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Realistic or Modern Same Love

Elodie Amelie Bellamy

After a short, surprised pause, Elodie scurried after Everest. Once she caught up, she gave her a quizzical look, glanced back at the room they were leaving behind, and then looked down at her feet again. There was so much she wanted to ask and apologize for, but her voice was nowhere to be found. Twiddling her thumbs, she followed without protest. She wasn’t sure how to feel about this turn of events—about everything that had transpired since they got to the hospital—but it didn’t sit comfortably in her chest. There was still so much that needed to be resolved and satisfied, but Elodie didn’t even know where to begin.

Well. Actually. She did.

She watched Everest intently as she walked towards her brother’s car. Like if she looked away for even a fleeting second, she would miss something.

Emmanuel quirked an eyebrow at them and lowered Elodie’s book as they approached. He took one look at his sister and frowned, but didn’t say anything. Meanwhile, Elodie avoided his gaze, instead noting happily that he’d left her bookmark undisturbed. Her gaze flitted to Everest for a fleeting second. Elodie nodded, though not entirely sure why, and then realized, belatedly, that Everest was saying goodbye. Her thoughts stalled.

“Elodie,” Emmanuel said, putting his feet down and leaning out the window to take her hand, “Allons-y.” He wasn’t sure what was going on or what had happened, but he could see that his sister needed some time to decompress and sort herself out. He assumed Everest could probably benefit as well. To Everest, he smiled brightly and said, “I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you, Everest. And I hope everything is alright… or getting better, anyway.” He tugged on Elodie’s hand and she walked around to the other side of the car to get in the passenger’s seat.

As he started up the car, Emmanuel turned to speak to Everest again. “Get home safe and, uh…” He grinned at Elodie, though Everest probably couldn’t see, “send Elodie a text so we know you’re alright, yeah?”

@ShadedRose I missed you too~ I’m not really sure where to go from here…
The first thing that Everest noticed while leaving the hospital was the feeling of absolute relief. Relief from knowing that her father was alive and doing fine despite the visit taking a pretty steep turn for the worst. There was also regret that outlined her emotional state at the time. Not that she wasn't happy with El being with her, she just didn't like how everything ended that morning. Sighing silently, she watched the exchange from brother to sister wondering for a fleeting second whether she and her own brother would have ever shared such a strong relationship. It didn't matter much, though.

Smiling faintly, she looked to Emmanuel as he began to speak. Her smile grew somewhat at what he had to say and a small nod was given. "Thanks, Emmanuel." She looked after Elodie as she started around the vehicle to go get in. Her attention shifted back to El's brother and with a playful salute she stepped away but not before smiling over at Elodie one more time. "You two get home safe, I'll let ya know if there's any other head-spinning adventures coming up." She grinned, a bit more normal than what she'd been feeling.

Waiting until they were good to go, Ev turned from their car and headed for the motorcycle, the helmet still sitting on the seat and everything else untouched. She took the small silver key from her pocket and got onto the bike, cranking it up before preparing to take off.

Revving the engine so the motor was heard throughout the parking lot, she glanced up at the hospital and noticed a few of the curtains open wide showing the insides of those rooms. Her father was on the other side of one of those windows and with that final thought she pushed up the kick-stand and left.

It took about an hour to finally get home. Passing the house where the party had taken place, she nearly missed it due to the yard looking way better than before. No one seemed to be home but Everest could imagine the scene that had taken place that night with Elodie and herself outside enjoying one another's presence. It was a good memory and still fresh. Had she not gone to the party their meeting would most likely never existed. The idea of never knowing someone so sweet and who'd already made a mark on her life, made her mind start to whirl. As she started overthinking a familiar sight started to show before her. Her house was smaller than Emmanuel's, a two bedroom and one bathroom place with crooked shutters and cracked pavement leading up to the door. The 'shop' her dad worked in was next-door. A decent sized metal building with a sun roof and only high up windows. Parking the bike just outside the shop, Everest took off the helmet and set it aside while stretching. "It feels great to be home.." She sighed to herself then going into the house. There was a small amount of mess from her last episode of anger though nothing that couldn't be cleaned in a few minutes.

Her legs carried her to the couch before collapsing carelessly into the cushions. Reaching for the tv remote she remembered what Em had told her and got her phone out before anything else. Smiling at the screen, she sent Elodie a quick test to let her know she'd gotten home. Text : "Hey. I made it home. Thanks again! You two made it home okay?"

@Bupkis don't worry about it! I'm working on a plan (trying).

Elodie Amelie Bellamy

Elodie was quiet on the way home. So was Emmanuel. They didn’t talk, didn’t play music, didn’t even look at each other. Elodie was slumped in her seat, arms drawn loosely around herself, focused on the outside world blurring past. Emmanuel, who was, by nature, far more fidgety and active than his sister, was antsy to fill the space with something, anything, but knew better. Sometimes he could see the way tapping noises would make her cringe or flinch when she was having a particularly hard time. He also knew her well enough to know that she’d never say anything about it. Emmanuel had become quite perceptive since taking in his sister.

When they got home, they went their separate ways. The timeline of the day seemed very off to both of them. They’d departed for the hospital in—what, late afternoon? They were getting home now and the light was fading, but still very much present. Emmanuel watched his sister head to her bedroom, bit back a sigh, and decided he might as well get some work done before he started worrying about dinner.

Meanwhile, Elodie slipped into her bedroom. She plugged her phone in, drew her curtains, and left the lights off as she changed into cozy pajamas. Once she was comfortable, she propped her pillows up against her wall, and sat on her bed. Her blanket was draped around her, her fists bunched in the fabric. For a few moments she looked down at her crossed legs and then she sniffled. Her back hunched and she pressed her clothed fists to her eyes, beginning to tear up. This wasn’t the all-consuming panic of earlier. This was humiliation and guilt, regret seeded so deeply that she could feel it lodged in the core of her chest. She took a deep, shuddering breath and let out a sob.

Just as she did, however, her phone went off.

Startled, she pulled her hands away and sniffled, looking at the phone on her nightstand. Milly was on vacation for the summer and Emmanuel would have just knocked on her door if he wanted to talk to her, so..? Grief suppressed by curiosity, Elodie leaned out from under the blanket and unlocked her phone.

Everest. It was a text from Everest. Right. Elodie sighed heavily, thumb hesitating over the phone’s screen. Everest was just texting because Emmanuel asked her to and it would be impolite not to. After a few moments she bit her lip and responded with the first thing that came to mind, not giving herself a chance to overthink it like she wanted to, and hit send.

Hey. I made it home. Thanks again! You two made it home okay?[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Raleway][SIZE=10px]
Yes. We’re fine.
I’m sorry.

Feeling even more embarrassed if such a thing were possible, Elodie closed her eyes tightly and returned her phone to the nightstand with its screen facing down. Should she let Emmanuel know? She didn't want to.

@ShadedRose do I get any hints? <3
Elodie was quiet on the way home. So was Emmanuel. They didn’t talk, didn’t play music, didn’t even look at each other. Elodie was slumped in her seat, arms drawn loosely around herself, focused on the outside world blurring past. Emmanuel, who was, by nature, far more fidgety and active than his sister, was antsy to fill the space with something, anything, but knew better. Sometimes he could see the way tapping noises would make her cringe or flinch when she was having a particularly hard time. He also knew her well enough to know that she’d never say anything about it. Emmanuel had become quite perceptive since taking in his sister. When they got home, they went their separate ways. The timeline of the day seemed very off to both of them. They’d departed for the hospital in—what, late afternoon? They were getting home now and the light was fading, but still very much present. Emmanuel watched his sister head to her bedroom, bit back a sigh, and decided he might as well get some work done before he started worrying about dinner. Meanwhile, Elodie slipped into her bedroom. She plugged her phone in, drew her curtains, and left the lights off as she changed into cozy pajamas. Once she was comfortable, she propped her pillows up against her wall, and sat on her bed. Her blanket was draped around her, her fists bunched in the fabric. For a few moments she looked down at her crossed legs and then she sniffled. Her back hunched and she pressed her clothed fists to her eyes, beginning to tear up. This wasn’t the all-consuming panic of earlier. This was humiliation and guilt, regret seeded so deeply that she could feel it lodged in the core of her chest. She took a deep, shuddering breath and let out a sob. Just as she did, however, her phone went off. Startled, she pulled her hands away and sniffled, looking at the phone on her nightstand. Milly was on vacation for the summer and Emmanuel would have just knocked on her door if he wanted to talk to her, so..? Grief suppressed by curiosity, Elodie leaned out from under the blanket and unlocked her phone. Everest. It was a text from Everest. Right. Elodie sighed heavily, thumb hesitating over the phone’s screen. Everest was just texting because Emmanuel asked her to and it would be impolite not to. After a few moments she bit her lip and responded with the first thing that came to mind, not giving herself a chance to overthink it like she wanted to, and hit send.
Hey. I made it home. Thanks again! You two made it home okay?
Yes. We’re fine.
I’m sorry.
Feeling even more embarrassed if such a thing were possible, Elodie closed her eyes tightly and returned her phone to the nightstand with its screen facing down. Should she let Emmanuel know? She didn't want to.

do I get any hints? <3

((@Bupkis I'm not doing too well with coming up with a plan but for right now we'll go post to post lol. You can add/create any drama or creativity you see fit! <3 I love interesting things in roleplay))

Once the text had finished sending Everest was forced to get back up from her comfortable position after hearing a knock at the door. It was getting much later than she had realized, the sunlight outside was growing dimmer and the front porch light had been triggered by the figure standing on the other side of the door. Peering through the peep hole then opening it, she took the bike keys from her pocket and tossed them into the hands of an elderly man with a long grey beard. "Thanks, darlin'." She gave the older gentleman a nod. Just after that her phone buzzed. She waited for the old man to hand her the payment then closed the door with a small huff. Taking out her phone, she looked at the screen and gave a slight smile at it being Elodie responding. Why was she so excited? Perhaps it was due to Everest not having a real friend in so long. Her heart tightened seeing the "I'm sorry" text and she quickly went to typing.
Hey. I made it home. Thanks again! You two made it home okay?
Yes. We’re fine.
I’m sorry.
Whatever reason you might come up with, don't apologize. Everything's fine and I'm seriously glad that you were there.
If anything, I'm sorry. Thanks for coming along on my crazy adventure. Maybe we'll do it again sometime?
By the end of her message she hoped it would give Elodie at least a small piece of mind. Setting her phone down on the sofa, she began picking up the discarded items all across the floor. After she'd finished a bit of cleaning her next thought was to get into cleaner clothes. Going into her bedroom which was covered in classic rock bands and newer rock posters, she changed into some Mickey Mouse pajama bottoms and a Bug's Bunny tank top. Her sense of matching was never all that great.

      When she walked back to her phone to find not a single message, her heart nearly tore. Of course she could have been overreacting but what if El was alone in her room curled in a ball going through all the horrid thoughts in her head like Ev knew she was. At that time it was apparent outside that the sun had gone down but some of the best things happened in the cover of night. Grabbing her sneakers and slipping them on, then her phone and truck keys, the girl stepped out the front door and sprinted to the garage where her truck was parked. Text messages could only do so much and Elodie deserved much more. She cranked the truck and started driving. Luckily she had a pretty okay memory and things weren't too fuzzy for her to remember how to get to Elodie's place. It was about twenty minutes before she pulled up in front of the house. Her phone had buzzed at least once since leaving her house but had no interest in checking it. As the truck's motor silenced, the messy haired, pajama wearing teenager walked up toward the house and paused wondering which window was El's. She paused and tried to think on it.

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