School for the Musical Ghouls SIGN UP SHEET ;D


Six Thousand Club



Ghoul type:

Musical instrument:


Teacher or Student:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Bios~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Tammy

Age(14-19): 16

Ghoul type: Fairy

Musical instrument: Keyboard

Appearence:View attachment 8149

Teacher or Student: Student
(Not sure if u have the same definition of wizards as i a 16 year old wizard knows vert little and usually isnt a wizard at all by then,but i would like his appearance to show 16, but his age around 1600 wich isnt very old for a wizard)

name: runeofflame vankin

age: appears 16, true age 1600, ages at a different rate due to his magical ability

Type: wizard

musical instrument: he is a death god, he plays pretty much anything but he mainly sings and dances

Appearance: 6'1 with black hair and fairly muscular

Teacher or student: student, he may be 1600, but he has a LOT to learn even with his power

This acceptible?
Name:Jonathan 'Jonny' Freefall

Age(14-19):16 (610)

Ghoul type: Vampire

Musical instrument: Violin, Bass, Cello, basically anything with strings.


[MENTION=3333]PoisonousKandy[/MENTION] I changed my instrument like you asked, however to say that I can't play any stringed instruments because they're all 'claimed' by one person would seem unfair, but I only picked one string instrument anyway.
Jonny gets the acception because he's a teachers assistant which he explained to me btw did you read what Tammy had explained b4? 0w0
I'm confused as heck at this point and lost in all the one to two liners on the actual rp. Probably best if I just drop this before I start.


Ghoul type:Vampire

Musical instrument:Acoustic guitar, Drums, Piano

Appearence:She stands at around 5'7, Pale skin and peircing blue eyes. Long layered black hair falls to about her waste. Skin tight black pants hug her hips, and black combat boots strapped to her feet. Her black half sleeved shirt barly rested on her shoulders and the rest cut off right below her belly button.

Teacher or Student: Student

(This good?)
Name: Zed Ryker

Age: Unknown; Physically - 16

Ghoul Type: Amnesic Angel

Musical Instrument: Pan Flute

Appearance: He is about 5'11". He has tanned olive skin, and deep amber eyes. His messy blonde hair falls in curls around his head, and it is long enough that he can cover his eyes if he is embarrassed. He has a thing for suits and ties, always the best. Zed also likes to wear fedoras. He is relatively muscled, though not bulging. Imagine the follow pic wearing the aforementioned suit and characteristics. He has six wings, but he doesn't know what that makes him; he just knows he is different.

Now, I know an angel isn't exactly a ghoul, but hear me out. He is amnesic, so he doesn't know that he is an angel, he just knows some weird stuff goes on around him, and he is the only one who seems to notice. He discovered his talent for the pan flute early on. He just picked it up and began playing. When he plays, it doesn't sound like a pan flute, it sounds like an unearthly instrument, which can be perceived as amazing or downright terrible. Now, imagine that since he is inherently an angel, the other ghouls feel a natural aversion. It wouldn't be strong enough to make them hate him, but it would be uncomfortable. But, that is only for ghouls like vampires, or werewolves, etc. Eventually, they'd get used to it.

So, what do you think, is it good, and do you think the others would be okay with me making up the whole aversion to angels thing? It is totally up to you and them.
No it's fine your accepted (first rp?) okay so look on the first page at Tammy she's at the library it's a Sunday night have fun didlioso!
Right. Sorry to be a bother, but I have no clue who "Marcella" is, and I can't find here in the sign up sheet, so... I have no clue how to react to the character. So, if someone could post her character sheet, that would be great. :)
ACCEPPPPPPPTTYTTTTTED!!!! I love that pic it looks so cool and totally fits the idea of ghoul okay anyways same thing I told Gabe feel free to talk to Tanmy bro!

It's Isabella xD wow just realized that and don't worry you don't need to she's talking to Danny

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