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School Daze


Previously Lucifer1
Name: Tegan Karma

View attachment 52001

Age: 18

Personality: Tegan is difficult to read, and his emotions are all over the place. One moment he wants to be your friend, patting you on the back and having a good time, the next he's slamming his fist in your gut, eyes on angryfire. He's often picking on lower-classmen, or in a compelling argument about which weapon would go great in what situation. His friends don't know much about him, only that if you get on his bad side, prepare to pay the price.

Special facts: Tegan is often found holding a red notebook, sketching what he sees. Artistic, he may be, but he doesn't like to show off any of his art, it's very personal for him.


The sun filtered through a cracked window, the bright rays falling along the pale face of Tegan, his white glossy hair sticking up in all directions. He lifted a rough-skinned hand, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He shifted his green eyes towards the booming alarm clock, screams of murder and annihilation filtering from a whiney male voice in the speakers. As the heavy metal band's loud music sifted through the air, he lifted his tired body into a sitting position. On que, just like every day, a long and frantic banging smashed against his wooden door. He sauntered over, his face free of any emotion. Tegan unlocked his door, sliding three different bolts to the side before shoving his old oak door with some difficulty. His dead eyes pinned on a sleezy-looking man. His breath reeked of alcohol, his chin overflowing with grizzly facial hair that fell over a potbelly. His father sneered at him, anger rising the vein in his forehead. "Turn that shit down before it costs you!" He screamed over the thick angry music. Tegan stared at him, his brows pulling together in a frown before he turned towards his alarm clock, switching the sound off. "Better?" He asked, his voice monotone. The drunk man slurred something inaudible before stumbling down the stairs.

Heaving a sigh, Tegan shifted out of yesterdays clothes that he'd passed out in the night before. He slipped on a clean pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black letherman jacket with his schools colors embroidered on the left sleeve. Green and gold were the colors of the overly cheerful Jameswood High school, the Knights. He grabbed his green jacket before slipping on a pair of old tethered combat boots, slumping down the stairs. He heard an audible shout of pain fly from the kitchen. Tegan raced to his mother's aid, his step-father's hand raised to strike his mom. The male growled, his fingers wrapping tightly around the burly man's wrist, stopping him before he had a chance to hit his ma again. "What do you think you're doing!?" His step father spat, disgusting streams of saliva smacking against Tegan's face. He didn't have time to react before a fist collided with his cheek, the man's ring scraping against his skin. Tegan's head whipped to the side, blood spilling into his mouth from his teeth biting down on the inside of his mouth from the unexpected blow. Tegan filled his mouth with blood and spit, projecting it into the man's face before slamming his knee into the pig's genitals. "Don't hit." He spat before shouldering his backpack and flying out the door.

His heart still in his throat, the male barely made it to the bus stop. He stepped on the bus, sitting at the very front in his normal brown seat. Two indents in the chair before him perminatly placed from the male sliding his knees up the back so often. Commotion on the bus brought his attention out the window to his right, someone was running for the bus.
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Name: Quinlan Leonardo Matthews



Age: 17

Personality: Quinlan is quiet and easily scared. He is smart and usually seen studying. If someone manages to get close to him, he loves to laugh and watch movies meant for kids.

Special facts: He has a Newfoundland dog named Bear that sometimes feels like his only friend.


Quinlan woke up to his alarm clock blaring the horribly loud beeps. He sat straight up and shut it off before running his hand through his disheveled hair. He looked at the clock and realized it was later than he thought. He flung the blanket off and stood up. He got ready for school, knowing he was already running late. He found a pair of jeans to wear and a simple t-shirt. Then he grabbed a sweater that was too big for his small frame and threw it on. He grabbed his backpack before going downstairs. The house was quiet, his dad was already at work. He put Bear in the backyard while he got something to eat. Bringing Bear back in, he threw on his shoes, grabbed his bag and went out the door.

He looked down the street, hoping he had gone fast enough. Then he heard the bus in the other direction. Crap! Quin started to run. If he missed the bus he wouldn't be able to make it to school on time. Quin was never late to school. It stopped to pick someone else up and Quin hoped he could catch it. However it started to move again. He was dead. His dad would find out that he was late and he'd be in trouble. This was perfect. Quin still ran, hoping to at least make it to school soon if he couldn't catch the bus.

Most people would have probably given up and skipped, but that would make more trouble for him. He needed to get to school on time. If he skipped school his dad would kill him. He was a no-nonsense sort of man.
A brown-haired boy bound for the moving vehicle, his shouts barely audible over the rumbling engine. Tegan stood to his feet, placing his hand over the old driver's shoulder. "Stop the bus, someone is still coming." The bus driver shot a glare over his shoulder, meeting Tegan's gaze. "Please?" He asked, green eyes pleading.

The breaks made an audible squeal as the bus rolled to a stop. The double doors to the right of Tegan flung open, a hiss escaping it's mechanics as it lowered to let the boy on. Tegan stuck his arm and head out of the door, reaching for the boy's wrist and pulling him in quickly. "Don't be late, next time I won't be so generous." He breathed staring down at the short boy, his eyes wandering across his cute features. He found himself drawn to his light emerald hues, reflecting the same color of his own.

Tegan took his normal seat by the window, letting the character nestle next to him. The white-haired boy slouched down, his arms crossed over his chest as he placed his knees on the back of the seat in front of him, grazing out the window.
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The bus was stopping. Thank the heavens the bus was stopping. Quin was out of breath by the time the doors opened. Then someone pulled him on. Quin gasped quietly before looking up at the guy. He knew him. They were in the same grade and a few of the same classes. Although Quin wasn't sure if Tegan knew who he was. Quin didn't really talk in school.

Tegan had stopped the bus for him? Instead of asking that, he just nodded a little bit. His face was slightly flushed. Mostly from the fact that Tegan was looking at him, but he could blame it on running after the bus. He sat down next to the taller boy before the bus started to move. Quin looked down at his hands and spoke after a moment. "U-Um, thank, thank you." He knew that Tegan didn't have to stop the bus, but he did. Thanks to him he wasn't going to be late and his father wouldn't be mad at him.
Tegan sat up straight, his feet planting firmly on the floor. He glared at the kid sitting next to him, his green eyes seeming to turn a lighter yellowish shade. "Well thanks to you, we'll all be late." He snapped, strangely annoyed by the kid's presence. White hair fell over his eyes, casting a shadow over his cheeks. His expression was still dismal and almost bored-looking. "Just be quiet and sit still." He warned, adverting his face from the boy, starting out the window. They passed a few houses before stopping at the last corner, a crowd of teens crawled sleepily onto the bus, yawns spewing through the air.
Quin flinched a little bit when Tegan snapped at him. Now he was starting to feel really guilty about running late. However he didn't really see how he could have made them so much later. That didn't stop his guilty feeling though. He knew it would be his fault if they were late. He continued to stare at his hands now, too afraid to move a muscle.

He didn't do that great with people being mad at him. He shied away from confrontation of any sort, so doing what Tegan said was just the easiest thing for him to do. He heard the last group of kids plod tiredly onto the bus and he still didn't look up. His hands nervously twisted the fabric of his sweater around.
Tegan ignored the kid sitting next to him, his eyes following the trees that passed by them. His mind reached back to the moment before he left, a mark on the left side of his face swelling drastically with every second. He placed his hand over his cheek, shielding the red lump from the twirp. Tegan's life at home was far from normal. His mother worked the grave yard shift as a nurse, when she was home she usually would be found sleeping or cleaning up after her deadbeat step-father, Jase, who was a severe alcoholic. He often wondered what stopped his mother from walking out on the old shit, especially after how many times the creature had given Tegan a good ass-kicking. Even though the Karma kid fought back, brute force from someone intoxicated almost always outshone the weaker teen.

The bus rolled into the parkinglot of the school, spitting out brain-dead teens with hearts full of secrets. They were all the same to Tegan, just simple organs encased in flesh, wrapped with skin, and injected with a false sense of hope. He pulled himself up from his seat, climbing over the kid. He let his hands fall over his shoulders, keeping him in place while he lifted his long legs over him. He didn't look back at the cute boy, his mind occupied with more pressing matters.

He picked a red leather bound notebook from his back pocket, a pen lodged in a strap that wrapped around the book several times, sealing it from prying eyes. He flipped it open, scribbling a few things down before moving towards the school. He noted the cameras above his head, pointed towards the parking lot. He flicked his gaze to the side, the office window's shades were pulled down. The boy hurried to his locker.
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Quin didn't move at all the entire ride. Tegan had scared him enough that he wasn't going to risk making him mad at all. Then the bus stopped and Tegan seemed too impatient to wait for Quin to get up. So Quin shrunk into the seat a little bit. When all the other kids got off the bus, Quin stood up and got off. He adjusted his backpack and walking into the school. He went to his locker, just a few from Tegan's. He then put the books he didn't need in his locker and grabbed what he did need.

He had English first, but it was not his favorite. He was in three music classes on top of the core classes he had to take. Those were his favorite. He closed his locker and walked to his English room and sat in the seat he usually occupied in the back of the room. He never really participated in class, he just paid attention.
Tegan flung open the metal door, it slammed against someone else's locker, rattling for a few moments before the boy quickly grabbed it. He pulled out his English text book, and his notes shuffling by the boy from the bus.

He slammed his books onto his small tan desk, pulling the red notebook from his pocket. He flipped through the pages, stopping at a blank one. He began to scrawl across the page with pen, his eyes darting from face to face. His gaze landed on the kid from earlier, who sat kitty corner to him. His eyes narrowed, and he moved to the desk straight being the boy. He placed a finger on the top of his head, tapping on his scalp repeatedly. "I didn't get your name." He said, resting his chin on the desk. He continued to poke him, moving his finger down to his neck, jabbing at his skin. He glanced sideways at the clock, it struck 8:45.

The bell rang, Ms. Darwin stepped through the door, causing Tegan's fingers to fall in front of his face, ending the pestering session. He marked something down quickly in his book, before slipping ot back into his pocket.
Quin had opened a book he had been reading. He heard Tegan move behind him and he wasn't sure what to do. He continued to stare at his book, not sure what to do when Tegan started to poke him. He tried to stutter out his name, but then Tegan moved to poking his neck. Quin felt frozen in his spot. It didn't surprise him that Tegan didn't know his name. He guessed no one really knew his name, sometimes not even the teachers. A few of them called him by his older brother's name, Sean, repeatedly.

Before he could say his name, class started and Ms. Darwin walked in. He closed his book and opened the notebook he used for this class. He felt guilty for not answering him, but he guessed he could give it to him at the end of class. However he was confused at how Tegan's personality seemed to change.
As class moved on, Tegan began to grow antsy. He racked his thumb against the side of his desk, drumming the rhythm of some old rock artist on his books. After being asked to stop by three different people, he started to whistle. Tegan ran his fingers down the back of the brown-haired kid's neck, lightly brushing his skin. He repeated his question from earlier. "What's your name squirt?" He asked a little less anger pushed behind his words. For some odd reason, the reactions the boy had to his presence calmed him. He liked the way he trembled and stammered over his words, how small he looked next to his large frame. He felt like he could say, and do, basically anything to this child and get away with it. The white-haired boy moved his long legs under the boy's desk, slamming his steel-toed boots together, taking up all the legroom the kid could offer. A smile planted on his face as other students stared at him, anger in their cheeks at how fidgety he always was. Tegan took his index and middle fingers, placing them together with his thumb straight up. With his pretend gun he started aiming it at the back of people's heads a mocking "Bang." Falling from his lips silently.
Quinlan heard Tegan drumming something on his books. It was sort of distracting, but unlike a few others, Quin didn't say anything. He just sat there, trying to pay attention. Then the whistling began and that seemed worse. Quin somehow had never noticed this before. He tried to focus on taking notes when he felt Tegan's fingers brush down his neck. It sent shivers down his spine and he leaned forward just a bit. He wasn't going to answer his question though. He didn't like talking in class, for a teacher or anyone else. He preferred to remain silent and have people forget he was even there. When Tegan put his feet far under Quin's chair, Quin was forced to move his feet out. He nervously played with the end of his sweater sleeves. It was easy because, no matter what he did, the sleeves always covered his hands.

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Ms. Darwin stared directly at Tegan, a glare pulling her brows together. She slammed her book on the desk. Being work-time, the room was suppose to be silent. "Mister Karma, if you can't sit still or be silent, I will send you to the hallway." Her voice was loud, making most of the students pin their eyes on the troublesome boy.

Tegan scoffed, and he slumped back down in his chair, his eyes shooting across the room towards the window. He crossed his arms over his chest, keeping his feet under the kid's desk. He felt mad that he hadn't answered his simple question, being of the same street and class as him. Once everyone settled, Tegan smirked.

Suddenly he broke out into another round of whistling, while simaltaniously banging on his desk, and thumping his boots together.

A vein popped out from the teacher's forehead, her anger flaring. She stood to her feet quickly, her desk falling over with a loud clutter. "Hallway! Now!" She yelled, her hand snapping towards the door, her finger pointed.

Tegan slammed his hands on his desk, grabbing his books. He slid out of his chair and walk slowly. When he brushed past the boy, he thumped his hand on the back of his head, his cold green eyes pinned on the teacher. His face was dismal, emotion shying from his face as he strut out the door. Letting it slam being him.

Tegan sat in the hallway, with his back pressed tightly against the lockers, his head resting back. He slid his red notebook from his back pocket, spending the rest of the hour scrawling in the pages.
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Quinlan flinched when Ms. Darwin slammed her books on the desk. He had been staring down at his own, hoping he could be overlooked like he always was. He wasn't sure why Tegan was suddenly fixated on knowing his name. Was it because he had been late and Tegan had stopped the bus for him? If Quin hadn't been running late, would Tegan notice him at all? Quin wasn't sure. The class seemed to go back to normal and then Tegan became really distracting. Quin wondered why he did it. Surely it couldn't be just to annoy Ms. Darwin, could it? However, Ms Darwin stood up and knocked her desk over.

Quinlan jumped a little at the noise and flinched when Tegan slammed his hands on his own desk. He hated loud noises. They always seemed to come out of nowhere and wanted to give him a heart attack. He closed his eyes when he felt Tegan hit the back of his head. Once the other was out of the room, Quin's hand moved to the back of his head. When class ended, Quin gathered his things and stood up. He was the last to leave the room, he didn't like how everyone else seemed to push and shove to get out. His eyes were on the ground as he left the classroom.
When the bell rang Tegan stood to his feet, watching the flock of kids exit the english room. He stared down the kids, mindlessly scribbling in his book until his gaze landed on the boy. He moved forward, coming up behind him with silence. He planted both hands over his bony shoulders, his chest meeting the back of his head. "Hey, there." He said, moving his lips to the side of his face, his breath falling against his ear as he spoke. "You never told me your name." He mused, his voice calm.

He slid the red notebook in his back pocket, tapping his fingers along the kid's collarbone. "I just want to be sure we're on good terms." He said quietly while a wave of students bumped into the taller man, leaving the shrip-sized boy untouched. He pushed the kid forward, his boots falling softly behind the brown haired kid's feet. "Where's your next class?" He asked, leaning against him. He couldn't help but notice his sweet smell, the way he wrapped his sleeve around his fingers. His mind filled with many different strange thoughts, all about this kid he was pushing along. What was wrong with him? Why was he suddenly so attached to this insignificant bag of flesh?

((Sorry if my character is weird and disconnected. It just feels right. But if his "double-personality-like" behaviors are bugging you, please tell me :) ))
Quin gasped when he felt hands on his shoulders. He managed to look up and see Tegan. He looked back down when Tegan once more mentioned not getting his name. He was about to finally say it when he continued to talk. He wasn't sure what he meant by 'good terms', but Quin ended up just nodding slightly. Then he asked where his next class was. Tegan seemed to be very confusing to Quin, one minute he was nice and the next not so much. "Quin." He said finally, just barely audible over the other students in the hallway. "A-And, um, the o-orchestra room." There. He thought he answered everything now. He stared at the ground as they walked. It was weird walking with someone else, usually he was always alone. He didn't need to think about where to turn or where the orchestra room was, it had been his favorite place to go since freshman year.

((I actually like it...it's kinda cool))
Tegan continued down the hallway, shifting towards the right before turning sharply down the corridor. He moved his hand up the boy's neck, his hand was able to almost wrap completely around his nape. "Quin... is that short for something?" He pressed, his cheek now lightly touching the side of Quinn's face. "Like Quincie? Isn't that a girl's name?" He spoke between his teeth. They came to a large tan door, it had a small glass window in the corner, and the outside was cluttered with cartoon-like laminate pictures of instruments. He opened the door for Quin, slamming the toes of his boot into the back of the kid's knees, giving him a shove into the room.

"Catch you later Quincie!" He chuckled stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking away, whistling the same tune he had in the classroom earlier.
Quin wasn't sure how to react when Tegan's hand, large hand, moved up to his neck. He nodded a little when Tegan asked if it was short for something. Then Tegan said a girl's name and Quin sighed. He was about to say that it wasn't Quincie when he was sort of shoved into the room. He gasped and managed not to fall over. He turned around as Tegan left, whistling again. "Not Quincie." He mumbled to himself. He guessed he might be able to tell him later, if it even matter. After a moment, he went to his cubby and grabbed his violin and folder. He tuned the instrument as other people started to come in. He was still confused about Tegan though. Why had he just shoved him like that?
Tegan didn't go to his next class, gym. Instead of slamming his sweaty body against other players, he decided to go for a stroll around the school's campus. He glanced at the digital clock on the wall, his hair falling over his green eyes. 9:42

He lifted his red book from his pocket, scribbling something down as he passed the gym doors. Screams of competitive teens filtered through the metal green and gold doors, the color of their famous football team. He peered in one of the small glass windows, taking note of his peers. They moved like animals, hungry for the ball, striving for perfection. He saw them as simple animals, encased in an emotional shell. His gaze wandered from face to face, naming them silently in his head while mouthing the words. It was like a simple song, similar to reciting all the capitals of the states, like singing the national anthem. Judy Hersh, Sam Addams, Austin Downs, Amy Underbrook...

After a moment of gawking, Tegan continued on, his big boots clinking against the granite ground,the melody still flying through his puckered lips. He opened the back door, turning swiftly down a long path before coming to a group of trees next to the school's empty flag-poll. He gazed at a redheaded boy, his eyes black as night. "Tegan, you're late!" He spoke in a chipper tone, his lips red just under his nose. The man sniffed sharply, and held out a bag of white powder to the teen. "Bump?" He asked, flicking the side of the cocaine baggie.

Tegan nodded, setting up a line of white powder along the school's front sign. He took the pen that was jammed in his notebook, unscrewing the top and dumping the spring, back, and ink cartrage into the top of the builboard. He quickly snuffed up the powder, shaking his head with a quick snort. He blinked rapidly, the drug stinging the inside of his nose. He was suddenly full of energy, his mind never staying on one topic.

He did this, up until the bell rang.
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Quin followed the conductor's tempo as the orchestra. The songs took his mind off of everything that he had been thinking about before class started. However, they ended before the bell rang to pack up their things. Quin put his violin back, but he kept his folder. He was planning on taking his violin home today to practice the new song they got. The bell rang and Quin left the room with the other students. He went to his locker and switched his books, putting the folder away with other things. He grabbed his math book and binder and closed the locker again. He made his way to math. Arriving at the room, he sat in the back again. He opened the book he was reading again and focused on the pages.
Tegan moved in the opposite direction of the crowd, his pupils looking large against his light-green hues. His eyes darted around, soaking in the faces of everyone around him. His brain slurped up the information like a sponge, spitting it into a lock-box in the back of his mind. The boy glanced at Quin who was sliding his math-book out of his locker, clinging to it as he shuffled away to his next period. Tegan grabbed his math book as well, knowing they were both in the same subject this period. He glanced at the clock once more.


The tall boy sauntered behind the smaller male, his gaze pinned on the back of his head, watching his locks bounce as he walked. He let his eyes fall to the shape of his petite figure, his heart racing not just from the drug in his veins. He followed him into math, taking a seat directly behind the male again. He didn't speak for a while, but his fidgety behavior had increased. He bounced his leg up and down, large eyes falling over the faces of his classmates. He took a mental note of their choice in seating, vision sharpening with every beat of his heart. He fought the urge to run his hands down Quin's neck again. "Hey Quincie, fancy meeting you here." He chuckled, sniffing quickly. His nose was raw, bright against his pale complection.
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Quin did notice that Tegan sat behind him. He forgot that they were in this class together too. He was put a bit on edge though. He wasn't sure if Tegan was going to do anything this time around. He did notice that Tegan seemed fidgety again and Quin wasn't sure why. The moment that Tegan spoke to him, Quin nearly tensed up. He didn't know if Tegan was going to do anything to him besides just talk. Quin slowly turned around to look at him. Something seemed off. He looked different than he had this morning. "A-Are you, um, okay?" He asked. He didn't think Tegan was, but he wasn't sure what was wrong with him.
A smile broke out across his face, his teeth gleaming under the florescent lights. A small laugh fell from his lips.

Was he okay?


He was never okay.

Walking around with your heart in a pit, millions of needles pinning to the inside of you all at once. Your brain in a never ending storm, thoughts of scuicide whipping around the wet darkness like an ongoing hurricane. Always in a riptide of burning thoughts, their words scorching the inside of your brain.

Worthless, pathetic, loser, weird, dumb, stupid, catastrophe, dissapointment, grotesque, waste of life, waste of space...

You want to rip your skin off, let all the hate bubble out from your flesh. But you might trip, over the sea of salt and barbed wire, floating from class to class on a thin string. You hold on for dear life to that one small shred of sane hope, hope that someone will be there to catch you when you fall.

The silence was unbearable, words piled in the back of his whindpipe, he tried to push them past the shards of glass in his throat. Hiding it all being a mask of porcelain skin, his mouth held up in the cornesr with cheap stitches. His facade slowly faded with every moment that past. He had never been asked if he was fine, never once had someone been concerned about his well-being. He stared at Quin's features, his light yellow-green eyes meeting his darker gaze. Without realizing it, Tegan's false deminior shattered, his stitches unraveling. The white-haired boy let Quin's emerald eyes suck him in, for once he felt small. Why is this kid getting to me?

After a long moment of screaming silence, he parted his lips to speak. "I'm fine." He said bluntly, leaning back in his chair. His chest felt like someone had just hit him with a train, his rib-cage groaning under the sudden weight of emotions. Ones he'd spent years trying to force into a box that was too small. His voice shifted from scared, alone, and tired to anger. "Just pay attention." He snapped.
Quin waited patiently for an answer. The longer the silence went on, the more Quin was sure that Tegan wasn't okay. He started to feel nervous. Maybe he shouldn't have asked that question. Maybe he should have left it alone. Then Tegan finally answered. Quin still wasn't sure if he believed him. However, Tegan snapped and Quin quickly turned around in his seat. He really didn't understand Tegan at all. One minute he seemed nice and the next the opposite. Quin was utterly confused by him. Still, he couldn't spend his time trying to figure him out. Not class time anyway. The teacher started and Quin took careful notes.

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Tegan's mind raced, his brain spiraling. He lifted his hand to tap him on the shoulder, the urge to vomit his vermont overwhelming him. Something in the back of his mind crept over his hand, making him rest his arm down by his side. He didn't touch or talk to Quin the rest of the class, instead he burrows his head in his arms, resting his eyes while the teacher droned on. Eventually Mr. Shleksy stopped his lecture, eyes pointed on Tegan, he strolled over. Dipping his head by the student's head he cleared his throat loudly.

"Tegan, how can you possibly be able to do your homework if you're not able to process the materials I'm giving you?" He asked, calmly.

Tegan looked up at the kindhearted teacher, his yelllw-green eyes dropping slightly as he peered one eye from the top of his arms. "Well I'm not sleeping if that's what you're asking." He said, his heart still racing, his knees bouncing in his seat.

The teacher scoffed, his mustache rustling as his sour coffee breath fell along his face. "Pay attention." He said sternly, repeating what Tegan had just said to Quin just minutes before. Mr. Shleksy pointed to the math book that Team had been resting on. "Page 239. And you can copy what you missed Quinlan's notes." He stated before strolling back to the chalk board, and writing out an equation.

Tegan sat up, his brain was working too fast for him to argue. He flipped open his math book, pulling a piece of blank paper out of the folder stuffed in the middle. Tegan slid his red notebook out, grabbing his pen.

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