Bane of Cheddar
"Wonderful!" Violet said, starting to chatter about different cheeses and meats. Eventually she ended with a rant about how to properly wash vegetables once they entered the kitchen. "Sorry. I tend to talk a lot about ingredients sometimes. Some people just don't know how to clean a piece of celery, and frankly I just think that's crazy." She ducked behind the counter to pull out a large frying pan. "Ugh. This thing needs a good scrubbing." she said. "Luckily these days ships have running water!" She began washing a few dishes, and looked up at Jayson. "So what's your story?" she asked. "Got any family out there you care to tell about?" She dipped the pan fully underwater, putting suds up to her elbow.
(sorry about my lethargy today! had to get groceries! I have to go to this dinner/dance fundraiser thing later with my grandparents, so I'll be off again. I feel really crappy about being off so much today!)
(sorry about my lethargy today! had to get groceries! I have to go to this dinner/dance fundraiser thing later with my grandparents, so I'll be off again. I feel really crappy about being off so much today!)