[SAO:Tales of Aincrad]The Town Of Beginnings

Alwyn stared at the now clear evening sky before closing his eyes and focusing on the feeling of the sun on his face, desperately trying not to break down.

One unlucky critical, one missed attack could mean the end of any of us.

Opening his eyes as the last of the mirror glows faded he noted how much easier it was to see over the crowd and scoffed quietly.

Typical, some play to escape the drudgery of real life and others to escape their body type. Alright I need to grind up right now and make sure I keep up with the front runners and see if any guilds worth joining form after a while, however long a while in this world is going to be.

Hefting his spear Alwyn straightened up ignoring the yelling people filling the plaza and strode swiftly away.
Ashlyn stretched her arms as she thought about Keaser's question. "Never had any lovers," She smiled as she thought of the one person she would of ever considered dating. Giving a sigh, she pushed the beer towards Keaser. "I've never been much of a relationship person. Sort of enjoy flirting instead," Ashlyn chuckled to herself a little as she thought about it.

Changing the subject, the redhead got up from her seat. "Ah, we can't let Aes and Panda get ahead of us. Why don't we go out and kill some things randomly?" she inquired as she lightly nudged his shoulder. "We could go get Sora, see who she has found. Maybe impress a few girls..." she winked at him. Keaser seemed pretty hidden, but she felt like she was just a tad bit closer to being real friends. "How about it?"


A sound from a monster spawning made Aes spin around from the utter shock of it. "Well then, Panda we also have to meet up with Sora here" He said while smiling at a the level 1 weakling wolf that just spawned. Getting his blade ready he stared at it with anticiption. He went at it with his sword as he slashed towards it.


He hit the wofs mid-body area and a long red gash appeared on it. The wof growled as it exploded into a shower of blue. "I plan to get stronger so I can help you all" he said feeling kinda powerful.


Sadly the wolf dropped nothing.


"We're almost to the meeting point" Sora said as she was walking with Linel. I wonder what she joined for She thought to herself with her curiosity besting her. The sound of some monster being destroyed was heard ahead and Sora turned to her friend with a smirk on her face.
~Senzeru [Charles Reinuko]~

Charles spaced out as he listened in on the conversation between the two girls, not paying attention to the guy talking to him. Party, huh? Well, better than doing nothing I suppose. Might as well think about an answer when they approach me, he thought to himself. He then looked up, noticing that the guy was still there.

Geez, what a creep. "Oh, sorry, I was going to go alone for a little bit. Thanks for the offer, though," Charles told the guy before walking off. Guess I'll get some levels in the meantime.
Lucas lifted an eyebrow at Poisons statement, he listened to her a bit taking the beer that was passed to him up as she did taking a long sip. At the end of her words and the suggestion of leaving he put his feet off the table and said with a grin "Never had any lovers? Hard to believe I'd think you'd have had plenty of opportunities." this sentence mostly came out with the knowledge that she liked to flirt. He lifted up the beer in one hand and took a bit of a chug and nodded his head to her suggestion of going and finding the others as to not be left behind in levels, but he waved his hand to this "They're coming back to us right? Besides if we leave then the celebration leaves with us." he put a smile on his face a chuckle coming from his lips.

Lucas looked back to the NPCS inhabiting the inn and yelled "Please give us a tune oh musicians and all that bull!" his words came out a little slurred his cheeks now rose by the power of the alcohol. "I think that's enough beer for me that really was strong..." he muttered, he'd turn his head back with a smile as a tune was in fact struck up and it was quite a good one at that, so much so that Lucas couldn't help but let out a little hum at it. He turned back to Poison and said "And if we stay here long enough and they all come back we can have our own little "Party" eh? Besides we got a room here and it's close to dark even less of a reason to go out." he went on "I mean do you want wake up the next morning tired and bruised or tired and happy? Maybe next to pretty girl or guy in your case!" He said this with a lot of energy in his voice. After this he rested himself in his chair, leaning back in it waiting for her response.
Ashlyn sighed at Keaser. He seemed s little drunk at the moment so she figured someone should watch him. I wonder if he is alright, she thought to herself. "Alright, I'll stay with you for your own benefit," she sighed with a slight smile.

"I don't particuliarly mind waking up sore. Sort of use to it," She remembered all the early mornings, the rushing and need to succeed not for herself for all those around her. "I just feel like I'm missing out," she frowned but she liked the idea of cuddling with something cute. "Hopefully they will get back soon," she thought as she came back to sit down as Keaser caused a ruckus throughout the inn.

@Dice (forgive me if this looks short. I cannot tell)
Lucas shook his head a little as Poison sat back down, he was acting a bit out of order for himself. But on deeper consideration he didn't really care, this was day one well more like night one, but either way he didn't want to go to bed in a puddle of his tears. Lucas looked at Poison giving a weak smile and out stretched his arms trying to give an illusion on how big all of this was. After going through it with this gesture he spoke with a voice of that which seemed to understand the vastness of his gesture "Poison your now trapped in a video game with about a million people granted the number is dropping, but you won't miss out on much to he honest. Yeah maybe you will, but that's because of other people or yourself what I'm saying is that hopefully we'll all wake up from this. Live a little while your still dreaming." Lucas went quite after this and his head lowered he looked at his boots with a sigh. "Dark? Yes always. Everywhere is dark. It comes in.... the great darkness, and... it shrouds the world and it will...dominate eternally." He went quite and soon started up again "And beauty...will be overthrown and crushed, and the prophets will choke, endeavoring to pronounce their pre-motions" He went on "For a day the future will be blocker than their most ominous....fears and what they see will Poison their reason." He finished on a low note.

"The words of Dmitry Glukhovsky" Lucas said quite dry afterwards, he tapped the bottom of his boots on the table still looking at them. "It's the only quote that comes to mind, but I don't dare finish it the character who spoke it died instantly afterwards, I guess I'm trying to say in a very uh....terrible way I, we can't let it get to us Poison." Lucas turned looking at poison, maybe putting off a serouis vibe but in all honestly Lucas looked quite silly in the postion he was sitting "We can't let the darkness take over our thoughts and mind, I on many occasions have and let it win...we can't lose hope is all!" Lucas picked up the last of his sentence not trying to seem so dull. He leaned over giving a small nod of his head "So back to our talk to pretty girls eh?" Lucas let out a chuckle afterwards the serouis vibe if any left him, now replaced with a bright happiness!
Ashlyn gave a soft smile to Keaser. "It's better to look happy then be miserable as I always say," she added to his quote. "But I'm not sad by this scenario. If that makes me cruel or strange that is fine, but I'm quite pleased to be here," Ashlyn brushed her bang aside and felt confident in her words. Maybe she was a weirdo, but for the first time in her life she could make her own choices and that pleased her to no end.

"I'm sorry, Keaser," recalling how he was a little more broken by the situation, she figured her own words were a kick in everyone's face. "I don't know why I'm happy to be here. I must be a terrible person, but I can't think of a time when I ever wss truly happy," she stopped. How she hated when she would just go on and on and on. Usually it made things worse not better and in this case it probably would be the same. Changing the subject, she got up. "I need a little fresh air. I'll be right back, okay?" She then preceded to walk out the door.

Lucas nodded and let out small murmurs at her words, wrapping his mind around her situation. When she said she felt happy here it took Lucas back for a moment. How could someone taken from their world and thrust into a new one with death ever present be happy, even more so with the challagened they'd fave. But thinking it over Lucas realized that he didn't really understand Poisons life and he most likely wouldn't for a while...but he could try. As she walked to the door Lucas put his fingers to his lips obviously thinking of saying something.

"Hey Poison!" He called out, not very sure on what he was doing. "To comfort you a bit...this is a game, we play games to escape the normal and challagene ourself, but I don't think any of us in our hearts really wanted this." He gave her a smile going on as her hand went on the door "But...we're here for awhile and I feel I owe you something for your coming out there..." Lucas went deeply quite, what he was about to do was a point of no return, a fork in the road for his entire time in this game no matter what. He opened his mouth and rather nervously said "I-im Lucas...but call me Atticus, everyone on the other side did...atleast let's not stick to these dumb usernames right?" He gave her a nod as he exited, either making it harder for her or easier. Lucas, well Atticus as he now asked to be called sat turned back facing the window and looked out at the setting sun. It was the first day almost over and he didn't think it could get worse or better....but then he realized he was starting to sober up "I need another beer!" He exclaimed as he got a grin on his face, yes this was how the first night should go.

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"They should be just up ahead now" Sora said as her and Linel went up the hill to see Aes and Panda. "Hey!" Sora yelled out as Aes turned and waved to the two of them. "So you two ready to go back to the inn?" Aes asked as him and Panda stood around each other. "Yep" Sora said and Linel nodded as they all walked on their way back to the inn. Aes talked to them about what happened on the quest and what they fought, rewards, and the friends that were made on the trip.

It took the group a total of 30 minutes of walking for them to see the inn. "And there it is" Aes exclaimed as he sent Keaser and Poison a message. "We're back with our new friends" The message said. They walked closer talking about random things in the real world that they would miss. Then they cheered themselves up by talking about good things they were going to do in the game. They were closing in on the inn but were still a good 5 or so minutes away from it.

@.::ZaiKai::. @Emiya Shin
“What....” was all Adelaide could say after the speech. She stood there, rigid with shock? Fear? Surprise? Adelaide wasn’t sure what it was exactly, she wasn’t sure what anything was. It was everything and nothing, her life replaying in her mind, thoughts of her mother and friends taking a dominant position at the front of her thoughts. Finally she snapped from her own mind and hesitantly checked her items to find the mirror.

What happened next was a complete surprise to Adelaide, who hadn’t been watching those around her. When it was her face looking back at her in the mirror she staggered back in shock and slammed it to the ground, not watching it shatter into polygons as she turned and fled the plaza, shoving her way through the gathered people in a blind panic. After a bit of running she eventually ended up in one of the towns back alleys, a dark location where no one else was around. Adelaide fell against the wall there with a sudden sob, all of the shock catching up to her...

It would be a couple hours until she would rise from her hidden position and undertake a quest, her time spent deciding her initial actions of becoming a solo player, at least for now.
Kalin shook his head in disbelief.It...it couldn't be possible. Who in the world would allow something like this to happen!?' he thought to himself, as the figure disappeared. So they were trapped. Until someone cleared all of the dungeons, they were all stuck. Kalin clenched his fists, as he received a notification, stating he'd received an item. He opened his inventory, where he found a mirror waiting. He pulled it out, and looked into it. "What the hell is this even-"

before he could finish speaking, his words were interrupted by a flash of light which disoriented him. When Kalin regained his senses, the first thing he noticed was that he was slightly taller. More like he was in the real world. It only took a glance at the red hair hanging down from his scalp for Kalin to realize what had occurred.

"So that's how it is, huh..." he thought to himself. There was no longer a mirror to look into, but he knew. The Azure was gone. In his place stood Kalin Rosaria. "Ah, Inigo...What have I gotten myself into, now..."
Aes, Sora, and Linel walked for a little while longer until they were about 50 feet from the inn. "Well here it is" Aes said with a fake enthusiasm as he looked at everyone. They continued to walk for a little while before they got right outside the inn and Aes went to open the door. He hear talking and shrugged before he grabbed the handle and opened the door. Sora walked inn looking around at everyone and everything inside of the inn, studying it an observing it as she did in the real world.

"So Sora is it to your liking" Aes said not really caring but he had to ask just to be a gentleman. A man carrying a mug of beer walked towards a table lit by the cheerful music and interior of the place. Aes saw people relaxing around the table and the people were very familiar to him "Poison, Keaser!" Sora yelled across the room to them a huge smile on her face as she waved. Aes chuckled as he watched Sora's reaction and then went to his inventory to unequip his sword. He vanished the menu and looked towards Poison and Keaser with a smirk on his face before looking turning to the waiter who was adding something into the mug that he was bringing to Keaser and Poison.
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"No no no... How can they do that?" Marella asked herself after she and every other player listened to what the Robed Figure in the Sky said. "I can't be in here. My mother..." Marella punched a house's wall, causing the 'Immortal Object' Sign to appear. "What the hell am I going to do?" She fell against a wall in an alley, barely holding herself back from tears. My mother won't be able to handle this! What's going to happen to her? Oh no... Marella once again looked through the interface in a desperate attempt to find the logout button. "Stop it Marella. You need to maintain your composure." She told herself, standing up straight again. Two NPCs walked by carrying a large mirror. Marella looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't find her custom avatar. She found herself, Joyce. "What? That isn't right? Is it?" She put her hand through her hair. I had given my avatar short hair. My hair is back to being long again. How did they figure out our appearance? "Damn it." Joyce growled, stomping out of the alley.

Jericho just happened to be walking towards an armor shop, hoping to get a better idea of what he may want to save up for. Jericho noticed a girl stomping past him, that looked somewhat familiar. He looked back at her as he walked. Marella had also noticed someone familiar. It took her a moment to process, but the she remembered. Marck Dios! Marella swirled around and grabbed Jericho's wrist. "Do you remember me?" Marella asked the shorter boy. Jericho, surprised at the upfront nature of the girl, stood there speechless for a moment. Jericho then noticed her Username. "Joyce?" Marella smiled slightly. "Yep, it's good to see a familiar face, my distant cousin!" she exclaimed. Her loud voice could be heard above all the other voices in the vicinity. "Anyway, Jericho, I'm looking for a quest or mission, or whatever. You know any good ones?" Marella asked, letting go Jericho's arm. He thought for a moment. I could have her go do that Boar quest that I did, or I could find a more difficult quest and bring her along with me. "Well, I was looking for a quest right now as well, we can look together." Marella nodded in agreement.
Pandora thinks a moment, tapping his foot. He looks at Aes, Sora, and the new person. "You three can go back to the inn if you want," he says. "I'm going to stay here and kill some monsters - maybe go into town and do some window-shopping. I'll message you guys if anything happens, and I expect you all to do the same."

Thinking a moment, he nods to himself as is his habit, confirming his thoughts. This sword isn't really his style - if he can get some more skill points, he'll be able to get a curved sword skill and then buy that type of weapon. Pandora looks down at the sword in his hand. It'll be sad to give it up - it helped him fight those bandits. However, he's just not feeling it. The curved swords seem like they would be better for him. He snaps out of it, remembering he's talking to people. "Sound like a plan?"
Leaning back against a brick building, Reese waited patiently for his friend to get online and message him. He texted his username to his friend earlier, although at time he hadn’t even registered into the game yet. Reese only realized this after he was well into the character creation, but luckily the name was still available, so in the end it all worked out. “Ah… he’ll probably get on me about that later.” Reese muttered to himself.

While he waited, Reese took a look at his surroundings. When he first logged in, the immersiveness and likeness to reality definitely impressed him, even scared him a little. And even now he couldn’t get over how talented the developers of this game must’ve been. When he touched the walls, the ground, and others players - who weren’t too happy about a stranger invading their personal space - he could feel the sensation in his hands, and when he, for whatever reason, decided to lick the same brick wall he was standing against, he managed to taste something quite unpleasant. It was an experience he couldn’t fully comprehend, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. Even earlier he was doing some sort of unintelligible dance trying to figure out if they were any limitations to how his in-game body could move.

Out of the corner of his eye, Reese noticed what seemed to be a head of pink, fluffy afro-like hair walking by. He turned his head out of curiosity and his eyes were not deceiving him! Feeling compelled to greet this funky fresh, stylish looking stranger, Reese ran out to him, “Hey! You with the hair!” Just before Reese reached out to get the passerby player’s attention, he found himself surrounded in a crowd of players, none of whom he noticed around him a second ago. They seemed just as confused as he was. He tried looking around and over the crowd to find the person he was just looking for, but Reese couldn’t spot that bundle of hair anywhere.

From above, Reese started to hear a voice. Looking towards its source, he saw a large, hooded figure floating in the sky. Reese was having some trouble following what it was saying because everyone around him kept talking amongst themselves, but he caught the important bits. “I’m stuck… in this game?” Earlier, he did notice that he couldn’t find the logout option, but he chalked that up to his unfamiliarity with the game and games in general. Reese’s concern immediately went towards work, “Crap, what if I get fired?”

But Reese’s concerns regarding work were instantly overshadowed by the hooded figure’s next words. “I can die in here?” He took a look at the palms of his hands, not really sure how to process what he just heard. The words seemed to come in one ear and then head out the other. Reese decided that, especially with the real life reports of death relating to the game, it’d be best for him to not think about it to hard, as it would probably do more harm than good anyways, and just take what the floating guy in the sky was saying at face value. “I just need to stay away from the dangerous monsters then, I think…”

Next, Reese was told there was some sort of present in his inventory. After fiddling with the interfaces for awhile, a mirror appeared in his hands. It flashed, and then Reese saw not his in-game avatar, but his actual, real life appearance, down to the headband too. He smiled, “Well this is kind of cool.”

Someone nearby walked straight up to Reese, “Wait, you’re a guy!?” Reese had no idea who this person was, but apparently they noticed his transformation. He grinned and scratched his head, “Ahhh yea,” Reese chuckled a bit a little. “The friend I bought this game with always says I look like this girl from an anime he watches, so I decided to model my character after her and mess with him a bit!” The stranger was a loss for words and just walked away.

Reese noticed that some players were starting to party up and clear out of the area, while others stayed behind still trying to regain their composure. “I should probably get out of here too, and make some friends while I’m at it.”
Ashlyn sighed at Keaser, bu soon gave a smile. "My name is Ashlyn, but lets just keep that between you and me for now," She winked as she went to sit down to Keaser waiting for the others to return. She laid her head down on the bar as she slowly drifted off to sleep, but awoke to the sound of Keaser receiving his next beer. "I guess I am a little exhausted. I wonder how my body is doing," She said out loud as she thought of her body just sitting their lifeless as she lived this amazing life in this world. "At least we don't have to worry about being fat," She laughed to herself.

Ashlyn turned to look out the door with her head on her hand. "I hope Sora is having luck finding people. I really want to get going on a new quest or even a dungeon!" Her eyes glowed with excitement, but she soon yawned and laid her head back down. She dreamed of reaching more floors and seeing the beautiful virtual world that she now lived in. Another sigh escaped her lips as she realized she was dreaming in a virtual life.

(You guys can remain here but if you move extended interactions to its own thread, like your party at the inn, you can earn a SP for a completed topic. )


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Haruto looked around after the glow of white had vanished, noticing the ever changing appearances of those around him. It didn't bother him, as he made his character almost an exact image of himself. The only thing that changed were his eyes changing from an aqua blue to a crimson red, his hair from jet black to beach blonde, and a growth back to his true size; completing the true image of Haru. With the new gift Haruto also gained new knowledge about this game, some that was much more bothering then his original appearance coming back.

A game that has the ability to truly punish for failure in the game with death in the real world, it's a truly brutal concept. A brutal concept or an effective way to reintroduce humans to the idea of 'survival of the fittest', either way it was beginning to work on Haruto's nerves that he could die. Not that he planned to, as there were many factors that he believed could keep him alive, but again he wasn't worried about himself. With everyone beginning to clear out, Haruto headed around the town to find her.

A Few Hours Later:

Haruto was unable to find her, but after asking around it seemed she wasn't dead. Many had seen the girl, but none noted which way she went. Haruto needed more information and more people to help, so he headed out; looking for either money to pay someone, a party to find her, or some sort of closure as it was starting to lose his focus.

Nails began digging into Gale's wrist as she took in all that was said to the players. A moment of panic swept over her, yet passed quickly. Viewing the panic of others around her reminded that it was less than beneficial to be so. Instead she let out a deep breath before opening up the inventory pulling out a mirror. Slow relative to everyone else at this point, it was of little surprise to her when her appearance revered to her normal self. However the flash of light hurt her eyes for that fleeting moment.

Gale's appearance changed minimally, eye colour, hair length, other minor details. She didn't try too hard to make her character, it was already rather similar to herself.

Once the mirror shattered, Gale grabbed Abigail's arm tightly. Using all of her strength to not hurt Abigail in the process. It was Abby's fault she was now stuck their, and the small sliver of her that knew it wasn't entirely Abby's fault had a difficult time fighting for control of Gale.

"We, need, to go, somewhere, quiet, to talk," an exasperated Gale finally got out after a moment. Her emotions more than clear in that moment.

Abigail took a slight step back as she listened to the mans words, her face frozen in a stupefied look. Not even halfway through the speech and she was weighing odds. Odds that it was all fake, none of what he said true. And odds that he meant every word, every damn word. The odds were far from her favor and she certainly wouldn’t be willing to bet against the dealer in this situation.

By the time she came away from her thoughts Gale was holding her arm tightly, painfully actually. “We, need, to go, somewhere, quiet, to talk,” her sister said. Abigail looked over, about to agree, when she noticed Gale, “Gale! What the hell?! You look like you!” She said in surprise before something the man said resurfaced in her mind. Abigail hesitantly checked her inventory and looked at the mirror a moment. She wasn’t sure if she should use it but then without warning it simply appeared in front of her and her entire body lit up. Before she knew it she was able to see again and of course she was herself. “What the hell...” She muttered, looking herself up and down.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2eab15ce_Meredith_flip_60.jpg.e728a5d1c0961c6a41fb0f0b51cd8775.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57603" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2eab15ce_Meredith_flip_60.jpg.e728a5d1c0961c6a41fb0f0b51cd8775.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vorelle - The Town of Beginnings

The damning words of Kayaba Akihiko struck home. He had sentenced them all to certain death.

Vorelle swiped her hand to bring up the menu where she searched her limited inventory and brought out the mirror. Like many of the others, it flashed and she saw not her avatar, but her normal, everyday self. In shock, she dropped the offending item which shattered and vanished in a small swirl of pixellated dots.

She looked around as the other astonished players began to come to the same realizations as she had: they were game-equipped, but they were themselves and not their game sprite. As she listened to the other players wonder at the transformation, her mind quickly analyzed and surmised that the NerveGear had processed their physical features in the real world and had simply skinned their avatar here in the game.

She breathed a sigh of relief. If it was a computer program, then it could be managed. True, it would be incredibly difficult to complete all of the levels, but it could be done otherwise the game would have no point. A challenge! she thought.

Players began to come to terms with their new virtual reality and it struck her – in the game, who was she, really? Was she Vorelle, the valiant and daring who would take any comers and narrowly win the day, or was she Meredith, the computer nerd.

She checked her inventory which was still open. Not much here, she thought. More's the pity. Since there was no sense dwelling on things out of her control, she tapped the menu and equipped her long sword. In a quick glimmer, the weapon appeared, sheathed and slung smartly from her hip. She looked at the hilt and clasped her hand around it. The sword felt ... well, right in it's place at her side.

Ok, I'm Vorelle, then, she mused. The swordswoman began to push her way through the crowd with a confident step. If I'm going to die in here, she thought, then I'm going down fighting.



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Redwing / Amelia Avarett

Kayaba Akihiko's words on the game and the players had been revealed. Almost everyone was either shocked or scared. If being trapped in a game was not bad enough, the fact that they could actually die here was like adding salt to one's wound.

However, after the man disappeared, the players started to bring out an item from their inventory. Intrigued by such actions, Amelia followed them. She opened her inventory, seeing three basic potions and something unusual - a mirror. It had no description, but it seemed to be something special since the other players had the same item brought out. So, she took it out from her inventory.

Seeing the mirror, it seemed to be plain and of no use but to look at one's reflection. So, she did. Upon looking at the mirror, light quickly flashed before her, making her unable to see her reflection in her first glance. And so, she took another look, only to be surprised by the result. The reflection shown was not her avatar's but her true identity's. "W-what the!", she almost screamed. How can such a program copy her real form. Truly, this was something else. It wasn't a simple prank, nor was it some glitch. It was real. They were truly trapped in the game.

The thought of such things almost sent Amelia panicking. However, she regained her senses in a short moment. Calm down. You musn't panic. Nor must you fear. Use your skills. Plan. Strategize. Create your tactics that will ensure your escape from this prison., she thought to herself. It was not so soon that she all ready had a grand plan, starting from how she would take things from here and how she'd survive up 'till the top. "All right.", she said. "First, I'll get looking for a pretty good party."

She then, left the crowd gathered in the center of the town, and started to look for parties that looked to have skilled players. Sure there were people who came to her and invited her to their parties due to her looks and friendly, but they did not meet her expectations, thus leading to her rejecting their offers. She wanted something of high-quality, something where her plan would would perfectly. And so, she continued to search.

Maiya Hunter


At around 2 Maiya noticed something was wrong. After she had parried a boar's attack and then dealt the fatal blow with her rapier, Maiya planned to log out to make sure she had something in her stomach. That way she could play through the night.

Sighing a little because she had to leave for a little, she pulled up the menu to log out, and found the option missing. She felt she should have been a little unnerved, but instead she just chuckled a little. Someone nearby asked what was funny, a tall man with short black hair, and she informed him the logout option was missing. He pulled it up himself to confirm it, and found it was true.

"That can't be right..." He said, more to himself than to Maiya.

"Don't worry, it'll be fixed soon. Until then, if you have someone at home, they can just remove the NerveGear. It won't be a big deal."

He was quiet for a minute, staring at the missing option before looking up at Maiya and grinning. "Guess that makes it okay, right? Thank you, um..."

"M... Artemis." She said, returning his smile.

"Thunder." He replied. They bumped fists. There was another pause as he looked around. "Hey, did you want to team up? We could take down some of the bigger things and maybe level up a little faster."

Maiya nearly literally jumped at the chance. She managed to cull it into a little excited bounce. "Of course! Lets be the first to clear the first dungeon!" A couple of option clicks later, they were headed towards something a little tougher, planning out ways to work together.

As 3 came around, Maiya and Thunder had cleared six or seven monsters tougher than boars and even had begun to get a good pattern to attacking together. Once they cleared another, Thunder pulled up his menu. "Looks like I'll be forced out in a minute here. My wife and kids will want to eat early. Let's add each other, okay? We'll meet back up when I log back in."

Maiya nodded and pulled up her menu, going through the options. She watched a pop up appear in front of him (Do you want to add Artemis as a friend?) and he clicked 'ok'. They continued to talk for a few minutes, until he suddenly disconnected. Content with making a new friend, Maiya headed back to the town.

On the way back was when the bell rang.

Endurance: 6

Strength: 1

Durability: 0

Accuracy: 0

Speed: 0

In the silence after he talked about death, Maiya felt the information sink in. All of it. Many people seemed to despair. Others laughed, doubting it. Some tried to blow off the man as a story character. For Maiya, all that changed was a widening of her eyes. If what he said was true, then Thunder... Her eyes drifted down below the figure, not focused on anything. If what he said was true, then her new friend was just killed by his own wife or children. The shock made her miss part of what he was saying, but as she refocused, he was talking about HP and death.

It numbed her more than anything, and as he finished his speech, mentioning an item, she simply obeyed, like everyone else did. With the mirror out, she looked at her avatar: tall, long, blonde hair, silver eyes. She seemed so powerful, even with her eyes wide, staring back at herself. Then the mirror broke, as did everyone else's. The glow blinded her for a minute, and when she was able to see again, she felt shorter. Other people were freaking out again. As she scanned the crowd, she saw short people, fat people, ugly, pretty. Maiya began to realize what had happened and reached a hand up to feel her hair. Short. She looked at it as it flopped down in front of her eyes. Brown. So, it was her true face. Not only did he want to kill everyone, he wanted to make sure they looked like themselves as they did it.

As before, with the logout option, she just started laughing. Some people stepped away from her, alarmed. But once her laughing was under control, she calmly flipped the area off where the man had been, turned around, and walked away. It was time to go back to training, then.

Luke Riddler

Username: Riddle
Town of Beginnings

He forced his head up and down into a nod, even as a frown tugged at his lips. "Okay, fine." he muttered, forcing his lips into a forced smile he knew the other boy wouldn't see, as he was even now still moving away.

Well that didn't work. Best try someone else?

He forced optimism to his movements as he allowed his brown gaze to dart about the town, finding not many others to be remaining. Maybe going solo was a worthy pursuit. He could always team up with someone later on. With that, Luke allowed his legs to carry him away from the area.

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