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Fandom S.A.O: Floors 50 and Beyond. (Just Started!!/Accepting)


Miserable Potato

~Welcome to Sword Art Online!!!~

((Please read the Overview first and familiarize yourself with the characters before posting.))

~Starting soon~

It has been three weeks since the top players found and defeated the floor 56 boss, and a gathering had been called to discuss the next steps that would be taken in advancing farther through the next floor. Some players had already taken to exploring Floor 57 and a few deaths had been reported. It seemed every day more players were dying, or killing each other. Some just couldn't handle the world that was Aincrad, and some handled it a little too well, Okita being one of those select few. Most of the players here just wanted to get through the game and get home to their normal lives, but one thing had been made certain since the start of the game... Only the strong survive in Aincrad....
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~Welcome to S.A.O. Floors 50 and Beyond!~


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/78ee3b80dbfdf46f67fcc319546c2aff.jpg.cdd9a507b83855be61ce2da2fe153167.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/78ee3b80dbfdf46f67fcc319546c2aff.jpg.cdd9a507b83855be61ce2da2fe153167.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Floor 39. The Town of Willowdale

The Gathering.

Okita walked through the center of town, and most of the streets were mostly empty. She rounded a corner and there it was, The Prancing Pig. This was the place all of the top players had decided to meet and Okita wanted to make sure she didn't miss the fun. She pushed open the creaky wooden door and stepped inside, her steel armor clicked against the hard wood as she strolled in. She was late and the gathering had already started. The place was full with different players, some she had met and even fought with, others she had never even seen before. She stood in the back, her hair draped just slightly over her eyes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/badass-prussia.jpg.ec83763e3ef531a9458840eaf2a5c2d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/badass-prussia.jpg.ec83763e3ef531a9458840eaf2a5c2d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Anjen was the leader of the guild Brighthands and he was level 69. Some here considered him the strongest player known in all of Aincrad, but others saw him as a cheap leader. He sat at the head of everyone, speaking with a powerful voice that carried throughout the small crowded inn, and everyone seemed to grow quiet as he spoke.

"We've gathered today to discuss the boss fight coming up on floor 57. A scouting party has located the entrance to the dungeon! So, it us up to us, the top players to find out where the boss is and what it's weaknesses are! Let the meeting begin!!!!"

Anjen boomed slamming his fist to the table to allow the arguing and planning to begin.



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A smile crept onto Nether's face as he looked down at the others in the bar. He sat on railing that was on the second floor as he looked at the other players that were there. Despite his red marker he had gotten in rather easily...though that was mainly due to the fact he was the first one here, arriving before anyone could see or stop him from listening in on the meeting. He sat in a rather shadow part of the room, his presence all but ignored as he leaned his back on the wall while his left leg simply swayed back and forth a bit while he rested his forarms on his bent right knee.

He closed his eyes as he listened to all the voices that soon went quiet when 'Mr. Strongest' spoke. 'Oh? Does he not have a plan? Damn shame time for hours of debate to start.....knew I should have let Macy handle this.' letting out a simple sigh he looked up at the ceiling for a moment as he thought about it. "Send in an adavance team with high speed and dodge abilities, let them dick around with the mean boss while a few players make sure the doors don't shut, while others carefully observe the bosses moves. After a pattern is noticed retreat and then do some planning. Of course that would only be the initial attack pattern, so we would be ignorant as to what it will do when it's on it's last health bar." Nether said his eyes not opening even once as he spoke. Due to where he was the shadow covered a bit of his face and the marker floating over his head couldn't be fully seen at the moment. "Kehe... Just an idea~"

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Connor stepped into the Prancing Pig with a sigh, he hated going to these meetings, it was always overcrowded and noisy. Worst of all there were always fewer and fewer familiar faces every time one of these things were called.

He heard the tale end of their de facto leader's statement and listened to a shadowy figure in the back talk attack strategy,

"Not bad I guess, a workable plan but we don't know where the boss is yet right?" he shifted posture and crossed his arms, Connor always got nervous whenever he spoke publicly,

"We need to fan out in as many small, elite groups as we can and fan out into different directions.. Do the scouts have any leads? Any points of interest we can mark as a priority?"


;;A hooded figure entered the Inn, looking like any other ordinary fellow Merc trying to take a peek at what's happening.

;;No one paid attention to her. No one gave her the odd look or a scoff and scowl because of the blood-tainted diamond floating above her head. It didn't matter, since no one saw her face- or hair, or body, or any other part of her female figure.

;;Within moments, she was blending in the shadows of players, making her way up the stairs. Completely unnoticed by many of the already entranced players, she climbed up the ladder to the extra floor. It looked like an attic for the most part, except for some of the beams sticking out here and there. In one place in particular there was a giant hole, opening up to the lower-upper floor and the bottom floor.

;;Getting nice and snug on her stomach, she propped her elbows on the board and cupped her chin in her hands. Gold eyes peered down at the crowd, unseen, totally unknown. Whilst everyone was spouting out ideas, she was far enough that no one on the bottom floor could barely hear or see her, but close enough that she could hear every single conversation and idea.

;;It'd be a very long day, and everyone in the Inn knew it.
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Ayami sat at a random table in the inn, and listened with disinterest. Not seeing many people she's fought with before, she put on her headphones and played her favorite song. Of course, she didnt care if she died, but she wanted to do as much as she could before that final moment of her life. Tapping her feet lightly, she wondered what the rest of SAO would be like, who she would meet, and who she would battle. Talking wasnt really her thing, so she let her music and swordfighting do it for her.

When it got quiet, Ayami looked up a little bit, seeing a light haired girl with pretty emerald eyes stroll in quietly, and stand in the back.


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Okita caught Sakumi's gaze from where she was standing. She offered her a quick nod before shifting her eyes back to the center of the room. Okita kept quiet as the majority of the room was calling out their ideas and arguing at which one would work best. She felt eyes on her which made her uneasy. She shifted slightly in her place, the steel of her armor rattled every so slightly with her movement.



"Right! I agree, the bosses lair will be easier to find if we have a few teams of scouts mapping out the dungeon slowly with a few support teams for backup."

He paused briefly, glancing around the room.

"I'll need volunteers! Three teams of four, the rest will wait form support teams for the scouts going in first. Those without a job will hold the entrance of the dungeon until the boss lair is found!!" He slammed his fist to the table again.

Okita wouldn't normally voice herself at these, but she had heard rumors of a rare drop found in the dungeon that can increase your attack speed. She wanted it and she quickly was one of the first people to throw her hand high into the air.

"I'll volunteer!!" She shouted so that she would be heard.
Ryu sighed as he watched the meeting. He disliked Anjen's overly grandiose way of conducting these meetings, but he supposed it did have a way of moving the meeting along. He stepped forward out of the crowd and raised his hand slowly. "I volunteer as well" He said calmly. If the advance team required high speed, then he would be perfect for the task.

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At yet another table stood Jordan, his brown spiky hair standing up as always. His eyes scouted around the room, seeing many gathering around the one that spoke up. Listening to the others, he stepped a little forward, raising his arm. "I volunteer." As the bosses were getting more tougher Jordan realized he would need a group to pass this level.

Ayami smiled as the lighthaired girl from earlier nodded at her. She heard a bunch of people volunteering to go to a boss lair, and she wondered if she should join too. Raising her hand high, she said in possibly the loudest voice she's ever made, "I volunteer too."


Crimson had heard of the gathering but was not going go, yet she had made her way there anyway. She sighed as she entered the bar it was crowded something she also did not like. Gripping her sword at her side to calm down she walked to a corner of the room. There had already been talk of how they were going to defeat the level and it seamed teams were being formed to go find the boss. Crimson shook her head teams of four is small enough for it but if they got caught in a tight spot five or six would be best so they had two runners to go back for help. Leaning against the wall she looked at the ones that had already volunteered, as she tapped the hilt of her sword decideding if she wanted to volunteer or not.

;;Swinging her legs back and forth, Noire smiled, amused by everyone's "sacrifice."

;;Of course, it's not like she was any different. All that exp, drops, and gold at the tips of her fingers.. It was just all too good to pass up. Rescuing people for free wasn't exactly her way of a living, to be honest. But she was one of the very few players that could do it—and well, she might add.

;;Two, three—four players volunteered, resulting in one team, so far. Looking around, she realized no one else was throwing their hands up in the air. The woman pursed her lips into a thin line. No one could see her from here—she needed to get down there.

;;A couple minutes later, she was standing by another red player unknowingly, hand raised and cape hugged loosely around her body. "Count me in as well," she offered nonchalantly, leaning forward on the railing with her arms dangling. The Voice Changer was set to "masculine," so her voice didn't have any high pitched notes that would suggest she was female.

;;Thing is, how long would she last without anyone figuring out she's not a guy?
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Chiaki sat down in a booth at the floor 39 pub sipping on some water. She was only down here because she lost a rock paper scissors match with the guild leader. She took notice of all the people volunteering and considered it her self however decided it but figured it be better to be a support group and keep her mouth shut and wait it out to see who else volunteers.
Standing up slowly, Ayami walked over to Okita and waved a little bit, not saying anything. Since Ayami was going with Okita for this job, she might as well get to know her a little bit. "Hi. I'm Ayami.What's your name?" Not really saying anything else but that.


Jordan looked at the ones already starting to make teams. He saw the person who spoke with a rather gruff voice. Going close to him, he put his hand on his head, smiling. "You're with me. My name's Jordan. What's yours?" Sure, he was a little dubious about the voice, but nonetheless, he decided to trust him.

Nether watched silently from his spot as he looked at everyone. He didn't feel like going through the trouble...buuuuuut it could be fun. Who knows he may meet some interesting people~ And as long as no one annoys him about his beautiful red marker, no would get hurt. 'If I find the boss room....well I won't wait for these guys before I fight.' He was about to go ahead and offer to be in the second group but someone that was right next to him beat him to it. Looking at 'him' he raised a brow for a moment as something was simply odd about the other...than again so was everyone else in the bar. Hell! Even he was odd! But either way a grin went on his face when he saw the lovely red diamond over the others head. "Red is a lovely color isn't it?" He asked in a soft voice so only that person heard before he spoke up looking at the 'leader'. "I'll join group two with these guys. Be a damn shame if I missed out on any of this~"



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Ryu watched as more people volunteered to join. He stayed by the fringes of the small group, not liking the amount of attention his was currently receiving. He decided to wait and let others invite him to join their party, that way he wouldn't have to fumble around with his poor social skills. Otherwise, he might end up making an ass of himself.

;;Noire couldn't breathe; there were too many... too many of them on her team.

;;'God help me,' she thought, knowing that at this rate all of them would find out who—what—she truly was. A hand slowly made its way on her head. Reflexes launched, and she reeled back, bumping into the other red player. Realizing that they meant no harm, she relaxed. "Jules," she muttered under her breath, looking up at the guy. The hood allowed her face to not be seen by others—a nifty attachment if she said so herself.

;;"Red is a lovely color, isn't it?" a voice whispered near her ear; however, she didn't stiffen like she did before. Images flashed through her head, of blue glass and torn dolls. 'No. No it isn't,' she almost whispered back, holding it in. Turning around, she was able to get a full view of the PK'er. "And you? Do you have a name?" she questioned, her eyes avoiding his despite the fact he couldn't even see hers. Something about the guy was so familiar—in an incredibly scary way.

;;Past boyfriend's faces coursed through her mind, of flirtatious glances and bad-boy attitudes.

@Peaceswore, @AnnoDomini
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Why did she have to be like this it seamed a lot of players were volunteering and yet she stood there. Even with out it showing she was nervous about this. Straitening up she griped her sword a little harder as she raised her hand. "I'll volunteer as well" she said in a calm voice hopping her accent did show, then leaned back on the wall to see what group she would be in.
Ayami watched as lots more people were voluteering, and smiled. It was very loud, which she hated, but as long as it was for a cause.
"Hmmm oh my name's Kyoto Chiaki but you can call me Chiaki, Chi whatever you want." I said with a grin on my face. " I mainly play tank role and that about sums it up. And you?" @xkawaiishortyx
I was very surprised, Chi was the first person Ive ever met who came to me first. It was a heartwarming feeling.

"Well, Chi-san, Im Ayami. I really like music and swords.Lets be friends." I said quietly, not saying much.

Connor watched a number of people volunteer for groups then join up so he figured he should find some people to join up with too. It had been getting tougher lately anyway so having at least a couple people to watch his back didn't seem like such a bad idea, especially since some of the top players have committed some pretty horrendous acts.

There was a blue-haired girl gripping her weapon looking for a group so he made his way across the room to where she was leaning

"That guy over there in the kimono has to be pretty ballsy if he goes without any armor, think we could do some real damage" He said waving over the guy with the katana.

This wasn't really his style but he felt like someone had to get something done here.

@Srion Receno @Rhodus
Devner sat in silence watching the people talk back and forth. She was slightly confused as to what was going on. Observing silently of the people in the room, she came across a group of people. She wanted to do something but she didn't know what. Gazing over the room again, her eyes landed on a bunch in group two, and her lips moved before she could think, "I'll join group two," she uttered.
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Nether let out a sigh when the other denied the beauty of the color red. What did this person have against such a lovely color? Not only was it the color of the ever so popular rose but it also happened to be color of a perfect sunrise! 'Some people just don't understand beauty now in days.' He thought as he shook his head. He ignored the whole jumpy thing the person displayed earlier and looked at her with a raised brow. "Do I have a name? Hahaha, what type of question is that? Of course I do, can't make a character without a username." He said with a soft laugh as he looked at her with his opal eyes. "....Jules? Blech sounds like Rules." He muttered as he looked away his mind wandering off to think of a better thing to call her as he dismissed even the idea of ever calling that person Jules. ".....Rose. Like the color of you marker.... I'll call you that." He stated clearly so that person could hear. "I don't care if you are a dude, I'm calling you rose." He was ignorant of her actual gender but...well his mind was made. The person could detest the name and he still wouldn't change it.


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