Sanctuary Isle


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@Sinister Wolf





We are getting close to where we will be ready to get this started - if everyone is still with us. Yes, you may write up a second character.

I do plan to have a number of NPC's - mostly Staff and a few humans that help endangered species like you guys. The tone of this place is a little like the TV series Sanctuary and Haven.

All students who are ready to travel back into the mundane world on missions will be issued some magic gear by a human lady that is the world's current arch mage. Her great grandparents founded the Isle.

Anyways, a bit sick, so going to lay back down for awhile.
I hope there's still another spot for me.......Just kinda decided to jump in.

If you guys already have plans and a new guy would get in the way I'd be ok with backing out.
I don't think any plans have been made yet, so it should be fine, I'm guessing. Just post a character sheet in the sign up and see if it gets approved.

I was wondering if it would be possible for me to have a staff member, one that's responsible for tracking and locating mythical creatures. So if I did have a toon like that, would I have the freedom to just come up with random creatures here and there that have been found, so others can go out and look for them?

Also, if it wasn't obvious, my Pixie doesn't start out as a student, and will have some interaction with the world before she's noticed and found, just a heads up.
Well, I was honestly trying to stay away from the overused mythological critters - hence no werewolves and vampires. I was looking for more exotic and unusual creatures. My favorite (other than anything by myself and Sharlene) is Tock. Never had a Korean goblin in an RP. Day is next ... while fairies are done to death, the insect concept is a nice change of pace.

My dragon is honestly something a little overdone. Dragons? Gee, never seen one of those before.

Islanders, Students, Staff.

Islanders do NOT leave the island. They live there and care nothing for the world beyond. If they go anywhere else, it is to other realms. They remain behind only to offer a haven for others of their kind.

Students. Typically Students stop being students at age 18-ish. They start out knowing nothing of the modern world (except those brief encounters - like getting caught by poachers or Men in Black).

Staff. These are characters that have learned the ways of the modern world. They may also still be learning, but know enough to teach new students. They also include the Librarian, Nurse, etc.

All students eventually choose one of three paths.

1. Staff

2. Islander (some leave to try to survive among humans while watching for rumors of future students)

3. To depart for other realms.
Didn't know you were looking for unusual types of creature. Do you mind if I change my CS and make him another species? I was considering gargoyle, but decided against it and went with the more mainstream option just to be sure. I changed a few things here and there and the CS became Earth Elemental, so switching back to its original content is simple. Basically everything was Gargoyle-related and I just gave it another name.
Nah, I can deal with it. Yeah, gargoyles are cool too. 
I have Sharlene working on an Intro post ... basically one of the main NPC's heading out to meet up with an incoming flight. The flight is bringing the new Librarian. 
Sharlene and I tried to create multiple scenes for you guys to get involved with if you want.
I edited my CS btw. Just want to let you know to avoid any possible confusion.
Mitheral said:
Nah, I can deal with it. Yeah, gargoyles are cool too. 
I have Sharlene working on an Intro post ... basically one of the main NPC's heading out to meet up with an incoming flight. The flight is bringing the new Librarian. 
Sharlene and I tried to create multiple scenes for you guys to get involved with if you want.
That sounds fine. By the way, do you mind if I add another creature? It'll be something interesting like Tock, not too overused. :)
The new gargoyle pic is cool. LOL, there is an albino gargoyle runt living in NYC btw. He protects (or is it the other way around?) a New Age store. Crystals, herbs, etc

Wonder, that would be fine.
Pretty late where I am......Gonna post first thing tomorrow morning.

Sorry for the inconvinience.
NP, hopefully people won't hijack the RP with pages of posts before everyone else gets a chance to post.
Hijacking is definitely the worst. Especially with people who have to work! I will never post again until other have been able to post reactions to mine, if necessary, though continuing a conversation or such between two isolated toons should be fine. And thanks for the complement. I was originally going to create something you'd see out of One Piece, where a human eats a Bug Zoan type fruit, but decided it'd be easier to explain a pixie than magical devil fruits.
Yeah ... I was trying to slow down a couple folks just a bit. As you can tell from my initial posts Sharlene and I prefer more in depth posts, not these short choppy ones. 
@Jesserz and @Wondertainment

SLOW DOWN .... please. It is not fair for all the other RPers here to have to read through 2-3 pages of other posts before they even get a chance to post. Sharlene and I work a 70 hour work week. Others here work jobs as well. Granted I had the day off yesterday.

When folks don't want to read, they don't get involved with other RPers ... and I made this to be a GROUP RP ... not a bunch of individual stories. I am about to delete the RP at this rate.
So, there's two ways I can get my toon into the academy, I suppose. I could either have Day cause mayhem until someone noticed and came to fetch her, or she could have just appeared near the island, where she will soon start some trouble without knowing? Though I don't know if anyone has the toons that are ready for search and rescue type missions?
Maybe Day can cause ruckus and that draws Tock and Allelyna (I don't remember right now) out of the jungle. On the way they meet up with Zhan and talk it out. That sound like a plan?
Is that where Tock and his lady friend were? I didn't read much of what was going on between the two, as there were two pages made while I was at work and didn't feel like reading it all just to post, as I'm in a few RPs already that need attention. If you're in the forest, I can have Day move away from the city she's in. I left the description light so it'll be easier to move anywhere I need to, or be anywhere I need to be. But I'll probably post tomorrow.
Yeah basically. But from what I understand, the jungle is not the main stage. By the way, I wanted to apologize for moving too quickly.

Well, @SR388 I'll let you take the lead.
One way to post long encounters in only a single post is to do them with the other person in private message, then agree upon it and have one person role play both toons, playing out what happened in private. It saves a lot of space and reading for people, and lets you still go crazy.
I wanted to sincerely apologize for moving too quickly, and I will take my time and wright longer paragraphs. Sorry!
What SR388 said above is exactly correct. Sharlene and I do this a lot. JP's or Joint Posts. We write them up offline of by PM's. Then one of us cleans them up, makes sure you can tell who is doing what and posts. This is great for those quick action scenes or a dialogues. If it looks as though the post is getting too long, we even cut it and post as above with a To Be Continued at the bottom. In some RP's like a Murder Mystery where the two want to edit the scene so as not to reveal every thing to the whole group, but want a Mod to see what is really happening, the Mod gets CC'd. (Not the sort of thing you would have needed to do for your scene.)

As for getting folks together.:

1. The idea was for everyone to start on the island or be just arriving. I do NOT want to be running missions just yet as the only ones really ready for that are NPC's. That is why for our own characters, Sharlene and I posted our trials and tribulations for getting to the island in our background.

Growf had literally just washed up on shore - in the condition noted in his CS - and was searching for food. Zhan was drugged for the flight and shipped in by sea plane. He awoke in the Medical Station. And Janice Rand, the new Librarian / teacher was just arriving.

2. These are very small classes - about 1 teacher per student - and very informal. There are very, very few students. You guys are about it. (We may add a few later on.) The point is to learn modern human customs and technology. 
Say ... How IS Day getting to the island from the modern world?
That was the idea ... sorry .. had a 10 hour drive today (normal work day). Just getting finished up with paperwork.

The arriving plane is easy enough to meet. Zhan is going to head back to the Nurse to get stitched back up. If anyone strays by the Kitchen they may be able to save Growf from the cook ... or save the Kitchen from Growf. (He's already ruined half the Lunch for the day.)
Sounds good. I'll do one post slightly, slightly confusing the timeline, but I hope it'll be fine. 
Okay, Tock just encountered Growft in the kitchen. Let me know if that's better.
Not really. Tock is really one big disruption to the RP. He needs to start behaving ... or get booted.
Another technique, if you're looking into getting into advanced RPing, is to post several scenes in one. The other can respond to each scene individually, and can overwrite some things if need be. Though that's a bit harder than pming then doing a single post, it's faster and saves time.

Well, I guess I'll have to figure that out, won't I? Well, where is the island located? Is it somewhere where Day could just stumble upon it? I didn't realize you wanted everyone to start out on the island, otherwise I would have altered my toon. Are there any other characters outside of the island currently I could interact with?

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