Scariest Video Game Moment/Scariest Video Game?

The hospital level in Alien: Isolation.
It's literally just you and the Xenomorph that seems to know your every move. I remember actually screaming a little while going through a vent and the alien grabbed me from behind.

The Collector Ship from Mass Effect 2. You kind of just explore this alien ship for 15-30 minutes while eerie music plays. I knew something bad was sure to happen, and when it did on my first playthrough (the ship wakes up not long after you learn the truth of the Collector's origins) I actually remember running out of ammo at one stage and having to punch my way through a bunch of Husks. It got intense.

Speaking of Mass Effect: the Banshees from Mass Effect 3. The mission at the Temple where you run into Samara and her other kids was one of the most intense in that entire game, if not the series as a whole. At one stage there's like five of them closing it at once while you're backed up against a wall, not to mention other Reaper forces.
They scream and suddenly they're in front of you with an insta-kill or from a distance they toss biotics that eat away at your shields just in time for them to get closer. Damn.
The Thessia mission had plenty of Banshees too, but the Ardat-Yakshi temple was crawling with the things.

Just Clickers from The Last of Us in general. There's a sewer level (because of course there is) that's crawling with infected, Clickers included and at one stage you're backed into a room while six of them rush you.
As I upgraded my weapons only at workbenches I could only hold two guns at a time. As such I was stuck with the sawn-off while they closed in, as my other gun was out and changing it would require going into my rucksack.
Never have I been more thankful that I upgraded a weapon.

Playing as Ellie during that Cannibal storyline was pretty frightening too, but the sewers were worse in my opinion. The Last of Us actually made zombies frightening for me again. Damn Clickers.

XCOM 2 has some scary moments too. The first time I encountered a Sectopod it was a routine mission to shut down some ADVENT transmitter. Suddenly the roof of the house the transmitter is in gives way and standing in front of one of my favourite soldiers is something from War of the Worlds and behind her was two trained guys and rookies I'd sent on the mission out of hubris, thinking it was just a normal mission and I could train them up.
The soldier made it, barely and I completed the mission, barely. Everyone actually made it out alive, but the moment that thing marched over cover and started opening up on my soldiers.

The Codex's first appearance happened at a bad time too. It was a rescue civilians mission gone wrong the moment Stuart Cooper stabbed an ADVENT Captain with that neural thing.
It killed two of my squadmates within three rounds but we managed to beat it by the skin of my teeth.
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It may sound dumb, but the scariest moment I had was during my first playthrough of Skyrim! A wizard NPC had spawned in the woods just to where i could make out that something was there, but I couldn't make out what it was. I waited about fifteen minutes before finally going to see what it was. I know it sounds wimpy, but it was a scary moment!
The scariest I've ever been in a game has stupidly been overwatch but it was a jump scare, not horror. I was tracer running around minding my own business (looking for someone to kill) when out of nowhere around the corner of a small room comes brigitte! I didn't hear her or anything somehow, which caught me completely off guard. Maybe she was just standing there until then. Tracer doesn't want to be right in front of her shield under any circumstance so I frantically backpedaled and somehow managed to escape but my heart was pounding. I don't think she was ready for a fight either. This happened fairly recently.

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