
The writeup of it in the ST companion suggests that while it is ridiculously powerful, it's not actually a proxy for Autocthon, and couldn't do all the stuff you suggest alone (that is, without Autocthon himself).

Also, the original writeup of the Eye has one major flaw: there's no willpower cost to use it, so there's nothing stopping you spending willpower to avoid botching, ever. Also in 2e the Excellencies likely nerf the downsides of the Eye.

The way I see it the Eye should be considered a powerful form of "Wild Shaping" in creation, but its dark fate rating of 5, we'll say, should be rolled by the ST whenever it's used to see does it smish the user, depending on the outcome of the roll. There shouldn't be workarounds and there's no way to guarantee success, but if you take the risk the Eye can reformat the defence grid, shape vast empires out of the Wyld and annihilate whole armies of Raksha.
Thankfully, my players never get the Eye. It's a plot device, and never anything my PCs will EVER touch.

But enough of this bullshit, let's get some damn sandship ideas!
sandships, landships all those kinds of things are fun

although you may want to consider that 1st age ppl may have used wheeled and tracked landships (not the style you are thinking of but not all Copper spiders are truly insane)
And a six year old with a slingshot takes you all down.  :lol:
I suspect he speaks of Samson's slingshot. It appears in stories whenever people make themselves out to be uber-cool and kills them in the least impressive way possible.

Goliath took the hit, you guys are setting yourselves up for some righteously unimpressive smiting.
Well, I think David was a bit older than 6...considering that 'twas not long after that when he became the prince's 'special friend' though maybe the Bible has a bit of pedophilia going on that's not completely stated.
but thi is EXALTED, david doesn't get a stunt bonus for 'i hit him with my sling'

besides what is so over the top about taking the 5 metal shrike out to the wyld for a rebuild with roomier cabin space and adamant windows
Ah, but he didn't just 'hit it with my sling'. He stunted...selecting only the perfect rocks, carefully falling into stance, making a proper comment and then, only then hitting him...with his sling. ;)
yeah, okay, that was a stunt, but if being awesome in exalted is reponded to by lame autokills, then I am gonna find another game
Well, its not like he was hitting something other than another Heroic Mortal. Not too hard to do enough damage in a single strike with a good stunt, willpower into a virtue, and an okay dicepool.
that's true

except he was chosen by god, so 'another' was the wrong word

he got solarised... and apparently had thrown as a favored skill

then he went mad with hedonism... stupid great curse

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