S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

The Hand slighlty raises his hat, than he puts his thumbs in his pockets.

I know, I know...You are astonished by my awesomeness!

But don't be afraid...Tell me what you know about that loser.
Tyler approaches, clearing his throat to get noticed by the servant.

Lifting the bottle in sign of surrender, Tyler gives his best smile...

"Sorry for before...I realize I am just used to rude girls, didn't want to scare you. Seriously, I'm just worried about Romeo...he is a friend of mine, and he disappeared a few time ago...last place he has been seen is here!"
Jackal grins knowingly at the Duchess.

"It seems that whatever His Holiness lacks in the sense of humour department, he more than makes up for in piety. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose. It's just a shame he has such a large stick wedged up his most important chakra." Before the Duchess can respond, he adds, "Not that I mean any disrespect to His Holiness - he's clearly a man of great faith and zeal. But I prefer conversations to sermons, on the whole. So tell me, Duchess - what did this Romeo fellow do that caused such a stir?"
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That must be the dashing captain of the guards.

Competent, efficient, ruthless.


- Meh. You are not the first, you won't be the last.

And you are the first
man ever who worries for Romeo.

She stares at Tyler in doubt.

- Didn't think he'd go also with boys, but meh! Should I really be surprised?


The Duchess looks very pleased to have a way out.

- Please forgive him, Lord Nellens.

He shares the burden of an exaltation, as you do, after all.

She stops, taking a deep breath.

- Romeo brought great disruption and embarrassment to this otherwise virtuous household.

Indeed, I owe it to Abbot Peleps if I can still show my face with dignity at the Temple.

Stunt 1 for Jackal, 'cause the chackra made me laugh good.
"I''ve been PAID to find him and get him back! Happy now? Gosh, you are exasperating, you know that ?"...

Tyler opens the bottle using his teeth, and then spits the cap in a corner

"So, my stubborn lady, do u wanna enjoy me for a drink or not?"
Not a Dragon-Blooded then, or perhaps one of sufficiently low breeding that his Aspect didn't manifest on him. This would work to their advantage then, leaving only the Monks in the area to deal with.

Not that he couldn't do anything to make their job easier.

Approaching the captain, he cleared his throat to get the man's attention, making sure that once again, his Daiklave was in plain sight. "Captain, would you do me a kindness by helping me in an investigation?"
"What did he--" Jackal shakes his head. "No, I'm sure you don't want to talk about all that." He leans a little closer. "Actually, there are people in House Nellens who would like a little talk with Romeo about his... activities. He's been bringing disruption and embarrassment in other places, too. Can you tell me where he came from?"

She looks at the bottle.

She looks left.

She looks right.

- Oh, well.

You are not even the worst thing that happened to me today.


When Yugo appreaches the duo, the Abbot strengthens himself.

Very calmly, the Captain turns, his cold eyes studying the large warrior.

- Certainly.

I hope you will forgive me, but it is the first time I meet you.

With whom I have the pleasure to speak?

This man has seen war, and liked it.


- I'll be honest, Lord Nellens, many are after that scoundrel and the interest of your noble House comes at no surprise to me.

He told people he came from Goodharbour, but I don't believe iut for a second.

He is a liar and a coward, and has evaded any pursuer... Only the Gods know where he is now!

But I am stoked to know that House Nellens is after him, please know that my humble House is at your disposal.

Stunt 1 for Tyler for recovering the situation

Stunt 2 for Yugo, for a creative move.

Stunt 1 for Jackal, nice reframing.
Yugo met the stare of the captain with one of his own, and nodded his head in subtle respect to the fellow warrior. A nod only men of battle would recognize or understand. "I am looking for a man by the name of Romeo. I understand he is a man of some... renown around these parts."
Kana shifted slightly, took a step back with a quarter rotation to deftly rescue a passing bite while at the same time taking a long glance toward the abbot and his company. So it was Yugo's voice... She ate it slowly maintaining her outward boredom with the conversation and watching the room.

He had managed to get in without trouble, which was good, but even though Jackal had cover now she was tied to her role. The spilled drink routine was so droll and would completely ruin her projected position. Perhaps more direct then. She leaned in with a light touch on Jackals arm and whispered in his ear, "I'll not be far, Yugo and another sword have joined us."

She peeled off to gain a bit of freedom. Lightly fingering the handles of her sais from time to time she moved through and around the crowd on light feet. Her weaving motion causing the deep red gown to swish about her feet soft as silk with the weight of expensive embroidery causing it to cascade and flow. Indirectly she made her way towards one of the adjoining doorways.
Passed the bottle to the woman, Tyler takes a moment to study her and understand what's so wyld about her...

"If I'm not the worst thing happened to you today, this place must really suck. Why don't you escape then? You seem tough, you could start again somewhere else..."

Whether or not he considers Yugo a Terrestrial, the Captain seems to be uncannily comfortable with dealing with the Exalted.

- I fear I can't help you, milord. "Romeo"? My apologies, I fear I have never heard of the name.

You have enough Inv to see that he's lying.

At the same time, he's behaving dutyfully towards the Duchess.

- This is what I did last already.

It's the ball.

All the fucking nobles come here and.. They just take what they want.


The Duchess is probably the one in the whole damn lot who gives a shit and Gods bless her for it, but even she closes one eye for her pompous friends when they come to town..
"Mmmmh, Listen girl, I have to find news about Romeo, his last displacements and if he left something here around...help me with that, and I'll help you to get away from all this and get you where you want.."

One thing Tayler hates more than the Imperials is to see people who has lost hope, crushed by the weight of the power. He is sincere.

And he likes girls who can kick a man in the nuts when they have to.
Yugo frowned, then leaned close to the captain and spoke low. "I a man who understand discretion, Captain. If you would speak with me privately, I believe we have a mutual interest in Romeo."
Jackal nods, as though the Duchess's support is only his right and proper due. Now I see why all the Dragon-bloods I ever met were so far up themselves. All this deference could go to a man's head.

Aloud, he says, "If you wish to aid me, perhaps you can tell me who Romeo associated with, whilst he was here. Was he close to anyone? Did he have any co-conspirators, any friends he might have confided in?"

The Duchess' only reaction at Jackal's question, is a flashing reddening of the face, as she struggles to contain the embarrassment.


The main two doorways both leads to the kitchens, while a smaller leads further, to the other wing of the building.

A thick satin curtain is where Tyler came from, and probably hides the prive.


The Captain concedes.

- Well, where the Dynasty asks, I shall bow.

I believe outside will be the most appropriate place where to talk any sensitive matter.

If you would be so gracious to follow me.

He quickly leads Yugo back in the garden.


- This is by far the best place I've ever been, but... Well, thanks I guess?

By the way, my name is Shelbe. Do you have a name?

I can't really help you with Romeo. His empty head managed to be surprisingly devious, and he spent most of his time with the noble bimbo anyway.
"Thank you, captain. Your loyalty is to be commended" Said Yugo, leaning against one of the decorative pillars.""From what I have gathered, Romeo has caused quite a stir for your city. I doubt you have much love for the man, so any information you would be willing to share would be invaluable."
Kana took a moment to survey the scene in the room and position herself as a wall flower somewhat near the doorway leading further into the house. She decided to let it be more than a ruse and took in the architecture of the place. More as an afront to all the important people she was ignoring than anything else, but also because she didn't often get a chance for such things with all the running around.
"I'm Tyler...mmmh, could you point me to the room of the "bimbo"? And Shelbe...my offer is always on the table." Tyler stops for a moment, looking at Shelbe "Girl, if this is the best place you've ever been, you HAVE to get away from here!!"

The Captain smiles affably. His lips move as he tries to explain, but all Yugo can hear is

- We want the Eye!

He looks at Yugo as if nothing happened.


The palace has seen better times.

There is still an air of sober dignity to it, but the splendour of the past is gone.

Unsurprisingly, some of this vibe attaches to the nobles in the house.

The Duchess herself must have been a strong woman, but now struggles to keep her small realm together.

The hall itself is very large, the high ceiling supported by two columns that break the dance floor, covered in large black and white tiles.

The risen stage is an ill attempt to copy the decadent Dynasty.

It is next to the wall opposite to the main entrance of the hall and just doesn't fit with the layout of the room.

Like the several tall windows that break the walls of the hall, the doors are of cast iron and beautiful coloured glass mosaics, a style that reminds of late Shigunate Varangia.

Despite the noise, you hear two people whispering... You can't make what they say, but when you turn you see no one.

You are left with the disturbing sensation of something present around you.


Shelbe sighs and points out of the room.

- You have the Eye! Give me the eye!

She says that as if it was the most boring thing ever.

Something insane pumped its obsession into your thoughts. And it was not the Captain.

You have Lore 3, so it would be more like 6 and 8 dice.

I'll ignore the suxx from your last 2 dice.
Yugo held up his hand to stop the captain from speaking. "Wait, did you hear that?" He asked, looking around uneasily.

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