

New Member
Well I have begun exploring the idea that there are "Sandships" that sail in the deserts to the south.  Something like the landship, but limited to sand.  I have only begun exploring the idea.  I plan to write an empire that is the major user of these, sorta like airships in the north.   Constrained to the large "blank" area of the south in the Exalted Core book, the sandships are unable to approach Gem or the other existing cities because the sand isn't deep enough.  I'll post more as I develop the idea further.

General Sandship notes:

Sandships move through the sand with assistance of hulls created from a special alloy of black and white jades.  This gives all sand within a dozen meters to behave in a manner akin to water.  Approaching a sandship on foot is impossible.  Anyone who enters the sealike sand surrounding the ship will sink immediently.  As with quicksand, anyone who holds still and is boyuant enough will rise back to the surface.  However anyone who struggles will sink to the bottom.  The viscosity of the sand makes it impossible to swim in.

A variety of sandship classes exist.  Smaller 3-4 man ships support infantry divisions as an armoured fighting vehicle.  Open topped transports that hold a dozen men carry troops into battle.  What larger ships act in a fashion simliar to an ocean going navy.

Only one merchant sandship is still in operation.  Owned by the Merchant Prince Jolasek, it sails the sandsea with an escort of smaller sandships.

Mithras: Artifact N/A

This first age Sandship was the largest project undertaken by the Twilight shipwright Esten. Inspired by the aquatic ships of his peers, Esten planned Creations first submersible sandship.  Constructed and stored in an a hidden underground factory cathedral in the far south, Esten constructed the vessel in secret with the assistance of third circle sorcery and an arsenal of demons and servitors.  The vessel was completed shortly before the usurpation, however Esten taken by surprise and killed in the opening moves of the conflict.  Mithras has never fired its weapons in anger.

The vessel is constructed around two layers of hull.  An inner airtight pressure hull, surrounded by an armoured hull that is open to the sand.  As with all sandships, the inner hull is an alloy of white and black jade.  This specially enchanted hull changes the nature of all sand within several meters, making it flow around the hull like liquid.  The outer hull is enchanted steel and protects the inner hull from combat damage.  If the inner hull is holed, the sand will flood the ship as quickly and as deadly as seawater.  While the ship will not sink when surfaced, this can spell disaster when submerged.  If the vessel is sufficiently damaged, it will not be able to submerge.  It takes approximately 30 seconds to submerge the ship at full speed.  

Mithras - Mithras Class Submersible Sandship

Repair 5

Speed: 15mph surfaced; 30mph submerged

Maneuverability: -3S Surfaced; -1 Submerged

Endurance: 72 hours submerged

Crew: 100/30 + 2 beings of at least essence 2

Cargo: 125 men or 4 warstriders (including support crew)

Armour: 40L/40B

Health Levels: Ux40/Mx28/Cx10/1x10/D

Weapons: 2 Heavy Implosion Bows

4 Medium Implosion Bows

6 Lightning Ballista

1 Storm Hammer

Notes: Once the ship loses 20 undamaged levels if will experience minor flooding when submerged.  At the minor damage level the pressure hull will have been holed and compartments will begin flooding major flooding if submerged.  If the ship receives critical damage it will not be able to submerge, and will be unable surface.
I don't know why but that picture is awesome, and the idea at least as good.

Love it.

undersand cathedral. rocks.
Hmmmm... honestly. why didn't anyone think of that earlier? I really dig that. (yeah bad pun, I know ^^)
Heh... Well done. You should submit this to Lore 5 (link at the top).

I'm not sure it warrants an "N/A" level, though. I'd call it a 5. The picture is great. I assume it's an intentional resemblance to the Nautilus from LXG?
I have to disagree with Flagg about the artifact level. I think you have the NA correct, considering the artillery on the vessel. That's comparable firepower and durability to a Kireeki Class Skyship...which is also NA. sure it can't fly and isn't as quick...but a Kireeki can't hide underground either. Other than that, i would suggest requiring a Hearthstone or two to power the ship like with a Manta or Kireeki, and the weapons would either require normal powering methods or Heartstones of their own.
Very nice piece of work.  I seem to remember reading books with stuff like this in them.  Different authors have gone this way.  Why did it take so long for someone to make the connection to Exalted?  It seems like a natural.
Sand ships move through the sand with assistance of hulls created from a special alloy of black and white jades.  This gives all sand within a dozen meters to behave in a manner akin to water.  Approaching a sand ship on foot is impossible.  Anyone who enters the sea like sand surrounding the ship will sink immediately.
this has significant tactical implications, sail down a line of enemy troops and you trap them in the sand.

Being artifact NA you can say it has a fancy power plant but I think you should give it some hearthstone requirement.

I just don't see a sandship with guns being on par with, say, the Eye.

There's already a classification for "really powerful in some respects but otherwise limited in usefulness". That's level 5.
Flagg, look at the artifact vehicles currently existing in Creation. Those of this power level are NA Artifacts. Further, the weapons on the vehicle on their own add up to well over a 5 Artifact. Buying weapons heavilly on the cheap because they come En-masse and mounted on a vehicle of war is letting Artifact 5 go beyond what it should. The listed vehicle is VERY similar to a Kireeki Class Skyship...which is an NA Artifact, and is actually more limited than this vehicle as currently listed.
And the NA Artifacts vary in power level.

Basically, an NA Artifact is anything with a Level above 5, whether that end up being a six or a ten.
one the Eye considering that I wouldn't evan rate that thing as a ten sure if you botch a roll with it you and everyone that is anywhere nere you dies really sectacularly but hell you can do bloody anything with it if Autochon can do it then the holder of the eye can do it, so lets see remove the Geas from the moutain folk, cleanse an essence of demon taint or death taint sure they die but the essence is cleansed, turn an exalt into a Hybrid, creat mecnical life, and sense the life was created by a primordial wether he was awear of it or not it is considered a natural creature and a Lunar can take it as a totem.
my bad you are right, well you could still remove the Great Geas from the mountian folk just target them all
Or try to turn them all into unenlightened and bar their enlightenment.

Not sure how well that would work though. :?
o that would be good then all the nastys thatthey have been fighting for the last how many thousands of years would come poring out into the blessed isle.... hm maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing
No Realm!

No Realm!

Fa La La La La La!


But you said...

why do i see my old zenith crowded around a sheer crapload of recently reawakened and tiger warriored dragon kings

"A shiney new era, is tiptoing nearer"

"And where do we feature?"

"Just listen to teacher?"

(yes this IS the Zenith that led a force of 400 000 dragon kings to conquer the realm)
yes this IS the Zenith that led a force of 400 000 dragon kings to conquer the realm)
wank wank wank wank wank wank wank wank wank spurt!
Flagg!  Use your manners!  There are women that use this site!

They probably want video (or at least, a good set of pictures) lol
there are men that use this site too the writen version is enough
And here I thought Jukashi was the one that got off on Dragon Kings. Seems someone had a secret lust for lizards... Eew.

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