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Graded [Ryken Under Belly] stories of gangs and thieves [1x1]


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
What to expect out of character:
This roleplay takes place in the world of isekai hell! For more information click here. This roleplay will be on a more casual and lax schedule but should there be no posts after a week with 0 communication(communication is heavily encouraged) I’ll close up the thread and submit it to a partial grade. I expect this to last 2 months at most but given how it will be ran it can be more or less. Roleplay will conclude once goal is met. This roleplay as it is a 1x1 is closed to new participants

Roleplayers and Goals:
Ersatra Ersatra : Anastasia Von Airbin - strike deals with The head of a street gang and the thieves guild.

In a small town located on the outskirts of the Ryke capital Ryken was a small Tavern. As indicated by the sign that flowed with the wind it was Called ‘Moons and Stars Tavern’ with drawings on the sign that were likely to catch the attention of the illiterate people within the town. Stars twinkled in the sky their dim lights intertwining with the lights of the pink and green moons. In this area of the city besides the natural lights from the sky it was dark with one of the few notable exceptions being the vague pink and green lighting beaming from inside the tavern visible through the wooden door that was cracked open by an inch. Inside of the tavern green and pink lights flashed from various small dots on the roof of the tavern which were bright yet flickered similarly to stars the smell of meat, bread and alcohol wafted through the tavern. Tables dotted around the inside of the Tavern laughter, cheers and chit chat flooded the room with the occasional drinker passing out at their table or on the ground. Moons and Stars tavern was crowded on this night.

Behind the bar a woman with slicked black hair in a bun tended to the patrons with swift and methodic movements. There were few waiters and every so often one would appear and she would hand over trays of food and drinks after briefly speaking with them. An older man would walk up to the Bar. Dressed in a dark black cloak with a strange white mask covering up his face. The Bartender asked.

“What will it be today sir?”

The Man replied, “Some Apple Cinnamon Campari will do.”

With a nod the Bartender leaves her post for a moment to grab one of the waiters. Who then takes the man out back, unbeknownst to most of the patrons who weren’t paying attention. ‘Apple Cinnamon Campari’ was a code word of sorts, and a guise. The bartender walked back to her post tentative to her job.

Anastasia, under the guise of "Ava," approached the small, unassuming tavern on the outskirts of Ryken. The "Moons and Stars Tavern" was a far cry from the luxurious settings she was accustomed to, but it was precisely this inconspicuous location that made it ideal for the meeting she had arranged. She had worked tirelessly to secure this encounter, using her investment business as a front to reach out to the elusive leader of the street urchin gang. Her employee had done well in navigating the shadows, making contact with the gang's middleman, and now the stage was set for a potentially lucrative alliance.

Pushing open the tavern door just enough to slip inside, Anastasia was greeted by a dim, almost otherworldly ambiance. The flickering pink and green lights overhead cast a surreal glow, dancing across the faces of the patrons who were engrossed in their revelry. The air was thick with the scent of roasting meat, fresh bread, and the sharp tang of alcohol, mingling into a heady concoction that filled the space.

She moved through the crowd with a practiced grace, her presence unnoticed amidst the chaos. Reaching the bar, she signaled to the bartender, a woman with slicked-back black hair who moved with the efficiency of someone well-versed in the undercurrents of the city's underbelly. Anastasia leaned in slightly, her voice calm and measured. “Some Apple Cinnamon Campari will do.”
Ability: Ava - - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
The bartender nodded and told Anastasia.

“Believe we have some over here in the back.”

She says, guiding her towards one of the few back rooms. The waiter from earlier passing the way he came after dropping the man off in the back. The black-haired lady grabbed the waiter's arm, saying,

“Take over the Bar while I’m gone. Business shouldn’t take long.”

He nods and she lets go. The lady continues forward and brings her to a wooden door that looked like like it was rotting. The slight smell of sulphur wafted off the door indicating as much. The lady turned to Anastasia for a moment.

“If you come back later, The Tavern will likely be closed. If you are caught sneaking back out just say you were grabbing something for Azriel.”

After relaying the message, Azriel opens the door. There was an odd-shaped metal box that had a horrid stench emanating from the pile of garbage within it. It sat upon a green carpet with a crimson stripe circling around it. There was a mop and a bucket of water. In the right corner there was a bookshelf filled with books whose titles were in varying languages. In the middle of the room was the man from earlier.

“You ‘er aren’t ya?”

He spoke, taking a black cloak out of his back and tossing it at Anastasia. This was followed by him tossing another item. A matching mask, the man would move the metal box of trash and remove the carpet. Revealing a whole in the ground with a ladder that proceeded down. Vague blue lights could be seen from below. But nothing else was discernable.

“Fa’r warnin’ to ya’ miss. The Underbells faint of ‘eart. This endavor better be worth our while. Put ‘at on and follow.”

He spoke with a semi-heavy accent before climbing down the ladder, expecting her to follow.

Ersatra Ersatra

Anastasia maintained her composed demeanor as the bartender, now identified as Azriel, guided her through the dimly lit tavern. The scent of sulfur grew stronger as they approached the back room, a clear indication that this meeting was taking place far from the prying eyes and ears of the rowdy patrons in the main hall. As Azriel relayed the instructions about the tavern's closure, Anastasia simply nodded, absorbing the information without comment. She knew better than to show any hesitation in situations like this.

When Azriel opened the door, the sight that greeted Anastasia was as unpleasant as the stench that hit her nose. The metal box, overflowing with refuse, was clearly a ruse, as were the other items that cluttered the room. She quickly deduced that this was a front, a way to deter anyone who might stumble upon it uninvited.

As she entered, the man from earlier wasted no time, throwing a black cloak and a matching mask towards her. She caught them both, her face betraying none of the disdain she felt for the crude accommodations. She had learned long ago that in business, appearances often meant little, especially when dealing with individuals who operated in the shadows.

The man’s accent was thick, his words carrying a weight that Anastasia understood all too well. This was not a meeting to be taken lightly. The "Underbells," as he called it, was clearly a place where only the most off-the-book kind of negotiations took place—a hidden underworld where deals were made and secrets exchanged. Anastasia slipped on the cloak and mask.

As the man moved the metal box and revealed the hidden entrance beneath the carpet, Anastasia peered into the dark, blue-lit void below. The faint light was enough to see the ladder, but not much else. She appreciated the dramatic secrecy of the setup—it was a fitting atmosphere for the kind of dealings she was about to engage in.

Without a word, she followed the man down the ladder, descending into the unknown depths below. As she climbed down, she felt the cool, damp air of the underground space envelop her. The smell of sulfur faded, replaced by the distinct scent of earth and stone. The Underbells, it seemed, was a place far removed from the world above—a hidden sanctuary for those who thrived in the dark corners of society.

Reaching the bottom, Anastasia stepped onto solid ground, her sharp eyes scanning the area as she adjusted to the dim lighting.

Ability: Ava - - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Dim purple lights permeated the darkness, the trip down the ladder would feel like it took forever on the way down. Making it down into the underbelly would reveal a large underground clearing with giant stone structures from which the purple lights originated, walls with sharp points upward lined the uneven ground. On the opposite side of the giant cavern where crime, bloodshed and thievery thrived was a pile of rocks that garnered the attention of the masked man. Who spoke to Anastasia.

“The underbells’ is a danerous place. To ‘void as much conflect as possibell we er’ takin’ the long road. I don’t think’er we introduced er’selfs. Call me Ghasts. I’m ‘ere to make sure nothin’ happens enrote

The rocks didn’t look like much, and it didn’t take many adjustments to make a pathway that looked like it was typically frequently visible. Fresh footprints were on the ground, and it looked like it was used often. Ghasts removed a few rocks from the corner of the pile and climbed over them. He would continue forward brandishing a knife, expecting Ava to follow behind.

“This path is only used by the clovestars gang. Any ‘ther folk who follow without the masks ‘et jumped.”

Ersatra Ersatra


Anastasia took in the sprawling underground expanse before her. Giant stone structures, from which the strange purple light emanated, loomed overhead, their sharp points jutting skyward like ominous teeth. The scene before her was one of controlled chaos—an underground cave system where crime and survival intermingled in a brutal dance. Even this seemingly empty cavern felt ominous, it was as if eyes were all over her and watching from every angle. But Ava’s attention was focused on the masked man who had led her here. His gaze was fixed on a seemingly unremarkable pile of rocks across the cavern.

Ava's eyes narrowed slightly as she observed the path Ghasts revealed by moving a few rocks aside. Fresh footprints indicated frequent use, marking this as a clandestine route known only to those in the know. But his attempt at small talk, even under the guise of safety, did not amuse her. She had not come all this way to exchange pleasantries.

“Names are only as valuable as the secrets they hold, Ghasts,” Ava responded curtly, her voice cool and detached. “I’m here for business, not introductions.”

She followed closely behind him as he brandished a knife and led the way through the narrow path. The sharp, uneven rocks around them and the oppressive atmosphere of the cavern didn’t faze her. She had navigated treacherous waters before, albeit in different worlds.

As they moved deeper into the shadows, Ava kept her senses sharp, her mind focused on the objective. The Clovestars gang held something she needed, and she intended to walk away from this encounter with an agreement that would secure the aid she required for her next business. An agreement that in benefiting the gang would ensure her business survival. But she was not here to give away her identity or her intentions until it was absolutely necessary. Ghasts may have been her guide, but trust was a luxury she could not afford in the Underbells.

She followed him, her steps echoing softly in the cavern.

Ability: Ava - - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
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“Names ‘er valubel. I can agree wit’ ya’ on that. But ya’ need to cal’ someone somethin’ and no one gives ‘eir real names down ‘ere”

Ghasts swung his knife in the air as they made it towards the Cloverstar’s hangout. The area was dead with rocks and dirt, there were zero signs of life that could be seen. Continuing onto the path, Ghasts kept an eye on their surroundings for any potential threats. The two would keep walking until a oddly colored cave would appear. What stuck out was its entrance, which held a prismatic looking shell covering the whole in the wall that was unmistakable for the entrance of a cave. Ghasts slashed a total of three angled curved cuts barely scrapping the surface of the barrier, murmuring an incantation. Then the barrier looked like it had shattered, and the shards faded away into nothingness. After entering the cave, the barrier was quick to restore itself.

“‘Ere we ‘re”

Ghasts spoke with a bored tone. It looked like what would be expected of a cave. A crudely made fireplace with various sleeping spots made out of unfamiliar animals littered the rocky and uneven ground floor. In the stone wall was a wooden door. Ghasts gestures for Anastasia to follow and knocks on the stone, which sounds with a resounding echo. The door was pushed open by an unknown figure who wore a similar cloak and mask. Ghasts introduces.

‘Tis’ the lady Clove. Miss’s lady Clove the girl you ‘asked me to get.”

Then ghasts leave. Clove faced Anastasia, quietly scrutinizing her. Anastasia may feel uncomfortable by this due to the use of [Apprasiel]. A few moments later, she gestured for Anastasia to follow.

“Welcome to the underbelly, Miss Airbin. Not often do we get many of your kind willing to get your hands dirty…I’ll hear you out…one wrong move though, and you aren’t guaranteed to go back to the surface.”

Ersatra Ersatra

Anastasia walked silently alongside Ghasts, her eyes scanning the desolate landscape of the Underbells. The barren expanse of rocks and dirt was as unforgiving as the people who called this place home. She listened to Ghasts’ words but kept her thoughts to herself, the flick of his knife through the air more a sign of habit than actual threat.

As they approached the entrance to the Clovestars’ hideout, the prismatic shell covering the cave’s entrance caught her attention. Its otherworldly shimmer stood in stark contrast to the dull environment around them. Ghasts’ casual incantation and the subsequent shattering of the barrier revealed just how familiar he was with these surroundings. The quick restoration of the barrier as they stepped inside confirmed what she had suspected—this was a place of secrets, hidden well from those who didn’t belong.

The interior of the cave was as unrefined as the rest of the Underbells, a crude living space filled with makeshift beds and a basic fireplace. It was a stark reminder that comfort and luxury had no place here. When the wooden door in the stone wall creaked open, another cloaked and masked figure appeared. Ghasts introduced her as Lady Clove, before making a quick exit. Anastasia found herself under the sharp scrutiny of the gang leader, the weight of the woman’s gaze making it clear that she was being appraised in more ways than one. Anastasia could feel the subtle pressure of a [Appraisal] skill, but she kept her expression neutral, doing her best to reveal nothing. But alas it was for naught as the woman saw right through her disguise, unsurprisingly.

Anastasia couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at the thinly veiled threat. She met Lady Clove’s eyes through the mask, her confidence unwavering.

“I don’t doubt that I’ll return to the overworld in good health,” she replied smoothly, her tone light but with an edge of amusement. “At worst, I imagine I’d be held for ransom. You don’t strike me as the idiotic kind who’d waste a valuable asset.”

She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in before continuing.

“But let’s not waste time with threats, flattery or games. I’m here because I see an opportunity for both of us. So, let’s get down to business, shall we?”

With that, Anastasia gestured for Lady Clove to lead the way, her calm demeanour a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air. She had come to negotiate, and she intended to do so on her terms.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
“I’d argue you’d still have your worth dead. Killing you is a last ditch scenario if nothing good comes of this. Heard of a ‘Black Market’?”

Lady Clover answered Anastasia, there were in fact other ways to make use of a dead noble. The woman, however, could respect the Baronet’s daughter for taking such a risky trip. She answers.

“I imagine your organs would sell for plenty. Moving on from that, I commend you for daring to go into the Underbelly with limited combat abilities. Most would turn away from it scared of turning into a Damsel in Distress. Surely you don’t trust that easily, do you? Might as well give you the benefit of the doubt if you were feeling that risky.”

She spoke, gesturing for Anastasia to sit down on a weirdly carved rock. It looked like someone scooped a huge chunk of it just to turn it into a crudely made chair. On the other side of the room was another rock in similar condition and between them a remarkably small table. Lady Clover sat on the other side.

“Now tell me, besides ransom or black market dealings, what does a pampered noble like yourself have to offer? You sound Confident. But for all I know you could just be blowing hot air."

Ersatra Ersatra
Anastasia’s expression remained poised, her mind already calculating her response as Lady Clover mentioned the black market and the potential value of her dead body. The woman’s remarks didn’t faze her; if anything, they reinforced the necessity of this meeting. This was a place where power was respected, and she had come to claim hers.

As she settled onto the crudely carved stone chair, Anastasia met Lady Clover’s gaze through the slits of her mask, her demeanor calm and composed. The gang leader’s words hung in the air, a challenge laced with curiosity and doubt. But Anastasia was prepared for this.

“What do I have to offer?” Anastasia began, her voice smooth and measured. “I won’t pretend to come from a place of vast power or established influence—at least not yet. What I have are investments in several minor businesses, each profitable but modest in scope. However, I didn’t come here to boast about small victories.”

She paused, letting the gravity of her next words sink in. “I’m here to propose something far more ambitious: the creation of a new business, one that I believe will transform the way commerce is conducted in Ryke. I call it Azon.”

Anastasia’s eyes gleamed with a calculated intensity as she continued. “Azon will be a delivery service, something entirely new to this city. Imagine this: people across Ryke will be able to place orders for food, goods, and other necessities from various shops. They won't need to haul around bags of groceries, or worry about getting to the store too late in the evening to secure fresh bread. They go to the store, order what it is they need and the very next day—or on a specific day of their choosing—those items will be delivered to their doorsteps. But that's just the beginning. nonetheless, it's efficient, convenient, and groundbreaking.”

She leaned in slightly, her tone becoming more deliberate. “But this is where the Clovestars come in. To make this business a reality, I need a workforce. And I believe the street urchins your guild already employs for information-gathering purposes would be perfect for this role. Not only will it provide them with legitimate work, but it will also offer your organization a less conspicuous way to gather intelligence, especially financial intel.”

Anastasia watched Lady Clover closely, gauging her reaction. “Think of it—a network of urchins moving freely through the city, delivering goods and collecting information as they go. No one would suspect them, and your reach would extend even further into the city’s financial heart.”

She leaned back, her confidence unwavering. “I understand this is a new concept, but the potential is vast. Azon could become a cornerstone of Ryken commerce, and with your help, it will. In return, you gain a legitimate front for your operations, an expanded network, and a share of the profits. This isn’t just a business venture; it’s an alliance—one that will benefit both of us greatly.”

Anastasia’s eyes held Lady Clover’s, the challenge clear. She had laid her cards on the table, confident that the offer was compelling. Now, it was up to Lady Clover to decide if she saw the same potential.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
“Sounds like both a risk and a gamble.”

The gang leader replied. Her voice was laced with unspoken suspicion.

“I’m sure you know the thing with criminal titles? Just setting up this meeting tonight was risky, this more so. Only a few of my men can fool the Black Orbs. And now you offer to make us a workforce, kept under your thumb to deliver goods.”

She said, pondering the offer, it was a strange one in the woman’s eyes. It was a bold move to trust a gang of criminals with such valuables.

“Information and an official front and a cut of the profits gained….few issues I see with this. And reasons why they should be considered by yourself as well.”

Her voice was firm. Lady Clover continued.

“Alias aren’t truly enough to best the orbs. The guards themselves are a concern. If my men and I get caught we’ll get persecuted. And your affiliation with us will at the least cast a shadow of uncertainty on your family, no? Nobles attract attention like beacons…. Who Is to say this isn’t a trap? What can you offer to keep the reality of what our business with you is? We lack a certain number of resources. Not everything can be so easily accessed in the underbelly. The conditions are tough after all. Furthermore, another issue I see. No guarantees this risk will bear the fruit you wish for. Something new? Changing? Groundbreaking? Not everyone is going to see the potential at first glance, and unfortunately, not everyone likes ‘new’. You might garner attention due to your family’s name. Should the concept backfire? Do you have Plan B? To add, even if this does succeed, and you manage to say spread around Ryke as you hope too, are you aware the gods see just about everything? Your name itself may be tainted in the end by association."

Ersatra Ersatra

Anastasia listened carefully to Lady Clover’s concerns, nodding slightly as the woman laid out the potential pitfalls. The gang leader’s skepticism was expected—perhaps even welcomed. It showed she was thinking critically, not just jumping at the first opportunity. That was exactly the kind of partner Anastasia wanted.

When Lady Clover finished, Anastasia took a moment before responding, ensuring her words were measured and precise. “You’re absolutely right,” she began, her voice steady. “This venture is both a risk and a gamble. But it’s a calculated one, and I believe the potential rewards outweigh the dangers. However, I’m not naive—I know that trust in our world is bought, not given.”

Anastasia leaned forward slightly, her tone taking on a more earnest edge. “The Black Orbs, the guards, the scrutiny that comes with being a noble—it’s all true. But consider this: if we succeed, we create a system where your men move with legitimacy. They’re not just urchins scurrying through alleyways; they become recognized workers in a city-wide network. The official front provides cover. Also, let me be clear: I will not be employing criminals. I'm sure a large number of your men are indeed branded with criminal titles, I have no interest in those people."

Laying back in the crude chair, Anastasia moved a hand to cup the side of her own face, her eyes burning into Lady Clovers. "To trust criminals with goods, to invite a criminal title of my own. You must be joking. Do you take me for a fool?". Pausing for a second to let the question sink in, Anastasia then continued with a smirk "The trade of information is a perfectly legal venture, coming across information, rumours, facts, assumptions, none of that is illegal. Informing others of things you know, provided you haven't sworn not to by contract, is perfectly acceptable. It's one of the oldest trades in history."

Leaning forward, Anastasia continued "My business will employ poor urchins, grant them an opportunity to earn a living and bring me a profit in doing so. If they happen to overhear information on their travels and trade said information in a perfectly legal manner to your less-than-upstanding personnel, well then that's perfectly fine with me. What happens after that is no concern of mine. To be clear, none of my actions here today are illegal. I will have nothing but legal dealings with your 'gang'. In fact, after this very meeting, I don't plan on ever meeting with you again face to face."

Chuckling to herself Anastasia added "Oh and with those urchins lacking a criminal title, I needn't worry about them stealing from me now would I? One inspection and they'd stick out like a sore thumb. I don't trust you, but so long as you don't get greedy or overzealous we both stand to gain a lot. Cross me though and I will cut you loose."

Taking a more relaxed posture Anastasia shifted to the next question "As for my family’s name, I’ve already distanced myself by operating under an alias. Should this venture attract unwanted attention, it can be spun as an independent enterprise—one where my involvement is minimal, if known at all. That being said I will claim it as my own once the time is right. You needn't worry about such things, it won't affect you given your benefit comes from having eyes and ears on the ground.”

She paused, letting her words sink in before addressing the concerns about resources and risks. “As for the resources you lack, I don't quite see how that's my issue. This venture will be started by me, I will own the business and fund it. All I'm asking of you is manpower. In other words, what this really boils down to is, you give me some of your urchin workers, they provide me with a cheap workforce and you walk away with an opportunity to harvest information you can sell or use as you please thereafter."

Anastasia’s gaze remained locked on Lady Clover’s, unflinching. “And yes, I do have a Plan B. Should the initial concept struggle to gain traction, we adapt. Azon doesn’t have to be an all-encompassing delivery service from day one. We start smaller, focus on niche markets—those who are more likely to embrace convenience and innovation. We refine the service, make it indispensable, and then expand. That being said, you needn't worry about that. I have a surefire way to ensure Azon takes Ryken by storm."

Anastasia leaned back, her expression calm but resolute. “In the end, Lady Clover, this is a gamble for both of us. But it’s one that could redefine the way we operate in this city. I’m willing to take that risk, and I believe you are too. The question is whether we do it together—or whether you let the opportunity slip through your fingers and come begging to me later.”

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

“How much do you really know about the Underbelly Anastasia? at least 95% of its inhabitants are murderers, thieves and vandals. Some even have experience in working with monster species. Your words sound ignorant, the kind of ignorance I expect of someone of noble blood. I myself carry blood on my hands. Are you aware of this?”

It was Lady Clover’s reply. There was a reason outsiders that weren’t adventurers were an uncommon thing to see. Normal people stayed above in Ryke’s capital Ryken and the many cities and villages that filled the country.

“Alas, you seem determined. I could try to pull some strings. There are some allies who need something to do with their skittish members, the same as I. Some fear touching crime yet get stuck down here anyway.”

She says to think it over.

“If you are willing to provide the cover, well The People of the Underbelly are willing to do many things for just a few coin. Note that this may or may not put something on your head down here. If you are willing to fund what is necessary. And accept any potential consequences here on out, then we might have a deal should I convince some of the Clovestars allies to also provide some workers. I’ll need to have a meeting with their leaders first.”

After a brief moment added.

“Commerce and business are one of the things that makes Ryke, Ryke. I’ve always admired its method of trade. It’s also quite a neutral area given the war raging outside. Between those other two nations.

Ersatra Ersatra
Anastasia absorbed Lady Clover’s response, the sharpness in the woman’s tone underscoring the gravity of the situation. The Underbelly was a far cry from the polished halls of noble society, and Anastasia knew she was treading on dangerous ground. But she also understood that this very danger was what made the opportunity so valuable.

“I’m well aware of the nature of the Underbelly,” Anastasia replied, her tone steady. “I’ve done my research, and I’m not under any illusions about the people who dwell here. This place isn’t for the faint of heart, and neither is the path I’m choosing to walk. I know blood has been spilled, and I don’t doubt that more will be in the future. But I’m not here to change the nature of this world; I’m here to work within it—to leverage what it is to create something new.”

She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly as she continued. “Ignorance might be an easy assumption to make about someone with my background, but don’t mistake my birthright for naivety. I understand that trust is earned in blood and coin here, not words. I also know that this venture comes with risks—risks I’m willing to shoulder because the rewards are worth it.”

Anastasia leaned back slightly, her gaze still locked on Lady Clover’s and inclined her head slightly in acknowledgement of Lady Clover’s words about Ryke’s commerce. “Commerce is indeed the lifeblood of this city, and it’s one of the few areas where even the most disparate factions find common ground. War may rage outside, but within these walls, trade remains the constant—an arena where power is gained and lost in ways more subtle than on the battlefield.”

Anastasia’s expression softened slightly, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “I’m willing to fund what’s necessary to get this venture off the ground. If we fail, well… I’ve always believed that fortune favours the bold.”

She let the words hang in the air for a moment before finishing. “I’ll await your word after you’ve met with the other leaders. But remember this, Lady Clover: I run a completely legitimate business. I won't hire any criminals. If my employees choose to trade information with your men then that's their business, not mine.”
As Anastasia rose from the chair, she moved toward the door with a deliberate grace, pausing only to cast a sharp, calculating glance back at Lady Clover. Her eyes gleamed with a dangerous clarity as she spoke, her voice smooth but laced with a warning that cut through the air like a blade.

"Oh, and one more thing," Anastasia began, her tone deceptively calm. "Rest assured, any theft from my business or my employees will be dealt with swiftly—and reported to the appropriate authorities."

She turned her focus back to the door, but not before making her intentions crystal clear. "Actually, let me be blunt. Keep your men in line. They’re free to trade and gather all the information they want under the cover of my business, but if any of them dare to steal from me or tarnish the name I’m building, they’ll be cut loose without hesitation."

Her hand brushed the doorframe as she added, almost as an afterthought, "And since I’ll be handling the commercial side of things, ensure no other gangs interfere with our arrangement. I won’t pretend I can’t be swayed by a better deal."

Anastasia offered a final, piercing look. "Good evening, Lady Clover. And goodnight."

Without waiting for a response, she exited the room, her message hanging in the air like a poised threat.

Narrative Booster: Striking a Business Deal (Entrepreneur)
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
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“Wouldn’t worry about dealing with supplies stolen. Even if need to be, I’ll even make it a requirement for gang employees to be patted down. I can’t guarantee it’ll be applied to the other gangs, but it will be applied in the Cloverstars. Just to make you aware if there is an agreement with the other gangs, and they do end up stealing stock that does not fall on me. An investigation may be conducted if you notice any missing supplies.”

Lady Clover answered. Adding

“After all, the need to make a report shouldn’t exist and thievery may as well be the workings of a snitch…no one likes a snitch. So, whether it’s you or an alleged thief from somewhere allow me to deal with that, they’ll never be seen again if it is worth its while. Now off you go. Ghosts should take you back to the surface.”

After that, Anastasia would be escorted back to the tavern the way they came and a worse experience getting back than it was going down given the state of the ladder. Making it back up business would be noticeably slow. With Azrael talking to a regular merchant at the door while people began to leave. The merchant asked Anastasia.

“What were you doing back there? “

Ersatra Ersatra

As Anastasia emerged from the underground labyrinth and stepped back into the dimly lit tavern, she was met with a much quieter scene than before. The lively energy had dulled, with patrons slowly trickling out the door. Azrael, the woman from before, stood by the entrance, engaged in conversation with a seemingly meaningless merchant.

Anastasia met his gaze with a calm, measured smile, her demeanor giving away nothing of the negotiations she had just concluded. "Ah you made it, perfect. I was just getting ready to check out that business you mentioned," she replied smoothly, her tone suggesting it was of little consequence. "The one you mentioned was ripe for investment."

Her words carried an undertone of command as she continued, "Let’s not waste time. A small pamphlet company is just what I've been waiting for. Shall we get started then?". Passing by Azareal, Anastasia, or rather Ava paid the woman no mind. Her business here was concluded and it was onward to the next item on the agenda.

Ability: Ava - - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
After leaving the Moon and Stars tavern, the events of the potential workings of a successful deal as Ava. Events concluded and time passed by without a sound. Soon enough the colorful moons in the sky glided below the horizon, the sun peering down on a new day ahead. Meanwhile, in the underground, Lady Clover would work ahead and start attempting to pull strings for other negotiations with other guilds involving the matter at hand.

Ersatra Ersatra

1. Narrators Involved
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

2. Narrator Standing
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune , D grade standing, Relevant character to standing [Griffin]

3. Summary of the Roleplay
Anastasia Von Airbin under the guise of Ava goes to a sketchy Tavern called Moons and stars where she is escorted into the underbelly by a gang member belonging to a gang called the ‘Cloverstars’ to negotiate a trade with their leader Lady Clover to procure some of the gang members as employees for a delivery company called ‘Azon’ in exchange for them to keep any information they find while working as payment. Lady clover agrees and talks to her connection of other guilds factoring into potential assiocation with the thieves guild.

4. Goal Achievement
strike deals with The head of a street gang and the thieves guild. - Succeeded

5. Criminal Acts Perpetrated

6. Lore to Establish
A/N unless required for goal

7. Partial Participants

8. Partial Participant Invaders

9. Full-Time Participants
Ersatra Ersatra : Anastasia Von Airbin - strike deals with The head of a street gang and the thieves guild.

10. Characters with Point Boosters
Anastasia Von Airbin - Narrative Booster: Striking a Business Deal (Entrepreneur)

11. Recommended Titles
Anastasia Von Airbin- [Friends of thieves] - this character became a ‘friend’ of a gang of thieves

12. Assets/Titles Roleplayed For
* Gang members as cheap delivery employees for a company Anastasia is working on called ‘Azon’ that sends deliveries to peoples houses

* connection to the thieves guild
13. Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles

14. Hunters' Involvement

15. Special Skills or Assets
Likely falls under complex assets

16. Transactions Performed
A/N unless counting what is probably an asset transfer with a NPC

17. Rules Utilized
Basic Isekai hell rules

18. Character Sheet Oddities

19. Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates
Possible how communication to other guilds could’ve went otherwise A/N

20. Narrator Bonuses
besides the asset thing can’t think of anything tangible

21. Additional Notes
Any feedback is good feedback

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Isekai Hell Grade

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Ersatra Ersatra

Short and sweet. I appreciate the mention of the narrative booster. Made it easier to know the angle of the post. However, I would like to see it appear sooner in a scene meant to make a deal to note the posts involved in the fulfilling of the narration boosters requirements. Let's see how the other rps will build on this one.





Darkkitsune - 6pts (narrator)

Anastasia - 24pts (narrative booster)
optional title [Thieves Guild Associate F] - likely not a relationship one would want widely known, but not inherently illegal. Character has ties to the guild. Title goes hand in hand with the relationship and must be equipped to benefit from the business established with them.

optional asset acquired [Delivery Business Azon F] - a low tier business for moving product for the poor or those of ill repute. Currently manned by members of the Thieves Guild.

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