Scandals and Secrets (1x1 with Sire Souriez and Wolphie)

Sora frowned for a moment before smiling, "What ever pleases you sir, I won't be getting married. You should head to bed you have a ling day ahead of you."
Sora sighed, "She's just like your mother, that's what I think. Now I have to go and finish my chores because remember I'm not your friend just your servant." He turned walking away
Alek frowned and grabbed Sora's wrist. "Hey, who said that? You're my friend for sure!" he said, giving Sora puppy dog eyes.
Sora frowned, "No I'm just a close servant look at our relationship." He pulled away and sighed, "I'm sorry."
Alek's brows furrowed. "If you were just a close servant would I let you sass me? Would I let you bully me into waking up every morning? Come on Sora..."
Alek gave a saddened look before looking at his feet. "Night." he muttered before going inside and getting ready for bed.
Sora frowned and ran a hand through his hair, "That was a longer day than I thought." He sighed and headed out of the castle. Not really having any work to do but wanting to go to the spot he always escaped too
Sora snorted and shook his head hearing him as he turned down the hall, "He can learn how to deal with himself going to bloody have to soon anyway too old for a servant doing so much and him being a male." He sighed and headed out
Alek sighed as he slipped into bed and pouted. Why was Sora so mad at him? He groaned and put his face in his pillow, falling asleep.
Alek woke up the next morning waiting for Sora to help him get ready. He frowned and looked at the clock. Sora was usually here by now....

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