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Fandom S.A.O: Floors 50 and Beyond. (Just Started!!/Accepting)

Connor nodded to the both of them and before stepping off into the crowd and making his way over to where Anjen sat looking just a bit frusterated.

"A couple of swordsmen and I are teaming up, should we just start scouting out the area for the Boss' lair or what?" he said putting a hand on the hilt of Naegling, it always made him feel a little more powerful when he had a hand on his favorite weapon.

( So are we free to run around and start our rampa- er.. scouting mission? )

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Watching him go she looked at the other guy for a moment, then Back at the crowed. Should she introduce her self or wait for them to. She glanced at him again then out at the boy that walked off and shook her head lightly, it's a guys thing to asked a girl for her name after saying his. This is what she always thought so she will wait. She nodded slightly to her self as she looked down at the floor.

@Rhodus @Dendyne
Ryu glanced over at the girl who was standing next to him. "Are you alright?" He asked. "You seem a little nervous" He tried to get his point across in as few words as possible, attempting to hide his social ineptitude. He leaned back in the chair, relaxing a bit more.

@Srion Receno

;;"You don't like "Red"?" Noire asked, her body turned towards him.

;;The girl smiled smugly, and she probably would've laughed. 'Okay, so, definitely not that interesting—,' a minute later, he was still hugging that poor creature to death,'—or bright,' she thought to herself as her final decision. "Anyways, Drake, Denver, Jordan, I guess we should head out," she suggested, looking around for any thumbs up.

;;And if no one wanted to leave just yet, the least they could do was plan their strategy.

@Peaceswore, @AnnoDomini, @Syrina
Denver hear Rose speak and she turned her head, delicate fingers still wrapped around her dragon; who was in the grasp of Drake. She nodded her head at girl in agreement, "I don't think we can make a strategy with out knowing the area. It's a new floor and I don't have any information on it." Denver paused thinking of other possible solutions, "So we should just wing it," she concluded

@labyrinthecho @Peaceswore @AnnoDomini
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She turned to him and looked down at him as he sat there. "yes... I'm fine" she said before turning back to look at the crowed "I'm just not good with people" she mumbled. There were three things going through her mind one, what were the names of the two next to her. Two who would be the forth if they had one. And three should she go out side and wait. Looking down at him again she sighed and held out her hand a bit to him. "Crimson Rose" and now she just introduced her self, she mentality smacked her self in the forehead.

Ryu smiled and shook her outetched hand. "Ryu Haynes," He replied after she introduced herself. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance miss Rose"

@Srion Receno
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She nodded "I'm looking foreword to fighting along side you and please Crimson is fine" after shaking his hand she moved her hand away from him and leaned back against the wall. There one of the two down now she just had to wait for the other one to come back over. She looked through the crowed and spotted him, as soon as he got there she will tell him her name then head put side.

@Rhodus @Dendyne
Nether after a bit let the creature go back to the owner before letting out a sigh as he seemed to have lost interest in the dragon, now he moved back to the rail and looked out at the groups forming. Keeping his back to his group he let out a soft hum. "So... You want leave? Doesn't the ever so fearless posh leader have more to tell? Or no?" He said in a nonchalant voice as he brought down his menu checking his messages where he saw he had two of them from a friend of his. Closing the menu back up he leaned against the rail crossing his forearms. "If you wish to leave Rose I'll follow ya, though."

@Syrina @labyrinthecho @AnnoDomini
Denver pulled her dragon back into her arms, before setting it on her shoulder, where it proceded to make itself comfortable, when Nether spoke up "If you wish to leave Rose I'll follow ya, though." Denver nodded in agreement with him, "I would follow you too Rosy," A small smile coming across her face in excitement of going exploring.

@Peaceswore @labyrinthecho @AnnoDomini
Ryu leaned back in the chair again and opened his menu. He looked through the options and pages of the menu, aimlessly, just killing time while he waited. He didn't really care if anyone tried to look at his menu; there was nothing that he wanted to hide, and aside from his Kimono and swords, he didn't really have very much in his inventory. He also had no desire to hide his level from others, and although he didn't make a point of telling it to everyone, it was simply because he found that type of behavior rude and arrogant.

After a few minutes, he closed the interface, having found everything to be satisfactory. "So," He said to Crimson, making an attempt at casual conversation. "What style of fighting do you use?"

@Srion Receno
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Crimson looked at Ryu as he spoke to her then thought for a moment "I can use dual weapons with my sword and my dagger" she said then moved so she was leaning on her side to talk to him better. "what about you?" she guessed this was as good of time to get to know him, even with out the other guy around.

"This is all I need," He said, tapping his palm on the hilt of his Katana. "The Katana is the blade of the samurai, so it just wouldn't be right for me to use anything else. Besides, this particular sword means a lot to me,"

@Srion Receno
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She tipped her head a bit but said nothing about his sword, it was none of her business even if she was curious. "it seams you are really into the samurai stuff" she said quietly then looked over at the boy talking to the leader. "its taking a wile..." she sighed she was about to just go out side and just wait for them to tell her something, unless Ryu wanted to talk more.

(yo im joining if thats ok. made my characte already)

Talon sits at a table in a tavern, playing with a dagger and drinking hot chocalate. (<--- #somuchswagwithmyhotchocolate)

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