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Realistic or Modern Salvation


Ex Ignition Hero
Role Play Rating:

  • M - Mature (17+)

Role Play Status:

Closed - Not Accepting

**It will start when we have 5-6 people or on Saturday, June 14th, 2014.**

The year is 2068...
...and it's been 54 years since the first outbreak of the virus, XD48. The dead walk the Earth and you've heard rumor of this place called "Salvation". No one has ever seen it, been there, or knows where it is. It's apparently clean of XD48. Will you make it to Salvation? Become the walking dead by being infected by Xd48? Or take your own path?



  • Same as RPN Rules (If you don't know where they are...then HERE they are!)
  • No tech past the year 2014 (Because that's when tech stopped being modernized)
  • Can't have superpowers/immune to virus
  • No more than 2 firearms
  • No more than 3 weapons in total
  • No killing characters without permission
  • Be Reasonable and somewhat Realistic (Especially when it comes to the weapons)
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Jason was walking along, the sky scorched from chem trails. The ground beneath his feet broken, and cracked from years of wear. His pistol at eye level with his shotgun n his back and knife holstered, he makes his way through the city streets swiftly, checking each car for gasoline as he comes upon them. Everything he clears a street, he checks it off his list, and keeps going. He accidentally sets off an alarm to a cra but disables it quickly, pausing and listening for the undead. he can hear them coming closer, he runs into a small shop he cleared previously and waits out the rush with his shotgun sights aimed towards the entrance. "Yeah keep on trottin' " He says to himself as the horde walks past looking for the noise.
Aragorn, stood at roof of a building, slowly smocking a cigar, " ah! these things so rare, yet i can't control myself from wasting one" he said in a low tone, he knew he was alone the building nearly wiped clean, well more liked murdered clean, as the cloud of smock rose higher in the air, his ear twitched a little as he rushed to the edge of the roof, from far he could hear the alarm of the car , it was moments till the sound nearly vanished, to some normal person it would be rather hard to locate but what i needed was a pair of binoculars and a little common sense.

He moves his blonde hair back as he gazed through his binoculars searching for a horde of zombies, which he preferred to call zambies for no apparent reason. soon he caught a glimpse of a the horde that was moving past a shop now, " it seems a fool just called his end", he said with a giggle. He took out his sniper as he aimed through his infrared scope. Soon a grin came to his face, ' why waste ammo and why even care its not like i know him. Even if he dies it doesn't matter after all survival off the fittest' he thought, still his eyes peering through the scope as if waiting for the climax of a movie. " this is ought to be fun" were the words that slipped his mouth before he smirked
Once the horde passes, Jason's breathing picks up again, he stands, arms at his sides, he equips his pistol and takes the back entrance to the store out and down a few streets. He only collected a few pints of gas. His senses on full alert. Entering the city park, he notices flicker on top of a tall building from where he just came from, he ducks behind a rock and examines the specter. "Thought i was only person in the hell hole of a city...Let's not piss them off..." he stays behind the rock
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Soon he can see a red mark in his scope, " My, my keen eyes" he said as he took cover now, " hopefully they don't try something rash and come for a tea party, he said with a laugh, forgetting that it could alert zombies, slowly he began to load bullets in the clips, " lets see today's weather seems dry and there is barely a wind and the park is about 100 m and the building is 50 m so erm about well he is in range, he thought debating to take a shot or not if required, after all its hard to find the right ammo now a days
Jason took a deep breath in, looked around for any undead around him. It was clear, he stood up from his cover, exposing himself to his new friend on the building. He put his hands up taking the clip out from his pistol and gave a thumbs up. He immediately questioned his own actions "What the hell?! Why did i do that?" He thought to himself "Damn..." his posture remains strong as he shows he means no harm to the specter from the building. "Sniper. about...90-ish meters away...he could hit me..." he smirks to himself and continues showing signs of not wanted trouble.
( sorry for typing here but definitely hit u )

" huh a naive idiot?" he asked himself, ' he even posses arms should i just kill him, well it would be fun after all its been a while since i got a real heart shot, after all heads shots are too common' he thought with a expression of glee, as his aim now centered toward's the heart of the guy

well no effect of gravity straight shot the projectile wont have any problem hitting its target, this thing seems rather easy, he loaded the bullet, " lets see Bambi you have 10 seconds to run" he said as he began to count down.
Jason stood, realizing the specter was not giving any signs back. "He's...he's not doing anything...crap." *He loaded his pistol again and darted into the dense forest of the park. "Well...this city is done...3 more to go" he thought as he ran towards the outskirts of the city. "Still alone: check. Car: ...not check. City of Salvation:..." *he looks off into the distance of the next city over* "...On my way..."
He pulled his sniper up realizing that the little Bambi had now scared away, " well its the days most fun!" he said to himself sarcastically as he pulled out a radio from his back pack, " This is Aragon, I have food and supplies and even some medicines, if you are alone and can contribute reply to this frequency now!" he said, verily his hopes were not high after all who else will u find in this wasteland, even that boy he saw was a rare site, humans were now like a nearly extinct species, they were truly on the verge of eradication and total annihilation
Hearing a shatter shoot across his radio "Huh...? I thought this thing was...broken..." pulling out the radio and turning it on "Hello? Who's this?"
Rue peered out of a dusty window for a second and scanned the street beyond for any signs of life, or really any signs of something not quite life, and smiled to herself as soon as she saw it was clear. Turning away from the window the soft swish of the tattered remains of curtains accompanied the low sound of Rue's humming as she nimbly navigated the ruins of a store, the broken furniture and other wreckage telling the story of what had happened. But whatever the store had once sold was now long gone and Rue frowned after her search revealed no canned food or otherwise preserved food. "Oh well, the next store then." Rue said softly to herself, not like there was anyone to answer her around. The Undead certainly didn't, a pity too because they comprised most of the scenery these days. Retracing her steps back to the door she stood still for a moment and closed her eyes so all her attention was focused on hearing. Hearing anything; those moans, the rasp of decaying shoes being dragged over concrete, a car alarm. Wait...a car alarm? "How curious." Rue murmured, cocking her head and listening more intently. Cars had all but been abandoned, for lack of gasoline mostly, and the Undead certainly didn't have use for such things. Tightening her grip on her sword, she only had one out so she had a hand free, Rue silently turned the doorknob and was out of the shop and moving away from the alarm in less than a second, her bare feet not making a sound as she moved.
" Well to you this is help, who are you and what are your co-ordinates" he demanded, ' huh that was overly lucky' he thought to himself with a laugh, as he brought the radio closer to his ear, he then slowly pulled out his binoculars as he peeked through the roof towards the city, scouting for someone holding a radio, ' I hope they did not die due to attracting zambies, so many fools roam this land and so few experts. He giggles realizing the irony that only the weak survived till no. 
Soon he glanced upon a young figure maybe a girl, or a lady, " is she the one who called on the radio?" he asked himself as glaring at the women walked away from the alarm, ' should i signal him somehow? ' he thought , but wont that be a waste, i doubt i would find more even if i reach a abandoned military camp, even if i save her, it would only halve my supplies he was wondering to himself as he debated should he help or not
Glancing behind herself out of habit Rue was relieved to see no one following her, living or otherwise. Continuing on, a promising shop caught Rue's eyes and she couldn't help but pause her retreat to investigate. She did need supplies after all, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to get away from this city, that there were other living humans around who might be more dangerous than the Undead. The window revealed disappointment though; the inside of the shop revealed that someone had already beat her there and nothing worth her time was left. But the shop only confirmed her fears that she wasn't alone, even if the person who had been here had been here years before, it was impossible to tell really. Glancing behind herself again her eyes swept over the street but uncovered nothing and she turned and continued away, her pace brisker without her intention.
Aragorn's eyes widened upon seeing the Japanese sword the girl was having, " A real katana, that is rare, really rare! She might not be a Bambi but in fact someone useful" he said with a little excitement, he hurriedly pulled a out a piece of silver and a remote, "KABOOM!" he yelled as in a building two blocks south a signal appeared, it was indeed green smock that moved toward's Aragorn's building. He reflected the sunlight on the silver piece of to get the lady's attention, after all such signals were the best, they were visible even miles away. ' she would see it' he hoped
Rue stopped dead in her tracks, this time knowing she had heard someone yell something; someone alive, someone who still thought rationally, she hoped anyway. Turning slowly she suppressed a gasp as her eyes fell upon something she could only know to be a signal to get her attention, her eyes following the trail until she was looking up at the roof of a tall building, something catching the light and blinding her if she looked straight at it. Pushing down the initial panic at seeing another human, Rue tightened her grip on her sword but did not move, not yet. "They got my attention, that must mean something." Rue reasoned with herself, mainly the part that wanted to run and not look back. But already her decision was made, her curiosity and loneliness winning, and cautiously she began to make her way toward the building; even the prospect of human company not causing her to forget the ever present threat the Undead posed.
" huh! the old trick worked, she smart now isn't she" he said talking to himself, well in a time with a epidemic of zambies, it was not crazy to talk to oneself but even if it was Aragorn doubted that. he dropped the piece of silver realizing that the girl was fully unprotected as he pulled out his sniper aiming around for zambies that could cause problem, " I hope she doesn't be a waste of either my time or my ammo" he said with a unpleasant look as a doubt came to his mind. 'What if she is just a useless Bambi, then should i just kill her and take the goodies, it wont be immoral in times like this as they say survival of the fittest, but won't that take my title as a human away, after all killing someone you just invited is just in humane, in fact its preposterous' his thoughts wanders from killing to helping, surely one had alot of time in this day and age, one could only waste it, even thinking was now a waste, instead one should have just searched for more food and supplies and if lucky even for medicines but for Aragon he had already stocked them at least enough for a year, so he barely cared, but if zambies were to attack him, it could have become real troublesome.

( i love saying zambie)
Pausing at an intersection in the street Rue carefully looked both ways before letting her eyes trace the path to the building once more; now more than ever she couldn't afford to miss something and get herself killed, the irony in a death like that would kill her before the virus could turn her. As it turned out whoever had set off that alarm had done her a favor and Rue made it to the building and then inside without a single encounter with the Undead who were no doubt drawn away by the sound. Inside the lobby of the building her eyes searched out the door leading to the stairs; she couldn't help but feel annoyance that whoever it was had picked such a tall building. But height meant safety and Rue slipped through the marked door and closed it behind her out of habit. Eyeing the stairs before her she took a second to make sure her second blade was secured and ready if needed before beginning her ascent, wondering who awaited her.

(It's almost as good as living dead, gotta love that oxymoron ^^)
Slapping the radio "Damn this thing... Work!" *He pushed the button and spoke "The name's Mau, that's all you need to know over the radio. Are you near the city? Careful if you are, you're not alone. Saw a sniper on a building, looked like he was gonna take a shot at me a few minuets ago..." He starts walking at the edge of the radio's radius "I'm just outside of the city. Where are you?" he can hear yelling in the distance "What the...?"
( lol xD )

Aragorn could hear the sound of the door shunting, "i highly doubt it was wind" he said with a huge laugh, as he began to walk toward the door he took out his knife, the knife looked small, feeble, weak, but as they say never judge a book by its cover, the knife was after all made of carbon fiber and well could puncture a deep wound with the slightest push. He unchained the door and slowly stepped down a ladder, he paused standing in am aggressive stance, ' time to shut my security system' he thought with a grin stealing his face as he stabbed the zambie in the back of its neck, puncturing the nerve chord practically making its brain dead, this time for sure. He then gently pushed the zambie with his leg as it began to roll down the stair case. " Come up" were the words that slipped his mouth as he climbed back to the roof and took at position at the edge of the door, it was a blind spot to who would enter. " Well, remember what the biology teacher said, precaution is better then cure" he said in a very low tone with his pistol now out. He took a deep breath hoping that the girl was not bringing a party with her, it would just cause a huge waste of ammunition.

(u following me O.o stalker-chan ?) 
He could hear the crackling noise from the radio, but he thought its too late to reach right now it could be dangerous and so tried to forget about it.

(btw bro green smock dont u dare come while i am taking care fo her or i shoot u bambi i shoot bambis for dinner 3:) )
Jason got no response on the radio "Ah whatever" he turned it off and there his shotgun on his back "I gotta go, i'm wasting daylight." he begins walking for the other city meeting an abandoned suburban neighborhood half way. "Should probably check it out..." he spots a car that looks as though it is relatively good condition "Odd..." he pumps his shotgun and approaches the house that the car is parked outside of. As he looks into the car he sees a corpse. It was not infected however, in fact, the male was in the passenger seat with a bullet hole through his head ".45 cal... that's not normal..." he pulls the body out of the car and gives rocks the car watching the fuel gauge "Nothin'..." he sighs and looks at the gas pump on the car, it's already been pumped out of the car by someone else. "This kill is...relatively new...that means someone has been here. Great..." he sighs and goes on to search the house, kicking the door down first "Clear..." he mutters to himself after each room he checks
Rue peered up the staircase thinking she heard something, something that she'd rather ignore but couldn't. "Well I shouldn't have expected it to be that easy." she said halfheartedly to herself, though of course she had had the vain hope that it would. Continuing up she wished for a light as the sound grew louder; sounding as if something was banging, perhaps rolling, down the stairs to greet her. And then finally she saw it, though saw might not be the right word since it was hard to make out anything in the darkness of the stairs. It was a body, the distinct shape so familiar to her, but this one had obviously succumbed to the virus long before. In a second her sword was out, the blade catching light from somewhere and glinting, and then the body had reached her and without flinching she swung the blade in a clean arc, dislocating the head from the shoulders in one fell swoop even as it moved. Shuddering at the sound of her sword breaking through brittle bones she stepped quickly to the side so the body wouldn't hit her and take her down with it, feeling glad that the staircase was wide and she didn't have to touch the filthy thing. It only occurred to her after she was moving again that the body was not moaning and probably was already dead but she couldn't take any chances. Finally she reached the top of the staircase only to face a ladder and with it an overwhelming feeling of a trap. "Oh well, here goes nothing." she said, knowing whoever was up there could hear her but not caring. Tucking her blade back into it's sheath she began to scale the ladder, taking her time so she could calm her nerves.

(Well you followed me first so you started it :P And you shouldn't threaten Bambi so much, he has enough to deal with as is >.>)
( meh Bambi, grow well they die more either way Bambi is bambi no babmi care for babmicuase bami<~ no idea what i just said)

He took a deep breath as his hand went into his pocket, he slowly took out his knife, in one hand and was already holding a gun, ' please don't struggle' were the thoughts in his mind. As the girl reached the entranced, Aragorn's eyes widened and he could feel a adrenaline rushing through his body, his heart was pounding now, his body was now moving on reflex, all thanks to his training. He was not panicking but he hurriedly pulled the girl to a side and closed the door with his foot, his now was pointing at the girl's head, his knife at her neck, he had her in a lock, which could only result in death if she tried to move her head out.

" Forgive my rudeness but precautions must be taken" he said with a smile, waiting for a reply, ' i hope she could be useful or at least entertaining its been a while since a normal conversation, well we would talk about survival only i thought that is normal' he thought as he sighed
Just as she reached the entrance to the roof a man appeared out of nowhere and before she even had time to draw a breath he had a gun to her head and a knife at her back. So she had been right to suspect a trap, not that there was anything she could do at this point. Her own weapons were out of reach and his gun would kill her before she even had a chance to fight back. Talking was her only chance then; it seemed she didn't have much hope to survive through the night. "What a gentleman." she replied, smiling despite the gun and the knife. "It's quite obvious chivalry hasn't died, what a relief. I was worried there for a second." she began before she could stop herself. The things a knife and a gun can do to a person...her heart was beating widely in her chest as panic coursed through her veins as thick as blood.

(Well whatever you said Bambi is still cute :P You can't go killing cute animals, deepwoods can and will object. Insects though...that's another story.)
( kills rabbit *eats its heart, *throws insects at u , *looks with blood in mouth u say something owo)

The hand that held the knife slowly began to move downwards, " well u flatter me" he said now with a smile, his scare that was placed over his nose was partially covered with strands of his blonde hair. He slowly grabbed the katana in the same hand, and dropped it on the ground. "okay i am trusting you here, no funny business" he said as he heard the voice, verily it was moaning of a zambie as it walked on the stair case, " darn it!" he said with a unpleasing look at his face. He pushed the girl at a distance kicking the sword away but in the hurry toward's lady's direction. He dropped his knife and pistol as he rushed and began to chain the door yet again. ' they cant reach here at any cost, one might attract more hopefully he leaves soon' he was hoping. As he finished chaining the door a thought entered his mind, ' Wait, What did i just do! my weapons are dropped dammit lets just hurry hopeful she would not take advantage, but who would not after all so much supplies' . "Darn!" he grunted as he keeled to the ground in a hurry trying to pick the pistol and the knife.

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