S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]


Malevolent Entertainer
"The great ball was sublime and gaudy, truly the Duchess is a host to reckon, most gracious and original.

And then, meeting her! Splendid, gauzy!

Five times my heart swayed, a sign! A portent from Heavens!

How, how to make her mine and yet not compromise her dignity?

The eyes of my Princess were ripe with love and joy.

And how could have been otherwise, for I pledged her my love with a flower which I protected for day after day of my travel, knowing only that sooner or later I would have met another woman worth of my passion?"
The city of Telene rises somewhere among the Summer Mountains, quiet, decently prosperous and blessed by a warm sun.

Almost all streets are paved and on steep slopes, and all the main ones lead to the Duchess' mansion, rising above the city.

Every single house has flowers on each window still, and even the beggars look cleaner (and fewer) than expected for a city of thousands of souls.

The atmosphere is relaxed, but the lack of religious symbols makes obvious that Telene is a solid ally of the Realm and faithful to the Immaculate Doctrine.

Indeed, the Duchess herself is said to be a most devoted believer.

Duchess Rivograsso Amber Ametista Amelia Vattelapesca Smafaltone From Fat River maintains her title to honour an alleged Dynastic ancestry, but it is more than 200 years that her family is not graced by a Chosen of the Dragons.

Regardless, she is a respected leader at least vaguely interested in the well-being of her subjects.

The first post of this thread is the LAST page of Romeo's diary.

You are in Telene because Duchess Rivograsso is the only "Duchess" of note in range of hundreds of miles.

It is Fireday 3rd, Ascending Fire: http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/map_images/664921/UncleChu_Exalted_calendar.gif

The Duchess is throwing a ball Sunday.

The Immaculates take a strong stance against idolatry, hence no religious symbols.

Telene also has a history of staunch bigotry spanning half a millennium.

While humans are humans everywhere, no woman will EVER confess fornication, especially not with a shameless scoundrel like Romeo.
Ehi Tyler! Watch out this!

As the Hand draws one of his flame pieces, a flame burst out of it, blackening the wall of a house next to the group.

The flame meets the corner, then it suddenly turns around it, disappearing from the sight.

A few moments later, it reappears behind Tyler, lightly scorching his ass.

couldn't resist trying the new charme

I'm using Heaven's Eye Markmanship to have enough range (3m) and Every Angle Perfection (6m). Personal Essence.

Ah ehm...I'm assuming I have exiled the FSC, am I right?
Tyler makes a disgusted face, feeling sick for te purity of the air he is breathing...

He lights TWO cigarettes, and begins to exhale them deeply...mmmh, that feels good.

Immediately after, he extinguishes the flame from his butt with a loud fart...

"Nice one Hand, we should try again drunk!"

Suddenly, the most beautiful and tender puppy you can imagine comes wagging his tail in Tyler's direction, his little pink tongue and his lovely eyes ready to wave the newcomers.

Tylers kicks it without mercy, sending it through the windows of a jewerly nearby, with a noise of too many broken glasses.

"I'm allergic to adorableness..."

"So, a ball! Great!!!! I love high society balls...open Bar!"

Still smiling, he turns around, spitting on the ground...then he begins to scratch his crotch!!!

"Damn it Jackie Boy, I told you that fucking river was full of ticks! I really need a bath and a massage..." he approaches with languid eyes at Kana "...maybe with an happy ending..."

Five minutes later, with a brand new bruise around his eye, the biker rips from the wall a poster of the ball, hung throughout the whole city.

"Ok, let's figure out what we need to get invited"
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Probably....A method to keep you away from it

With a smile, Hand pats Tyler on the back and adds: But, this way, we'll miss all the fun!

Anyway....Even if we get invited ... for what purpose?
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Jackal laughs and shakes his head.

"I'm just going so I don't have to talk to you lot all day," he says, with a grin. "It's been a long journey and I'm looking forward to some decent food." While the others might be travel-stained (or in Tyler's case, itching, bruised and singed around the edges), Jackal's clothing is pristine, and his neat beard is still perfectly trimmed. Little Master rides on his shoulder, surveying the streets of Telene with regal disdain. "Anyway, this Duchess is the only link we have to Romeo and his last diary entry," he says, more seriously. "Flowers and five-fold portents from Heaven are a bit too vague for my taste. I'll ask around a little - this city looks like it has strong ties to the Realm, so there must be merchants and traders here that I can talk to. Hopefully the right ones," he adds - "I don't want to run into someone I cheated on a deal." He thinks for a moment. "Actually, that narrows it down too much. I'll just hope they didn't notice." He shrugs, and Little Master gives a little, shrieking laugh.

"Hand, getting invited will give us access to the open bar and will increase our chances to get laid!"

Tyler shrugs his shoulders....

" I really need to shake off all this dust....I need a beer and a bath...guys, I will like for a place where to rest our asses, in the meantime I will keep my eyes open...meet at the tavern for dinner?"

Tyler points at a where noisy tavern, which goes by the name of "Drunken Mule"
Kana shudders her way out of cringing and resignedly agrees.

"Talk about feeling out of place." Kana looks down at her road weary clothes with the realization that she's the most immodestly dressed person around. "I uh, need to pick up a few things if we're going to a ball. And I want to find somewhere I can do something useful with this." She hoists the sack of armor awkwardly.

"Or... Maybe this would be a way into this event and the duchess's good graces?" Kana looked at Jackal inquisitively.
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Gilded Jackal

Telene is mostly into lumber and iron exports, and imports spices and luxury items from the inner Threshold.

A friend of yours had a business partner that relocated right here in Telene.

You have never met him, whossisname? Stavros Dempelis? Yes.

Not even twenty minutes later, Jackal reaches a mill just outside the city.

There is a wonderful smell of chipped wood.

The sawmill is a large wooden building with a side entirely open.

Five workers are barking a large pine.

Behind them, a man better dressed is yelling and swearing with a strong High Realm accent.

Kana, Hand, Tyler

The main street is crowded for the market.

Fruit, animals, rugs and fabrics. Some taylors are displaying their creations, aware of the incoming ball.

Expect what you'd expect in any other street market: people yelling to sell you fish, people haggling, smells, noises, food, the occasional thief.
Before he goes to find his contact:

Jackal frowns throughtfully at the jade armour.

"I'll ask around," he says, "but maybe having a Dynast around might open some doors for us." He slips a small purse of jade scrip from the pockets inside his fine robes. "Take this - " he tosses it to Kana - "and buy what you need - clothes, jewellery and so on. Fine, but not too fine - think minor patrician rather than full-blooded Dynast. And try to find something that makes these two look like human beings," he adds, indicating Tyler and the Hand with a wry smile. "Servant garb, but high-class servants."

At the sawmill:

"Stavros!" Jackal shouts, over the sound of saws and the chatter of the workers. "Stavros Dempelis!" Before the man can react, Jackal slaps him on the back. "How's the lumber business?" He sees the blank look in the man's eyes. "Gilded Jackal," he prompts, still smiling genially. "Nikos Kastri introduced us a few years ago." Jackal mentally crosses his fingers - no-one likes to think they've totally forgotten meeting someone, so hopefully Stavros Dempelis will just pretend he remembers him. He likes this little trick - it usually gives him the conversational advantage when he's trying to browbeat merchants into giving him a better price, or trick the details of a secret trade deal out of an unwary bureaucrat. "So - how's life in Telene? And what's this grand Ball everyone keeps talking about?"

Kana spoke to Jackal before he went, so I thought he'd better reply before he goes off to the other side of town.

Plus, no-one else has any dots in resources, so they don't have any money. Literally none. Jackal's obviously bankrolling this whole thing :oops:
- Jackal! It is few years indeed!

He's fast...

- Lumber sells well, but won't last long. I need new business.

You my friend?

What business takes you to this city?

...very fast.

- Ye basterds! I want this done in two hours!

He turns back to Jackal.

- Hell! It doesn't matter how much you pay them, they'll slack as soon as you turn your back...

Were you saying?
Yugo slows his pace and lets the others walk a head of him. They each seemed concerned with their own task, which left him free to pursue his own. Chief among them was finding out just how much influence the Immaculate Order had in this city, and if there was anyone who would be willing to harbor a group of Solars in case this whole thing went to hell.

He tapped Kana on the shoulder before he completely separated from the group, informing her of his plans. Aside from Jackal, she seemed to be the most sane of their group.
A brilliant plan had begun to take place in Tyler's mind since he had known about the ball.

It was a so perfect plan that could only be created by a superior intellect, and luckily for the world Tyler walked proud among the chosen ones.

He spent the last hours predicting every single implication, every possible element, every unexpected joke that fate could put on his way....just perfect, every single piece of the puzzle fit perfectly in his mind.

He could have called It epiphany, if he only knew such word.

After a genial excuse ("I have to pee") he managed to get rid of his buddies...he had to act like the proud and lonely wolf he was.

After a few questions around, he made his way till the imperial palace of the Duchess.

He knocked the door with the holy feeling that every God was looking down on him, feeling proud to have created such beautiful, powerful and perfect creature.

His masterpiece was finally beginning.

When the main door was opened, he felt like the very gates of Heaven were opening just for him...

"I'm Tyler, the stripper you ordered for the ball....has my giant cake already arrived?"

Just brilliant.
"Strange that you should mention new business," Jackal says easily. "I'm looking for new opportunities myself. Which is why I'm interested in this grand Ball everyone seems to be talking about. Hob-nobbing with the jade-rich and brains-poor has always been my favourite way of finding myself new customers - tell me, is it an exclusive event? How does one get invited?"

The door opens by half, and the stern eye of the butler, filled with disapproval, cuts Tyler to pieces.


Stavros frowns.

- I can say I am fortunate enough to have one of the few invite tokens.

Indeed, only the most illustrious and dignified are admitted at the ball.


- I'm sorry, filth like you has better to stay away from here.

What the hell are ye doing here ye bloody idiot!? You have to enter from the door on the back!


- Still, those fancy nobles spend so much time in gossip and philosophy and actually dancing, that even getting a few interesting rumours is barely worth the coin.

May I ask where do you trade now?

Stunt 3 for Tyler, I should probably stop giving you all these, but was laughing so bad I cried
"Copy that!"

Tyler games two steps back, always looking at the door..then, with a victorious smile, he heads for the door on the back
"I'm looking to expand my interests, as it happens," Jackal tells Stavros Dempelis. "There's a good market for timber in the Scavenger Lands, but the Realm's satrapies never seem to get a look in. I know Realm traders who'd pay well for a good, steady lumber supply that's not likely to be interrupted by war, but I'd need good suppliers. I could write to my majordomo and ask her to send you a contract, if you're interested." He pauses significantly. "And if you're willing to trade me your invitation to the Duchess's ball."
Kana nodded at Yugo's comments and watched everyone go on their way. "I don't really know anything about what is servants clothing or fashionable," she mused at The Hand. "But we better be ready if he has a plan." The coin in her hand was both powerful and awkward. She led them through the clothing district trying to find something fitting Jackal's description.

It did give her a unique chance to study the other people she might see at the ball. Anything to give them an advantage right? She studied the marks one by one and then wove together the picture in her head. A few discrete bumps in a crowded place and she was a great angler of notes and lists and hopefully an invitation or two. Nudge a basket out of place just so in one place and stand too far into the walkway and wait for the crowd of shoppers to bunch. With friendly apologies and brusque hurried bumps she felt for the fishes she sought and carefully plucked them to freedom.

Really, it was the only way to bear the thought of trying on more dresses and gowns and why do they even need all these names for frilly bits.

some judicious application of flawless pickpocketing technique
The Hand pants loud.

Oh. Cool. Now I have to follow a woman while she's shopping.

Then he looks at his chest, covered only by two red suspenders.

However...i probably need something more appropriate.

After some moments looking around, he finds what he was searching for.


These. These are perfect.

In front of him, a pair of horrible, pink, furry suspenders.

There are all kinds of interesting -and compromising- things in other's pockets.

But after refining her eye and some patience, Kana finally fishes up what she's looking for...

Stunt 2 for Jackal, for an elegant psychological bait and switch and for getting the group in.

Stunt 2 for Kana for fishing for invites in the right place.
The Foyer

Jackal and Kana leave the small jade tokens in the hand of the butler, who accepts them with an elegant bow and invites them in.

The room is huge and crowded; a century or so ago could have been very luxurious, but time has't been kind to it and many decorations have been replaced with cheaper copies.

In the very middle of the room about twenty couples are dancing square, surrounded by many more who seem more busy chatting and drinking.

On the opposite side of the room, a group of people, likely the hosts, witnesses the party lying on a risen stage covered in pillows.

An army of servants is swarming everywhere, ensuring that the patrons are well attended.


Yugo and the Hand have been admitted in the luscious garden that surrounds the villa, but no further.

Besides a few couples strolling about the trimmed flowerbeds, there is nobody around.


Tyler is dressed with a neck tie and no more, dancing on a pole as several elder ladies try to slap his ass and kiss him.
(We apologise for the break in transmission and now return you to your regular Gidled Jackal post...)

Jackal surreptitiously adjusts the jade armour he's wearing. Dynastic armour may have adjustable straps, but attuning to jade feels like wearing a coat made of wasps. Still, wearing it without attunement felt like trying to move in a suit made of foot-thick granite, so this was preferable. Well, just about.

Jackal stops fidgeting as he and Kana enter the hall, and draws himself up straighter. Putting on his best haughty expression, he gestures to a nearby servant.

«You he snaps, in High Realm. «I need to be announced The servant gives him an uncomprehending stare. "I - need - to be - announced," he repeats more slowly, this time in the local tongue. "My name is Nellens Kinirono Yaseinu." That, at least, seems to get the servant's attention, although Jackal isn't certain the man even recognises the name. "Yes, Nellens - House Nellens." He turns to Kana with a superior smile. "Sweet gods, this really is a backwater."
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Under the pretense of admiring the architecture and the garden, Yugo made a thorough survey of the grounds, looking for the path of least resistance that would be of best use in case of an emergency escape.

Once that was completed, he decided to make his way to the party, although in a much more round about way than his comrades.

Approaching a servant, he ensured that the sight of his tarp-wrapped Daiklave was in plain sight, leaving no doubts that he was (in their minds) one of the Dragon's Chosen. "You there." He spoke, using the same tone he used when addressing troops. "I have traveled long and hard to meet with your mistress. Tell her that one of the Chosen wishes to speak with her." He said, speaking every word with the literal truth.


Scanning the grounds: 7 dice for 6 successes

Social roll: 12 dice for 6 successes
Before starting his "show", Tyler makes sure to leave his knapsack and his stuff well hidden in a corner easily accessible, in case things should go wrong.

"Ahhhh, The stage, the loving crowd...I knew that those two months of dance lessons by correspondence would have been useful"

Tyler shakes his ass like there's no tomorrow. Tips are welcome.

In the meantime, before and during the show, he studies the place, spotting all the possible ways out and quiete places.

His eyes keep on searching without a moment of break for the Duchess, trying to recognize her amongst the people on the stage.

He makes his move....

Coming down from his pole, he keeps on dancing grabbing and rubbing himself with the two apparently most important and oldest of his "fans" (at least as old as the Empire).

With the two ladies, he makes his way to the stage!

Let's make some noise! Let's bring this party to a new whole level of fun!"

He resist to the incredible temptation of stage diving, and climbs on the stage, never leaving the two old women.

Gilded Jackal and Kana

Everybody around takes a step away.

The servant almost freaks out, but is quickly rescued by the butler, who pulls away her and bows profusely at the Jackal.

- Lord Nellens!

Your visit was unexpected, this humble servant begs your forgivness.

He bows again, his nose almost touches the floor.

There is something studied in the way he pronounces the name of the House.

Staring down to avoid Jackal's gaze, he continues.

- Please! Please allow me to announce you.

With a polite gesture, the butler invites Jackal and Kana to follow him.

Yugo and the Hand

This place is a security expert's wet dream -or nightmare, depends on the attitude-.

The main hall obviously occupies most of the first floor of the villa, and opens on all sides through several large windows barely two meters over the garden.

The building is roughly rectangular, the entrance being on one of the long sides; the other three sides all have large balconies, about five meters from the ground, with open windows.

The Duchess' guards are patrolling mostly the outer perimeter.

While it was easy to walk past them with Jackal, in the event of a non-organized retreat it would be hard to avoid them.

Not that they look especially well trained...

The servant bows and bows and bows like there is no tomorrow, and without showing the back to Yugo runs inside through a side door.


Tyler and the two large ladies have barely the time to turn around that in front of them a white whale appears.

The Duchess is enormous, short and by the way her skin collapses under its own weight, exceedingly old.

The thick face powder is melting over the sweat and her breath is heavy and strenuous.

Her scent, pumped by heavy parfume and old hormones is revolting and overwhelming.

With surprising agility, she leaps on Tyler and connects him mouth against mouth, her tongue pushing a silver coin in Tyler's esophagus.

Then she pushes him away, not before fondling his lower parts, and addressing the two ladies:

- Keep him roasted, but leave most of him for me!

This said, her servants hurry to restore her make up and she leaves the private room.

Through the door, Tyler can see the hall.

But the two ladies clinch him like love bears.

- You stay here, hotpot!

Stunt 1 for Jackal, for playing the role with flair.

Tyler: the two ladies are clinching you, getting free will require 4 suxx on Str+MA and probably violence.

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