
Hmm? Oh, I mean the debauchery. the Great Curse is bad, sure. I suppose. I mean it makes you go all crzy and...wait, what'd I grab, Foolhardy Contempt...on a Valor high character...I haven't noticed a difference.
OF course, with the Foolhardy Contempt, part of not noticing a difference is the fact I'm almost always in limit break...its REALLY easy to accrue limit with that one...and it has caused the character to smart off to his sifu, which he normally wouldn't it has cause some problems. But on the whole, some limit breaks are much worse than others.
i wanna play a char with high compassion, but with 'deliberate cruelty' as his limit break, except linked to compassion
Then ask your storyteller. On the whole, I'd say considering that Temperance has a similar opposite limit break it'd probably be okay.
With regard to paedophiles in the Bible, it's called Pedarasty, although the Greeks are far more famous for it and it generally involved young teenagers and ups rather than infants and children. Acceptable social practise, in fact a respected one among the Greeks.. O_o

As to Compassion-killing, see "Red Rage of Compassion" in the 2e corebook. Of course heart of flint and deliberate cruelty are also acceptible.

I don't think enough people make custom curses..
Alchemicals would totally pwn Sandships.


That's all I have to say, really. Sandships are cool.
Eh, so? I just want a sweet naval game based in the sand :P I've got a nice idea to work on now that I've seen the TLSA map.
It's because Sand chafes more than Seawater, isn't it?

Player does something stupid, and you give him a -2 penalty for a session due to crotch-chafing.

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