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Fandom S.A.O: Floors 50 and Beyond. (Just Started!!/Accepting)

Denver stood up and walked over to the group. She was always short in comparison to others, but this particular group she decided to join, made her even smaller their presence made her shrink like an ant. A specific on in general, what was he called, she wondered silently. Her dragon was perched on her shoulder, lightly climbing its way onto her head as she approached the crowd, "Hello," she said, trying to speak up and not appear intimidated.

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Anjen watched with a tiny little smirk on his lips as the volunteers started forming small groups on their own.

"Now!! Who will Volunteer for the support teams!?" He slammed his fist to the table once more.

Okita smiled at Ayumi and gave a nod to her, and shifted nervously as more people seemed to want to be in a group with her than she had expected.

"You can call me Okita" She offered a hand out to those who introduced themselves and smiled shyly. "I'm eager to get started. After the meeting, we should all head to my house to discuss our plan as a group further." She said to those around her.

@xkawaiishortyx [COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@labyrinthecho[/COLOR]


"Wow that's cool I guess you most have a bit of advantage in a game like this." I said. Wow well I met a person I have never met before I thought to myself. " I volunteer for the support team" I said in a semi loud voice. @Akko
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;;Noire's stomach turned to knots when Nether laughed so casually.

;;'Well, he knows how to dodge the real question..' she pursed her lips, and her jaw worked. This guy would be an interesting character to have around—PK'er though he was. "....Jules? Blech, sounds like "rules." " he mumbled, and she began to chew the inside of her cheek. "There's nothing wrong with my name. In fact—" before she continued, he piped up once again, saying he'd call her something else.

;;"Rose," he said it like it was her real name. It felt like her real name. Shifting a little, she opened her mouth again to speak. "Really, calling a guy a gi—" he stopped her in her tracks again, declaring he didn't care "if she was a guy." A sigh slipped past her lips and she rolled her eyes. Looking back, she noticed another girl shouting to be in group two. So far they were full, with Jordan, Nether, new girl, and herself.

;;"Hello," she welcomed the newest member of the team.@Peaceswore, @AnnoDomini, @Syrina
Jordan raised an eyebrow at the one that came at them. He saw he was a red player, and judging by his attitude, it wouldn't take much to realize why he got it. At his response, Jordan couldn't help but roll his eyes. 'My god. He sure doesn't shut up easily, does he?' "Whatever floats your boat." He looked at Jules, putting his hand on her head again. "If he picks on you, tell me, ok?"

Then, he saw the new girl who had joined their group. He rose his hand and uttered. "Hey" After, his attention went to the annoying guy. "He asked for your name. Witch might be good to give it, red."

@labyrinthecho @Peaceswore @Syrina
Denver's blank resting face twitched at the corners from the welcome the people around her. She glanced over Jordan and Jules, but she thought Rose was prettier name. "I'm Denver," she stated, pulling her small dragon off her head, so he wouldn't get tangled in her hair, and instead holding him in her arms. After introducing herself she stood rather silently just listening on the conversation; curious as to how things would pan out and what this creepy guys name was. @labyrinthecho @AnnoDomini @Peaceswore
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"It was one of a few reasons. I have never been much of a gamer myself however my best friends is quite the acid one and forced me to so she wouldn't be lonely. Then there was the hype around the campus and it be cool to be a trendsetter." I said as I looked around the room and wonder if there be a support member who join me. @xkawaiishortyx
Okita remained close to Ayumi as the crowd was shuffling around and volunteers were finding their groups for the support teams and the scout teams. "Who's all with us?" She asked quietly to her.


((Confused. So three groups guys for the scout teams, please list which group everyone is in on the OOC thread so we can clear up any confusion!! =P))
She was scanning the crowed when her eyes landed on a boy coming to her. She turned a but as he started to talk to her, looking over were he was waving she nodded "I'm sure we can... " she said in a flat tone. She was glad that she didn't have to deal with finding people.

@Dendyne @Rhodus
Nether chuckled a bit as the man spoke to him making him shake his head. 'Like he can do anything if I do feel like picking on Rose.... Also is this guy deaf? I know what the other said...geez peoples need to turn on their ears.' "No he didn't~ He asked if I had a name, the answer is yes. He didn't ask what is my name...See grammar and how you state your sentences are very important." He said with a laugh his eyes now wondering to the new girl. He blinked at her and his smile didn't falter in the least. "Finally someone that seems to like the color red." He said before hopping off the railing. He didn't look at anyone else and walked right by the other two ignoring their presence all together as his eyes looked at the dragon. He had a blank unreadable face for a decent amount of time, but suddenly he nabbed the dragon right out of the girls hands and hugged it like a teddy bear. "This thing is so freaken adorable!!" He exclaimed as he hugged it a broad grin now decorating his face as he continued to embrace the creature not truly caring if the owner didn't like his actions. "Where does one even get one!? It's just amazing! And huggable!" All the fear/intimidating aura that had surrounded him earlier seemed to completely evaporate as he hugged the scaly critter.

@labyrinthecho @Syrina @AnnoDomini
Denver gasped when her little dragon was snatched out of her arms. Her dragon disappeared so fast it was like a gust of wind pushing her bright red hair in her face, "Don't squeeze him to hard. I found him on a mission towards the begininning." Denver stepped closer to him taking his hand as he squeezed her dragon, she set his fingers on a spot of the dragons neck, "He likes to be scratched here." She stated, petting her dragon as an example of what it liked. "What do you call yourself?" Denver asked out of curiousity and to finally have the dumb question answered. @Peaceswore @labyrinthecho @AnnoDomini
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;;A smile sneaked up on her as Jordan fought to protect her.

;;"Thank you, Jordan, for the offer," she simply said, not bothering to move his hand away from her head. Instead, she looked over her shoulder at Nether's turned back. "You know what I meant, Red," she grumbled, scowling softly. "So how 'bout telling us—" Denver finished the question for her, making her roll her eyes once more.

;;'Well then?' her expression would've said, had it been seen.

@Peaceswore, @AnnoDomini, @Syrina
Ryu noticed that two of the others were looking in his direction and walked over to them. He stood next to the two, one hand absent-mindedly resting on the hilt of his Katana. "Are the two of you looking to form a group? If so, I would be willing to join" He said casually.

@Srion Receno @Dendyne
Staying quiet for most of the meeting, Vess listened to everything around him. So apparently they were gonna spit into pathfinder teams to locate the boss and attempt to probe him. releasing a small sign, Vess raised his hand while standing up. "I'll volunteer for the scout teams." he declared. taking half a second to look around, Vess found two other volunteers for the scouts. both were female, one had long dark hair and what seemed like a Katana while the other had long white hair and was clad in heavy armor. Chuckling to himself, Vess had to suppress a ying yang joke. "Hey!"Vess said as he approached the two. "I saw you two volunteer for scouts. would you mind if i join up with you two?"

Okita shrugged her shoulders at him and nodded. "I don't mind. We'll just need a fourth then?" She looked between Vess and Ayumi.

@Commissar Darman @xkawaiishortyx

Anjen sat waiting, his look growing impatient. He would likely have to enlist the help of his guild brighthands to fill the empty spots that no one would volunteer for, but he remained waiting, just to see.
Nether hummed a small tune as he petted the dragon his smile not leaving his face as he marveled over the dragon. Though after a bit he noticed that they seemed to long for his name. Looking at them he shrugged and went back to petting the dragon. "Red~ Haha... If that's what you want to call me feel free. Pretty unoriginal... I'm a tad hurt there is no effort in that nickname." He said with a sigh before looking at Denver. "Actually. I can't have that nickname, I mean you are the embodiment of red." He then sighed as he decided to stop playing this game...sort of. "Right, call me Drake." He said using the same tone he has this entire time, making it impossible to tell he had lied about what his name was.

Looking at the dragon a bit more he soon stopped and moved his hand away from it letting out a sigh. "So lucky...You gotta dragon." He mumbled as he scratched his head. 'All I got it a hell hound....then again... I love Scuffle. So I'm cool with what I got.' He thought as a small laugh left him making it look rather random to the others.

@AnnoDomini @Syrina @labyrinthecho
Denver nodded, "Drake," she repeated, "If that is what you call yourself," she looked up at him staring into his eyes like the windows to his soul. '...you are the embodiment of red.' She remebered him saying, "The few people I meet call me Little Red," she stated wrapping her small fringers around her dragon trying to take him back. "Even though I'm in the green," she added quietly.

@Peaceswore @AnnoDomini @labyrinthecho
"A fourth? huh?" Looking around, Vess watched as everyone has just about grouped up or left. "Looks like we might need to hurry with that or everyone is gonna be taken. and having a fourth would help me sleep better at night." He added.
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Connor waited for the man in the kimono to waltz over after after hearing the blue-haired girl's somewhat timid reply,

"Exactly what we're looking for if you're half as good with that sword as you look," He shot him a thumbs up then addressed both of his new companions

"Alright, so are you two ready to head out? I'll let our fearless leader know we've grouped up and we're going ahead whenever you give me the word," Connor wasn't entirely comfortable taking a leadership roll but it felt a little more natural than he expected.

@Rhodus @Srion Receno
Watching the guy in the kimono walk up to them she leaned against the wall again and looked at the two boys. She nodded her head "ya you can go tell him" she replyed as she looked at him with a blank expression. Adjusting her sword a bit she then crossed her arms as she looked at the two boys in front of her, they looked strong but would they be good for this? She always had that in mind if she would have to help someone or save someone's life that had teamed up with her.

@Rhodus @Dendyne
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Ryu nodded and returned the thumbs up given by the other male. "Sounds good" He sat down in a nearby seat as he waited for the other male to return. He could tell that the other two had doubts about his skills, but he paid it no mind. When they got to the battlefield, he would quell those doubts.

@Srion Receno @Dendyne
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