Sacred Forest<3


New Member
Thanks to Hil for asking me to make this!

~Sacred Forest~

The sacred forest home to the land of animals known as, Squirrels, Deer, Bears, and more of our fuzzy friends, Is being invaded by The Humans, These animals don’t like it Are you good, or Bad?

Rules, (Yes, there is rules..)


- Be fair,

- All fights be reported to Hil or Me.

- Have FUN!

Mods, (Report all fights to us)

- Yullen

- Hil

- Me,


May the war begin.

Silvia, the wolf.

-sniffs around the edge of the forest and cringes at the scent of humans- "Pfft humans think they own this forest." -dissapears back into the woods and meets up with other animals-
Nikk, The red panda

Nikki sat in a tree chewing on the edge of a leek. Her ears perk up as she hears the sound of the foot steps of a human in the distance. She gets scared and falls to the ground. She jumps back up, a bit hurt. The human steps become closer and she hides behind the tree, extremely scared. She steps back as they grow even closer, then feels something pull on her tail, and is soon staring at a little human boy, wailing and struggling. "Hey guys, come look what I found! It's a fox!" "I-I'm not a fox. I'm actually a red p-panda." Her eyes filled with nervousness, but the boy couldn't understand her words. "Ew! Put it down, it might have rabies!" said a young girls voice, as a group of children walked over. "Awwe! She's so cute!" Said another little girl. Nikki liked this girl more than the other children "Let's kill it!" Said a curly-haired blonde boy. She was not very fond at him at all. Nikki struggled to get out, and wanted to be free. "Help meeee!" She wailed. "Haha! It makes noise! He just squeaked!" Said the first boy.


As she walked out of school, she skipped, daydreaming about how fun it would be to be like the girls she saw in her manga, like the one that had neko ears and a tail. They were all so cute! She tripped over a crack in the ground and people started to laugh, so she laughed with them, because it was kinda funny about how clumsy she was.
Tobi stood concealed by some trees. He chewed on a blade of grass slowly. He slowly and alertly looked around the forest. He was deathly afraid of humans. They only killed and destroyed, at least that's what his mother had told him once when he was a fawn. Heck, he still was a fawn. He finished his grass and sniffed the air.
(Hey guys, it's SuiKaFTW rping from my best friend's account...My account is whack right now...)

Tobi quietly watched as a small cat completely lost it, attacking a bunch of humans.
Winter the Owl

-to wide awake to sleep in her hallow she flies outside and looks around bored out of her owl mind. Feels the breeze on her feathers and sighs- Ah i love the breeze... wait a minute. -sees 2 animals chatting on the forest's ground and thinks- I might as well say hi. That is all i can do with animals without humans stepping in and taking one of the trees immediately. But i better go home after this just in case.

-flies down to see a fawn and a cat and lands on a branch at least 8 feet above them and says in an owlish voice- Hello.
-flies down to the ground and stands with her wings folded at her sides, her feathers are pure white and looks at the cat and the fawn and tries to slightly smile but cant with her beak- My name is Winter. What is yours? - tilts her head a little bit and then makes it straight and she is about as tall as the cat but a little taller-
-says in her normal owlish voice- That is a nice name. -says the name 2 times- Nichole.. that is an awesome name -churrs as if to laugh happily-
Storm, the red-tailed falcon

Storm's sharp eyes spotted a few animals conversing. The Hawk zoomed to the nearest branch so fast, it ruffled the wind. Red-tailed falcons were the fastest flies on the planet when it came to normal flight. He landed on the nearest branch and took in his surroundings. Lush forest with trees everywhere, as usual. Nothing ever changed.

"Hello, I'm Storm!" the Hawk said to the Owl and a Cat.

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