Scandals and Secrets (1x1 with Sire Souriez and Wolphie)

(Lol naw I'm fine with them ^^)

The king nodded, "Yes that is."

The queen, "And your going to be on your bed behaviour you understand! And be nice and just pick one okay I don't care if you don't like them there is no happily ever after. Got that?"

Sora rolled his eyes with a sigh seeing the queen looking at him he put his head down
Alek scoffed. "I'm sorry mother, I refuse to pick an unfit bride. I will pick a bride that suits me and if I don't find one...well...." He shrugged and continued to eat his food. "Are you feeling alright today father?"
The king smiled and nodded, "yes thank you son it's a good day today, but I am quite tired from coming down I think I will go take a nap now, son you be good." He waved his servants over to help him up.

The queen scoffed rolling her eyes
Alek smiled. "Have a nice nap father!" he called. He looked back at his mother. "Well if you excuse me, i'll be going into town. Tell the ladies i'll arrive when I arrive." he said and looked at Sora and waved him towards the door.
Sora followed quickly behind the prince.

The queen frowned, "oh no you don't young man! They are coming soon you will stay here so you don't come back smelling of commoners!"
Alek sneered and rolled his eyes. "Good bye mother!" he called before looking at Sora. "Lets go the kitchens and make those sandwiches, what type should we make?" he asked excitedly.
Sora chuckled as he herd the queen yelling after them and he walked along side Alek, "She's going to go nuts later you know that right? And ummm the cook just made a ham yesterday that would be good. She has to find something to do with it your mum didn't like is so she had to make a whole new one."
Alek's eyes widened. "My mother rejected a whole batch of sandwiches or just one? That's so rude, either way!" he huffed. He walked into the kitchens. "Ham will be good." he said with a determined nod.
Sora shrugged, "All of them, she took one bite didn't like it so the cook must had done something wrong." He sighed shaking his head. He looked up at the prince tilting his head.
Alek sighed and looked at the cook. "Have you thrown the sandwiches out yet?" he asked. The cook shook his head. "Good, I'll take them all in little bags then put them in a cart." He turned to Sora. "Bring 2 horses around and hook them up to the cart that's in the back, alright?"
Sora nodded, "Yes sir." He walked out back and did as he was suppose to coming back in a moment later and washing up, "Okay there I'm all done." He looked at the sandwiches and smiled, "Your too kind you know that."
Alek rolled his eyes. "Am not. I'm rude." he got onto his horse and looked at Sora. "Climb on and lets get going."
Sora sighed and nodded getting up looking down at the horse a little scared, "yeah okay, but where not going fast alright?"
Alek smiled happily. "No i'll go slow. We have to keep the sandwiches safe. When we get into town, we'll walk the horses around while we hand out sandwiches." he said. They started the ride into town which was about 10 minutes away. "I'm excited. I'm helping people and avoiding my duties!"
Sora chuckled, "I mean you want to wait for love and romance, you want to help people not rule them, you are everything opposite of what a prince should be." He smiled at him
Alek shook his head. "I don't think I am. I think I'm everything a prince should be but hasn't been yet." he said, smiling brightly.
Sora laughed shaking his head, "We'll than from this day forth may you be everything a prince should really be because your the first right one." He turned to him smiling. " You know I've never thanked you."
Alek blinked. "For what?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. "And thank you. I'm touched." he said with a smirk.
Sora looked ahead and sighed, "For taking me in, I mean you remeber that day the one when you finally forced me to come back cause I had that cut on my head." He chuckled and smiled at the prince. "I mean after you first meet me you followed me for weeks trying to get me to come back. And well look at me I can clean but thats about it I don't know if I wold be here today if it wasnt for you."
((going to bed, ttytomorrow))

Alek sighed and nodded. "Don't thank me for that. Thank you for taking care of me all these years."
Alek sighed and smiled. "Look the city!" he said excitedly. He stopped the horses and got off, waiting for Sora to get unmounted. "Keep an eye out for any homeless people, or hungry, or poor!" he said, bouncing with every step.
Sora chuckled getting down with a deep breath, "Yes sir." He walked behind smiling as he lead the horses.

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