Sands of Glory

happerry said:
So I think this got missed on the page changeover and the argument, so let me repost this.
So, after hunting down that book and scanning through it, I was very sad to see they do not have a hunter archetype. I was hoping that you would okay the three abilities I have chosen for a quick made up hunter archetype?
Survival for the whole surviving out in the wilderness and being able track animals type things.

Awareness for the whole seeing the deer you want to shoot at before he sees you thing. This could be stealth instead if you want, both would work well.

And finally, Archery for the whole actual hunting animals bit. Throwing could be substituted, but in the Desert\Savanna areas of the south I would think bows get used more often then throwing axes and spears.
So is this acceptable?
This is acceptable
danelsan said:
So, is there still room for one more? I have an idea for a Full Moon.
Basically, he would be the Local rebel. A young warrior with a taste for freedom, a grudge with authority and a knack for getting in trouble.

His clan (or family, or whatever this tribe uses) was once had leadership of the tribe, but fell from that position a few generation ago, so he is a little bit too proud of his abilities and doesn't think very well of the current leaders.

He does seem to have a bright future as a warrior, for his ability together with the tribe's elders desire to send him away to do something useful instead of create trouble among the tribe makes him a prime candidate for conducting assaults on rival tribes.

He would be known to question traditions and lateral thinking. He bases his loyalty, which would be pretty strong, on earned respect instead of authority.

if Happerry is willing to play along, I'd like to see his character and mine having a rivalry, mostly because "You got everything in your favor and don't value it" and "if your father doesn't care for you, he doesn't deserve your respect". Then we'd Exalt and surprise! I'm your Lunar mate! which could lead to a story me dealing with the conflicting ideas and in time a better understanding between the characters.

Alternatively, since you quite of a loner yourself, they could have a more friendly rivalry and I just try to convince you that you shouldn't try give so much of yourself to your father if he doesn't return the respect.

if you are not interested in having a Lunar mate in the group, that is OK too. I think troublesome, freedom-seeking, tradition-questioning Warrior is good enough to build a decent future Lunar around.

So, could that concept work?
I can't answer for Happery, but that concept seems solid enough. Try and get a character sheet ready in the next few days
happerry said:
Well, if you want I can give that a try. I don't see any harm, besides the fact noted on the bottom of this paragraph, on putting that in at least. Though its less that my character's father does not care for me then like every time he sees me he sees his beloved wife's death. Its not like I would be the only one in that family with issues. But just to warn you, about the whole lunar mate thing... Well you been referring to your character as a male, and my character is a male. While I have no problem with people who swing that way, I doubt that I could realistically roleplay that. It's just not something I am comfortable with, at least in my first time with Exalted and fourth character I have ever played.
Oh, ok, I get the relationship with the father now. About the mate thing: the Intimacy of the lunar mate bond does not have to be romantic. That never crossed my mind. I'm going more for "somewhat of a self-appointed rival that grows into super-loyal friend". I wanna put to use some of those bodyguard Charms in Glories of the Most High ^^

Red Claws, I'll have a sheet in a couple days.
danelsan said:
happerry said:
Well, if you want I can give that a try. I don't see any harm, besides the fact noted on the bottom of this paragraph, on putting that in at least. Though its less that my character's father does not care for me then like every time he sees me he sees his beloved wife's death. Its not like I would be the only one in that family with issues. But just to warn you, about the whole lunar mate thing... Well you been referring to your character as a male, and my character is a male. While I have no problem with people who swing that way, I doubt that I could realistically roleplay that. It's just not something I am comfortable with, at least in my first time with Exalted and fourth character I have ever played.
Oh, ok, I get the relationship with the father now. About the mate thing: the Intimacy of the lunar mate bond does not have to be romantic. That never crossed my mind. I'm going more for "somewhat of a self-appointed rival that grows into super-loyal friend". I wanna put to use some of those bodyguard Charms in Glories of the Most High ^^

Red Claws, I'll have a sheet in a couple days.
Ah, that's perfectly acceptable to me. I just wanted to state that out early, as misunderstanding and assumptions about that kind of character issues lead to the ruination of the only other exalted game I tried to join, before its first session had even started. And that is a nice animeish approach to that, two thumbs up for imagination and not going with the same old.

And I will update my sheet and actually use my bonus points, or at least most of them, pretty quick as well.
Ligier said:
I'd prefer it if you actually saw my character's background and then made a decision, rather than prejudging it.
As the ST, I would like to see the character's background.

In any case, as things stand now, it seems I have enough players interested, so in the next few days I'll ask Her Redness, or any other Moderator who chances along, to open up a thread for this game.
So, here is a pretty much filled out character sheet. All bonus points have been spent, and mechanical my character is complete. Now I just need to hash out his backstory's details and nail down his motivation and name. Also, need to figure out what my ally from my ally background actually is. Thinking of dropping that, as my original idea for it is looking a bit less suitable for this game then I thought at first, at least with the way my character has turned out. Could work well too though, and I am a bit uncertain of that assumption of it not fitting as well.

Also, a bit more detail about my character's family issues. Insert Name Here has at least one father (Living), and one older brother (Living). He may have more siblings, but those two are the ones most important to his backstory as it currently sits and the brother is only indirectly important, well, mostly. Also needing to mention his Mother (Dead) who while not important in the backstory, has her death be the major guiding force of Insert Name Here's life.

As his father deeply loved his mother, her death was greatly devastating to him. While not the kind of person that would descend into cruelty from this, he still is reminded of her every time he sees Insert Name Here. This does not help him connect to Insert Name Here in the emotional department, to say the least.

While it would probably have helped if he remarried, he was far to deep in grief to even consider that. And as the family was in what would be the middle class equivalent of the tribe, he was rich enough to hire a nurse and other such necessary things for his sons, with out being rich or important enough for the family or tribal elders to force him to remarry.

While the passing years have dulled the feelings of loss in his heart, Insert Name Here has understood from an early age that he causes great sadness in his father. It would probably have helped if he had figured out why as well. As it was, he felt that since his father was always sad about him, nothing he could do was good enough. While some might have desperately tried to make their father happy with them again, Insert Name Here lashed out at what he saw as an completely unfair tendency, and decided that since nothing he could do would make his father happy he might as well stop trying. This lasted for several years, during which he earned a well deserved reputation as a wild child. While never crossing the line into outright bullying, his respect for authorities was.... low.

This time is also where he got his joy of the wilds, as both he and the authorities found that life was much less stressful if he spent most of his time out of the village. During these longish periods out in the wilds, he found that having no one to prove things to, argue with, or harass but himself was actually pretty nice. Out here no one told him what to do and the only one he needed to prove himself to was himself.

This is also where he got his dot of occult, as wandering around in the wilds with no knowledge of the spirits of the wilds is flatly suicidal, and he has never been that. As it is, he knows a few of the smaller and barely better then a mortal ones. Not very well, all in all, but he still knows them. One such spirit is what I am considering putting my ally background into. If I do, it would be a weak water elemental who is more then somewhat traumatized by some unfortunate run-ins with a very not nice dragonblooded summoner. This would feed into the spirit\elemental related Motivation that I mentioned I was considering earlier involving the idea of the Cselenite pact. (Mentioned and explained in the first Roll of Glorious Divinity)

It was only recently that he found out the truth of his fathers long sadness, as while he knew his mother had died in childbirth, had never made the connection with that and his father's current life. A few months before the game started, a great screaming fit with his father relieved the truths of both of their feelings. Now, still somewhat shaken by this revelation, he has volunteered to add his skill to the trading party in the hopes that a fresh location will let him come to terms with what he had learned. This offer was accepted, as despite the fact the authorities did not really like him, he is still one of the best hunters in the tribe of that age group and the only member of his age group who has pretty much mastered the skills necessary in wandering off and not being seen by a fellow tribesman for a month. (Despite the fact the authorities did not really like him, hell. Once they realized that this would get him to bug off and not come back for a nice long time, they were more then glad to add him to the group. After all, its not like he would not be helpful and getting him out of their hair was a popular idea with all of them.)

His brother, was the main reason he was not kicked out of the village and told not to come back until you grow up when he was in his wildest stages. Despite the stress and arguments in their family, Insert Name Here had always looked up to his eldest brother, and his eldest brother had always seen it as his responsibility to keep an eye on the runt. While not the most skilled member in the tribe, his brother was apprenticed to one of the tribes shamans at around the same time Insert Name Here started acting out.

Despite the fact that they found themselves on opposite sides of the authority/rebel line, they still stayed friendly with each other. Well, as much as brothers are friendly with each other. This friendship is one of the main reasons that Insert Name Here is still on relatively friendly terms with most of the tribe. As both of them kept in touch, they naturally introduced each other to the friends there new lives had brought them into contact with. This has led to the surprising situation of Insert Name Here being on relatively friendly terms with a lot of the tribes younger generation of spirit talkers and shamans.

On there part, the younger generation of shamans found that he knew where effectively everything useful within the surrounding areas was, and it was far easier to ask him to keep an eye out for certain rare plants and similar things then it was for them to go through the bother of trying to get their elders to hand them over, and its not like he was that annoying as long as they treated him as an equal in his own areas. On Insert Name Here's side, he found that their requests where not that hard to keep in mind normally, and they tended to pay just as well as hunting things down, and its not like he does not know how hard it can be to be a shaman. Afterall, he knows a bit of the stuff they do, and anyone smart enough to learn that kind of thing is worth respect until they prove otherwise.

As he grew further estranged from the tribe, it was his brother who kept him connected and intervened when he and the tribal elders where about to clash. With out this interference, it is likely that he would have been strongly suggested to go on a long trip out into the rest of the world, and don't come back until you have grown up. In the end, it was his brother who forced him and his father to sit down and have the heart to heart talk that resulted in him volunteering to join the trading party.

He also managed to pick up a rival of sorts, and while the two do not really know each other, he considers him a friend. If a highly annoying one.

Name: (Still being determined)
Concept: Hunter

Player: Happerry

Motivation: (Still being determined, thinking something like "Prove myself to the tribe\Make my father happy again")




[ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]




[*]Archery--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Martial Arts----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Melee----------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] War-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Integrity------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Performance---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Presence------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Resistance----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[X*] Survival-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Craft----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Investigation--[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Lore----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Medicine------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Occult--------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Athletics------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[*]Awareness----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Dodge--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Larceny-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stealth--------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Bureaucracy---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Linguistics-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Ride-----------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Sail-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Socialize------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


X=Favored Ability

*=profession bonus on this ability




Survival-In the Wilds x2

Archery-While Hunting

Stealth-In the Wilds




Allies--------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

Influence----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Resources---------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

Backing (Desert Siaka Tribe)---[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Past Lives----------[X][X][X][ ][ ] (Not to be in effect until his exaltation)

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]




Compassion-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

Temperance-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

Conviction--------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

Valor--------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]




My Family





Double Jointed (1 BP)

Innocuous (2 BP)

Internal Compass (1 BP)


Bonus Points


4 on Merits

1 Point of Integrity for 2 BP

1 Point of Backing Background for 1 BP

2 Points of Stealth for 4 BP

2 Survival Specialties for 1 BP (Favored Ability)

1 Stealth Specialty for 2 BP

1 Archery Specialty for 2 BP

3 Points in Past Lives Background for 3 BP

1 Point of Occult for 2 BP

Hehhehe. I find it very interesting how every one of our characters, as far as I can tell, is literate and/or well-educated. (Lore 1 and 2)

The other thing I think is funny is how so many people forget that Haku and I were put in as Moderators to the site at the same time.... ;)
Well, you guys were put as moderators before I joined. I am well aware you're a moderator, but it does seem like Haku is the main one to set up game threads, but that could just be a misperception, or just better PR on Haku's part :mrgreen:
Coyotekin said:
Hehhehe. I find it very interesting how every one of our characters, as far as I can tell, is literate and/or well-educated. (Lore 1 and 2)
But Knowing is half the Battle!
Well, the tribe does have contact with civilization, and so knowledge of reading/writing can be useful. If they avoided civilization, it would be strange, and indeed discouraged by me.
Ok, here is my proposed sheet and backstory. Let me know if I forgot anything or if there is anything you want changed.

NAME: Sandstorm

PLAYER: Danelsan

ARCHETYPE: Warrior PROFESSION: Soldier (+1 in Archery, Melee and Martial Arts)

CONCEPT: Rebellious young warrior

MOTIVATION: To earn power and respect by merit and achievement of glory
















Martial Arts*......OOOO


War..................OO (unexpected tactics +1)







Survival.............OO (desert +1)




Backing.............O (Desert Siaka tribe)

Resources.........OOO (gained in assaults against rival tribes and treasure hunts)

Henchmen.........OO (small cadre of other misfits. Their names are Elisha, Seven Camels and Red Sun )








Luck (3)

Daredevil (3)

vice [feats of dare](-3)

Unlucky (-3)


Tradition (questioning)

[happerry's Character] (friendly rivalry)


1 [Exceptional] Short Sword (Spd 4, Acc 11, Dam 7L, Def 5, rate 2)

1 [Fine] Flamepiece (Spd 5, Acc 10, Dam 8L, Range 8, Rate 1)

1 [Fine] Reinforced Buff Jacket ( Soak +6L/+9B, Mob -2, Fat 2)

1 Knife (Spd 5, Acc 9, Dam 5L, Def 4, Rate 3)

2 flamepieces (Spd 5, Acc 9, Dam 8L, range 8, Rate 1)

4 camels (named Sasha, Morning, Spot and Twin Dunes)

Many common items costing resources 0 to 1, some costing resources 2


Sandstorm received this name from his father as a suggestion from a tribe elder. This elder had read the child's destiny in the stars and became very confused. Later he would tell the boy's father "this one is blessed and cursed. He is likely to have great fortune and do great deeds for our tribe, but you can bet he will also bring a lot of trouble for us and himself. Like a sandstorm that can ruin a caravan or hide it from a raid party".

Indeed, the boy had a knack for getting into trouble, just as much as he had for getting out of it. However, one disaster the young boy couldn't scape. During a confrontation with an enemy tribe, almost his entire clan was decimated, including both his parents. After this, young Sandstorm was raised by the tribe as a whole.

The boy was active, courageous, quick-witted and curious, always exploring his environment and questioning what others took as "the way things are". With the death of his parents, however, Sandstorm became less open to others and more actively rebellious to the established order. He came to understand those deaths as a fault of the warlord who commanded that battle, and this is where started his belief that reaching a position of power should come only by merit ("If he knew what he was doing, I'd still have a clan, a father and a mother!").

During his growth, for several times he was nearly exiled from the tribe. But this troublesome young man had redeeming qualities that saved him: he is among the best athletes, riders and specially fighters among the young men of the tribe. He is also pratically addicted to proving his bravery and capacity, making him the first choice for many dangerous tasks - specially since he is also gifted in coming back (relatively) safe and unscatted.

While not a brilliant strategist, he may have a good future as a warrior, and his appreciation of thinking about other ways makes him good at unusual tactics

His strange luck, desire to explore and challenge dangers, coupled with the tribe's authorities wishes to see him far away whenever possible has led to him participating in raids and assaults to rival tribes even before his rite of passage into adulthood, as well as making him explore every strange ruin the tribe comes across in the vast southern desert. it almost killed him quite a number of times, but also made him very wealthy considering his age and the fact he is from a ruined clan. The fact that he manages to be so successful despite all his rebelious attitudes makes some of tribes elders and leader crazy, so they continue to scold him and send him in dangerous errands to see if he learns to behave

Despite a few other rebellious kids following his lead, he is not much of a leader and prefers the freedom to do his own will. The one person to whom he feels a certain kinship is [happerry's character], who has had similar trouble's with the tribe's leaders as himself. he doesn't know the intrincacies of his family relationship, but is always trying to convince him that his father should learn to appreciate his merits. Sandstorm also tends to challenge and provoke him for seeminly giving up on proving his worth. This is as much because of his lack of understanding of the situation as it is because of his beliefs and because he don't want a sad man to be his rival as the tribe's "walking trouble"

Now, the Elders of the tribe convinced the troublesome Sandstorm to participate in this caravan as his ritual of passage to adulthood. he sees it as a chance to show those old guys how much he can do and how he deserves a greater standing in the tribe, but he knows many of his fellow tribesmen think he is not mature enough to be an adult. A few of them may have changed their mind after talking to his fists before he left...
Well' date=' you guys were put as moderators before I joined. I am well aware you're a moderator, but it does seem like Haku is the main one to set up game threads, but that could just be a misperception, or just better PR on Haku's part :mrgreen:[/quote']
Nah, he is just more proactive and chatty than I am. ;)
So, edited my characters post and have his background up.

In this post, I think I will describe my characters former incarnation, as I have purchased the Past Lives Background, even if it will not take into effect until he exalts, whenever that is.

His former incarnation, the Night Cast named Midnight Cobra, was a specialist with dealing with corrupted mages and spirits. While never becoming a true master of the arts, he was one of the Night Castes who explored the Celestial Sorcery Circle. While still young for a solar, he was fast developing a reputation for being well connected with the terrestrial courts, and being fair and evenhanded in his judgments when his help was requested.

Sadly, before he could grow into the wise elder solar most people expected him to become, the Usurpation happened. While a strong and, mostly, wise solar, he was still young and the sidereals lured him into a trap and slew him.

Thus is the barebones of my shard's previous incarnation. Does it sound good?
Hey still got slots ?

I'm very inclined to playing an anti hero zenith (a la Prince of Persia).
Right, posted edited my character sheet in. It was a day or so late because I deceided to have a crack at doing it in iambic pentameter just to be clever, but then discovered I was just as bad at determining iambs as I've always been and gave up on it. I just need you to deceide what the oath counts as in terms of the Oathbound flaw, because I can never self-value vlaws and merits and things like that properly.

Also Coyotekin, I agree that I probably came across as a bit whiny, but on the other hand stirring up the sediment of an arguement just after it's settled is relly stupid and of the two I'd prefer to be whiny.
It's alright, it takes someone that is really stupid to recognize one of like mind, so I am happy to have the company. TY. :)
Shadow Red Claws

Alright. The game is set up. There are no sub-forums set up at the moment. So if you need any just let me know.
If you've got room I'd be happy to create a character for this. I'm thinking a young man whose been studying with the shaman and is along on this trip to learn the ways of another culture as part of his studies in dealing with the spirits. He would eventually become an Eclipse Caste, likely specializing in mortal/spirit relations. I can do up a sheet on him by Saturday if that works for you.
Heh, you would likely be working with my character than considering he is the Shaman's student.

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