Sanctuary [Inactive]


eyebrow queen
Rachel Lynn submitted a new role play:

Sanctuary - What would you do if one day you found a sactuary for the broken, the kids just like you?

Everyone's felt it, the feeling of not belonging, like you are the only one who understands.

In the small town of Carson, Washington there is an old shed that hides in the woods behind the main development. When they were younger all the kids would go play out there, but now that they have all grown up it had become abandoned.

Until one day, when life is rejuvenated into the old decapitated shed. The teens of Carson dubbed it, The Sanctuary. It's where they sit and talk, and...

Read more about this role play...
Ryleigh stared up at the fan as it made circles on the ceiling and the cooling breeze made her bangs flutter about. Her mother and her had just gotten into a major argument over god knows what. This was a common occurrence at her house; mom comes home from work and immediately begins to gripe over every last thing. Ryleigh knew things were stressful for her mom, but she was over being her personal punching bag.

Without a second thought she jumped out of bed, grabbed her guitar case and flung her window open. She climbed out her window and gently eased her guitar out after her. She flung the case over her shoulder to block the mid afternoon summer sun from beating down on her back. Quickly she took off through her back yard and down the street until she came to the woods. Pausing, she inhaled the sweet smell of the wildflowers, and then walked off into the woods. She knew these woods like the back of her hand, she used to play in them when she was younger, but up until recently she hadn't visited them very frequently.
Shamus burst out off his house. He was angry. His father was drunk and angry and his mother didn't care. Shamus had to get out of there, and he needed to run. He grabbed his running shoe's and ran into the forest. He walked through it when he was younger. He could remember when he use to live in ireland. It was a brief time but he remembers a small amount. The green highlands. There wasn't a lot of trees where he lived before the move.

He took a trail that he took before when he ran. He had a black eye, a gift form his step father. But shamus got him back with the help from a nice hit with the remote. He threw it at him. He kept running, and running. He didn't have an Ipod anymore. His mother took it after he didn't take care of the garbage. He ran past the big oak tree, past the big rock that looked like a chair. He kept running.
Ryleigh continued through the woods taking in all the details around her. For not being back here for at least 5 year, not much had changed. A wave of nostalgia come over her, she remembered playing hide and go seek with her father and little brother, and her go to hiding spot in an old hollowed out tree. Tears began to form in her eyes but she held them back, she did that a lot these days. Her steps were light on the ground and did interfere with the surrounding sounds of the birds chirping. Her ears pricked up when she heard the crunch of the leaves and the snap of twigs to the left of her. Pausing for a second, and then continuing on her way until she hit the path.
Shamus kept running. He ran and ran, and ran, until he saw someone the knew. He somewhat remembered her. He kind of bumped into her, and kind of tumbled over her. "Ah.... god.. I'm sorry about that...I..Uh.. didn't see.... you there." He got up off the ground. He walked over to her. "Come on, I'll help you."
When she reached the path the sound of leaves crunching and twigs snapping became familiar to her; it was someone running. She looked both ways down the path and saw no on until she looked back and saw a boy her age barreling at her. By then it was too late to get out of his way, before she knew it she was knocked to the ground with him. He had gotten up quickly and reached out his hand to help her up. She took his hand was up on her feet before she knew it. Composing herself, she put her head down and stared at her shoes, and tucked her hair behind her ears. When she finally had the courage to look up she recognized the boy. "Oh, thanks." She said with a small laugh. "I'm sorry, but have I seen you before or do you live around here? You look familiar."
"To be honest you look familiar as well. Like I had seen you around here from a long time.... I use to walk in these woods." One of his eyes was twitching from the black eye. "Ryleigh?" He whispered, only loud enough for her to hear. "Is it you, Ryleigh?"
Ryleigh studied his face and noticed his black eye, it alarmed her, but she didn't want to mention it in case it would raise up any emotions of anger from when it happened. "Yeah, I'm Ryleigh." She said as she dusted off her jeans. She directed her attention back to him, "I'm sorry but your name escapes me, what is it again?"
"Shamus.. Shamus O'Connel. We meet in these woods a few years ago... At the... the... what did we call that place?" He said as he rubbed his head. His black hair was sweaty from running so much.
"Oh, the sanctuary! I was just headed there now. I have to clear my head." Her voice drifted off as she recalled the fight. She didn't particularly leave on the best note and figured her mother would be worried sick about where she was, but she didn't care. "It's been awhile since I've been there. Do you still go there?" She fidgeted with the strap of her guitar case.
"No not really... But lord knows I could use it. With the way everything is going I feel as if I need a place to relax." He touched his eye. "Old bastard got me good. Didn't he?" He said. "But I got him back, got him with the remote. Beaned him right in the nose. Last I saw he was bleeding from the nose.... but what about you, how are you doing?"
Giving him a sly smile and giggling a bit, "Right in the nose with a remote, eh? Sounds like a real bad ass. But I'm okay. Just the same old, mom had a bug up her butt and decided to take her anger and frustration out on me." She said with a heavy breath, "I was wondering how you got that nice shiner." She had to admit the black eye didn't look half bad on him.
"Yeah when mom married to my asshole of a stepfather, he wouldn't beat on me because he was afraid that she would leave him, but after she was accepting of it." He kept on walking. "Yeah I got him with the remote, he should know that I am a fighter. He pushed the wrong button and I had it..... I am probably going to be run through hell when I get back home."
Astrid stepped out of an old record shop, where she worked into the cold windy street. Sighing to herself, she remembered that tonight was the night she planned on running away from the foster home once and for all. She saw a boy and a girl who looked around her age talking to each other. 
The problem was she had nowhere to run away to but anything would be better than the foster home.
"I'm with you, when I get home my mom is probably going to ream me a new one." Letting out a sigh, she kept pace with Shamus. They walked in silence for a bit. The surroundings we familiar to her and she knew that they were getting close to the old shed they dubbed the sanctuary. "I think we are getting close to the shed." She stopped and turned to Shamus, "Were you planning on staying or going back to that hell hole you have to call home?"
Astrid was walking with her head down and accidentally ran straight into the girl and boy who where talking to each other. "Oh my gosh! I'm so so sorry" Astrid said nervously moving her violet hair away from her eyes she she could see.
Shamus kept walked. She touched a nerve. "It might be a hell hole... but it is my hell hole." He just kept walking. He didn't like his home in the first place, but no one is allowed to say anything about it. He had a wild side, and he didn't want to unleash it. Not on her. She was pretty, and shamus was getting the feeling that she liked him.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean it!" She watched him walk away. She thought to herself "Great, just chased away another one with my smart mouth". As she went to turn around a girl her age bumped into her. "Oh, don't worry about it." Glancing over her shoulder at Shamus, "It's not the first time I've been ran into today."
Shamus made his way to one of the many trees he knew he could climb. Once there he began to climb. he climbed and climbed until he was close to 40 feet of the ground. He sat on one of the limbs and just watched the trees as they would sometimes sway with the wind. "The wind is free, but I am not."
An annoyingly loud alarm clock on the end table by his bed rang out in his ear, and a groaning Devon slammed it off with his fist. He hated waking up, it just meant another day of boredom or any other unpleasant thing imaginable. He rolled out of bed, literally, falling it the floor and completely waking up when his back felt the pain and he began to regret it. Devon stood up slowly, stretching and blinking his sleepy blue eyes. His dark brown hair was sleep tousled, and his grey tshirt had a hole under the sleeve. Devon groaned again in frustration, changing into some black basketball shorts and a maroon tshirt. In his full length mirror his mom had insisted on her attempted to smooth out his hair, and with that he was out the door headed to the shack. In the distance he spied Ryleigh and Shamus. Devon called out to them, an almost adorable smile glazed over his face. "Hey, Ryleigh, Shames, wait up!" Ryleigh, a redhead, was the closer of the two, so he jogged up to her side with the cheerful grin still prominent.
"No, no. I'm fine." She said a little flustered. Shaking her head and putting on a fake smile, "Hi, I'm Ryleigh."

She looked over her shoulder again to see if Shamus was still there, but he was gone. Letting out a sigh she turned back to face the girl. “So…what are you doing out here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before.”
"I'm leaving my job at the record store" Astrid said motioning towards the record store that was nearby "I'm also leaving my foster home to I guess" she said nervously scratching her head.
After shames was done being so philosophical. He had decided it was time to get down out from the tree. Branch after branch he stepped. Sometimes if he was tired he would take a break and look out. "Maybe I was a bit to harsh on her. But still she shouldn't talk about my dysfunctional house." He took a break.

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