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Multiple Settings Satan's Rogues {CHARACTER SHEETS}



the biggest dingus to ever ding

Tear off my nails, dig into my skin, still, I am who I am.


    You'd always gotten a 'second chance'. You grew to expect it, really, and you did whatever, whenever and wherever you damn well pleased. Only this time, it seemed... you wouldn't be getting that second chance again.

    The ultimatum was clear and vague all at once; You could serve your respective sentence in prison, or you could serve the scientific community for a specific 'social experiment' they'd hoped to conduct on a group of young people. You weren't given any details, though-

    They'd only told you to make your choice, and where to show up.


    A group of supreme fuckups has exhausted their every opportunity to reenter society without jail time, but is given just ONE last chance to avoid dire circumstance. Each formally complies to the requests of said scientists, thinking it'd just be a bit of sample collection. Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to them, their lives are no longer their own. Over the course of several weeks, the facility wastes no time restraining their new toys. Injections, merciless physical testing, minimal rest, rinse and repeat.

    Those that survived it all are faced with the realization that there won't be a 'release', as they'd been told prior to more or less signing their lives away. With no end in sight, they'll have to leave on their own, and hide well, if they make it.

coded by weldherwings.


coded by phnx.

Mia Bunmi

stella jang

  • basics


    Mia Bunmi






    Cis. Female
















    Kitty Chicha

    Good easily fades away.

    Think twice before you, start to fall for me.​

name: Jessica Dorothy Kirkson
nickname(s): Jessy, Jess, Sharps
age: 21
gender: Female
sexuality: Lesbian
race/ethnicity: ???
ability: Harnessable Regeneration. The quality and speed of her regeneration is massively enhanced, and her body is able to hyper-efficiently process and internalize resources, improving her overall physical capabilities. She can control this, most easily just to focus regeneration, but also to modify her body, particularly by creating bone weapons.

hair: Red, short, unkempt, usually stubble or sideshave.
eyes: Green
skin: Pale, but heavily scarred and weathered for her age, with a wealth of freckles.
weight: Leanly muscular. She has lost some bulk from the food here and her abilities, but become significantly stronger.
height: 5’5 even
distinguishing features: She has a line of scar tissue going all the way across the left side of her skull, with the tip of her ear being severed. High on her forehead she has a scattered mess of scars from a glass bottle being violently shattered. She also has a knife scar starting midway up her right cheek and crossing her right eye.
aesthetic: Scrappy butch brawler and enjoyer of underground fighting rings.

personality: Jessy
positive traits: Friendly, Strong-willed, Caring
negative traits: Brutal/vicious, Socially inept, Merciless, Bloodlust, Broke, Uneducated
skills: Fighting, Traveling Cheap
fears: Being forced into stillness, not just in simple physical terms, but also in her ability to roam, and travel. Down even deeper is a dread of failing people she cares about that has inspired her to flee from them.
ailments: She has a scattering of undiagnosed mental issues, but all physical health issues faded with the emergence of her powers. She can still scar over, but not if it would actually impede her function. In fact if healing while unconscious, she cannot scar.

crimes charged with: Trespass, petty theft, grand theft auto, assault, robbery
backstory: According to her mother, she is a crashout, and always has been, crashing out of school and into endless fights. She soon fell in with a bad crowd that she liked just fine, starting small, mostly just aggressively hanging out together and a bit of shoplifting. As they got older, it escalated fairly quickly, street fights, protection rackets, carjacking. She was sixteen when she first had to skip town, and that was the last time she ever spoke with her family.

For better or for worse she never really fell in with the big dogs, instead mostly getting into fighting. She went for underground rings, but she wasn’t above doing bruiser work wherever she rolled into town. Whenever things got too hot, with either the law or the local criminal element, she simply stole a car and skipped town. It kept her ahead of the game for a while, often hungry perhaps, but free and clear. Unfortunately her luck ran a little sour and she had a bad fight, got her bell rung.

When she woke up she was in temporary custody, it very quickly became long-term when they pulled her inter-state info. If she had been a patient woman she might have just gone into the system. Sure she had a lot of smoke, and they would have got her on enough to send her away a while, but she could get by, and then she would have been free, without the fire being found. When offered a chance to be free again, to escape, she jumped at it, and damned herself.

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