like an undersea cave. Even the short stiff carpet was a dark blue to try and match the ocean. Little kids laughing and cheering outside could be heard from other little kids having a good time. But there were also glass panels in the wall with different bright-colored fish swimming around. "Man this place looks... AWSOME!" She cheered, stars in her eyes.
"Thanks, I'll be careful, I promise " Scootalo answered her new mom. She certainly didn't want to hurt herself further or make anyone worried. But she was excited for the thrills herself and she wanted to make Rainbow happy. Which she seemed to managed by interceding with their mom, so that was good. She wanted everyone happy, like they were doing for her, as she had not been in a long time , aside from with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. She was really looking forward to chatting up her best friends about everything later!

Scootaloo took her own load over to settle down on the hotel cart. She was clearly pretty similarly impressed with the incredible set up. She walked over to take a look at some of the very colorful fish, pressing her face a bit too close for a moment, leaving a fogged-up impression on the glass. "WOW! They really went all out here!" She exclaimed, after backing out over to joining everyone again.

Bow took the family to the reception and got their reservation quickly sorted out, picking up key. They all then soon went up to their assigned room. It had a similar theme on the walls and carpet as the entrance, along with some bubbles and waves very well-craftedly drawn and painted. They were on one of the lower floors and the room had a breathtaking view of the sparkingly white waterfront, only adding to the enchanting cozy feel. The little girl went over to one of the smaller beds and pushed down lightly , being even more pleased with results than she had al "Ooh, water bed!" The little girl rolled onto it a bit, overjoyed with how comfortably warm and squishy it felt.

Scoots then quickly darted to each other member of the clan in sucession and put her little arms around them, finishing with Rainbow, how hanged onto a bit longer. She loved their parents very much already too, but this had all started with her big sister and they just had this special connection. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He exclaimed. Then a bit more softly and nervously, since such vulnerable were not usually her thing, but she was feeling like this this time, "Not just for this ... but, for everything. For ... choosing me. You are the best family a girl could ask for!"
Good it wouldn't be a good first vacation if we have to take you to the hospital Princess." Their mom pointed out to the girl wanting that to be the last thing that they did. Hospitals trips for any reason weren't usually good. Her oldest daughter, who was obviously amazing, had spent her fair share of time in the hospital and in cast, and in bed rest... she didn't want her new daughter, who she knew was also am amazing little girl, to be a regular visitor. Especially since she already had an existing problem to suffer with. But once they got inside she gave a chuckle as the little girl rushed up to the fish tank and almost face planted the glass. She had to admit the resort had a nice feel to it as if they were in some sort of sea cave.

But the fish in the tank didn't even flinch when the sherbert skinned girl got close to their tank. Either they were really brave fish or they were so use to having something like that happened to them on a normal basis. But a yellow fish did turn and stared at the girl for a bit as if they were having a staring contest until the girl had to take off.

Windy gave a chuckle and returned the hug that the little girl gave glad the girl was happy with what was in the room... it was pretty cool looking. Her and her husband has their own room, obviously, with a Queen sized water bed in it. There was a living room area that had a large flat-screen TV with couches and chairs, and a little kitchen area to store and make food. Not that Rainbow would be doing much cooking, that's what room service was for. But then she beamed a smile at her husband when Scoot said they were tue best family they could ask for.

"No problem kiddo!" Rainbow said with a smile as she hugged the girl back and lifted the girl up and shook her a bit. And then, giving a mischievous smirk and when the little girl loosened her grip the teen tossed the girl in the air. "Sorry we took so long to get it to happen." She said, having tossed the girl in the air a few more times before catching her sister in the bridal position and gave her another hug. "Now... I believe you told mom you'd relax before we did anything fun." She said going to one of the Grey sofa and dropping the girl onto the couch. Rainbow crashed onto the sofa beside her and checking the large folder on the coffee table to see what room service options there were.
Bow smiled and held his newest daughter tight for a moment. " Yeah, a family is only what you deserved from the start. You are one most amazing kid and we are here for you no matter what," he told Scootaloo tenderly.He then went to take his and Windy's things to the master suite.

"Wheeew!" The little girl squealed and held her arms straight at each side, like she was a plane or a bird, as her big sister tossger her short purple tuff flapping wildy up and down in the rushing air. Scootaloo was clearly rather enjoying the attention. This was the sort of affectionste playfulness from someone older that she had missed out for a long while.

"Well, yeah, but it at least is one of the best and most comfortable sort of it," the little girl splayed and sighed in content at the feel of the comfy cushions. Scoots then tucked her knees below herself and craned her head over to also gleam over at the impressive looking room service menu. "What sounds good?"

Everything did seem positively scrumptious! Mounding seafood pasta dishes, towering burgers, massive shake glasses ... Scoots recalled one of things Rainbow had proposed and looked for it. "Ooh, those buffalo wings do seem pretty amazing ..."
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Windy caught a glimpse at the two looking over the room service menu, thankfully this was an all-inclusive trip so she didn't need to stop the girls. However, if room service was showing up ten times a day or at the middle of the night she might have to put a stop to it. But for now, she would let the girl enjoy their time with a good meal, besides she didn't want to say no to the first thing that the two did together. But she did take the opportunity to snap a picture of her daughters hanging out. She was going to fill the album up with pictures of Scoot and of the two of them together. But with that, she slipped into her room to help her husband put stuff away.

"I hope they have a good time." She said to Bow, opening a bag and starting to but their clothes in the dressers. "I want this to be a good experience for Scoot..." She mused as she looked at her husband. She wished that they had known about the girl years ago and not just a year ago. They could've had so much fun with the girl then, more than just a resort trip. But going to the store and getting school stuff, trips to the park, birthday parties, and the list went on and on. Late was definitely better than never, but sooner was better than later to. But she tried not to dwell on those thoughts, they had her now and they needed to have a good time with her now and make up for lost time. "Did they know Scootaloo's birthday at the orphanage?" She asked her husband

"It all sounds pretty good." She said, adjusting herself so Scootaloo could see the menu as well, and the girl quickly suggested the buffalo wings making her older sis smile. "I don't know short stuff, think you can handle the heat?" She teased her sister. "I mean I've been eating these when I was waaaaaay younger than you. Maybe we should get some normal BBQ wings?" She said with a smirk as she reached over to the resort phone that sat on an end table, which looked like a sea shell, and kind of hurt to hold as it had weird little spikes on it, but called the number for room service. "Yeah hi there," She said, tucking one leg to her body and crossing her other leg over it as her foot bounced. "I'd like to place an order for Room 213. A 6-piece order of Diablo buffalo wings, a 12-piece order of normal wings with ranch... And two milkshakes." She said. Normally the girl would eat so much and so unhealthy, but hey they were on vacation and she would burn it off soon. "Anything else Scoot?" She asked her sister, clamping down on the bottom of the phone until she had gotten word. She had decided to just get a small order of the spicey wings to see if they could handle the heat, not that Rainbow was one to wimp out... but she didn't want to torture herself or her sister on the first day of the vacation.
“Yeah me, too , Windy. Scoot sure can use it … " Bow commented as he too went to arrange their things. "Well, at least she got us now. Real proud of how Dashie shaped up to be as a big sister this whole time before she finally came home to us and still is yet. We are really lucky!"

The large man rubbed a hand under his chin thoughfully,before frowning a bit on dismay in recall. “Hmmm … As Scootaloo was found a bit older, little more than a baby, but not quite, when she was left, sadly ... What date they put was probably a guess … It is a couple months away yet, in anycase ... we will make sure to give her an extra special occasion from next time onward and forever more." And we can make her Gotcha Day important too!" He perked right up at the thought of those future fun, precious times.

At the orphanage, with some many kids always in the system, ever greater than adults available in the system, and the caring but understaffed personnel, such occasions , though not passed by, had been what might be considered underwhelming by a kid with a normal family life, though Scootaloo and much of the other kids had never really known much different, aside from through friends from outside.

"I can handle it ," The little girl stuffed out her chest in bravado, wanting to prove herself to her daredevil idolized big sister. “Nah, that sounds like enough stuff for an small army already." Their mom could get a bit on the case, so it was best not to push their luck much, specially right out of the gate was In a way, it was nice though. Scoot never really had anyone to fuss over her. As long as it was not overdone and treat her like she was made of glass , she was quite happy with it.
"Yeah, extra special." She agreed taking a deep breath and giving a smile. She had to stop living in the 'I wish' and live in the moment without regretting the past. They had they great new daughter now and they were going to have a blast here at the resort. And since they were away from home She figured that the magical adventures her oldest daughter had talked about in the past wasn't going to show up. "I think I might take Scoot shopping maybe Dashie to is I can trick the girl." She joked with a chuckle... well half joking anyways. She knew her daredevil daughter wasn't one to go dress shopping but she might be able to lure the rainbow haired girl out with looking at some skate boards, though Scoot would probably like to do that to. Of course just asking the girl what she'd like to go look at would be a good idea to. But one of the things that the girl missed out on, or more Windy wished she could do with the girl, was shopping. Back to school shopping, clothes shopping, Christmas shopping... not that Windy was a huge spender. But it was fun being out with Dashie and getting stuff and would see no reason why it couldn't be the same with Scoot.

"Sure you can kid." Dash said as she sat the phone down and flipped the TV on. "It takes yeeeears of training your taste buds to withstand the heat like I can." She said curling her toes and making them pop as she flipped through the channels. "But yeah we should have enough food... for now." She said with a smirk as she held the room service booklet up. "But we got a lot of to get through if we're gonna try everything on here. So think of this as a warm up round." She informed the girl giving her a Wink. But as she landed the TV on a show about a couple kids going on a journey with some weird monsters they kept in balls. "Ok... and now that it's just us." Raibow said in almost a whisper, trying to look and sound serious about this next part. Evening looking around to make sure no one was listening. "To get some brownie points with dad... don't eat all the wings. Save like two of them, offer them to him, and just say you felt bad we didn't get him and mom any." She informed her sister. Rainbow Dash was great at getting brownie points from her parents. Of course when they constantly showered her with praise it was easy to get brownie points... but the Dash Master had it down to almost a science.
"I sure Scoot will at least enjoy the attention and Rainbow might agree too if seems important to her little sister that she comes along," Bow commented.

"Yeah, OK ... Another, far off day then," the little girl admitted defeat. Much as Scootaloo was a little tough cookie, ending up with an inferno in her mouth for who knows how long was probably not a good way to start such a well promising holiday.

Scoot got a little engrossed on the action on the screen, a dragon like creature breathing fire towards a huge fish thing , which gushed tons of water to meet it. " Wow, that is pretty nifty ... Not as much as awesome as what what happened with you and yours friends , but still pretty cool!"

"OK, sounds like a nice idea," Scootaloo nodded and agreed to Rainbow's plan. Aside do wanting to please everyone, their parents had been so nice that it just seemed the right thing to do. They had warmly taken her in , her room at home was awesomely cozy and they were providing this most cool trip, which had to come up to some considerable bucks. Setting some food aside was the least she should do, anyway.

Soon, a hotel worker came by and delivered the order. It already smelled absolutely mouthwatering. Already setting a couple of the largest normal wings for their folks, the little girl reached for another one for herself and took a sizable bite. She practically moaned with delughted.at the heavenly taste. " Mhhmm ... Sooo goood!" she rang out after swallowing.

She watched with abated for Rainbow to give a try at the Diablo sauce one, wanting to see if it was really that bad or not. If it was touch for her weathered tongued big sister, then it would definitely be so much more for Scoot, who really did not have much resistance built at all for such fiery things.
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"Yeah, though I have a feeling we'll end up going to the arcade at some point during the trip." She said with a chuckle, figuring she knew Scoot well enough that the girl might want to go there instead of shopping. As that's what Rainbow Dash tried to do a lot of the time to try and distract her from activities like that, and she would probably try the same tactics if she came along. But she wouldn't mind doing the two to the arcade, they were on vacation after all. But when she heard someone knock on the door with the sound of platters rattling could be heard as the food their daughter ordered was brought in. "I bet they're gonna make the resort regret having room service and food part of the all-inclusive thing." She joked.

"Heck yeah!" Rainbow cheered as she jumped to her feet, and did a couple of cartwheels to the door, just trying to burn a few extra calories for the meal, and opened the door. "Come right in gents." She said, throwing her hand to the side as the resort workers brought in the food that was ordered. Two different metal platters covered with a metal dome and two large glasses with vanilla milkshakes in them, a mountain of whipped cream standing on it, caramel and chocolate syrup drizzled on top, and a thick metal straw poking out of the whipped cream. "So awesome!" The girl cheered seeing all the food and the guys started to bring the food in. "I've been looking forward to the-!" The teen started to say how excited she was for the buffalo wings. But as the guys walked past her, the aroma of the buffalo wings hit the girl... No, it drilled its way into the girl's nose. Her eyes immediately watering as she started to cough. "W-wow... those wings uh... gotta punch to them don't they." She said as the workers left the cart and Rainbow reached in her pocket and gave them each a couple bucks. "There's going to be plenty more than that. I'm sure we'll get to know each other well." She said with a chuckle as the guys left and Rainbow moved the cart to in front of the TV, the teen trying to not take too deep of a breath.

"So, Kid," She said with a nervous smile as he looked at the girl, "R-ready to dig in?" She asked as she went to remove the covers of both the wings but noticed a card leaning against one of them. "Huh... Warning do not eat unless you are used to spicy foods and do not suffer from any digestive problems. Note the resort is not liable for any trips to the hospital and any damages due to the wings will need to be paid for. Continue at your own risk." She read off what the card said out loud and held onto the card a bit tight, making it wrinkle a bit. "Huh, that's interesting." She said as she tossed the card like a throwing star making it to the trash can. She took a look at her sister, the word hospital stuck in her mind. How could she explain to her parents that she sent her sister to the hospital the first hour into their trip? That seemed like a conversation to have on the third day of their vacation at the very least. Though with how her mom had been treating Scoot she figured that maybe never having that conversation would be in the best interest of her health. But... she couldn't exactly whimp out herself, she had just made kind of a big deal about her being able to eat the wings. So she picked the trey with the strong eye-watering oder and moved the other tray closer to Scootaloo. "Heh, let's see how spicy these 'spicy wings' are." She laughed as she raised the cover and was hit with a burst of spicy steam making her break into a coughing fit as she held the plate away, tears running down her face as she shook her head. "N-nice... they're a little spicy!" She said, wiping her face with her elbow to clear her the tears from her eyes and finally got a look at the wings. Which there were 6 little wings stacked in the middle of the trey that was almost a neon orange color with little black pepper spots. "Y-yeah..." She said with a sheepish giggle as she reached down and grabbed on. "J-just how I imagined they'd be." She said looking at her sister and then at the wing before closing her eyes and sticking the entire thing in her mouth. She had learned from past spicey wings it was better to try and get the entire thing down at once and not one nibble at a time.

She quickly got all the meat off the bone and pulled it out and tossed it aside, tensing up to feel the heat. But she didn't feel anything at all as she chewed and swallowed. She looked at the plate confused and then at he sister with a confident smirk. Grabbing another wing she handed it off to her sister.

"Ha see, this was nothing." She laughed as she went to grab a second one. "I could eat a dozen o..OoOoOoOOOOO!" She said, suddenly her mouth that hadn't experienced anything suddenly felt like she tried to drink lava. Her brain quickly lost all train of thought as the only thought going through her mind was 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH' as she quickly slapped the wing out of her sister's hand. "Habapahabab!" The girl was baffled as she jumped there her feet, her fingers suddenly feeling warm and her lips that were covered with the sauce from the wings. "Gahabababa!" She declared pointing to the wings as she quickly grabbed her milkshake with both hands and shoved her face in it and started to chug it, not thinking about how fast she was drinking the sweet drink. And as her mouth started to cool down so did her head...

"Ah bwain freessh!" The teen squealed as she grabbed her forehead, shooting back in her seat as she grabbed her head and rubbed her temples for a few seconds before the pain started to subside and she dropped her arms to her side. Taking a few seconds to catch her breath as she look at her little sister. Giving her a thumbs up.

"Maybe we should hold off on the uh... spicy wings." She said to her sister, the blue skinned girls face and shirt was covered with whipped cream and milkshake all over her. But thankfully she was in good spirits as a smile quickly spread across her face and she started to laugh.
Scootaloo watched as Rainbow gave a shot at the spicy gauntlet . At first it didn’t seem that bad , Scoot appearing relieved and wondering if perhaps it was safe to try for a moment.
Then the delayed, hellish spicy aftertaste and the younger’s eyes almost appeared to widen out of their sockets, such was the shock.
She readily concurred it was better to leave off those ones. If her daredevil big sister had suffered like that, clearly the greenhorn little girl who had probably have her tongue burning with pepper for days on end …
She helped polished off the non-spicy wings and cheerfully chugged through the heavenly shake, also getting , perhaps even more so than Rainbow.

Scoot presented the saved regular BBQ , large chicken wings to their dad in basically the the way Rainbow, which did please the adults something good and appear to salvage the situation after the inferno chicken somewhat.

After the stunt, they ended up keep to chill for a while longer. Windy then proposed the idea of them three girls going for some shopping together. The whole complex seemed pretty awesome, there seemed to be so much to see, so many inviting shopping windows and other little luring knocks and crannies. The little girl took all in with wide, wondered eyes. “Um … Where do we go first?” It was all a bit overwhelming. It had been mom’s idea, so she probably had something in mind. Scoot did still want to please. And it also seemed a good idea to work in their favor to good graces after the Diablo fiasco.
Rainbow Dash was quick to discard the demon wings before they could try and claim her life or someone else's. She enjoyed spice and she had eaten some pretty hot stuff before but when stuff was so hot it felt like it had been dipped in molten lava that's when she tapped out. If she couldn't enjoy it then there was no part in partaking in it. But she was quite the sight for her folks when they walked out of the room and saw their oldest daughter covered in milkshake. Though Windy wasn't surprised, Rainbow had been going on about the spicy wings since they announced the trip to the resort.

"How did they taste Dashie?" She asked the girl with a smirk, after the girl hopped into a quick shower and got into a new pair of clothes that were milkshake-free, "Everything you hoped for and more?"

"You could say that." The teen said, blushing a bit as she rubbed the back of her head. "But, on the bright side, I stopped Scoot from eating them and saved us a trip to the hospital... probable." She said as she got up and leaned on her sister's head, smirking down at the kid, as she headed to the door.

"Well, I figured we could do some clothes shopping." Windy said to her daughter, Rainbow Dash jokingly making a gagging motion behind their mom, "Maybe we see what the spa has to offer here, Rainbow likes going to the one not to far from where we live." She said, exposing her daughter and making the girl's blue face turn entirely red.

"Achem!" The athlete fake coughed loudly before stretching her arm, "I-Its not that I like it! I just um... need the sports tissue message. You know to keep myself loose for ball and whatnot." She said, tugging at the collar of her shirt. Her reaction made her mom chuckle. "A-anyways! Let's get going those clothes aren't going to try themselves on!" She said opening the door, hoping to steer the conversation away from the massage parlor. Though in realty she was really excited to go and see what the resort had to offer in terms of Spa packages. Maybe she could get a seaweed mud mask, Rarity had told her how great they were. Though Rarity didn't know about Rainbow's little secret about going to the spa.
“Okaaay, that all sounds good,” Scootaloo rang out, mostly cheerful. The attention was indeed nice to get, but she was not sure what direction the shopping might take. She hoped for some cool, short and sporty things and though she was not the type to really force anything upon them in that realm, as with much anything else, their mother’s fashion preferences were clearly different from the girls’ , more usually girly.

She had never really considered doing something like a spa before either and Scoot was sure how to feel about it.
If they helped her star athlete big sister keep herself well conditioned, then maybe if the little girl went with it, it would help with her stupid leg issues some and have it allowed to get into some at least somewhat more thrilling things with Rainbow later!
"Ok let's head off," Windy said, following Scoot and grabbing their youngest daughter's hand. The girl was definitely old enough to not need to hold her hand, but it was something nice that she liked to do. She was sure that the girl didn't have much of it growing up so she was ok with indulging the girl a bit. Of course, she was okay with pampering the girl in any way, though not that the little sports girl really ever wanted it. She never forced it on either of her daughters to do anything. But them joining her for shopping was a nice treat.

"Wait up!" Rainbow said rushing to catch up as they walked down the hallway, "I'll be honest, surprised this is the first activity we do, not counting almost dying from spice attacks. Figured we'd have hit the pools by this point." She said, smirking as she placed her elbow on Scootaloo's head. "Maybe having a family made you soft." She teased, winking, sticking her tongue out, as she tilted her head to the side. She then playfully poked the kid's side. "Nah just kidding. It'll be good to get that deep-tissue sports message before I do anything too crazy."

"Yes sure, and maybe while you're there I can convince you to try a few of the other things," Windy said, giggling at how Rainbow was trying to dance around her love for massages.

"Eh... well I might as well try to them." She said, putting both of her hands behind her head as they walked down the hallway and passed a window showing one part of the resort, making Rainbow Dash pause as her eyes filled with wonder. "WHOA!" She cheered, planting herself against the window to see what was all there. There were like 10 pools all of different sizes, each with different things at it. One pool had different diving boards at different heights. Another hand water slides twisting and turning around it and leading right into the water. An area that had two dozen kids at the bottom of it had a giant bucket that was being filled with water, the giant bucket would pour the water down on all the kids there. And more things like that... and this was just one area of the resort. Outside there was a beach area that had snorkeling, scuba diving, boat rides...

Windy couldn't help but let out a laugh seeing Rainbow Dash. "Yeah don't worry we're going to do all of it, well most of it anyways." She assured them both.

"Heck yeah!" Rainbow cheered
Scootaloo blushed a bit, as the gentle, larger hand took hold her little own, still sometimes having it quite apparent that she had not been used to this, but indeed enjoying that sort of close, physical affection attention. She probably would end enjoying the rest of the attention during this little mini trip, whatever form it end up taking, as well.

The younger girl readily got that her big sister was such goodheartdely teasing, used to Rainbow's antics. She shrugged, but had a large, warm smile on her little face, at the overall family good times. "Suppose this might be somewhat cool too." Scoot nodded that the treatments sounded like a good idea before they got into their more daredevil efforts. "Think something like that could help me a bit, too?"

The sight of the many thrillings water rides and other things was certainly something to awesome to behold , Scoot being quite animatedly , her eyes widening and starring huge much like Rainbow's had before. "Oh, yeah, so coool!" she rang out excitedly, pumping a little fist high up, specially after Windy confirmed they would get to do a lot of the enthralling attractions.
"They must have some of the most amazing ramps somewhere around here, too," the little girl mused, hopeful, as they went further on, starting to head into the shop.
"I'm sure it couldn't hurt," Rainbow said concerning the massage, she knew that they always made her feel better whenever she did anything extreme or even when she and her mom went when she didn't do anything intense. Though whenever she helped save the world she and her mom always had an emergency trip to the massage parlor that lasted almost twice as long as it normally did. She figured if she worked hard and saved the world treating herself to some R&R wasn't the worst thing in the world. And though she was pushing the sports massage she did hope that Scoot enjoyed them too, another person to take and have there to enjoy it. But the girl would have to understand that it would have to be a secret. Rainbow couldn't have her tough girl image ruined and replaced by some princess who needed to be pampered and bathed in essential oils. She was more than happy to leave that to her friend Rarity.

"Oh yeah, they got like everything here." She said, "Maybe we can even find a spaceship if we look hard enough." She joked as they continued their walk to the store, knowing their mom was looking forward to that part. "Well, at least some games in the arcade here that have a spaceship in it at the very least." She mused, throwing her hands behind her head. She wondered how much time should would be spending in the arcade during their trip here. She had the record at the basketball game in the arcade in their hometown, she needed to make sure the legacy was spread to this place too. She wanted some random kid ten years from now to wonder who Rainbow Dash was and how she managed to get 150 baskets in just 60 seconds. But speaking of things she wanted to do... "What do you want to try out while we're here kid? And don't give me 'oh whatever fine'." She said, pitching her voice up in a mimic of Scootaloos. "Whatever you want to do I'll do it with you. Theres all the water stuff, other sports stuff, movies, games, aquariums, and everything in between." She said to the girl.
"Well, let's give it a shot later, then," Scootaloo replied with a little smile. If it was something that could help her in general and particularly now, let them get into some excitement here more often ... And along with, despite Rainbow's protests, something nice the three of them could go to do together every once in a while, yeah, that sure sounded good to the small girl.

Since her big sister was so nice encouraging her to make her own choices, Scoot decided to go all for it. "OK OK, then, we gotta hit the skate park, of course. Some surfing would be pretty rad too!" That, at least to Scoot, sounded kinda like skating on the water. She wouldn't be catching any one of the massive tidal waves any time soon, most likely, but it still should be fun. "And they gotta have some cool jetskis we can use. Oh, oh ,maybe there also some of those four-wheeler bike things, with some jumpy trails to ride through on the sand or dirt?" Those were last two activites, though still thrilling, would have her probably sitting tight on the backseat while someone else drove, so no one should have any problem with it, right? Her legs would not be acting or anything like that, then ...
"That's quite the list there Squirt." Rainbow said looking like she was considering the long list, her eyes hovering up and looking at the ceiling, but she smirked and looked down at her sister, "Of course, we can do all of it easily." She said with a chuckle as they got to the first store that their mom wanted to visit. And thankfully it wasn't some frufru store with ball gowns and dancing shoes. There were fancy clothes in the store, but there was also a mix of regular clothes and sports clothes waiting for them to look at. "Oh hey, we do need to get some wet suits if we're gonna ride jetskis." Rainbow pointed out, jabbing her thumb at a mannequin that was wearing a black skin-tight wet suit and had a pair of goggles over its head. She doubted they would be doing too much in the open ocean as it would be a bum deal if they saw sharks and Scoots leg decided to act up. Though Rainbow would get to punch a shark... no, that was a dumb idea.

"Yes, I also noticed that you managed to forget to pack something a little nicer for when we go out to eat, Dashie," Windy said, smirking as she crossed her arms. The lady knew both of the girls were daredevils and didn't exactly thrive in the fancy parts of life. But she wasn't going to go out to a nice fancy place and take her oldest out like she was getting ready to hit some waves.

"Oh, I... I did?" Rainbow asked sheepishly, "It must've slipped my mind." She bluffed, her cheeks tinted red. "Well, it's a good thing you caught that... yeah." She said.

"Yeah, a real good thing." She said, looking at Scoot and winking, letting the little girl know that it was going to take a bit more to get past her. "So we can pick out a couple of things you want while we're here. But you guys can pick out some other clothes that you want first." She said
"Oh yeah!" Scootaloo exclaimed, pumping a little arm down and doing a small spin in place, at the confirmation they should get to do what they had said. "And what else do you all really want to do?" The little girl asked, in return It was only fair. It helped that she would likely be as excited for Rainbow's choices at least, as the older girl seemed for hers. Even if some of it she could not really end up taking part in much, Scoot would be more than happy to watch and cheer for the awesome action from the teen again.

She gravitated towards a smaller version of the swimwear, as well a matching pair of cool, bright orange and blue streaked breathable, sporting short clothes. She had just gotten a lot of more things when she had finally, so the little girl didn't seem to want to go much overboard this time. She did take notice of how their mom caught her big sister's antics. Not that she would be likely to put want to really put one like least for now, but it seemed good to be mindful.

"Do I need something new like that too?" Scoot asked, on the matter of the fancy clothes. While in part hesitancy because she was not really used to such and not much her style, it was mostly real uncertainty on what had bern brought. . She had made sure to have some of her favorite clothes, old and new, come with. Those were all more sporty or casual, however. Being the toungest and new though, at least officially and in a forever, everyday way , she had gotten of course a lot more help with the packing, so she did not quite remember what all had gone into the suitcase.
"Crush the record of the hoop game at the arcade." Rainbow Dash said with a confident smirk practically knowing she was going to be able to do it. It was her birthright to be the best at those arcade games, well that's how she acted anyway. "But other than that... I don't know. Maybe wrestle a shark. That could be fun." The girl said, sounding like she was being serious about the event. But after a few seconds, she smirked and winked at the girl. "Nah joking. Apparently, they do have friendly sharks that hang out in the resort waters, so I'll probably try and pet them. Fluttershy will be super jealous of that. Hitting all the restaurants at the resort is also on the old bucket list, surfing is on the list too." She said.

Windy was trying to give Scoot the benefit of the doubt and was going to assume she remembered to pack something nice to wear. But apparently, her big sister was rubbing off on her already. "Yeah Scoot, I'd like you to have something nice as well." She informed her youngest daughter, giving her an assuring smile. "I'm sure we can find something here that wont cramp your guy's tough girl style. Plus now you can get something ocean-themed or at least different then what we'd see at home" She said to them both.

"Yeah at least there's that, and at least Zephyrs not here to make it really weird." She said, looking at the bright side before quickly looking around just to make sure her not-so-secret admirer wasn't there. He always managed to pop up in the strangest spots. "But you did say we could go check out the other clothes before the dresses." She reminded her mon, grabbing her sisters arm, "So.... See ya later!" She said before zipping off.
"Oooh, yeah, that sounds cool to try too ," Scootaloo . An arcade sport thing should be a bit more to her speed and less troubling for her to do than the actual, more hectic and exerting thing, much as she was usually dying for being able to take part in the latter too.

"Uhhhhh ..." she drew out in a bit concern , caught in the trap by the apparent seriousness. She couldn't help roll her eye just a bit after another fakeout from Rainbow once revealed "Geez, one of these days you're gonna end up crying wolf too much and be in for it," the little girl ribbed back playfully

Her actual plans with the sharks sounded incredible though and she lit back up. "but, yeah. That is more like it! Bet there is some awesome diving stuff too," she doubted she would manage to get anywhere near deep, but even something on the surface with those snorkels mask thingys seemed appealing. udging just from the service menu , there seemed to be at least one option for every major type of food style.
That was a lot

"Yes, fair," Scoot admitted as their mom told her she needed to get something fancy. Perhaps she should have taken more proper initiative there it seemed. She did not want to be in trouble, specially not on the first day of the awesome trip, and miss out on something nice. Their parents were rather easygoing and supportive , but she was also already learning that, particularly with Mom, when they meant business, it was time to stop and really listen . And well, yeah, in the end, it seemed it would be OK. She was spotting something in the more dressing up that did seem more like something that she might go for. Like the little short dress that was not that stiff and had a kinda cool wave theme to it.

"Uh, yeah, see in a bit ," Scootaloo timely waved off, before trying to keep with her sister. They ended up in a section with more of the cool , casual stuff. There were shirts with really nice stamping of sharks and fish that long beaks and sails . She thought she heard something once on those being some of the fastest living things under the seas , so really cool . Some other stuff had a rather impressive effect of looking like bubbles were actually moving in a blue water-like background, too "Oh, score!" it was going to be tough picking just a few things.

Now that they were by themselves, thw youngster figured it would do well to get some more good counsel from the Dash Master. "So, for the nice dinner stuff, think it will be enough if we go for , like, a fancy, but cool shirt or suit instead of, uh, dresses?" Their parents seemed pretty reasonable overall, but she was still getting the lay of the land . Their outings had being on the more casual side uptil, so she definitely was not used to something like this.
Rainbow couldn't help but laugh at her sister's gullibility, though honestly if someone was going to try and seriously fight a shark it would be her. But she didn't have a death wish and didn't want to scar the girl. But seeing the girl fall for the joke did make her beam happily. But the girl was also right, Rainbow did joke around a bit too much. But she just let it roll off her shoulders. Plus there was plenty she said that was true. Like getting to pet a shark. There were nurse sharks and sand sharks that hung out around the resort and were gentle enough to pet. That one was high on the list of things to do, and going to the aquarium where they had a pet tank where you could pet sea life and interact with things found in the ocean.

But before she could think to much about it she needed to do the big sister thing and rescue her sister, which she did as they got to the other clothes. She grabbed a blue shirt that had different sharks on it. She also grabbed a pair of sunglasses, popped those on, and checked them in the mirror on the stand. Basically just killing time hoping their mom would change her mind about dresses. But then her sister pulled her attention by asking about the clothes. "You could ask Mom about a Tux or suit," Rainbow asked, pondering it herself. She had never thought about something like. But she shrugged her shoulders, figuring Scoot's chances of that were pretty slim since their mom did like dress shopping with her and figured it be the same with Scootaloo
Scoot did not really know why exactly she had fallen that much for this particular trick. Her big sister had put up the act quite a bit just today and though Rainbow was even more of a daredevil, she wasn’t deadly reckless or anything. Well, the little girl knew it was all in good fun, so she would it be. She didn’t want to ruin the funny times, so while she would likely go along in good sporting, she would try not to actually fall like a duck so easy.

Scootaloo picked out a bubbling summer clothing set and a wavy swimming set on her size. Rainbow did not seem really confident about her alternate nice suiting idea. “Well, worth a shot at least, right? Suppose this enough normal stuff for now. Shall we go face the music?”
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Rainbow said to her sister. a handful of different outfits for the trip, a hat, and a couple of sunglasses. Seeing that the girl had some clothes picked out for herself she lead the girl over to where their mom was, the lady having a few different dresses in her arms. The dresses seemed to be in Rainbow and Scoots sizes though, it seemed like she had been busy looking at somethings for the girls to wear as well.

"Hey girls." She said as they walked uo, "I hope you don't mind, but I found some dresses that I think would good on you two." She said, as if it hadn't been obvious before hand.

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