Salt (Witchmoonstone279 & Tigress)


Feline Overlord
Here's the form!






My character:


Name: Bloodrose

Age: 17

Gender: Female.... Duh....

Species: Witch!
My character:


Name: Archiel


Gender: Male

Species: Warlock 
(hmmmm thinking face)

The sand is sticky and he grains cling to my slender fingers as I push my hands deeper and deeper into the broken down rock. I stare longingly towards the ocean. Sometimes i wish that I could go back into this beautiful solution. I wish that I could turn away from all my powers just to wade into that glorious blue/green eternity.

I rise and it takes a great amount of effort for muscles to contract and my leg to rise. one after the other. I stand at the water's edge. digging my toes into the sand. feeling the texture. It takes all my strength but i start to wade into the water. Suddenly the pain hits me. It feels as if my body is about to burst into flames. oh wait.... If I dont get out now.... it will.
Bloodrose ran faster than she had run in her entire life. Her paws flew over the sand and her unusual red coat of fur glistened with sweat. Tears would have been running down her cheeks, but her thick fur prevented them from falling and the wind dried them on her fur. She was going to do it this time, not like the last six times she tried.

A low growl escaped her lips when she saw a figure entering the salty water in front of her. She could smell that he wasn't a regular human, so her speed only increased. "Maybe I won't have to kill myself if there is someone else with the same wish as me.... We could help each other....." the thought tarted through her mind as she leapt into the water behind him, growling at the pain the raked through her body from the salt. Her longs sharp fangs clamped tightly over the man's hand and she tugged him backwards, pulling him out of the water.

Bloodrose's wolf form:

My body starts to fail me... The one thing I want more than anything else is my bodies enemy. I never thought I'd be so happy to die. Everything begins to fade to darkness.


I open my eyes. I see the sky. "Shit" the word burns through my burnt throat. I didn't die..... why! suddenly the anger burns searing me worse than any of the wounds on my body.
Bloodrose was sitting next to him in her wolf form and she growled when she saw the man's eyes oped, her own blood red eyes watching him. Just because she wanted to die didn't mean that she'd let others died even if that was what they wanted. Her blood red eyes darted towards his bloody hand, which had been caused by her own razor sharp fangs when she had grabbed his hand. She licked her muzzle, getting rid of any blood that still remained
Ouch...... what is this..... dog... no wolf! everything is so blurry.... I look into her those eyes...... so beautiful. Suddenly my sense of smells rushes back and i realize that this is no ordinary wolf.

I push my self up and i look down at this animal. Show yourself!
Bloodrose shifted back to her human form and her long fiery hair pooled on the ground beneath her. She glared at him, her blood red eyes hadn't changed colour from her shift. Her red dress and boots were getting covered in sand, but she didn't care.
This girl is beautiful.......... No! you don't want this. i stiffen up and as i stiffen my skin pulls tight and i scream in agony. "why this hell did you save me, Girl?" I start to get more furious. "Who gave you the right to touch me, dog!? I did not want to be saved!"

I turn around and start to walk into the shrubbery. I can sense her following me around. why can she just not leave me be? God, leave me alone.
Bloodrose jumped up and walked after him. "Well I suppose being called dog is better than mutt, even if I'm a wolf and not a dog" she muttered to herself before grabbing his coat and turning him around so that he was facing her. Her bloody eyes looked like they could see right into your soul. "Because I hate it when people have the wish to die. That's MY wish" she growled at him before letting go of him and pointing at his hand. "You might want to get that cleaned up. My fangs seem to have done a lot of damage"
"jealousy makes you nasty." I look down at my hand and will it healed. "so what, your just a shape shifter?" "what's your name?" I plonk my self down are stare at her waiting for answers.

I feel so drawn to her....
"Witch. " she stated simply. "And my name's Bloodrose" she looked at his hand as it healed, remembering the taste of his blood. "And you're a warlock, correct?" she tilted her head to the side and her silky hair fell over her shoulders, a fiery waterfall.
"correct. Mmmmm, Bloodrose..... I like it. Beautiful name, quite suits a beautiful young lady as yourself. How young are you, miss....?" I invite her to sit opposite me. As she positions herself in front of me i raise my slender, pale fingers and sweep her hair back. I have an incredible urge to cup her face in my hands and kiss. why?... I barely know her....

"why were you at the beach today?"
"Yeah, people tend to shorten it to Rose since it can be a bit of a mouthful" she said and sat down, crossing her legs in front of her and resting her hands on her knees. "I'm 17, and I was at the beach for the same reason you were" she sighed angrily. "And that's the seventh time something has stopped me from killing myself"
"Then why in gods name did you stop me? All I want to do is die and i cant even do that in peace." I look down, suddenly extremely overwhelmed. I touch her hand and she clenches her fists. I stand up rapidly and start to walk away. She is still following. I glance behind me. she is about 5 steps away. I hold my arm, rubbing it. I spin on my heels. and she nearly walks straight into my chest. "Stop following me! why can you not just leave me be????"
"I stopped you because we can help each other out of whatever hell has made us wish for the cold hand of death!" she shouted at him with an animalistic growl escaping her throat. Even in her human form, she still possessed some of her wolf traits, which was a little embarrassing for her depending on the situation, but this time she felt nothing because of her growl. Bloodrose looked at the ground and kicked out at a stone, watching as it flew into the bushes
"and how do you suppose we "help" each other? huh? I'm a lost cause! to me that cold hand is like a warm slow burning fire for me compared to what I'm living at the moment." I look her dead in the eyes and she shivers. "I am stuck between my heart and reality. I didn't choose this!" The anger boils up inside of me. My blue eyes are icy cold. Rose begins to melt me.... All I want to do is kiss her. Instead I push her back and carry on walking.
Bloodrose growls again as she shifts into her wolf form. She darted into the bushes and raced past him before jumping back onto the path in front of him and staring up at him. She huffed as she looked at him, her bloody eyes watching him. "By working together" she said after shifting back into her human form
"I don't do "together"." he looks around and sighs... "you dont even know anything about me. You dont know what I've done. You know nothing!"
"Well then why don't you tell me what the hell you did!" she said to him, stopping herself from attacking him again. She didn't like the way he was acting towards her, and she was still annoyed with him for calling her 'dog'
"firstly, young lady, I can unfortunately hear your thoughts, I extend my humblest apologies for calling you a dog. I am extremely drawn to the sea. You're a werewolf, me on the hand, I'm a dolphin...." I look at the sea as it calls to my soul.. "Do you see my dilemma?"
Bloodrose tilted her head to the side thoughtfully. "apology accepted.... and yes, I do see your dilemma...." she sat on the ground thoughtfully, trying to think of something. She looked up when she heard splashes coming from the ocean. "Huh. There's fighting in the ocean...." she said simply.

Meanwhile, in the ocean where the splashes were coming from, a human figure could be seen fighting with a dolphin, she was clearly annoyed that she had been attacked
"I have never told that to anyone before...." I look at Rose from under my eyelashes. My Soul tingles.... What is this? The ocean doesn't appreciate fighting in her womb. "I must stop it. I must help my brother." I start running towards the sea stripping as i run. Roses is sprinting behind me and we trip together. I land on top of her, pinning her down.
Bloodrose yelped when she was pinned down. "You know, you're heavier than you look" she muttered, pulling herself out from under him and watching the fighting. "Hey. Looks like it's a dolphin fighting a human" she noticed.

The person in the water lashed out at the dolphin and watched as it swam away, knowing that it had been beaten. "And stay away from me" she muttered
Tears run down my face as I feel my brothers defeat. "please, You liked that Rose. Remember young lady I can hear thoughts" Winks cheekily at Rose after wiping the tears away. Rose stands on her tippy toes and kisses me on the cheek. "i bet u knew I was going to do that" she whisperers. The woman in the water clears her throat.
Rose grinned at him after kissing his cheek before pulling her tongue out at him. "ha" was all she said before glancing down towards the human in the water.

Blackfin blinked at them. "Erm..... Hi there.....?" she said, noticing they were staring at her

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