School for the Musical Ghouls SIGN UP SHEET ;D

Name: Fawna Frost(yes she's related to Danny)

Age(14-19): 16?

Ghoul type: Ice bunny demon(yeah a lot to take in basically an ice demon mutt)

Musical instrument: Singing

Appearence: down below :D

Teacher or Student: Student

(1 she's ganna make things very interesting 2. There were 5 guys and 4 girls so now it's all goody)
Uhm, since i stilk had a char tht i was going to apply may i apply him now? Imay put up a girl char later to balance it out if u want me too, and this current char will make a good partner for rune due to eunes wide range of musical styles(cos he does most types of music)
Hmmmmm okey go ahead and making a girl you don't have to we can get another girl chara from someone who's already joined but try and get a pic kk?
I litterally cant post pics on the device im using, but heres his info

name:lokang imisam

Type: grim reaper

looks: tall with a very pale skin he usually wears a black cloak or athletic clothes with blue eyes

Age: looks around 17 but he is much older than even rune

Music instrument: he rubs parts of his body together(like fingers and toes) to create sounds excatly like most instruments while it drains him so he can only play for around 30-40 minutes

Student or teacher?: student
Name: Emily ervily, although she prefers bethany

Ghoul type: wight shamam

looks: very pale with ice blue eyes that glow when angered

Age: 200 although she looks around 14

Music instrument: anything except guitar and flutes but she preffers drums

student or teacher: student
Name: Sven Krov

Age(14-19): 17

Ghoul type: Dragon

Musical instrument: Piano and saxophone

Appearence: 6'0' 185 lbs. Black and white hair which is medium length and always spiky. Yellow eyes with a angular face and a few scars running around his eyes and mouth. He has alot of spry runners muscle and is very agile. He only has canine teeth and has a tough skin that looks normal but can't be cut by blades, it is a tannish color. He has retractable talons but his wings have yet to grow. He is bipolar.

Teacher or Student: Student
(( I'm making another charrie lol:P ))

Name: Marcelina Creswell.

Age(14-19): 18 years old.

Ghoul type: Demon.

Musical instrument: Her voice, and a Violin.


View attachment 8396

Teacher or Student: Student.

Other: Marcelina is childhood friends with Isabella. She just currently transferred to the School for Musical Ghouls.

Name: Stephanie

Age(14-19): 16

Ghoul type: Shifter (she can change into any animal, bird, ect from her human form)

Musical instrument: her voice (she sings beautifully) and guitar

Appearence: *so sorry no picture ATM*

Human Form

Long, Dark brown hair

deep blue eyes

*outfit ATM* medium sized greenish blue dress

Tan skin

Teacher or Student: Student

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