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Fantasy ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇ ᴋᴇᴇᴘᴇʀs { ooc }

Should we use dice rolled attributes and rolls for fights or just maturely plot the fights out here?

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Alright. I have todays acceptances. We now have Setesh ( MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake ), Ren ( izayoiix izayoiix ), Pascal ( SkyGinge SkyGinge ), and Ardyn ( Semblance Semblance ) added to the game. (I will add pictures and stuff to the roster soon. I gotta go grocery shopping or I'll starve. XD)
I was unaware how many people applied for fox prince and I am STRUGGLING because they're all so good. 0_o I'll have to take some more time focusing on it.

If anyone doesn't get the role they initially applied for, please feel free to apply for a chameleon. (This family will be pretty plot central down the road. XD)

MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake -
To be honest, I was hoping for sometime this week. But if it takes a little longer, I'm okay with that. I just want everyone to feel like they've all had equal opportunity for applying and the like.​
Plus, I gotta make decisions now and booooyyyyyy... You guys have not made it easy. XD
Awesome!! Psyched to be a part of this.

As for relationships, I know that Isadora was part of the Thieves Guild when she was a child, so perhaps Ardyn and Isa became friends then? Although their current personalities would clash, children can be friends with anyone and I can see young Ardyn having a soft spot for the new scared little bunny.

Depending on how close you want Isa and Ardyn to be, perhaps when the Thieves Guild decided to turn Isa and her mom back to the Usagian kingdom, Ardyn could’ve tried to fight for them to stay but of course no one is going to listen to the young princess. (This would make their dynamic in the Trials really interesting if they were childhood friends forced to separate, especially given how different they are now. For the manipulative, competitive, and somewhat selfish person she’s grown into, Isa’s presence would certainly force Ardyn to confront moral dilemmas she normally wouldn’t consider.)


So now that I'm accepted, what do people think their characters'll be thinking of Pascal? I'm going to bed now but drop me a message or a reply here and we can start thinking about those relationship charts - I'll reply in the morning :D
In your history, it says that Pascal has spent the past 5 years traveling from kingdom to kingdom, so perhaps he and Ardyn could have met in some way then? He seems like quite the partier, and I don't think Ardyn would initially be a fan of his playboy flair/whimsical charm/energetic personality. However, it seems they're both rather competitive, and he's very into card games. Perhaps they met at a bar during some gambling tournaments when Pascal traveled to the Ombar Kingdom? I can see her and other members from the Thieves Guild grabbing a couple drinks at a local tavern and playing cards to relax (of course, no one else would know they're associated with the Thieves Guild). Maybe Pascal was at the same tavern, given his interest in card games and love for partying/drinking. Perhaps he and Ardyn have a long-standing competition over who's better or who has lost more money to the other.
Nothing immediate comes to mind with the other characters, as it seems like most of them have stuck to their own kingdoms aside from the diplomatic meetings, but I am totally open to brainstorming other relationships! So please let me know if you think of something with Ardyn :)

(In my opinion, it's a little more fun to go into the RP with some previously established relationships to shake up the dynamics a little bit.)
(In my opinion, it's a little more fun to go into the RP with some previously established relationships to shake up the dynamics a little bit.)
I legitimately wish I could set up preestablished relationships but I gotta stay true to ark
Am I the only one who struggles with invisible scroll and covers? I have to highlight to scroll, since I can't click the area without the cover popping back up. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong, though, lol. I guess I'll just have to stick to having a scroll bar.

RI.a RI.a I really like your deer princess cs, and as it doesn't seem like you're applying for other roles, I'll just withdraw my character. Plus, even though I was really interested in the Fawnus family, the Nidae family interests me just as much.
Ahh thank you! I hope you still join! The Nidae family do seem interesting! ^^

If you need help with the code, feel free to pm me. (:
Finally updated the Wolf Princess. I didn't count on it taking the entire day but I also hadn't planned on rewriting most of everything and editing the pics. I swear I'll get the combat dice things done and over with once I give the same specialty treatment for my Fox Prince.

Anyways it's hecka late so I'm about to hit the hay. Good night guys, hopefully I get around to doing something tomorrow.
Vacuum Vacuum : The lore page definitely has some info regarding the Chameleons as I've just had a peak, gives a bit of explanation as to why they're unexpected guests. I'm still pretty unclear though ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch on why there's three of them?

Capricornus Capricornus and FTR FTR : Just picking you guys up in case Sue missed you in their business. Basically the way characters are being done is not first-come-first-serve, but we're allowed to compete for the different roles. So whilst there technically now exists an application for every role, only both rabbits, both snakes, both cats, the deer prince, a chameleon prince and the fox princess have been finalised and locked in, so the rest are still game if you want to compete against those who've already submitted forms/half-complete forms.

And now regarding character relationships, here's my thoughts. I get what people are saying about forging relationships in the RP and I'm not undermining that, but given our royal status', we'd likely have at least heard of one and other. In Pascal's case, because of his travelling he's likely met the majority of other royals at their respective parties and meetings so I think everybody would have at least a shallow perspective on him.

ThePastelWitch ThePastelWitch : We should probably talk more about ours given we're siblings. In my backstory I had Pascal misunderstanding his father's guilt over what happened with Isa and taking it personally, and them both living increasingly separate lives as Marco doted on her and Pascal became increasingly eccentric. Thus I think they'd probably be neutral on all relationship meters - I don't know how she would feel about him, but I think he'd be indifferent with maybe a touch of underlying disdain because of the whole guilt stuff. I'm presuming we wouldn't know the Ridae's given their banishment situation.

cinnabuns cinnabuns : There's a lot of interesting similarities between Pascal and Rio (their bookishness, insecurity especially) but whereas that leads to shyness for her, it leads to rambunctuousness for him. Whilst as you say she'd be polite to him of course, I'm wondering what she'd have thought of him deeper down in all his wildness, Victorian etiquette and gambling? Whilst her quietness wouldn't have given him ample opportunity to speak to her, Pascal's intentional scouting out would have lead to some conversation and her etiquette and slight withdrawness would have incited in him a strange mixture of guilt and attraction. Course, from an outsiders' perspective, there's no way this playboy rogue would take any interest in someone like Rio... thoughts?

Semblance Semblance : I agree with everything you've said! Though it does depend slightly on what the snakes' public lives are like ( MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake too) - I imagine Pascal and the pair having a fairly frosty reception mixed with competitivism.

izayoiix izayoiix : For Alana, I think the relationship would depend on how mischievously she goes at parties/social gatherings - would she be better behaved their like she is in court, or wild as she is in private? Depending on the circumstances of their meeting, Pascal would either consider her a fairly standard (and therefore worthy) princess, or probably get along reasonably well for their shared wildness.

For Ren, I think Pascal would still be pretty indifferent, having probably just seen a little of his laziness.

Swoob Swoob : Just for maximum clarity, how couped up is Ark nowadays? Your form mentions he was kept inside as a youngster - is the shame regarding his antlers such that he still wouldn't be around at parties or anything now, not even by his own initiative to make his own sister look better? If so then yeah they'd never have met, though surely he'd have gotten an impression of this eccentric bunny-boiii from his sister?

I do agree that everyone would have at least been introduced in the meetings when they attend.

And I'm so tempted to flesh out some relationships even though Ela's not been accepted yet xD

Semblance Semblance : I agree with everything you've said! Though it does depend slightly on what the snakes' public lives are like ( MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake too) - I imagine Pascal and the pair having a fairly frosty reception mixed with competitivism.

In all honesty I imagine that Setesh, on public occasions, would be highly professional, not antagonistic (not until the tournament starts that is). However, he does not enjoy social gatherings, so he would be on the polite but cold, evasive side, probably not on the same cheerful and all over the place note like Pascal. He is probably slightly put off by that.
cinnabuns cinnabuns : There's a lot of interesting similarities between Pascal and Rio (their bookishness, insecurity especially) but whereas that leads to shyness for her, it leads to rambunctuousness for him. Whilst as you say she'd be polite to him of course, I'm wondering what she'd have thought of him deeper down in all his wildness, Victorian etiquette and gambling? Whilst her quietness wouldn't have given him ample opportunity to speak to her, Pascal's intentional scouting out would have lead to some conversation and her etiquette and slight withdrawness would have incited in him a strange mixture of guilt and attraction. Course, from an outsiders' perspective, there's no way this playboy rogue would take any interest in someone like Rio... thoughts?

*COUGH COUGH* I think Rio needs to start a damn harem *COUGH COUGH ugh there must be something in my throat* I think she'd appreciate his excitable behavior. he seems like the type
to actually try to go the distance to get what he wanted, and she would envy that a bit. gambling, she's never tried, so she'd be very curious to see what that was like. of course, if I'm going to be completely true to her character, rio wouldn't want to get too close to him, or anyone, out of fear that she'd drive them away or even damage them in her shifted form. she'd be very conflicted.

speaking of going the distance, I found rio's talking theme a la sueshi c:
SkyGinge SkyGinge sorry for not making that clear but yes, Ark does go to parties and has met people, but more as an obligation. He would spend most of the time silent by his sister’s side or alone and he would take part in conversation when prompted, but would never initiate or offer up extra information on his own. Like I had said before, relationships would mostly be impression-based. I loved your idea of going through the accepted characters and proposing ideas, so I’m going to make a separate post and propose some of Ark’s impressions. Idk when it’ll be up though cus I have to go visit my college soon with my sister. Also has anyone else noticed my recent posts are getting weirdly wordy whoops my b
SkyGinge SkyGinge sorry for not making that clear but yes, Ark does go to parties and has met people, but more as an obligation. He would spend most of the time silent by his sister’s side or alone and he would take part in conversation when prompted, but would never initiate or offer up extra information on his own. Like I had said before, relationships would mostly be impression-based. I loved your idea of going through the accepted characters and proposing ideas, so I’m going to make a separate post and propose some of Ark’s impressions. Idk when it’ll be up though cus I have to go visit my college soon with my sister. Also has anyone else noticed my recent posts are getting weirdly wordy whoops my b
Yeah I'll probably go through the characters and jot down some of Ardyn's impressions too. Even though substantial relationships would likely not have formed, it'd be helpful to write down predicted dynamics

Haha don't worry we love the wordiness!
@Arkytior : For Alana, I think the relationship would depend on how mischievously she goes at parties/social gatherings - would she be better behaved their like she is in court, or wild as she is in private? Depending on the circumstances of their meeting, Pascal would either consider her a fairly standard (and therefore worthy) princess, or probably get along reasonably well for their shared wildness.

For Ren, I think Pascal would still be pretty indifferent, having probably just seen a little of his laziness.
For Ren that sounds perfect lol. The only reason he'd probably take an interest in Pascal is if he starts hanging around Rio. so based on how that discussion goes he might notice him a bit more lmao

For Alana, it kinda depends. Does Pascal act kinda wild when at gatherings or more reserved? Cause if she saw him acting something other than proper then she'd probably start trying to mess with him and tease him. Nothing malicious, just pure fun.
If something like that happened I could probably kinda see them being friends? She has no issues talking to others unlike meeeee so I think she could do most of the talking for them lol
unfortunately my post about rio's impressions would basically be the same for everyone who isn't ren: reserved respect. they are royalty, after all, and she feels like she isn't sometimes, so. r-e-s-p-e-c-t. she'd be intimidated by setesh, ardyn, and the chameleon siblings. x)

no one minds swoob dear <3
*COUGH COUGH* I think Rio needs to start a damn harem *COUGH COUGH ugh there must be something in my throat*
Rio please dont cause your dear protective brother such issues. It would be bad for him to start a war because sister dear finds boys cute lol

ren's laziness goes from 100 to 0 the moment rio gets flirted with--
Pretty much. Rio's not aloud to get flirted with in his eyes, nor is she allowed to flirt xD
Ren will be having words with people if something does happen.
Pretty much. Rio's not allowed to get flirted with in his eyes, nor is she allowed to flirt xD
Ren will be having words with people if something does happen.

meanwhile rio is just a blubbering flustered mess at someone even hinting at flirting with her

cinnabuns cinnabuns izayoiix izayoiix dude I would kill to have rio become friends with the deer princess and then see how the two brothers deal with it

pffffft. bonds forged in the fire of keeping your sisters single

ren's laziness goes from 100 to 0 the moment rio gets flirted with--
Pretty much. Rio's not aloud to get flirted with in his eyes, nor is she allowed to flirt xD
Ren will be having words with people if something does happen.
Hahaha meanwhile... boys probably find Ardyn too intimidating to flirt with and anyone who tries will probably be immediately shut down before Setesh even gets a word in
And meanwhile with all this drama going on, Alana's just running around casting illusions on people cause why not :3

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