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Fantasy ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇ ᴋᴇᴇᴘᴇʀs { ooc }

Should we use dice rolled attributes and rolls for fights or just maturely plot the fights out here?

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Alright. Here's an update. The History of Zanubia has been posted to get a better feel of what the family and the "kingdom" is like. Elafina ( RI.a RI.a ) has been added to the roster. ^^ And I've also updated all of the military info for each country. Below, I'll post my idea of plots with characters for Isadora, seeing as no one will know the Nidae family until they show up for the Tournament (boooyyyy... I get to write the Originals' reaction too. XD) All of it will be in spoiler tags in case anyone doesn't want to know how others have met or know another and would rather find out organically. However, I honestly advise that you read what I've typed up for your sibling. Because how Isa's relationship is with your sibling will affect you as well. Lol
(I've got work in like two hours and I REALLY don't wanna today. XD)

izayoiix izayoiix -
Isa would've been scared to visit Belerast, seeing as it was high in the sky and she felt like she wasn't learned enough in magic to really feel like she belonged. However, when she arrived, she found it to be quite relaxing since there were both amateurs and experts running around the different floating islands. As for the Vulpes family, she probably would've been convinced by her father to bake something as an offering of peace and respect, which she did. But other than that, she wouldn't know the customs and probably would've been too scared to trample on anyone's culture or other things, so she would've hidden herself in her room or tried to sneak into a summoning class.

I like to think that Alana might have cast an illusion on Isa and it either scared the rabbit or made her look foolish by believing it. Thinking it was due to ill will, Isa probably would've been embarrassed and tried to avoid the fox princess at first and hoping that it wasn't due to her insulting anyone in the Vulpes family.
Isa would've LOVED to go on trading trips with her father to Heloress. She probably would've begged him once she reached her teen years, just so she could see the majesty of the kingdom. She would've definitely went as well if there were other celebrations or if the kingdom hosted a solstice of that year. She would've loved feeling the different fabrics, shopping for spices for her cooking, etc. But as it would be customary to only traverse the kingdom after greeting the royal family, Isa probably would've met Ren and Rio quite a few times. If they had never met, she probably would've hidden behind her father a great deal and just observe how he dealt with conversing with the Emperor/Empress of Heloress. Knowing her father, though, she probably would've been pushed to make friends with the two siblings in hopes of forming alliances or friends outside of Ithlolen, seeing as the "Imposter Princess" wasn't someone people enjoyed hearing their kids were friends with.

She probably would've seen Ren's laziness or lack of care for a lot of stuff that she obsessed unhealthily over and she might have asked him (hesitantly) if he could help teach her how to care less about stuff like that. After conversing with other royals and finding out that the ancient texts spoke of decorum and a protocol that was more strict and no longer relevant, she was still trying to find the right way to go about things as a royal. He would've noticed, though, that any kind of sign that he found it bothersome or anything negative, she would immediately apologize and excuse herself. If she ever came with the Queen, he would've also noticed that she was never close to the woman like she was with her father. If anything, she seemed desperate to get away or to find another place to hide entirely.

He might have introduced Rio and Isa? Seeing as the two seem to be sort of shy and withdrawn, I could see them having a hard time introducing themselves. That or the two could find her practicing how to summon some of the more local type of birds?

MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake -
Seeing as he was probably being trained to take over the Thieves Guild and she was being forced into it because her mother couldn't afford to watch her, they most definitely would've seen each other around. She probably would've noticed his position, however, (or to the very least that he was seen in the company of his father) and was a little scared to approach him. However, if he ever personally commented on the scarf around her head or the way she held a weapon, they probably would've spoken in the short time that she was there. And he probably would've realized that she was scared of snakes (which was odd in Ombar), that she seemed to like avoiding getting physically close to anyone, but never harbored ill will to anyone. Even if they spoke down to her a lot. She always found something nice to say about the other person or gave them excuses for their behavior. And she was always polite, even when she looked like she was on the brink of tears. He could've also been there when her ears were revealed, if you want.

Fast forward, when her brother decided to go wandering Sodariel, she would've been the one taken to official meetings and the like. She was still sincere and polite like she was back in the old days, but now, she seemed to hide behind her father and younger siblings while she avoided her "mother" like the plague. And she always seemed to eye windows as if looking for the ocean. If Setesh every met up with her again, she'd probably be shocked to see him but would actually not shy too far away from him since he never did her any ill will (that she knows of). She'd probably be shy since he saw her in essentially rags before and now she was nobility. He would've seen her stumble over her new training as a princess, trying to recall the proper way to greet and converse with another noble while also trying to remember things that she wasn't supposed to do (all found in ancient texts rather than by the country's expectations). And she would end up saying the wrong thing or remaining silent when a response was expected. She'd probably apologize profusely after making a mistake and run off before she could see his (assumed) negative reaction towards her.

Whether the Hebian King (or the Thieves Guild) let Setesh know of Isa's mother being beheaded, or Isa being forced to watch it, is up to you. But he would've definitely heard the rumors that spread from Ithlolen that claim Isa is an "Imposter Princess" and some refuse to claim her as a dignitary for them and their ideals.

SkyGinge SkyGinge -
Isa would've noticed IMMEDIATELY the way that Pascal seemed to be really distanced once she was brought "home." She would automatically believe that it was because he hated her, much like his mother did, and try to avoid him in hopes he wouldn't hate her any further. But when the execution took place, Pascal would've seen the timid girl turn almost catatonic. After being forced to watch her mother be beheaded, she seemed to walk around with an empty look in her eyes. She didn't eat and rarely slept. It was only once she started her studies as a royal, including magical training, that she started to eat and sleep again. And one night, I like to think, that Pascal saw her full on sobbing in the cave that it took place in. The king would've been watching her in case she did something drastic, but he didn't go to her and merely said later that "she needed the freedom of being alone again." The wails would've been pained and full of complete anguish and she would've fallen asleep in that very spot after crying out the last of her energy. The king, if he saw Pascal, would've probably asked him to help with carrying her back to her room. (Which he's welcome to refuse or even refuse to have stuck around that long)

Isa would've began going on trips to the other kingdoms with Pascal and it would've been awkward, even if the king tried to push them to be more familiar. Mainly because Isa didn't think that she belonged in the family and she was convinced that Pascal thought so as well. She might have tried to extend a hand of kindness to him, but if he didn't outright take it or look like he wanted it, she probably would've just recoiled and given up.

Every now and again, he would probably be aware of her late night trainings in Falindea or her bird summoning practices in Heloress. Probably would've noticed how she looked like she was going to cry every time she went to Ombar (and that she refused to look the King in the eye). And also, when they go to Truvaria, she will notice that she hides behind her father more when the troops of the city draw near (seeing as they're the ones that transported her and her mother to Ithlolen in the first place.) But mostly, he'll notice that throughout the years, she still seems to talk to her mother at night, whenever she thinks that she's alone in front of her bedroom's window.

And when he began traveling on his own, he would've heard how she had taken up the mantle of being the "face" of the royal line and that a lot of people were not fans of it. She would've definitely been curious about his travels since she thought it was very brave to travel the world alone, but she wouldn't know how to go about asking or even communicating with him.

cinnabuns cinnabuns -
Like I said to Arkytior, I think it would be difficult for our two princesses to have met initially since the two seem quite withdrawn. However, if Ren was willing to introduce the two or if Rio stumbled upon Isa attempting to summon a local, avian species, they might have a conversation spark up (after the short silence from Isa, of course). Hell, Rio might see Isa reading one of her romance novels and comment on it (to Isa's red-faced chagrin). Seeing as they seem to be of similar temperaments, I could see them getting along once they got to know each other. They seem to be the type of friends who just enjoy sitting in the same room together rather than go frolicking over a kingdom. And since Ithlolen and Heloress like to do trade with one another, Isa would probably frequent enough to bake some goods for the siblings and give to them in hopes of friendship. And if Rio was willing, Isa would probably attempt to get the other princess to open up about something she's worried about and in turn, talk about her life before she was nobility. Maybe even let Rio know how she feels she doesn't think she belongs here and that she's waiting for her new mother to kill her at any moment because of what she represents to the woman. Her husband cheating.

If Rio ever snapped at Isa or showed any negative emotions towards the bunny princess, she'd notice that Isa would apologize (even if she did nothing wrong) and immediately excuse herself. She'd probably not speak to either sibling again until she knew that they were okay with having her presence around them again.

RI.a RI.a -
Isa would've loved the wooded areas of Falindea, especially in the Fall. She probably would've convinced her father to take her on trips there with her brother (before he left), just to walk around. Since the security of Falindea is a little more relaxed than other kingdoms, as long as she greeted the Fawnus family, she was allowed to wander the perimeter. She probably would've wandered the woods (either with or without her brother) just to look at the pretty colors, to feel the chillier wind on her skin and ears. And she'd want to study what birds lived in the area. I imagine that she would've been around early teens as well and probably would've met Elafina a little after the horrible event. Even if she was scared to approach her, if she saw the hurt in Elafina's eyes, she might have approached her and asked if she was alright. She probably would've also complimented the area and how beautiful her home was. Maybe even summon a bird to help cheer the other princess up. But she'd never try to overstep her bounds and if Elafina looked like she didn't want to talk, Isa would've immediately excused herself and apologized for bothering her.

At diplomatic events, such as the solstices, Isa would've admired Elafina's antlers from afar and imagine decorating them in strands of pearls or even different types of plants to give the princess that ethereal look about her. But she would never say it and if either of the Fawnus siblings caught her staring, she probably would've blushed and attempted to move somewhere farther away.

Semblance Semblance -
Much like her proposed history with Setesh, she probably would've seen Ardyn when she was in the Thieves Guild for a short time. If Ardyn attempted to be friendly with her, she probably would've been hesitant at first. (Blame the paranoia her mother gave her) This included little quirks like re-tucking her scarf or keeping a physical distance between the two. But if Ardyn continued after such displays, I can see Isa opening up to the girl. Ardyn would've seen that Isa was afraid of snakes (which is odd in Ombar), she didn't like any physical closeness, and yet was really nice and considerate to others around her. Even those that did her wrong or verbally berated her. She would've found excuses for their behavior (like he was upset because something happened elsewhere in his life) or just never said a bad thing about people. If the girls were closer than that, Isa probably would've wanted to play in the few times it rained in Ombar with the princess (if allowed). But would've stopped pretty abruptly since her mother would find out and her ears weren't easy to hide in a wet scarf.

When she was transported back to Ithlolen, she would've cried and if Ardyn was there to say goodbye, she would've seen the heartbroken princess and horrified mother. Isa didn't know where she was going and felt like it was her fault all of it was happening and wished vehemently that she wasn't born with ears. And that would've been the last Ardyn saw of her for awhile.

They would meet again during their teen years during diplomatic meetings, solstice celebrations, and some birthday balls. Especially once her brother left to find himself, Isa became sort of the new face for the royal line, to the dismay of the Queen and some of the Ithlolen community. The rumors of her being the "Imposter Princess" would've traveled pretty far, so the Ombar family would've known a good deal of it. Not sure if the Hebian family would tell Setesh and Ardyn of the execution of Isa's mother or that Isa was forced to watch her mother be beheaded, but if not, the Rabbit Princess would've just seemed very reserved when they saw each other again. Like with Setesh, if Ardyn approached her, Isa would've been very shocked to see the Snake Princess again and wouldn't completely shy away like with others. But she'd, instead, fumble over her words and actions in trying to make sure she followed the protocol she read about in ancient texts (that aren't applicable to Ithlolen culture anymore). And if invited to one of Ardyn's birthdays or if Ardyn accepted a birthday invitation from Isa, Isa would've probably offered some baked sweets that the bunny made herself. As a thank you for being there during the Thieves Guild years.

Swoob Swoob -
Isa would've definitely heard about Ark not being the prince that Falindea wanted, seeing as he was missing the antlers and such of his lineage. She would've felt akin to this since she felt like she didn't belong in the family, seeing as she was the "Imposter Princess" and was only around because her father wasn't loyal to his wife. So she would've been both nervous and excited to meet Ark when she went to Falindea for trading trips or diplomatic meetings (like trade routes and laws that crossed over or something). She would've noticed how hard he worked and probably would've been intimidated and also questioned if she was trying hard enough herself. So after walking through the woods, and possibly meeting Elafina, she probably would've retired to the Fawnus home early on in the day to read her smutty books or to practice her magic. She'd probably still feel like she wasn't trying her hardest and would've went to the training grounds of Falindea late at night to practice fighting with her whip. Perhaps he met her on one of those nights? She would've been exhausted from overworking herself with both her magic and her physical regiment, so it wouldn't be hard to believe that she might have lost feeling in her arms and legs, making her fall to the ground.

However, Isa wouldn't be able to speak since she summoned the birds a lot earlier, which could make it worse if Ark tried to find out what was wrong or if he watched from afar as a local town's guard tried to ask what was wrong. She would've probably pushed them away, weakly, before giving up and going to her chambers for the night. She would've been able to talk again the next morning, but she wouldn't reveal why she looked like she hadn't slept or why her muscles seemed to ache horribly.

But whenever she visited Falindea, she would be found wandering the forests, training way too much at night, or reading her romance novels in the privacy of her room. lol
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@Arkytior -
Isa would've LOVED to go on trading trips with her father to Heloress. She probably would've begged him once she reached her teen years, just so she could see the majesty of the kingdom. She would've definitely went as well if there were other celebrations or if the kingdom hosted a solstice of that year. She would've loved feeling the different fabrics, shopping for spices for her cooking, etc. But as it would be customary to only traverse the kingdom after greeting the royal family, Isa probably would've met Ren and Rio quite a few times. If they had never met, she probably would've hidden behind her father a great deal and just observe how he dealt with conversing with the Emperor/Empress of Heloress. Knowing her father, though, she probably would've been pushed to make friends with the two siblings in hopes of forming alliances or friends outside of Ithlolen, seeing as the "Imposter Princess" wasn't someone people enjoyed hearing their kids were friends with.

She probably would've seen Ren's laziness or lack of care for a lot of stuff that she obsessed unhealthily over and she might have asked him (hesitantly) if he could help teach her how to care less about stuff like that. After conversing with other royals and finding out that the ancient texts spoke of decorum and a protocol that was more strict and no longer relevant, she was still trying to find the right way to go about things as a royal. He would've noticed, though, that any kind of sign that he found it bothersome or anything negative, she would immediately apologize and excuse herself. If she ever came with the Queen, he would've also noticed that she was never close to the woman like she was with her father. If anything, she seemed desperate to get away or to find another place to hide entirely.

He might have introduced Rio and Isa? Seeing as the two seem to be sort of shy and withdrawn, I could see them having a hard time introducing themselves. That or the two could find her practicing how to summon some of the more local type of birds?
That sounds pretty good to me! I could almost see him reacting to her in a similar way he does Rio then? As long as enough time has passed, he'd act a tad similar. For the most part though, he'd put up a front where he does care about her a bit, but doesn't act like it.
And if he notices her act distant with the Queen, he wouldn't really comment on it, just keep her distracted if he can. Like if Isa and Rio became friends/close then he'd probably find an excuse to drag Isa away and bring her to Rio and just nap while the two of them do whatever lol.
ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch originally I didn't think there would be any plausible extended interaction between Ark and anyone else, but I actually love that idea. I'd imagine Ark probably would've been keeping tabs on her and noticed when something was wrong and maybe hesitantly tried to help her after deeming her unthreatening. Would be nice to create at least a slightly more trustful relationship/it would be a fun scene to refer to as flashbacks (even rp out in a pm or something if ur down)

Also a suggestion for Isadora and Ela: albinism in rabbits has become more common due to humans breeding them, so red eyes are very accepted in rabbits in our world. Since all good fantasy has connections to the real world, who's to say the rabbit kingdom can't have a lot of people with red eyes, making Isadora much more accepting of Ela? It's an opportunity for a gem of a scene/dialogue down the road.
Isa would've LOVED to go on trading trips with her father to Heloress. She probably would've begged him once she reached her teen years, just so she could see the majesty of the kingdom. She would've definitely went as well if there were other celebrations or if the kingdom hosted a solstice of that year. She would've loved feeling the different fabrics, shopping for spices for her cooking, etc. But as it would be customary to only traverse the kingdom after greeting the royal family, Isa probably would've met Ren and Rio quite a few times. If they had never met, she probably would've hidden behind her father a great deal and just observe how he dealt with conversing with the Emperor/Empress of Heloress. Knowing her father, though, she probably would've been pushed to make friends with the two siblings in hopes of forming alliances or friends outside of Ithlolen, seeing as the "Imposter Princess" wasn't someone people enjoyed hearing their kids were friends with.

She probably would've seen Ren's laziness or lack of care for a lot of stuff that she obsessed unhealthily over and she might have asked him (hesitantly) if he could help teach her how to care less about stuff like that. After conversing with other royals and finding out that the ancient texts spoke of decorum and a protocol that was more strict and no longer relevant, she was still trying to find the right way to go about things as a royal. He would've noticed, though, that any kind of sign that he found it bothersome or anything negative, she would immediately apologize and excuse herself. If she ever came with the Queen, he would've also noticed that she was never close to the woman like she was with her father. If anything, she seemed desperate to get away or to find another place to hide entirely.

He might have introduced Rio and Isa? Seeing as the two seem to be sort of shy and withdrawn, I could see them having a hard time introducing themselves. That or the two could find her practicing how to summon some of the more local type of birds?

Like I said to Arkytior, I think it would be difficult for our two princesses to have met initially since the two seem quite withdrawn. However, if Ren was willing to introduce the two or if Rio stumbled upon Isa attempting to summon a local, avian species, they might have a conversation spark up (after the short silence from Isa, of course). Hell, Rio might see Isa reading one of her romance novels and comment on it (to Isa's red-faced chagrin). Seeing as they seem to be of similar temperaments, I could see them getting along once they got to know each other. They seem to be the type of friends who just enjoy sitting in the same room together rather than go frolicking over a kingdom. And since Ithlolen and Heloress like to do trade with one another, Isa would probably frequent enough to bake some goods for the siblings and give to them in hopes of friendship. And if Rio was willing, Isa would probably attempt to get the other princess to open up about something she's worried about and in turn, talk about her life before she was nobility. Maybe even let Rio know how she feels she doesn't think she belongs here and that she's waiting for her new mother to kill her at any moment because of what she represents to the woman. Her husband cheating.

If Rio ever snapped at Isa or showed any negative emotions towards the bunny princess, she'd notice that Isa would apologize (even if she did nothing wrong) and immediately excuse herself. She'd probably not speak to either sibling again until she knew that they were okay with having her presence around them again.

That sounds pretty good to me! I could almost see him reacting to her in a similar way he does Rio then? As long as enough time has passed, he'd act a tad similar. For the most part though, he'd put up a front where he does care about her a bit, but doesn't act like it.
And if he notices her act distant with the Queen, he wouldn't really comment on it, just keep her distracted if he can. Like if Isa and Rio became friends/close then he'd probably find an excuse to drag Isa away and bring her to Rio and just nap while the two of them do whatever lol.

the devil may be working hard but sueshi is working harder

as timid as rio wants to be, her parents aren't a fan. they like to push her to do things since her brother usually isn't present and she can't say no to their requests, like saying hello to the royalty of other kingdoms. since isa isn't intimidating, she'd be friendly about it, albeit hesitantly, while superglued to ren's side. she would realize after a while that isa was like her and take a shine to her. they would definitely just relax and read books together in the garden, while ren naps nearby. if isa told rio how she felt about her place in the royal line, rio would divulge to her about her own feelings of not being the best fit for the role of princess. can rio and isa take turns baking things for one another? and for ren? she always has to include her brother. x)
ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch : Sound pretty great to me. Pascal would have just been awkwardly transfixed on her in the cave crying incident - such visible weakness and insecurity would definitely have struck a chord in him and I think he'd then have felt bad about being judgemental about her. Course, he'd lack the real personal forwardness to express much of this, but she'd have gathered something genuine in his polite reciprocation of her kindness when travelling together, and probably picked up that even though they don't speak much, he indirectly cares for her in action even whilst being especially eccentric.

Fantastic planning folks - I'm going to provisionally edit up my relationships chart stuff to reflect what we've spoken about!
For Ren that sounds perfect lol. The only reason he'd probably take an interest in Pascal is if he starts hanging around Rio. so based on how that discussion goes he might notice him a bit more lmao

For Alana, it kinda depends. Does Pascal act kinda wild when at gatherings or more reserved? Cause if she saw him acting something other than proper then she'd probably start trying to mess with him and tease him. Nothing malicious, just pure fun.
If something like that happened I could probably kinda see them being friends? She has no issues talking to others unlike meeeee so I think she could do most of the talking for them lol

Sorry, forgot to reply to this! He acts wild at gatherings - the only time he's more reserved is on his own. So I can imagine quite an unfortunate situation (for Pascal anyway) arising where Alana is genuinely more of a trickster than him whilst he's only pretending, leading to a kind of awkward friendship which Pascal desperately needs to stop her from seeing through, whilst meanwhile he's spurred on to increasingly chaotic behaviour against his will. I think the 'performance' Pascal would make a natural friend to her but underneath he'd be sweating like anything.
ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch I have the mental picture where the royal family leading the Guild is a secret, so they would be masked while operating it. But I think if Isa saw Setesh there without one when he was younger (he would have been 14 or 15) and recognized him now, it could build up interesting dynamics (or at least it might give her some leverage, though she may not be the type who would use it.)
Sorry, forgot to reply to this! He acts wild at gatherings - the only time he's more reserved is on his own. So I can imagine quite an unfortunate situation (for Pascal anyway) arising where Alana is genuinely more of a trickster than him whilst he's only pretending, leading to a kind of awkward friendship which Pascal desperately needs to stop her from seeing through, whilst meanwhile he's spurred on to increasingly chaotic behaviour against his will. I think the 'performance' Pascal would make a natural friend to her but underneath he'd be sweating like anything.
Oh man poor Pascal xD
If Alana learned he was really freaking out, then she'd take it down a few notches cause she doesn't want to stress someone out too bad. She wants to enjoy a laugh, but not really hurt anyone lol.
Alright relationship/impression time! Just to preface this, I’m gonna keep romance and attraction out of these first impressions completely. I know romance is hinted be a decent component in the rp and I actually like it too but I like to plan that out for the future/have that happen during the rp and not have things start escalating right off the bat. Also I think it fits Ark's character because he has to learn to accept people as friends before he can even think about them as attractive. I'd also like to say that writing these has given me an even greater appreciation for everyone's characters. You guys have made great ones that have so much synergy with each other, you guys are awesome!

izayoiix izayoiix
You know how some people who are super similar actually hate each other? That's what I'm thinking might be fun to have at the start between Ark and Ren. Both are extremely protective of their sisters, and Ark would likely see that and see him as violent and manipulative, thinking of him as a threat/enemy. I'd be really interested in seeing how their dynamic would play out. Do they see their similarities and become friends? Do they hate each other and then realize that what they hate in each other is what they exhibit themselves? Do they or those around them reach that conclusion? Is it a "I hate you, but I actually trust you" kinda thing? There are lots of routes we could take this! Of course, I'm just speaking from Ark's side and what I know of literary tropes, so tell me what you think!
As for Alana, Ark would hate her. (jk) He wouldn't hate her, but he'd be very wary of her. Mischievous people tend to put him on higher alert for obvious reasons. As far as Ark's end goes, I can only think of him being very, very cautious around her, keeping interaction to a minimum but keeping tabs on her from afar. If you have any ideas to make their dynamic more interesting, feel free. If you don't, that's fine; there can't always be a super cool and interesting dynamic between every character.

cinnabuns cinnabuns
I think Rio, along with Isa, is the least threatening person of the group so far to Ark (no offense to her, of course). I think Ark can probably sense something of a kindred spirit in her by the fact that they're both anxious and have low self-confidence. Of course, that's still not saying much—Ark would still generally distrust her and would also steer clear of her because of her brother, but he probably wouldn't be quite as highly guarded around her than maybe with Setesh or Pascal. I keep imagining it similar to a deer: if Rio doesn't do anything highly instigating, Ark would stand still, watching her. If she moved too much or did nothing for so long that he lost interest, he would leave, but not in the same darting manner as in response to a threat/predator. I can't really think of any instances that would've happened in the past like with him and Isa, but tell me what you think or if you have any ideas you wanted to run by me!

SkyGinge SkyGinge
I think Pascal is one of the people Ark fears the most (until the chameleons come ofc). He wouldn't be able to get a read on him at all, and his behavior would give Ark suspicions up the wazoo. Unfortunately, I think Ark's impression of him would be that he has to be on high alert around Pascal, so I think it's unlikely for them to become friends for a while.

That said, I'd really like to know what Pascal would think of Ark and whether we can make something interesting between them. They're actually pretty similar: they both overthink/overanalyze, have underlying social anxiety, don't think of themselves as a future ruler—they're pretty good foils to each other. We could go the route of enemies; maybe Pascal dislikes Ark's anxious behavior because it reminds him of what he dislikes in himself, making such a likable person actually have an enemy. Or maybe they could be friends, eventually seeing each other's true selves and similarities. I apologize, I'm not trying to write out Pascal's response for you, but I can't help but make suggestions. Tell me what you think!

ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch
I totally want to rp out that scene. But aside from that, I think Ark's attitude towards her would be decently similar to Rio, but since Isa's a bit more outgoing, it would be different. A scenario like the one you proposed would make Ark more trusting of her (and it helps that she's not super aggressive and she's small lol), but only to the point where he's not totally wary of her, but still kinda wary. I keep imagining these relationships in the way a deer would react to a human, so I guess that's a sign I chose the right family for my character. Thinking of Ark like a deer, I'd imagine he'd be more comfortable walking in Isa's vicinity than with others. If that thing you talked about becomes "canon," then she'd probably have the easiest time approaching him, but it would still have to be slowly and briefly, or else he'd run away.

MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake
Ark would definitely be intimidated by/afraid of Setesh. His height combined with what you've written for his personality would make Ark very wary of him and he would probably keep his distance and keep note of his movements. Based off of their personalities, I don't see much of a chance for them to be on each other's good sides, but the rp hasn't even started yet! Who knows how they mesh together. I'm interested in what Setesh would think of Ark, but I almost get this feeling that he wouldn't think much of him at all. If so, that's fine—we can't have such great deep relationships or dynamics with everyone. Also, I think it's good to have some people that you generally just distrust in this setting, because we are fighting each other to become the #1, after all.

Semblance Semblance
Similar to Setesh, Ark would be very wary of Ardyn and would stay away from her, watching from afar to make sure she isn't an immediate danger to him or his sister yet. I don't think they have a good chance of getting on each other's good sides, and I don't know if Ardyn really cares. Although they are very different, it is true that they're both the ones less cared for by their parents (of course, with Ardyn it's much more direct), but that's a pretty intimate thing that they probably don't know about each other. Tell me what you think and feel free to tell me how Ardyn perceives Ark! Probably not much but I'm always curious lol

RI.a RI.a
We probably will have a lot to talk about, so we can do that in the pm, but first I wanted to praise how well they work as siblings. I did some research into deer and how they act when I was making Ark's character. Two things I really embedded in him are a deer's heightened awareness/assessment of their surroundings as well as imprinting (or at least that learning pattern). I think it's really interesting how, without really coordinating it that much, Ela and Ark have both been written in a way that they have imprinted two opposite things on people. Because many people around Ark disliked him, he decided that all people are threats, which makes him too untrusting. In a similar manner, because all people around Ela loved her, she decided that all people are nice, which makes her too trusting. I'm excited to flesh out their relationship; we can do some great stuff with them!

Damn that was way more than I thought it would be also a lot of that turned into speculation of the future my b
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Swoob Swoob : Pascal's general response to uncovering other people's anxieties is a kind of empathetic guilt - it makes him feel firstly bad about himself because he doesn't feel like his own anxieties are legitimate or honourable compared to the reasons he presumes everybody else will have; secondly because it makes him feel bad about probably making them worse if he wins the whole shebang; thirdly because these people are living out their problems genuinely whilst he's pretending to be a character he's not. He then worries because he'd love to have a genuine connection with these guys and thinks they'll think wrongly of him for being so wild, another thing he 'has to sacrifice' in order to be a proper king. It will certainly be fascinating though if circumstances force him to drop his facade - having them start a little frosty would be really interesting if it then developed into a friendship or comeradary later on.
All these relationships are so beautiful I could cry.

Firstly, ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch Thank you SO much! I'm really excited for this rp! And I can't convey how grateful I feel for how much work you are putting into the lore for this. Also, I'm going to add a fear of dark rooms to Ela's sheet.

RI.a RI.a -
Isa would've loved the wooded areas of Falindea, especially in the Fall. She probably would've convinced her father to take her on trips there with her brother (before he left), just to walk around. Since the security of Falindea is a little more relaxed than other kingdoms, as long as she greeted the Fawnus family, she was allowed to wander the perimeter. She probably would've wandered the woods (either with or without her brother) just to look at the pretty colors, to feel the chillier wind on her skin and ears. And she'd want to study what birds lived in the area. I imagine that she would've been around early teens as well and probably would've met Elafina a little after the horrible event. Even if she was scared to approach her, if she saw the hurt in Elafina's eyes, she might have approached her and asked if she was alright. She probably would've also complimented the area and how beautiful her home was. Maybe even summon a bird to help cheer the other princess up. But she'd never try to overstep her bounds and if Elafina looked like she didn't want to talk, Isa would've immediately excused herself and apologized for bothering her.

At diplomatic events, such as the solstices, Isa would've admired Elafina's antlers from afar and imagine decorating them in strands of pearls or even different types of plants to give the princess that ethereal look about her. But she would never say it and if either of the Fawnus siblings caught her staring, she probably would've blushed and attempted to move somewhere farther away.
Also a suggestion for Isadora and Ela: albinism in rabbits has become more common due to humans breeding them, so red eyes are very accepted in rabbits in our world. Since all good fantasy has connections to the real world, who's to say the rabbit kingdom can't have a lot of people with red eyes, making Isadora much more accepting of Ela? It's an opportunity for a gem of a scene/dialogue down the road.
I really like this! Ela would definitely find the forest a safe place for her after the traumatic event. I imagine she'd be all by herself when Isa found her and she'd be surprised to see a new person in the forest (with rabbit ears no less). She's caring even to strangers, so Ela would warn her to not get too close as she'd believe that she's a curse and might bring misfortune on her. Perhaps she would usually avoid eye contact, at least not for more than 2-3 seconds (unless it's her brother). But if Isa did stay and show her some birds, Ela would be grateful. Then we could roleplay the rest out in a flashback or in PMs ^^

Swoob Swoob geddit? xD
From the history I wrote, Ark would have comforted her after the tattoo incident which would probably make Ela more dependent on her brother. Their parents might assign more security to guard her, but she would want to be near Ark. Sooner or later, she'll realise Ark's fears and discomforts around social gatherings and Ela would step up for her brother they way he protects and cares for her. I'm excited to flesh out their relationship more and I don't mind if you wish to do that in PM.

As Ela is awfully caring and has strong moral principles, she'd treat everyone she meets with respect during their first few meetings. She might stumble over a few words and have awkward handshakes due to her nerves. The more she knows about some characters personality, likes and hobbies she would be more wary of the "troublemakers" and grow more nervous around them if she has more reasons to not trust them. If anyone has more ideas about their character's relationship with Ela, let me know! I'll probably do a 'first impression' thing like what people are doing too! ^^

On a totally unrelated note; after days of searching for Ela's room I still can't decide between these two. A room connected to the greenhouse would be perfect for Ela xD but since all the rooms are on the 2nd floor, large windows with views of the forest would be the next best option. Someone help me decide please.

Note: imagine the two pictures by the bed are forest/plants
the first one just kinda screams 'elafina!!!' at me, bab

I think it's time for me to do an actual character impression sheet too soooo hang on swoob bb, I'll give you an impression reply shortly c;
Swoob Swoob : Pascal's general response to uncovering other people's anxieties is a kind of empathetic guilt - it makes him feel firstly bad about himself because he doesn't feel like his own anxieties are legitimate or honourable compared to the reasons he presumes everybody else will have; secondly because it makes him feel bad about probably making them worse if he wins the whole shebang; thirdly because these people are living out their problems genuinely whilst he's pretending to be a character he's not. He then worries because he'd love to have a genuine connection with these guys and thinks they'll think wrongly of him for being so wild, another thing he 'has to sacrifice' in order to be a proper king. It will certainly be fascinating though if circumstances force him to drop his facade - having them start a little frosty would be really interesting if it then developed into a friendship or comeradary later on.
I see, that makes a lot of sense given his character. Wanna just leave it up to however the rp turns out then?
Finally finished my Nidae prince. I struggled because the site was changing my formatting as I posted it for some reason so it isn't in neat spoiler blocks. Hopefully that is okay and I'm not too late.

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