
Junior Member
onesimpleidea submitted a new role play:

School Lock-In - What would happen if ten teens got locked in a school for a week?


Brrrring! The school bell rang at Westview high school. It was the last day before spring break and everyone was psyched. A mob of unruly teenagers came pouring out of the school doors. All of the teachers finished gathering their pupil's papers and their personal belongings and made their way out as well. Last, but not least, the janitor did his usual sweep of the school grounds, picking up empty soda cans and candy wrappers on the way. The...
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Chase's eyes shot open. His head was throbbing in a steady pain. He got up and looked at his surroundings.

"Where the cuss am I?" Chase muttered. His head was swimming and he could barely make coherent thoughts.

A few minutes past until he mustered enough sense to realize that he was still in the school... And he had just fallen off a library bookshelf. The top of bookshelves were among Chase's favorite places to isolate himself. Apparently, he had fallen asleep, with book in hand, on top of the bookshelf, but had just fallen onto the floor.

He propped himself against a bookshelf.

"Where is everyone? There was something important today... Something exciting... Something... SPRING BREAK!"

Chase bolted out the library doors.
Aaron's had phone had just died after playing with it and looked around for an outlet to plug it in. To no prevail he looks at a clock that had stopped working minutes ago.

"Oh wow I have some time left till school is out." he said as he walked up the steps of the basement. When he got to the top he looked around the corner of the doorway but seeing no one he then starts to walk down the halls.

All the sudden he sees someone running out the library and tries to stop him to ask why no one is in the halls.

"Hey, dude, whats the hurry?" Aaron asked as Chase approached.
Ashley woke up from hitting her head on a metal bar. "What?" she rubbed her eyes realizing she's in the gym equipment room and fell asleep for watching some videos on her phone.

She packed her stuff and ran out to go home. No one is around. She reached for the door and tried opening it but it was locked, she tried other doors but it wouldn't budge. "Sh*t!" she yelled out loud.

She saw two boys talking and approached them "Do you guys know a way out?" she asked.
Chase nearly bumped into someone.

"Whoa! Uh... Hey. I'm just trying to find everyone! My analog watch says school must've gotten out hours ago though, so my guess is that everyone's already left." Chase dried his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"I'm going to grab my bag, then I'm gonna head out. What's your name by the way?"
"Yeah just go to the front doors like always," Aaron responds while pointing towards the doors.
"Nope I tried.. I think we're locked in here.." she said breathless from all that running.
"Whoa! Wait a minute I thought school was not over yet. Well that's what the clocks in the basement show" He says worryingly.
"Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Whadda you mean 'locked'? You don't mean... Locked do you? I mean... There has to be a key or... Or something!" Chase's words became garbled as the girl joined the group.
"I tried all the doors we're locked... I'm Ashley by the way" she said. Jeez.. I'm locked in school.... I can't go outside... Oh noo.. She thought
"Uhm... Hi Ashley..." Chase shuffled his shoes nervously. He hadn't had a girl this close to him in years.

"Do you guys have any... ideas? Have we tried calling anybody yet?"
"My phones dead but i'm going to go look for other ways out because if someone has to get us out we probably will get in trouble and I don't need that," Aaron started to walk away to find an exit
"I'll try and call my aunt.. If she's not partying." She said and rolled her eyes. She grabbed her phone out and checked the bars. "No bars!"
"My phone's dead as well. That's a good idea. If they find us in here... they'll think we either broke in or know we skipped some classes. Neither of which is good. Should we all go together? Or split up?"

Chase's body was buzzing with adrenaline. He fiddled with the bracelets covering his wrists out of habit.
Chase jumped, looked at Ashley, and then looked at the floor again.

"Yeah I'm... I'm fine." He fake smiled and hid his wrist by his side.

"Just not used to talking with girls, that's all. Not to mention we're stuck inside the school... at night."

A creak came from down the hall.
"Alright" She replied to Aaron. "It's okay. You don't have to be acted though. I'm not those types of girls who are drama-queens." She replied to Chase. She heard the creak as well "What was That?" She asked calmly
Chase stole a glance at Ashley. She didn't seem to be one of the girls that teased him relentlessly.

"Hey, thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

Chase took a step back from the creak.

"Uhmm... I'm not sure I want to know. But we probably should Aaron."

Chase fliddled with his bracelet again.
"I don't mind checking it out.. But this is kind of creepy. This school is old and it's night.." She said worriedly

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