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Fantasy Sail

Penelope gave a flinch to the scent of alcohol on his breath, revolted at the state he put himself into. Sure he had lose plenty, but drinking your worries away was a cowards move. She hesitantly entered, red hair in sloppy curls down her back.

"Look, I didn't want you to find out that way," she refereed to his father, "I hardly knew myself," she added. This was both their burden, and it would have to be dealt with accordingly.

"We need to discuss what happens next," she whispered.
He pulled her in and shut the door. He guided her to a chair then sat in his, nearly missing it. He tried to keep his composure as he looked at her.

"My father is a bloody fool." He waved his hand at nothing, "You, lass, are not with child. It's impossible. So there's nothing to discuss."

He stood up and quickly picked her up. "Except you bedding the captain of the Rolly Joger!" He set her down on the bed and climbed on top of her, "What say you, lass? You couldn't say no to this dashing captain once before."
Penelope flinched as she was lain across the bed. She quickly reached for the edge, trying to escape the captains grasp, but his size and strength was quite a challenge to overcome. "Killian, no, I don't want to, I am blood pregnant!" She quickly called out, continuing to pry from his grasp. If he didn't let her go, she would gladly knee him in the groin.
"Oh, come on lass. Please?" He said softly and trailed kisses down her neck. He stopped and looked at her. She was really not wanting to. He stood up and helped her up.

"You know where to find me." He winked at her. Even as a drunk pirate he didn't force himself on a woman. He had a code and that was one of them. It made him feel better about himself knowing his women came willingly.

He opened his door and walked back on deck. He would ignore this baby thing until he had proof. For all he knew she was lying to him to settle down with the captain. He ordered a few men to get into the rowboat with him. They took his to Connor's ship and he stood up.

"Oi! Captain! Dock your ship and my men will help fix her up!" He swayed and his crew nervously held onto his jacket, "How about you come to my ship and have drinks with me? Maybe a bite to eat? We are part of the same fleet after all."
"If you want me to get any closer, I'm going to have to use the grappnels." Connor shouted over the side, completely serious. But there was a small twinkle in his eye, one most people couldn't see when first meeting him. He wasn't much for jokes, but he did make a couple.

"And it looks like you've already had a few. You're already here, might as well join us. You'll just make up the difference tomorrow." Nodding to one of the crew men, a ladder was lowered, rope of course.
Killian listened to him and nodded. His men helped him up the ladder. Having one hand and a hook was a disadvantage in this aspect. He finally made over the railing and looked down at his men. They saluted him and sat back on the boat.

Killian strode over to Connor and clapped him on the back. "I'm in search of a treasure only told in legends. I found the map. Or really a man who knows the map. I need your help to apprehend him." He swayed slightly and sat on a crate. He opened his flask with his teeth and lifted it to his lips. His brow furrowed in frustration finding it empty. He sighed and put it back. He definitely didn't need any more booze, but it didn't mean he didn't want it.
"Oh?" Connor said, "Legendary treasure you say?", taking out his own flask and handing it to Killian. He wouldn't be needing what was in it when more kf the stuff was being rolled out of the hold by his men. They could tell it would be one of thise nights. Meanwhile, he took out his pipe and lit it, thouroghly dousing anything that could cause a fire on his ship.

"And where might this man be? We can certainly get him, no doubt about that once the Dragon gets fixed up which will hopefully be done by early tomorrow with the help of your lads. But none of that is any good if we can't find him.
Penelope sat along the wall, her eyes red with tears. He would never be a father to her childhood. And a proper man would never marry a women with a child out of wedlock. She was trapped on this bloody ship with few options. If she ran she would be forced to take scullery jobs to support her child, in poverty. While Killian would sail a rich man.

In her moments she peered down at her waist, her hand shaking as she pulled the dagger from her sheath. Her tears before had been nothing to what soaked her face now. Taking the knife, she pushed it to her upper left wrist, applying just enough preasure to feel a burning pain escalte. She guilded it down slowly, it stung bitterly, but nothing compared to her frantic heart. She was half way to her palm when she dropped it, the pain gripping her. Her left arm dripped vigourously, the blood pooling from the wound, soaking her wrist and hand. She lay her head back, not wanting to watch the blood form at her legs.
"Ah, thank you mate." He took the flask and drank deeply. He sighed happily and handed it to him, "You display good form. And honor. I like that."

He clapped him on the shoulder as he stood up. He looked at the damage to the mast and frowned, "Hate to say it, but Dulio got you good."

"Now about that treasure." He said as he turned around and stumbled slightly, "Darkwaters has the missing piece. I need to retrieve it quickly. I took Tavian's daughter to give him some...reasoning to get the man for me. Well, we both know how that turned out."

He looked over the railing at his crew. "Bring men back to fix the ship." Soon he had ten of his men aboard helping Connor's. Killian sat on a step and smiled happily. Soon he would have his treasure.
"Good form and being polite are things a captain should have." Connor growled softly. He wasn't mean about it, it's simply how he spoke. Well, perhaps he was a little bitter about being reminded about Dulio.

"From what I heard, the man still gas the map piece. Well, we can easily get it back. Two ships against one is gokd odds for us. And I can take out half the crew if just about any ship on a good day. How 'bout when we get this fixed up, we pay Darkwaters a visit. I've heard a few things about him. Let's see if they are true."
Echo is relieved to see Penelope go to talk with Killian but that happiness is soon subsided and in its place is fear. She hears a scream and stands up but dares not barge in. All goes quiet and she grabs her dogs leashes. She sees the door open but only Killian exits. H e hopes she is just thinking about something and waits a minute. A small scent of blood fills her nose and before she knows it the chains are ripped from her hands and the hounds run into the room. She sprints below deck and grabs her staff quickly running back up and into the room to see Penelope's arm bleeding and a small pool forming with her dogs licking at the wound. "Penelope what happened hat did he do?!?!" She screams and runs up to her grabbing a sleeve from a shirt on the floor and wraps it on her wrist she holds her staff tightly and tries pushing down on the wound to stop the bleeding.
"I like you're thinking. You're a sharp man." He smiled at him and guided his hand over his hook, "I'm not opposed to killing for this treasure, mate. I hope you aren't either."

The sound of the dogs heavy paws running across his deck hit his ears. They were bloody beasts. Despite his intoxicated state, he still felt like something wasn't right. He turned around just as they disappeared into his quarters followed by Echo. "It looks like I have an unwelcomed visitor aboard my ship. Excuse me."

He dismissed himself from Connor and looked at his men. "You work through the night until it is through." He awkwardly climbed down the rope ladder and a man rowed him to his ship. Once on board he headed down to his quarters , sword drawn.

What he did see was very unexpected from what he had imagined. It was neither a thief or another captain. It was Penelope laying in a pool of blood.

He quickly dropped his sword and ran over to her. He looked at the blood soaked shirt and the dagger on the ground. "Stupid girl." He muttered. A thought suddenly hit him that seemed to sober him right up. His baby. If she was with child and died so would the child.

"Echo, make it stop." He said, almost begging her. He wouldn't leave a child fatherless. He wouldn't abandoned it like he had been. Right now this was about the baby, his baby. Penelope he would have to deal with later.
Penelope looked towards Echo vacantly. She felt light headed and yet heavy all at once. Her heart beat frantically to keep her veins full, but the harder it pumped, the harder her arm was to clot. The cut wasn't severe, so she would be fine, for now. Penelope looked towards Killian, even though she hated him at the moment, she couldn't help but be happy to see him. (Sorry about the small reply, I have been really out of it lately)
Echo snarls at the damned captain. "What the hell did you do to her?! And why would you care if she's in pain huh?! I hate to tell you I can't heal but I know how to stop her for dying so just give me space!" She says and a tear forms in her eye. "C'mon Penelope, your a strong girl you can do this just hold on."

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