Sanctuary Isle

The Island is located near the southern edge of the Bermuda Triangle. It is very dangerous to approach if you aren't the sort of creature it was designed to protect. If you traveled there by any mundane transport (normal people in control that the island doesn't know) the trip can be very risky.

You could be brought there by way of the few NPC's that are transporting people and use your original post as a backpost. There is the sea plane (Pilot Jack and his co pilot), a private yacht (the Davenports), and a submarine (small experimental Jules Verne looking thing manned by a group affectionately known as the Amazing Five.)

The last group does a lot of stuff on land. They are actually based near Flaming Gorge, AZ. They are probably the best option. Very colorful group: Two Native Americans (Jake Iverson, his sister Janice Iverson), Issac Imenov, Sybil Sheppard, and Clarence Jones. Each has a very distinct persona. Clarence is probably the best developed. He suffers from something like Aspergers - and is always getting Jake into trouble. These two seem to do most of the field work investigating. Clarence would have no issues about breaking into some top secret government facility to rescue an alien insect pixie. Well, he'd get Jake to do the breaking, getting caught in the act, etc ... while he erased all the evidence that had been collected, actually did the rescue ...of both the bug dude and Jake.

It would be easy enough to gloss over all the adventures in Mundania and be arriving on the island - even have already arrived weeks before. If this were a 1x1 I'd have no problem with running those adventures out. But the focus needs to be on the group. 
Actually ... the Amazing Five ARE a pretty good way of getting him rescued. And doing that is a good way to introduce them. If it is a REALLY serious situation they get reinforcements. They spend a great deal of their time ridding the world of Lovecraftian horrors. If Dispatch doesn't interrupt us, we'll try to get something written here shortly.

Just really hard for me to respond in several directions at once. A few? Not so bad. 
I added a short write up on the Amazing Five to the NPC section in the first post of the RP. I may move all of these to the Overview. Basically they are like very low powered superheroes, Normals with some abilities. They help Sanctuary Isle, though they see it as the other way around. Sanctuary Isle is a place to send endangered creatures. Mostly they fight against Lovecraftian horror stuff. Helping you guys is like a vacation. 
Folks, if I haven't heard back from SR388 by today, I am going to go ahead and push on. We can try to get him worked in if he is able.
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