• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy ᴀᴍᴏɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴀʀs ;; ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ sʜᴇᴇᴛs!


queen of bright-moon
Roleplay Availability
I am not looking for any roleplays currently.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
Among the stars, there is untapped power
𝕺𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗
𝕴𝖓 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗
Elosirah, the realm of the eight elements. A land that was blessed with elemental magic
when the 8 Elder Dragons sought to create something all people of Elosirah could use.
To better life, to connect with the elements; Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Shadows, Sun, Moon
and Stars. Everyone lived in harmony; Dragons, Elves, Fairies, Mermaids, even the
Vampires, Werewolves and Orcs; everyone. In the beginning, there was no
overarching government, just likeminded people thriving together.

But of course, all good things are brought to an end by power-hungry people. A Shadow
Elf created her own kind of magic, dark magic, that went against everything the Elder
Dragons created magic to be in the first place. The Shadow Elf stowed herself away in the
darkest caves, to grow her power in the darkness of the shadows. She eventually
created her own curse, wrote it on a scroll and hid it in the depths of her lair. The curse?
Allows her to possess people through their shadows, control them like puppets. Never
once had their been a kind of magic that took someone's power to control their own
thoughts and body.

As the Shadow Elf grew more powerful, she shared her ultimate goal to her followers; to
plunge Elosirah into darkness, into eternal shadows. If she could achieve that, her and
her people would become all powerful, being the new rulers of the realm. Being able to
move in the shadows, the Elf was able to sneak her way to the dominion of the Sun Magic,
& blacken it out. Plunging the realm in darkness for an entire week.

The Elder Dragons came together, once again, to seal away the Shadow Elf and all
Shadow Magic for good. In order for the seal to be strong enough, the Shadow Dragon
sacrificed her soul, to act as the seal. It was with a heavy heart, but the other Dragons
knew it had to be done. Sealing Shadow Magic away for good was the only way to protect
Elosirah in the future.

That was 7000 years ago, and a lot has changed. There are now only seven elements,
Shadow magic is no more. The remaining Elder Dragons each constructed a kingdom,
expanding on their dominions as a way to protect their magic and create a sense of order
throughout Elosirah. There's been mostly peace and harmony throughout the land. That is,
until a certain trinket-collecting Elf stumbles across an ancient scroll? What harm could a
piece of paper possibly do?


Our story begins in in the heart of Medtralis, a tavern. Said trinket-collecting Elf brings
this ancient scroll to meet up with a friend of hers, someone who's helped her identify
and even price different treasures she's come across.

For one reason or another, our party finds themselves at the same tavern, minding
their own business. What could possibly go wrong?

NO.1 All RPN rules apply! A special
emphasis on no hate of any kind. I and
any mods I add in the future will have
the right to kick anyone who doesn't
adhere to this rule.
NO.2 Discord is a must! For one, I
have set up the lore to be in a discord
server & the ooc will be in discord as
NO.3 This will be pretty advanced,
minimum of 4 paragraphs per post.
While it will be advanced, I anticipate it to
be a slower going rp, realistically i'd be
expecting about 3-4 posts a month from
writer ALONG WITH effective
communication. i 1000% how muse
fluctuates and how life gets busy, and i
am prepared to be understanding for
inactivity, all i ask is communication for
NO.4 Try to keep characters balanced!
Whether it's magic types, species, even
gender expression! I know there are many
rps that struggle with not enough
diversity within character roles, so keep
that in mind! This story will thrive with
more diversity! Also this is where I'm
choosing to say this rp is going to
require realistic faceclaims! If you are not
used to realistic faceclaims, don't worry!
I have a plethora of resources (& friends
with resources) to help find faceclaims!
NO.5 Once again, don't hesitate to reach
out with questions! either dm me here,
the lore link in this thread should lead to
the lore discord i have set up which has
a channel for questions, I'm all ears!
𝖈𝖘 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖘

✧ Full Name
✧ Age
✧ Species
✧ Elemental Connection
✧ Gender Identity + Pronouns
✧ Sexuality
✧ P.O.B. (Check locations in discord
for ideas! & Specify if they live in a
different location than they were born)
✧ Occupation (If any)
✧ Alignment (chaotic good, lawful
evil, etc etc)

✧ General description
✧ Height
✧ Weight
✧ Hair color and type
✧ Eye color
✧ Skin tone (do they have any
kind of discoloration? multiple
skin tones?)
✧ Misc (do they have horns
or antlers? wings? tails?)
✧ Realistic FC
✧ If possible, feel free to include
art references you feel represent
aspects of your character!

✧ Virtues (4+)
✧ Vices (4+)
✧ Skills (3+)
✧ Likes (5+)
✧ Dislikes (5+)
✧ What is your character's biggest fear?
✧ What is your character's biggest

✧ Can be bullet points or paragraphs
✧ Be mindful of the literacy requirement

Some things to keep in mind as you create
your character's cs:
✧ How does your character feel about
the discourse surrounding dark magic
and shadow magic?
✧ How does your character feel about
other elemental connections?
✧ What are your character's feelings
towards their Elder Dragon?

© pasta

✧ Full Name
✧ Age
✧ Species
✧ Elemental Connection
✧ Gender Identity + Pronouns
✧ Sexuality
✧ P.O.B. (Check locations in discord for ideas! & Specify if they live in a different location than they were born)
✧ Occupation (If any)
✧ Alignment (chaotic good, lawful evil, etc etc)

✧ General description
✧ Height
✧ Weight
✧ Hair color and type
✧ Eye color
✧ Skin tone (do they have any kind of discoloration? multiple skin tones?)
✧ Misc (do they have horns or antlers? wings? tails?)
✧ Realistic FC
✧ If possible, feel free to include art references you feel represent aspects of your character!

✧ Virtues (4+)
✧ Vices (4+)
✧ Skills (3+)
✧ Likes (5+)
✧ Dislikes (5+)
✧ What is your character's biggest fear?
✧ What is your character's biggest

✧ Can be bullet points or paragraphs
✧ Be mindful of the literacy requirement

Some things to keep in mind as you create your character's cs:
✧ How does your character feel about the discourse surrounding dark magic and shadow magic?
✧ How does your character feel about other elemental connections?
✧ What are your character's feelings towards their Elder Dragon?
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Julris Ire Daoinae

#shadow elf

#nomad collector

♡coded by uxie♡

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Mara Harusian

#royal guard

#Katherine McNamara

♡coded by uxie♡

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the academic

"I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive." --Richard Papen

  • requisite.

    full name

    Valerian (Vale) Luther




    male, he/him




    Paetinum Hall Academic

    face claim

    aneurin barnard



    elemental connection








    hair colour

    Vale’s dark hair takes on a wavy, borderline curly appearance. It’s neatly styled, although after a long session scouring documents for information, it becomes rather messy and ran through.

    eye colour

    A cold, steel grey that appears black in most lighting

    skin tone

    Vale’s complexion, true to the vampire stereotype, takes on a ghostly appearance. Blue undertones cool down his features, an aspect that allows his dark hair and eyes look even starker in their contrast.


    Both Valerian’s upper and lower lateral incisors and canines are visibly sharp fangs. When he smells/tastes blood or feels threatened, his canines become slightly longer than his incisors and noticeably longer than any typical humanoid species.

♡coded by uxie♡
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the star

Counting Stars

✧ Full Name - Lyriel Muphrid
✧ Age - 111
✧ Species - Elf
✧ Elemental Connection - Star Magic
✧ Gender Identity + Pronouns - Female (she/her)
✧ Sexuality - Asexual
✧ P.O.B. - Starboard Harbor
✧ P.O.R. - Stellarium Nexus
✧ Occupation (If any) - Seer in training,
✧ Alignment - Neutral

✧ General description - Short by elf standards, Lyriel resembles the night sky she draws her power from. First impressions usually peg her as a scatter brained nerd with a taste for frilly clothes underscored by practical touches that at times clash. There is, however, an intensity to her eyes that some kind find unnerving.
✧ Height - 5'11"
✧ Weight - 160 lbs
✧ Hair color and type - Straight White Hair
✧ Eye color - Violet eyes with black sclera.
✧ Skin tone (do they have any
kind of discoloration? multiple
skin tones?) - Dark grey skin, dusted with silvery freckles.
✧ Misc (do they have horns
or antlers? wings? tails?) - Multi-pronged horns sweeping up and back from her skull, curving inward at the ends. Silvery tattoos on her face, torso, and arms to further a star field look on her skin.
✧ Realistic FC - Ana de Armas
✧ If possible, feel free to include
art references you feel represent
aspects of your character! -
General look ~

Outfit Samples ~

✧ Virtues (4+) - Inquisitive, dedicated, adaptable, thoughtful.
✧ Vices (4+) - Motormouth, manipulative, often indecisive, mischievous, abstract.
✧ Skills (3+) - Drawing, card tricks, martial arts.
✧ Likes (5+) - Tea, art, star gazing, rainy days, musicals.
✧ Dislikes (5+) - Dragons, dogmatic inflexibility, coffee, perceived shortsightedness, veneration of luck.
✧ What is your character's biggest fear? - That despite her vast vision, her struggles to affect the present will not change the future.
✧ What is your character's biggest
motivation? - To undo the mistakes of the past to save the future.

  • The youngest of 6 to fish monger parents, Lyriel was always a little odd. She talked a little too much. Always seemed to know secrets she shouldn't. It was all her parents could do to keep her focused on choirs and not from wondering off.
  • Her connection to star magic was found out early, causing a sense of pride and relief for the Muphrid family when she was whisked off to Stellarium Nexus for training.
  • She took to life at the Nexus very well. Her attention problems solved by engaging lessons on the application of magic. With like minded friends, she built up a confidence she lacked back home. She grew quite proficient with the gravity aspect of her magic, using it as a crude version of telekinesis in self defense training.
  • Though showing talent for most subjects, where Lyriel truly shined was in divination. Even at the beginning, she could tap into her second sight to allow her to anticipate things just before they happened. With training, her sight expanded to further and further into the future. However, as her sight increased, so did the scope of possibilities. Visions of not only what were likely, but also the improbable flooded her mind. Early sessions could leave her in an almost catatonic state as she dealt with sensory overload. As she got more use to it, she learned that she at times needed to "blur" the vision to allow her to retain the knowledge in her mind and not overload it. She would later coax the means out through drawing and messing around with tarot cards to allow her subconcious to fill in the blanks.
  • As Lyriel got older, some of the darker preminions began to change her. Seeing how destruction could come despite the Elder Dragon's guideance and actions (even because of it, in some possible futures) soured her view of these beings. Though she kept up an act of obedient and content seer, she was fully prepared to ignore the elder dragons' decries if she found it necessary.
  • Recently, Lyriel's dreams have been turbulent. Darkness and shadows swallowing the world appear in many of the possibilities before her. In others, the world is saved, but much of the magic is sacrified as shadow magic had in order to save stop the dark magic, but the world is left feeling hollow with their loss. Among these desturbing futures, Lyriel saw one perfect path forward. One where not only was the world saved, but mistakes of the past were made right. Armed with an incomplete cypher of how the future should go, Lyriel takes her leave of Stellarium Nexus and goes out to find the faces that keep popping up in her visions...

Some things to keep in mind as you create
your character's cs:
✧ How does your character feel about
the discourse surrounding dark magic
and shadow magic? - She thinks that locking such knowledge away is foolish. Dark magic will get out again, and precious few will know how to properly combat it, thus give Dark Magic even more of a chance to overwhelm the world. Likewise, the loss of Shadow Magic is a loss of a part of the world. Locking it away was a stop gap measure that has lessened the world.
✧ How does your character feel about
other elemental connections? - All elements are part of a harmonious whole. While traits associated with some can be bothersome, they serve a purpose.
✧ What are your character's feelings
towards their Elder Dragon? - Well meaning, but a doddering old fool none the less.

Lyriel Muphrid

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ

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Gaelira Valris

# alchemy

# fc Anna Shaffer

♡coded by uxie♡

The Intrepid Master Torrk


✧ Full Name: Torrk Sootfoot
✧ Age: 30
✧ Species: Gnoll
✧ Elemental Connection: None (Shadow)
✧ Gender: Male
✧ Sexuality: Heterosexual
✧ P.O.B. :
✧ Occupation: Wanderer/Tramp/Adventurer
✧ Alignment: Chaptic good
✧ General description: For those not familiar with gnolls, Torrk looks very much like any other. A tall bipedal hyena, with a humanoid physique. Broad rounded ears and short snout, plenty of sharp teeth and dark brown eyes that look nearly black. Torrk has largely brown with, peppered with the occasional black and grey, and is covered in brown spots. His feet are predominantly black, lending to his family name of Sootfoot. For a male of his kind he is considered quite tall and muscular.

✧ Height: 7'
✧ Weight: 300 lbs
✧ Hair color and type: Fur, brown and spottled
✧ Eye color: Brown
✧ Skin tone: Grey-brown (underneath fur)
✧ Misc: They have a tail and claws
✧ Virtues (4+)

✧ Vices (4+)
•Smoke and Alcohol
•Accidently breaks things.

✧ Skills (3+)
•Martial combat

✧ Likes (5+)
•Seeing and trying new things.
•A well made pipe.
•Recognition for a job well done.

✧ Dislikes (5+)
•Being unclean.
•Ill-kempt weaponry.
•Cold weather.
•The dark tribes.

✧ What is your character's biggest fear? -- To be taken by the insanity of the dark. Some may call it superstition, but even gnolls feel the stigma upon themselves towards themselves. They still believe that the darkness can corrupt a mind against its will. Those without magic are considered most vulnerable, as it is deemed that the shadow souled are already halfway there. Being shadow souled himself, Torrk does fear. He's seen their kind, the twisted ones. The dark tribes. He's felt the temptation, in moments of bleakness, and it is a horrible thing to consider in retrospect.

✧ What is your character's biggest
motivation? -- Torrk seeks fullness. All his life made to feel lesser because of his inability to wield magic, because of what he is. Told that he isn't right. Or something is wrong with him. Throughout his life he has sought to fill that void in himself. To be recognized as something more than as a gnoll or shadow souled or magicless inconvenience. He wants to be more. He doesn't exactly know what they fullness is or what it feels like, just that he'll know it when he finds it. So he will strive to be better. Every day. And look for it, every day.
A shadow souled. Those born with the corruption in their blood. Those born without magic. Like many others of his kind, when Torrk reached adolescence, and no longer needed to be the care of his mother to survive, he was cast out of the tribe with his family name stricken from him. He was given the traditional parting mercy, a newly sharpened spear, a full waterskin, and few days of food. It was a break farewell, they always were. The tribe would turn their backs on him, not even watching him leave.

He would eventually find the shadow tribes, being adopted in, but it was not a particularly nice existence. Few were willing to trade with the shadow souled, and raids from the dark tribes were common and brutal. It was the life of scavengers. Making due with what little they could find, and fending off the raids, tribal politics. Torrk, hating this, left. This hollowness was not for him.

He left the tribe and wandered. Meeting other tribes. Both shadow and dark. There were dangers, but he persisted, until he deemed that perhaps he could escape the hollowness away from the tribal lands. He braved a path towards civilization.

It was quite the culture shock, at first. Little more than an urchin amongst the beggars, he began to learn. Learned to read, and talk proper. Learned from the little jobs he took to earn a bit of food or some hay to sleep in. He found jobs in caravans, and traveled. When he came to a town, he found work and learned something new if he could. From town to village, and farm to plantation. City to bigger city. He was never in one place for long.

Such was his life. He learned to swing a sword and draw a bow. He learned to dance. He learned cook. He learned to sail a ship and ride a horse. He learned to make beds and make barrels and make shoes. A little bit of everything. He even learned how to cut hair, during a horribly boring month as a barbers apprentice. He was a mercenary, and guarded caravans. He was in battles and raids and a war. He was even once in a rebellion. He met good people and bad people, people who liked or hated him. He even found love a couple times, though they never worked out.

He did many things. But no where he stayed, and nothing he did ever felt... right. And staying in one place for too long always reminded him of how not-right he felt. So it was that this became his way of life. A wayfarer, though the more flowery tongues might call him an adventurer. He knows there is something out there that is right for him, and he intends to find it.

✧ How does your character feel about the discourse surrounding dark magic and shadow magic?
●~ Many if his kind were either enticed or coerced into the forces of darkness, even all these generations later the scars of this have never truly healed among the gnolls. To Torrk, he doesn't see the difference between the shadow and the dark. The darkness may have tainted all elements, but it fully consumed the shadow. The shadow is an evil magic, just as those he has seen that worship it among the dark tribes.

✧ How does your character feel about other elemental connections?
●~ Envy, perhaps. That they all seem to have something that makes them full, and a purpose. Aside from that, he has had to look at them from a pragmatic angle, in that without magic they can blast him away pretty easily. This unbalance has lead him to train and grow strong, so that when he to fight against the magicked, he can at least have a fighting chance.

✧ What are your character's feelings towards their Elder Dragon?
●~ A mix of disdain and a begrudging respect. He feels that Umbriax is partly responsible for the rise of dark magic. That she should have been able to stop it. However, he will also admit that she did make the sacrifice to stop it in the end, even if many with the bitterness of being without magic. A long generational hurt, perhaps unjustified, but at the same time... shadow magic was her responsibility. Torrk is not entirely sure if she made the right or wrong decision.
Renaurus the Goblin, Regent of Mathematics and Dirt


✧ Name - Renaurus Piper ("Ren" to his friends)
✧ Age - 18
✧ Species - Goblin
✧ Elemental Connection - Earth, technically, but for now he only has power over dirt
✧ Gender Identity and Pronouns - Male, He/They
✧ Sexuality - Gay
✧ Place Of Birth - Undtrae City, not far from Exovant Grove
✧ Occupation - Accountant
✧ Alignment - Neutral Good
✧ Description - Renaurus is a goblin. His people are distant relatives to orcs and trolls, and are often typecast as a frail and tribal race. In truth, goblins are incredibly diverse and often intelligent and worldly, and most stereotypes arose centuries ago when goblin lands were first invaded and plundered by traveling humans and elves. The goblin warriors who fought back were viewed as barbaric and cruel, wearing animal skins and riding wolves, with crude stone weapons and their teeth filed to points. In the hundreds of years since, peace has been established between nearly all sapient races of Elosirah; in general, goblins are just as modern and learned as anyone else may be.
✧ Height - 4 foot zero
✧ Weight - About 60 pounds, skinny for a goblin; another 40 pounds with his massive backpack
✧ Hair - A mess of thick amber hair, brushed forward and from left to right, not quite long enough to cover his eyes
✧ Eyes - Hazel
✧ Skin Tone - Greyish brown, a dusty earthen color
✧ Misc - He has the large ears and prominent nose typical of most goblins, with a small gold earring in either ear. He wears newly bought clothes of blended fabrics in muted colors that are specially made to be breathable yet durable, and a simple brown cap that fails to cover his mass of unkempt hair. Like many goblins he goes barefoot for comfort, with his feet wrapped in thick strips of cloth for protection. Though he can see in the dark better than some races, his vision is generally weak and he often wears a pair of goggles with curved lenses when he's not reading or writing.
✧ He shoulders a massive backpack about as tall as he is, containing many things he thinks he may need on a great adventure, including: a coil of rope, a grapple hook, an extra set of clothes, an oil-sealed rain coat, a pair of boots, blankets, towels, a small plush pillow, a bedroll, pots, pans, utensils, candles, a box of first aid supplies, a fancy abacus, a less fancy utilitarian abacus, books of mathematics, books for pleasure, books of mathematics for pleasure, carbon sticks, a pen, an inkwell, a blotter, a sheaf of writing paper, a roll of much softer paper not meant for writing, pouches of seeds for planting, seeds for eating, seeds that just look neat, and a special dagger given to him by his parents.

The sheath is plain and unremarkable. The dagger is as long as his forearm and gilded in dark steel. The body is made of a rainbow of pieces of glass, from red at the crossguard to purple at the tip, a stained glass window in the form of a blade. It is said to be blessed by the Wardens of the Earth Dragon and much stronger than it looks. It's probably just coincidence that it looks exactly like a stock of fancy souvenir daggers that recently showed up at his family's shop.
✧ Virtues - Kind, intelligent, imaginative, resourceful, charitable
✧ Vices - Lazy, cowardly, physically and magically weak, too trusting
✧ Skills - Darkvision, very agile, excellent with mathematics
✧ Likes - Math, sunrises, insects (especially moths), chocolate
✧ Dislikes - Classism, heights, cats, vegetables, the unknown
✧ Greatest Fear - Never living up to his potential, and being alone and shunned for his weak magic
✧ Greatest Motivation - Adventure!
Renaurus has lived his entire life in Undtrae City, not far from Exovant Grove and the Giaundtrae. His parents are allomancers and run a tourist shop selling metal trinkets and souvenirs to the thousands of earth-attuned visitors that pass through in the growing months. Shrewd merchants, they pushed him to study finance at an early age, but Ren lacks the powers they wield over metal. In fact, Ren barely shows any magical ability at all, only able to exert slight control over the dust and dirt from the earth. He has a job at a local accounting firm, where he believes he has made friends with some of the other clerks his age. Far more powerful than him, they call him Dirt and laugh, and he laughs back. He has no siblings and no friends outside of work, and spends his free time alone, reading and writing, creating stories where he's hailed as a great hero and champion of Gaiastra the Verdanheart, Elder Dragon of the Earth. Ren was raised to beware shadow magic, and grew up hearing stories every night of how the great dragons locked away the darkness lest it consume the world. He has heard tales of people with power over the six other realms of magic, but he has never actually met any of them in person. He is incredibly curious, but wary, for what's the use of magic if it's not drawn from the land itself? And now, there are whispers of others with seemingly no magic at all...

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