S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

Tyler takes a suffering look at the two women, and a clear thought crosses his mind : "I've had worst...and I've to get rid of this old ladies in a silent and discreet way"

He begins to undress the two old ladies, kissing their necks and caressing them carefully on the nape...

When the two old ladies seem enough turned up, he whispers in their ears : "
Why don't you two kiss and touch each other for me?"

As the two look each other in the eyes, ready to taste the most intense of the pleasures, Tyler violently slams the two heads one against each other, knocking them unconscious...or at least, he hopes so. He leaves an empty bottle closed to them...

"Nasty nasty girls!!!"

Getting back his pack left before, but remaining in his "Stripper's outfit" Tyler leaves the room, and begins his search for the Duchess room.
It's sooooo boring here!

The Hand suddenly starts walking quick-paced. As he reaches a guard, he knocks hardly on the rear of his helm twice.

Look at me! I'm OBVIOUSLY too awesome to stay outside! There must be an error!

should I roll something?

You lose yourself under the high ceilings of the palace corridors.

Narrow and dirty, they smell old but every effort has been made to fill them with cheap trash that's supposed to look expensive.

One of the side doors leads to a bedroom, where a servant is tidying a bed.

She doesn't seem to have noticed you.

It seems like everyone is in the main hall anyway.

The Hand

The guard smiles.

- Oh my, indeed you know you look terrific?

His index finger lingers softly on the Solar's pink breeches.

- Say, my shift will end in five minutes, what about meeting down the hedge there?
Tyler clears his throat, to make the servant aware of his presence...

"Excuse me Miss, could you point me to the Duchess Room? I've been ordered to go and wait there for her as...."gift", but I can't seem to find the way to her private apartment. I would be really in bad bad troubles if she shouldn't find me there..."
Gilded Jackal and Kana

Several nobles are laying on pillows, chatting and smoking water pipes.

Among them you can recognize the Duchess niece, Sub-Duchess Natalia Neozema Vattelapesca Smafaltone From Fat River and her betrothed, Count Disutile Berengario Rostolfo of Suprarenal Hills.

The Sub-Duchess is uncommonly beautiful, but her every movement swallows the surrounding reality in a bottomless pit of vanity.

Next to her, Larissa Idane, first dame of the Sub-Duchess Natalia.

She is deeply absorbed in a discussion with an Immaculate monk.

Other two shaved heads listen the conversation without interest, and look areound the hall with contempt.

More to the side, Jackal can recognize Kalliopi Dempeliu, daughter of Stavros Dempelis.

Rigid and unfaltering in her own social bubble, she seems immune to the stupifying effect of the Sub-Duchess.


The house maiden looks at Tyler, distractedly gauging muscular tone and sexual prowess.

- Chill out. The old hag will be very busy for a good while. You must be new here.

Help me finish with the blankets and I'll show you to her room myself.

You know how to fold blankets, don't you?

Without waiting for an answer she lobs a blanket at Tyler.
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Jackal looks around at the gathering, putting on an expression of faintly disdainful interest, like a man inspecting a particularly interesting species of insect he's just discovered floating in his wine glass.

«Where is the Duchess?»
he asks, in High Realm. «I've never met a Duchess before, and the notion fascinates me.»
"Honey...I'm the King of folding blankets"

Tyler has no idea of what he is doing...

"Soooooo....I've seen a lot of VIPs at the party...I heard that once even the famous swordsman Romeo LaSpada stood in that hall, choking himself with cheap wine and food"
Yugo, the Hand

The servant comes back, almost crying, with a really angry butler behind him.

- You worthless traitor. You have been smoking again!

Show me this Chosen of yours or I'll show you the whip!

Jackal, Kana

As if summoned by Jackal's very words, Duchess Rivograsso appear from the stairway, slowly descending to the stage followed by her two handmaidens.

She smiles coyly at everyone and as soon as she reaches the stage, she bows at the Monks.

- Your Holiness.


Without sparing a glance for Tyler, the servant continues to fold the blankets.

- Pfui! Romeo? All bark and no bite... A decent fuck actually, but better taken in small doses.

Done with her last blanket, she reaches Tyler and gauges his eyes for a long moment.

Then she rips away the blanket from Tyler's hands and starts to fold it.

There is something strange about her.
Yugo was not in the mood to put up with some self-important butler. Even less willing to put up with one who threatened innocent servants with whips. When the butler came in to Yugo's line of sight, he placed his hand on the pommel of his Grand Daiklave, and walked up to the butler until he was standing little more than an foot away.

Bending down to stare the butler in the eye, Yugo gave him his best 'don't fuck with me' look, before saying simply. "I'm right here."


Charisma 4 + Presence 5 + Gem of Grace 3 = 12 dice for 5 successes

The servant lobs the last blanket in the pile and looks at Tyler, and he suddenly realizes that there is something attractive and wild about her, something that escapes the casual look, concealed behind bad manners and bad make-up.

She is beautiful, in a subtle yet breathtaking way.

- ...? No, thanks.

She collects the blankets and takes the door.


The butler sweats cold, but with a struggle of will manages to keep his shit where it belongs.

- *ahem*. With whom I have the pleasure, miLord?
"I wish to speak with your mistress, the Duchess. Immediately. It is a matter of great importance." Yugo kept his gaze level with the butler, his tone broke no argument and allowed no doubts that he would be obeyed.
Tyler steps between the woman and the door, blocking her way with his arm.

" No one says 'no' to the man!"

He kisses her passionately

The butler leads Yugo and the Hand inside.

By their attire, or lack thereof, the two Solars invite the patron's gazes, but they quickly reach the Kana and Jackal to the stage.

The Duchess is there, immersed in a conversation with one Immaculate monk.

Under his robes is easy to notice the jade of a splendid lamellar armour.


The servant knees Tyler in the 'nads, with the passion of someone that had to practice the move too many times.

Tyler falls on his knees, overwhelmed by the pain, and she points to his face a small knife, firmly in her hand.

- I don't give a shit you're pretty. Next time I'll use this.

She leaves Tyler in the room.

You get 4 Bashing health levels and are now at -2 wound penalty. IIRC an Exalt will heal all that in a hour or so.
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Jackal approaches the Duchess, where she is talking with one of the Immaculate monks. He listens for a moment, to catch whether they are speaking High Realm or Riverspeak, then barges in with a superior smile.

"Your Holiness." He gives the monk a respectful bow - not deep, but not insultingly shallow - then gives the Duchess a slightly less deep bow. "And you must be the Duchess. I've travelled a long way to finally meet a Duchess. I am Nellens Kinirono Yaseinu."

I'm not really sure how this works - does trying to convince everyone I'm actually a DB Dynast count as Social Combat? Or do I just roll Manipulation + Socialise? Assuming it's the latter, here's my roll (spending 1 WP for 1 auto-sux)

Holding his nuts with both hands, Tyler heads for the Hall, looking for some ice....and maybe a little whisky
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The Duchess almost faints, for great annoyance of the monk.

She brings her huge body to a well-practised curtsy.

- Ooh! Lord Nellens! You honour my house.

Abbot Peleps was just explaining me how Fate drives the Chosen of the Dynasty--
but the Abbot interrupts her - Indeed, milady. But Yaseinu here must be a Lost Egg, recently recruited in House Nellens.

A disgraceful custom that hampers proper breeding, I must say.

Stunt 2 for Jackal, worth 1 suxx.

Max + Socialize/Larceny will do perfectly.

In this case, your choice of a House makes everything easier, especially because the Abbot will find in any of your flaws a confirmation of the inferiority of House Nellens rather than an alarm bell.

You grab a decent-looking vest on the way to the main hall, and quickly reach the buffet.

Since you still look in pain, a servant politely asks you about your comfort and quickly hands you a strong drink in a fancy glass.

You can see all your Circlemates around a risen stage, talking with the Duchess.
Emptying the glass in a single shot, Tyler remains in a corner, observing his friends...

His eyes keep searching for the young servant of his unlucky encounter...there's something about her that turns his curiosity on, and he can't stop asking himself what that could be...
As The Hand enter the room, he sniffs.

Smells like something really boring. Umpf.

He noticed a well dressed, good looking woman, ignoring every signal that she is the Sub-Duchess Natalia Neozema Vattelapesca etc etc.

Even with a giant neon sign, he wouldn't notice.

Sneaking behind a curtain and making some step pretending he is dancing, he approaches her and
pulls her ear close to his mouth by grabbing her collar.

Hey cutie-pie....Have you seen around someone by the name of "Romeo"? He was a dork hanging around some times ago...

Sorry for the delay
Jackal raises an eyebrow, hoping his racing thoughts don't show on his face. Typical - I would have to run into an Abbot of the Immaculate Order. Definitely a Dragon-Blood, too.

Aloud, he said, "It's a custom I happen to be rather grateful for." He racked his brains, thinking of the few Dragon-Blooded merchants he had met. "Without it," he said, "I would be without guidance; I would have no way to know how to honour the gift that the Dragons bestowed on me when I Exalted. And of course, I wouldn't get to travel Creation and meet fascinating people." With this last, he directs a slightly condescending smile towards the Duchess. "I hear your little court here plays host to many well-known - nay, even renowned guests. His Holiness, of course, is widely spoken of, and you yourself, Duchess, but I've heard many tales of the exciting characters that frequent your court. That swordsman fellow, for instance - what was his name? La Strada? La Spada?"

I'd like to say I chose House Nellens for that exact reason, but that would imply cunning and deep thought...


Sub-Duchess Natalia does her best to look aloof and distant, but can't resist to the Hand's bold approach.

- Uh... Really?

Do you know him?


The Duchess' eyes open in admiration.

The Abbot snorts, but Jackal's flattery does seem to mend his ego.

- Romeo La Spada!? - exclams the Duchess, with a mix of excitement and fear.

- He has been--

- An atheist!

The Abbot's grim eye scrutinizes Jackal closely.

- Why are you interested in him, Nellens?

Are you aware that he was suspected of being a worshipper of... the

The Abbot utters the last word and waits for a thunder to ominously mark it.

Deaf to his call for drama, only the songs of the spring birds can be heard from outside.

Stunt 1 for the Hand, for collecting information.

Stunt 2 for Jackal, for a well-executed parry, deflection and lunge.

(Weird as it is, I just discovered that the Hand is a maxed socialite. o_O )

@Karregan: roll Per+Socialize/Investigation

@IronPenguin: I appreciate the honesty, but let's just pretend we are a group of extremely cunning players. =D
Jackal laughs. "From what I hear of him, the only thing he worships is himself." He composes his face into a more serious expression. "As I said, your Holiness, I seek out interesting people - in fact, my House demands it of me. This Romeo is said to be a great swordsman, for a mere mortal. And of course," he adds confidentially, "it's always good to meet such... well-known personalities in the flesh. Size them up, so to speak."
Naaa...But I heard about him. Is said that he was awesome and beatiful.

But I'm quite sure not as me!

4 drinks later, Tyler decides that the party is becoming too boring, and certainly his pals were much better than him in handling the diplomatic part...

Slighty staggering, and still painfull for the knee received, he goes back to his exploration, hopefull to finally find the Duchess Room or the mysterious and violent servant...

Ha takes a bottle for the travel

The Abbot is not impressed.

- Really House Nellens is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

What would be of our Glorious Dynasty, when the standards lower so much?

I do fear that we brought this all upon us, for we allow such lack of piety amongst our own.

I shall not speak any further with you, Nellens, lest others think that I approve of your wretchedness.

This said, he turns his back to Jackal and the Duchess and walks to the buffet.

The Duchess stares at Jackal, deeply in distress not unlike a little child who has been just asked whether she loves more Mum or Dad.

The Hand

Natalia Vattelapesca brings the hand the the side of the mouth and lets a polite - Oh... - leave her lips.

It is not hard for the Hand to see that, inside, she is suddenly in a deep turmoil, an excited tension that she is struggling to hide.


Tyler easily sneaks away and soon enough is lost among the fancy rooms of the upper floor.

The same maid he met before is in one of them, cleaning up. She hasn't noticed Tyler.

There are at least four rooms pompous enough to be the Duchess'.

Yugo, Kana

You notice that the Abbot is quickly joined by a tall, armed man.

He dresses in reinforced black leather and carries a short sword to the side.

By his demeanor, he definitely looks like he's in charge; besides Yugo, he's the only one visibly carrying a weapon.

He bows to the Abbot and starts speaking with him.

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