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Realistic or Modern Same Love

Jay Alverrez <3


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I'm really not forgetting, I promise, @ShadedRose. I haven't been sleeping well, so I've been constantly exhausted on top of busy, particularly this week. I think I'll head back to the doctor at the end of the month if this goes on for much longer. Anyhow, that's not relevant. Sorry again! I'll work on responding right now.
Bupkis said:
I'm really not forgetting, I promise, @ShadedRose. I haven't been sleeping well, so I've been constantly exhausted on top of busy, particularly this week. I think I'll head back to the doctor at the end of the month if this goes on for much longer. Anyhow, that's not relevant. Sorry again! I'll work on responding right now.
You come first, remember that! This roleplay is no where near more important than you getting some proper rest and taking care of yourself. I really hope that you'll find a solution to your sleeping issues! I miss you but I'm still going to be right here waiting for when you are back <3
ShadedRose said:
You come first, remember that! This roleplay is no where near more important than you getting some proper rest and taking care of yourself. I really hope that you'll find a solution to your sleeping issues! I miss you but I'm still going to be right here waiting for when you are back <3
Thank you! But I very much enjoy our characters and this story, so at least it's an enjoyable pastime, which is also important! My sleeping issues only started up last week, so I'm not quite sure what to make of them yet. Again, if they persist, I'm going to a doctor because I'm losing my mind being this constantly exhausted and anxious all the time. I miss you too, and I may be slowed down, but I'm not going anywhere yet. I have half a response written up at the moment. I'm glad you did something to move things along a little bit - I was going to have Elodie's brother text her in my next reply, but your introduction works very well too (if not better). Thank you so much for your patience; you're such a sweetheart. x
I understand it completely! And yes, I absolutely love this pairing <3 our characters are cute together, even though it's unofficial so far!

Hehe I wasn't quite sure how else to get things moving along sooooo...lol. No problemo~ I'm just happy that you're still here! This may be the longest time I've had a really awesome partner to roleplay with without them quitting or whatever..ugh. Anyway! Thank you so much~~~~~
ShadedRose said:
I understand it completely! And yes, I absolutely love this pairing <3 our characters are cute together, even though it's unofficial so far!
Hehe I wasn't quite sure how else to get things moving along sooooo...lol. No problemo~ I'm just happy that you're still here! This may be the longest time I've had a really awesome partner to roleplay with without them quitting or whatever..ugh. Anyway! Thank you so much~~~~~
I agree! I think it helps me to have a character like Elodie who I relate to so much. Her problems are a lot more severe than mine, but a lot of her thought processes are based on ones that I experience in day to day life (even though I've never been diagnosed with anything, I am still far from being a social butterfly). It also just helps me to play a girl attracted to girls because hey, that's my life. I think Everest complements her well!

It works! I'm excited to see where you're going with it. This is an exceptionally long time for me, too. Aside from having wonderful characters, your patience and consideration has also been a major encouragement, so thank you too. x
it's funny that you say all of that...I find Elodie quite sweet and it's awesome to hear that you can relate to your character ^-^ Everest is everything I aspire to be..we're alike in some ways but she has a better confidence level than myself. I'm asexual though so I'm unable to say whether girl's are apart of my life, ha (: I think the two are adorable~!

I can't even remember where I was taking that! xD I have to think something up now. I'm soooo glad to have joined this roleplay! Meeting you has been so much fun as well <3 <3

if you need anything at all PM me :) Also, I'm going to be watching a movie then go to bed afterward..I'll be attending MechaCon the next two days so I hope that you can return the favor of being patient with me. I really do hope that your sleeping patterns will go back to normal though @Bupkis
I admire Elodie's optimism, so I'm with you there. And oh, I'm asexual too, actually! I'm attracted to girls (and non-binary people) in every way that isn't sexual, if that makes sense. I'm not so sure about cisgender boys. If I had to label myself, I'd say panromantic asexual with a preference for girls/non-binary people, but it's easier to just say that I'm queer.

Oh man, did I really take that long? I'm so sorry! I'll try to speed up my replies. I'm really glad to have joined and met you too, dear! x

Of course, and the same goes to you. Enjoy your night, and yes, of course I'll be patient with you! No rush at all. I'm actually going away this weekend for my mother's birthday, so I'd be delayed in responding anyway. I'm crossing my fingers about my sleeping pattern, too.

@The Dragon Rider I will be away for the majority of today and tomorrow, I'm sorry!


Bupkis said:
I admire Elodie's optimism, so I'm with you there. And oh, I'm asexual too, actually! I'm attracted to girls (and non-binary people) in every way that isn't sexual, if that makes sense. I'm not so sure about cisgender boys. If I had to label myself, I'd say panromantic asexual with a preference for girls/non-binary people, but it's easier to just say that I'm queer.
Oh man, did I really take that long? I'm so sorry! I'll try to speed up my replies. I'm really glad to have joined and met you too, dear! x

Of course, and the same goes to you. Enjoy your night, and yes, of course I'll be patient with you! No rush at all. I'm actually going away this weekend for my mother's birthday, so I'd be delayed in responding anyway. I'm crossing my fingers about my sleeping pattern, too.

That's so cool! We're so alike xD I'm not all that informed with cisgender and such terms so I can't tell you what I exactly am lol.

When I say that I'm 'asexual' people always ask me if I'm a damn plant...like, no. No, I am not. Don't worry about being away! I won't be on for the majority of today and tomorrow and am driving to Florida (9+ hours)

I wish the best to you and your sleeping patterns!!!
ShadedRose said:
@The Dragon Rider I will be away for the majority of today and tomorrow, I'm sorry!

That's so cool! We're so alike xD I'm not all that informed with cisgender and such terms so I can't tell you what I exactly am lol.

When I say that I'm 'asexual' people always ask me if I'm a damn plant...like, no. No, I am not. Don't worry about being away! I won't be on for the majority of today and tomorrow and am driving to Florida (9+ hours)

I wish the best to you and your sleeping patterns!!!
Apparently! And I've just become informed from a lot of involving myself. If it matters to other people, I should be informed about it, y'know? It's helped me quite a bit, I think. But more than that it's helped make some of the people around me more comfortable and that's what matters. I don't get super technical, just broad enough that I should be able to accommodate everyone - if not, I learn.

The only people I've told have been people who I knew wouldn't think much of it, so I haven't gotten that response. I think I'd laugh if I did. Anyhow, I'm back home now. I hope you had a nice drive!
@ShadedRose what a pleasant surprise, welcome back! I am still interested, don't worry, and all's forgiven. Life happens. I've also been pretty busy, but I will respond at some point today.
Bupkis said:
Ugh, sorry... life. @ShadedRose I can respond Thursday at the earliest.
No worries~

The day after I last posted I dropped my phone (breaking the stupid thing beyond repair) and had none of my passwords or any personal info. That's why I didn't respond til today. I've been reseting passwords >.<

I'm going to work on a response now, but life isn't calming down for a little while yet, so consistency is still a ways off. Apologies, and thank you for your patience. x

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