[SAO:Tales of Aincrad]The Town Of Beginnings

Pandora whirls around, spotting the jumping girl. He raises a hand in greeting and jogs over in time to hear the introductions of Aes and Sora. He nods to them. "A pleasure to meet you, Aes, Sora," he says, then nods to Ashlyn. "You too, whatever your name might be. My own username on this game is Pandora, although an old friebd on other games used to call me Panda."

He swipes his hand, opening his menu and sending the three of them friend requests and party invitations. "I believe we would benefit from forming a party. The four of us are stronger than any one of us alone. Of course, it's also just an excuse to make the acquaintances of three fine players as yourselves." Pandora smiles softly at them. "Get it? Excuse? Fine? Yeah, sorry. I don't get it either."
Giving a big grin as she took the boys hand and turned to Pandora. "Panda and Aes as well as Sora who has wandered off, my username is PoisonPrincess, but you can call me Poison," She purred excitingly. She pushed her one white bang from her face and turned to see that Sora had went off to see another player. "I was thinking of doing a quest. How about yall?" She questioned as she looked through to see quest. "There is one that gives us a room to stay in for free," She suggested as she turned her orange gaze to her new companions.

@.::ZaiKai::. @ScaraByte @Dice
Lucas dropped his hands to the side with a bit of a blank expression on his face. "I was.....trying to feel...warm you know...seeing as our bodies are kinda now this..." He finished the sentence with a bit of a dry note, but he lifted his head up seemingly looking past the girl as the friend request appeared in front of him. He slowly moved his hand forward tapping the 'Yes' on the friend request, a small smile would appear on his lips afterwards followed by a light chuckle. "I can't say I've had any friends in this new world before Sora." he held out his hand saying "I'm L- Keaser!' there wasn't really a point telling someone he just met his real name, but he found it a bit rude that he didn't actually say it. "That's my screen name...sorry if not telling you my real name isn't a good sign of trust." he stood up looking over the girl to the group forming he gave a slight gesture with his hand "Should we go join your other friends? I assume your all going on a quest." he set his hands into his pocket waiting for an answer.
"I would be happy to join your party" Aes said as he and Sora accepted the invite and Friend request. "Well I think we're the first party in SAO as of a giant red blob in the sky" Aes says looking at the game-master. "I think the name panda does kinda suit you though" Aes said with a smile, This will sadly be better than my real life I would have to say Achiro thought to himself but pushed the thought down. "By the way to get this out of the way Sora is my little sister so" Aes said scratching the back of his neck.

"I would be happy to join your party" Aes said as him and Sora accepted the invite and Friend request. "Well I think we're the first party in SAO as of a giant red blob in the sky" Aes says looking at the game-master. "I think the name panda does kinda suit you though" Aes said with a smile, This will sadly be better than my real life I would have to say Achiro thought to himself but pushed the thought down.

"Yeah thats probably for the best or my brother might worry" Sora said as she took Keaser's hand in hers and started to pull him towards the others with determination written on her face. "Hey Sora you took your time and who's your friend" Aes asked smiling as Sora introduced them "Aes meet Keaser, Keaser Aes". Aes sent him a friend request and then said "Yeah I think if we have a quest and it gets a bonus of a place to stay if a great chance for us" as he thought on what is could do for them.
Pandora looks to Poison. Hmm... A free inn room would be useful in our ventures on Floor One. And if it's on floor one, it shouldn't be too terribly hard. He nods to himself. Yes, that sounds like a very good plan. He nods again, to Poison this time.

"That sounds like a great quest," Pandora says. "A free room in a Floor One inn would be very helpful, at least until the floor is cleared. I say we should accept it."
"Plus maybe we could get some helpful drops and use it for weapons or money" Aes thought about a new sword and touched the hilt of his sword with his hand. "You and your swords Aes" Sora said smiling at the friends they had made as she opened her friends list and scrolled through the names. Though not to bountiful there was someone there, "Hey everyone I need you all to make me a promise. I want you to promise you won't die we stick together until the very end, Deal?" Aes asked even though he just met these people he already felt attached to them.
Lucas moved himself quickly up to the group accepting the party invite as well as the friend request. He moved in a bit saying "I'm Keaser, pleasure to meet you all." he opened his inventory taking out his Glaive showing his at least for now determination to get going. He allowed the number of introductions to go around as he waited not really talking unless talked to at this moment, he wanted to save what little small talk he had for the quest before the going got thought and build trust. He looked at the other male in the group giving him a slight nod.
Ashlyn clapped her hands as the new person arrived. "Bonjour, Keaser. Are you going to join our ventures?" Her voice once again made a slight purring noise as she finished. "Helpful drops to get us moving in our new home," She gave a slight smirk, but then remembered something crucial. "Ah, I forgot. We must be the first ones to beat this quest or we won't get the room," and that would be a tragedy, she thought as she gave a mild frown. "Of course we will stick together! A new life! Shall we head that way?" She made a bowing gesture to her new found party members.
"What we have to be the first ones!?" The possible loss of the room for the night for free as well was a bit troublesome. He quickly nodded to the girl and on the note of item drops he said "If any of you uh...find any pelts could you please give them to me, I'm a tailor and I can make some gear with it..." He adjusts himself, taking off the vanity item his poncho soon vanishing he'd be dressed out in the basic light armor holding his Glaive in one hand setting it on the ground. 'Let's get this done!" he added firmly at the end of all this, looking around at the others seeing if they have the same resolve.
"Yeah!" Aes and Sora said in unisin as Sora kept hold of Keaser's hand and made sure they were in pursuit of the others. I hope we can become good friends with everyone here Sora thought cheerfully. "So Ashlyn, You seemed a bit more noobish back there. Have you played other VRMMO's before?" Aes asked confused (VRMMO Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online). "Anyways we're following you to this quest" Aes said as he got ready to follow his light armor already equipped with long sword sheathed to his back. Sora had her light armor equipped to and her Raiper at her right side.
Thanatos was once a great deity Son of the night and darkness, death itself. I embody this, I take on this name to embellish death and strike fear in the men of this world. I am Thanatos. But.... But..... "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO STRIKE FEAR INTO OTHERS LIKE THIS!!" The tiny girl pouted in fury as a crowd of girls and guis cooed at her.

"Oh aren't you just the cutest?" "She is so adorable, here try on this I just bought it." "Aww do you want to join my party?" "No join mine!" "No mine!!"

The fury grew deep within Thanatos she began to boil with anger. "Thank you for the gift! However I do not want to join such simpleminded and easily seduced member!" She smirked and glared at them "I will destroy you all when I have the chance I am going to break through any and all of you. I am Thanatos the deity of death and you imbeciles will only get in my warpath." She sent off her most demeaning sneer and dark glare.

"Aww she is so adorable!" "Look at her trying to be scary!" "I just want to eat you up!" The crowd began to cooed even louder.

Thanatos growled "I give up. I can't strike fear in any form." She looked around at the crowd and thought she saw someone she knew. She moved around, out of the crowd and made her way out of town hammer in hand.
[shino Fujisaki]

[introduction Scene - "On a Highway to Hell"]

"Neural links established. Now commencing Full Dive sequence..."

A female robotic voice announced. Even though Shino was mentally prepared herself for the worst scenario, it did little. She could felt that her heart was pounding uncontrollably. After all, who wants to play a VR game that could make you die in reality, anyway?

"Count to 4, inhale. Count to 4, exhale..."

Then, Shino could feel that her brain... was being pulled away. Before she could do anything else, unconsciousness soon reigned.

"Sequence... complete. May you enjoy... Sword Art Online."

[The Town of Beginnings]

The black out did not last long, and when Shino opened her eyes, she noticed that she was traveling in some kind of worm hole, which she immediately presumed that the VRMMORPG was loading a stage. Then, a large flash of light blinded her eyes. There was slight delay, before Shino arrived at a town center, where other players were gathered too. For some reason, the players are... unexpectedly anxious. They should be starting their grinding works right?

"Hey! Hey! There's no logout button!"

"Wait what? Are you kidding me!"

At this moment, Shino brought up the main menu. The panicking players were right. The breaking news were right. There is no way out once you jumped in. The girl simply sighed, before closing the main menu, while looking relatively calm. She began to look around, searching for her younger sister Naomi.

Then, an ominous, hooded figure appeared in a grimly matter, and gave a bone-chilling speech which is exactly that Shino got from the news...


“Oh, and one last thing. I’ve added a present from myself to your storage. Please see for yourself.”

That was the last words from Kayaba Akihiko, the developer of Sword Art Online and the NerveGear, before he faded away from the town center. Unamused, Shino checked her inventory and there was a mirror.

"A mirror? Hmm, I guess I should check how am I look like..."

Then, the mirror suddenly gave out a very bright glow which quickly overwhelmed Shino entirely. When the glow was stopped, she noticed herself that she looked exactly the same as her own real life self. Shino looked around afterwards, and the scene was quickly changed... mostly towards bad, she thought.

"Nice trick, Mr. GM, nice one."

Shino chuckled, before putting away the mirror into her inventory. She also noticed that she has a couple of beginner level equipments, and decided to equip them for testing purposes. A set of beginner Heavy Armor, a wooden buckler, and a worn 1H longsword.

"This should do for now. At least, the equips should keep me safe for a bit, while I try and figure out the gameplay."

She sighed afterwards, as Shino remembered the old, grueling moments when she grinded FandTasy Starz Online 3. Then again, there was no choice. She knows that she will be giving one heck of a punishment when she manages to find Naomi. After Shino was done fiddling with her equipment, she decided to start her search. Perhaps find a reliable party to tag into. Soloing... is not a choice now.

"Hey there... Want to tag along with me, beautiful?"

A black haired, handsome-looking male player approached Shino, in a casual, laidback manner. He looked somewhat harmless, but Shino could feel that this guy has nothing good despite his smooth voice and polite acts. The ponytail girl remained silent, and simply stared at the Casanova-like guy.

"Come with me." He smiled joyously. "With my strength, I can get you up to 100th Floor and out of here!"

Shino's expression slowly turned into a smile. However, her eyes was completely a different story. Shino's gaze turned into a classical yandere, cold, devoid of emotion, staring right into the handsome dude's eyes. He was taken aback by her murderous gaze, sending a chill to his spine as Shino replied with a deep tone.

"I'm afraid that you're too late, as I just joined a party, kind Sir."

The man in a trendy black outfit began to slowly back away from Shino, while barely maintaining his polite smile.

"I... understand. May the fortune favors over you. I'll take my leave, now..."

With that being done with, Shino looked away and lets out a sigh.

"I better get going."​
Sora looked around before sending a message to wish Aes and the others good luck. She saw a little girl with a hammer and a girl walking away from a man with a trench coat look to his avatar. So she decided to go talk to the girl and put on a smile as she approached her, "Hey" Sora said as she waved to the girl with a ponytail. I hope the others are doing good as well Sora thought to herself with hope in her eyes. So she started to think about how and what they were encountering with her eyes going sort of glossy.

They could be in the midst of a giant dragon fighting it with swords as it shoots flames at them. It's eyes a glowing flaming red while they are battling the beast of large proportions. She snapped back into reality and looked at the girl in front of her and looked over her. The girl had black hair in a ponytail and blackish-brown eyes which seemed sort of dazed and Sora was just staring like a weirdo. "Um anyway my name is Sora" She said seeming a little embarrassed of just barging up and yelling out hey.
[shino Fujisaki - linel_rineria]

[Town of Beginnings]

As Shino searched around the town center for any potential party members and her younger sister, she saw someone waving and greeting at her. It is a young girl with a jet black hair with the same hairstyle as herself. The waist length ponytail was neatly tied with a light blue ribbon. She was looking at Shino with her innocuous, emerald colored eyes as she waved and motioned towards her.


Both of the girls soon met face to face, but it seems that the green-eyed girl with a blue outfit that resembled a working overall, looked kind of spaced off. The girls unwillingly started an awkward staring competition, which Shino began to lead in terms of seriousness. Initially, Shino looked at the girl with her usual, normal expression, waiting for her response. As time goes by however, the expression slowly turned into a frown.

The awkwardness did not last long when the black haired girl introduced herself.

"Um, anyway my name is Sora."

Shino closed her eyes for a bit, before letting out a sigh. Sora's name was obviously shown on top of her head, right? With a tired smile, she responded by making a quick introduction as well. This Sora girl has certainly reminded her of Naomi.

"Hello there, Sora. Nice to meet you. I'm Linel Rineria."

She said with a formal, polite tone, and her tired smile has turned into something more vibrant. With the fact that Naomi was nowhere to be seen, and Sora has approached her, Shino decided to take the interaction to the next level.

"How can I help you, Sora? Are you looking for a party?"
"Well I have a party and I was wanting to know if you would like to join us, Currently i'm free so i'm recruiting new people" Sora said happily as she looked at Linel who looked like she was trying to find someone. "Is their someone your looking for?" She asked as she looked around for someone who looked like they were lost. She got a notification saying that Aes and the others were on the quest and she smiled. Her rapier shook at her hip so she quickly unequipped it and turned back to the girl. "I want to help you if you let me" Sora said before her eyes seemed to light up.

I hope Aes and them will get that room for us, it would help us get more members if we have a place to stay She thought to herself. Opening the menu she sent Linel Rineria a friend request so she could try to help her out more. Aes better get back here or... No he will get back she thought as she looked to the new girl.
~Senzeru [Charles Reinuko]~

After the events that happened in the past several minutes, Charles didn't know what to think anymore. He wandered around the Town of Beginnings as a way to keep himself occupied. He didn't panic, though. It wasn't his thing to panic like everyone else did. At least Ayana wasn't trapped in the game with him. Charles wondered if his family even heard the news about the game, yet. They probably didn't, being at Ayana's band concert and all. "Well, at least this just got more interesting," he sighed. He still didn't have anything to do, though.

As he was walking, he absentmindedly bumped into a girl around his age who was talking to another girl. A younger one. "Oh, sorry," he mumbled. He kept his head down, not seeing the face of the one he bumped into. Charles then continued on, turning a corner and leaned on the wall, keeping his ears open for any conversations, eavesdropping as usual.

Luke Riddler

Username: Riddle

Town of Beginnings

@Flip Jester Boy

Luke Riddler, A.K.A Riddle peered up at the sky with barely disguised horror as blood begin to ooze from the sky, quickly being accompanied by a figure he recognized as the game master. The man had most likely arrived to clarify the reason as to why the log-out button had been removed from the players menu, so Luke relaxed visibly, allowing his slender arms to rest back at his sides as the creature who's face was disguised by a hood begin to speak. His mouth had dropped open as shock begin to descend over his features as the thing explained to the players that they would be unable to log out, finishing his speech with deceleration of some kind of "present" that would be hidden in their inventory.

Paralyzed by indecision for a couple of moments, Luke hesitated before removing the present from his inventory, recognizing it to be mirror. He was staring at... himself? Instead of his gamer's distinguishable copper hair and green eyes, his rather bland featured face stared back at him. His realistic face begin to meld onto his gamers face as a flash of bright light lit up the mirror, temporarily blinding the blonde. His hand drifted to his hair, recognizing the length to be completely proportionate to his hair's length in reality. Pulled out of his paralyzation as the revelation of the reality of his situation hit him, a wry chuckle burst from the young gamer's lip. But perhaps being stuck in a game wouldn't be too bad.

I suppose it would be best to join a party at this time.

Luke peered about himself indecisively as he listened to the sounds of those about him, panicked noises that barely registered to his still-shocked mind. His feet begin to move of their own accord, carrying him through the town of beginnings as he searched the crowds for a friendly, or at least intelligent looking face. His gaze paused on a guy that stood by himself, leaning on the corner of one of the streets walls. He only hesitated slightly before approaching the boy, forcing a smile he hoped was friendly to his lips.

"Hello, do you have a party yet?"
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"No..." It couldn't be true. How was it even possible? They were all trapped in the game? Toketsu looked around at the other players in the square. Like him, they all shared the same look of either fear or horror that could only come from a life altering tragedy. Beat the game. That was the only way to get out. Make it to the top floor, beat the final boss, and do it all without dying even once. According to the admin, there were already hundreds of players whose lives had already been lost in that way, and even more through someone outside trying to remove their NerveGear. Toketsu knew that the admin wasn't lying, the NerveGear certainly had the energy required to cook a brain in seconds. It was necessary to interrupt the motor neural signals from the brain to the body. When switched into max output...

He shook his head.
I can't think about those kinds of things right now. Looking behind him, he noticed some players were sneaking out during the commotion following the announcement. It only took a second to realize what they were up to. In games like these, high player population in a small area will cause mobs to spawn more slowly, and give out less EXP to the players there. If he wanted to get anywhere, he had to start now. He took one last look at the now fading remnants of the blood red sky, and set out.
[shino Fujisaki - linel_rineria]

[Town of Beginnings]

"Well, I have a party and I was wanting to know if you would like to join us, Currently I'm free so I'm recruiting new people."

Sora responded.

"Oh! Ahahaha...! I see..."

Shino chuckled a bit, before embarrassingly scratched her head and replied in return. Sora on the other hand, seems happy that Shino decided to interact with her. Sora continued on.

"Is there someone you're looking for?"

The following sentence from Sora once again forced Shino to change her impressions on the young girl. She looked somewhat surprised by Sora's response.

("This girl sure has sharp eyes... or am I looking that distraught right now? Damn it, Naomi! I will skin you alive if I were to find you!")

Back to the conversation, Shino once again threw another polite smile and replied to Sora, as she turned away from Shino, doing her own stuffs for a bit.

"Uh... yeah! Sort of!"

After Sora was done adjusting herself, she turned around. "I want to help you, if you let me."

Then, on Shino's side, she received a friend request from Sora. With few swipes of holographic buttons, Shino accepted Sora's friend request. Though deep inside her, she is still somewhat skeptical with Sora offering help from out of nowhere, unconditionally too. Then again, real life and its following events have conditioned the ways how Shino looked at people. Plus, with Kayaba's little trick on the mirror for all SAO players, Shino should have nothing to lose, right?

"Thank you for adding me to your friend list, Sora." Shino smiled once more. "If you insist on helping me with my... personal quest, then I, Linel Rineria, shall gladly accept your offer of assistance."

The girl with a black ribbon ponytail said in formal tone, before doing a quick bow to Sora. Then, a male player with a forehead length red hair and black suits bumped into Shino.

"Ow, excuse me...!" Shino cried out reflexively.

He kept his head down and continued to move, but he quickly apologized afterwards.

"Oh, sorry,"

Shino continued to stare at the red-haired young man as he went by, before disappearing from sight after he turned into a corner. Then, a random thought comes to mind as Shino turned back to Sora.

"Well, that guy could be another potential party member for us. Do you want to go?"

She said, as her head once again turned to the very corner where the red-haired man was disappeared to.
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"We could try to recruit him later, right now we have a mission" Sora said remembering that they need to complete the mission first. "So who's the person we need to find?" Sora said as she got a message from Aes and read it quickly. Sora smiled as she closed the message. Sora sent a party invite to Linel and got ready to send another to Linel's meet-up. She smiled to Linel_Rineria.

We will find her other person soon and then maybe we can have two more members in our group Sora thought her eyes lighting up. "Our party will be supreme" She thought and ignored it going slightly crazy. I wonder if I will get better clothes Sora thought looking at her current apparel.
What's going on? We can't logout? That can't be right? Jericho scrolled through the menu searching fro the logout button. When he didn't find it, he began to desperately look through every tab, category, and corner of the menu. It isn't there. No. This is just a joke, I'll find it again soon, I probably just have to do some specific quest first. Jericho retrieved his mirror to take a look at his avatar. I look pretty awesome. I should have made my hair a bit darker though. Jericho fiddled with his virtual hair for a little bit, until his mirror was suddenly caked in light. "What the..." The Light vanished. In place of Jericho's avatar, was his real face! Jericho almost dropped the mirror. How? Why is my face on here? Heck, how did know what my face looks like? That thing on my head, it must be the culprit. Did it take a picture? No.

After Jericho put his mirror away, he began to notice other people that were having the same issue as he. There doing it to everyone? Hey, maybe the logout button is back now! Marck flipped through the menu. Once again, logging out was not an option. Well then, I'm really trapped aren't I. Jericho fell to his knees. I have zero friends in this game! I don't know anyone! I don't want to talk to any of these people... That's right, they said if we die in this game we die in real life. Jericho hugged himself tightly. How am I going to do that? I always die lots of times in video games! If I don't play I might live. But, I don't want to do that. I can't just sit here while everyone else goes out there getting themselves killed. I shouldn't let anyone see me like this. Jericho stood up, his hand over his eyes to cover the beginning of tears. I guess I'd better get started.

[shino Fujisaki - linel_rineria]

[Town of Beginnings]

Hmm, it should be a good idea to recruit that red-haired handsome guy right? Yes, it is, until Shino realized something very off. Something very very off. It is so off that it hit her on the head like a speeding bullet train traveling above 300 kilometers per hour.

("Wait a minute... Why I would want Sora to invite that red-haired dude, whereas few minutes ago I gave a Casanova wannabe my trademark death stare?")

From there, the train of thoughts had begun. Shino frowned, as she began wondering what caused that personality dissonance. Her expression turned disturbed and angry, but fortunately away from Sora's gaze.

("I mean, seriously. Why would I actually recommend that?! Isn't that very weird to invite someone who has just bumped into you absentmindedly, to your PT?! What is wrong with you, Shino?!")

Shino screamed internally. It was a miracle that she had done all the monologue without breaking much of her external composure, aside from giving passerby an angry stare of course. The thoughts continued on.

("No no no. I don't think I have the fall in love on first sight BS. Damn it all. Once again, I blame Naomi for this!!")


Then, it goes spiraling out of control, until Sora spoke to her. Shino immediately straightened up and turned to Sora.

"We could try to recruit him later, right now we have a mission."

Whoops. The ship has sailed, linel_rineria. Anyway, back to the reality, Shino was surprised with what Sora has said. They are currently in a mission?

"So who's the person we need to find?" Sora asked further, with another smile on her innocuous face.

Shino chuckled a bit, before replying. "Uhh, it's the red-haired guy that bumped into me just now, I... thought that you might be needing more people, so I just suggested it, ahahaha...! I think his username... is Senzeru? I'm not sure though."

She embarrassingly spoke, with some hint of stammering in between. Deep inside Shino however, was totally a different person. An angry demon severely dissatisfied with her own actions.

("Damn it, damn it all. Why, just goddamn why...")

Then, Sora's eyes lit up. "Our party will be supreme!"

"Yeah..." Shino laughed forcefully. "Since you're have agreed, let us get moving then."

From there, Shino started moving to the same location where the red-haired handsome guy has been to. After taking the turn into another block of the town center, and a few walks forward, Shino saw the guy leaning on a wall nearby, facing another dashing, blonde young man. She could see the names Senzeru and Riddle floating just above their heads. From there, the girl in a purple long sleeved shirt turned to Sora.

"Yeah, that's the guy, Sora. Not sure whether you're interested in that blondie though, haha."

Shino chuckled at the end. But the curses however...

("Damn it damn it damn it damn it all... What in the capital F am I doing...")
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"Umm Linel we just needed a 1 more for the moment" Sora said feeling stupid for not saying it all when she had the time. A message came in from Aes it read,

The quest is done so you and any new party members go to the inn ASAP.


Aes, your brother

"Linel do you want to go to the inn with me?" Sora asks her to see what she thinks of it still unsure of her intentions. The inn was a place they had gotten from a quest when they were on it still. Achiro owes me quite a few things Sada thought to herself remembering linel was there.

Clothes, Food, Weapon, Sleeping together Lots of things she thought to herself remembering all the promises he had made to her not so long ago. This should be fun and give me a way to help recruit more people into our group. After my favors Sora thought deviously to herself still listening to Linel_Rineria
[shino Fujisaki - linel_rineria]

[Town of Beginnings]

The scene suddenly takes a dramatic turn when Sora replied to Shino.

"Umm, Linel we just needed a 1 more for the moment."

At that time, the embarrassed look from Shino immediately faded away, and replaced with the same cold expression that she has been wearing prior to meeting Sora.

"Oh. I... see." Shino replied monotonously.

Once again, Sora checks her inbox for a bit, before facing Shino.

"Linel, do you want to go to the inn with me?"

Then, a crossroad has appeared in front of her. Should Shino go along with the handsome dudes, or the young girl in front of her who claimed that she has a party? She frowned for a bit, until a decision has been reached. Shino felt like she should follow Sora. Though at one point of her thoughts, she was relieved that her mistake can be rectified.

"Very well. Let us go then."
Shino blinked her eyes once, and agreed with Sora's suggestion.

The chosen path, has officially begun.
"We will have to walk their, but my brother says he will meet us half-way to secure everything" Sora said making sure she read the message right. Achi you better meet us where you promised She thought as she looked at Linel cheerfully. "So are you ready?" She asked as she scrolled through her menu and got her Raiper equipped. Putting her hand on the hilt made her feel safer before she released it and inched towards the direction of the inn.

I hope she will join us because then she can help us and we can help her. She thought looking around for a minute for anyone else that would need help.

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