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Fandom Saban’s Power Rangers (2017)


Junior Member
I would like to put together a small Power Rangers RP set during the time of the 2017 movie.

Please make sure you at least saw this movie.

Please be willing to play side characters and plots to move the story along.

I’m not sure how many people will be interested in this so depending on how many people reach out we may need to play more then one Power Ranger.

I personally like to take the fandom plot and build from that, character development and world building.

I’d be up for playing Billy and any of the other boys if needed.

Maybe use Discord and create a server?

Paragraph format, 3rd person and past tense with a 2 or so paragraphs per post.

Please get in contact and let me know your thoughts and who you would like to play. I’ll edit this post as roles are taken.

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