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Finished [Ryken - Ryke] Those damned bandits!


The Overseer
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
Time: Midday

Guiseppe Gasparo

The hustle and bustle in the mercantile capital of Ryken was as hectic as usual. Despite its small size, compared to its neighbors, Ryke stood as a trading powerhouse of the second continent. Still, its small population make it so that the country always has to rely on mercenaries, sellswords and adventurers to deal with most of their domestic problems.

And Guiseppe Gasparo, one of the members of Ryke’s most powerful faction, the Merchants, was not a stranger to hiring help to deal with whatever situation it was required. And this was just one of these situations. The elderly merchant had posted a request in the Ryke Adventurer’s Guild, being quite pleased on how the last dealings between him and the organization went.

This time around, however, the request didn’t seem to include anything odd or suspicious information. It stated clearly that the merchant was looking for adventurers to retrieve one of his shipments, assumed to have been stolen by bandits. The request also had information about where to find his Mercantile Agency, located right into the heart of the capital.

As those interested in taking the request strode between the streets of Ryken, they could notice the multicultural melting pot which the city was. Different species: humans, faes, beastkins and constructs appeared to live in a rather peaceful existence to one another, a stark contrast of what one might find in some of the other realms around the continent, such as the See, East Empire or the West Empire.

Inside the agency, which was by no means modest, a human female, of around 25, was present in the reception, ready to guide any adventurer, interested in taking upon the quest, deeper into place and in the waiting room.

The waiting room, itself, showed the same warm welcoming as when it received adventurers previously: many comfortable chairs against the walls, facing towards a central low table, right in the middle of the room. On top of the table, fresh and delicate sweet pastries were being offered.

Meanwhile, in one of the walls of the waiting room, there was a door which had a sign written ‘Office’ in common. And inside the room, the old merchant waited, his wizened eyes shifting from page to page of goods he was buying and selling, placing his signature on them with a feathered pen, before completing it with his own stamp in red wax. His expression was nowhere as tense was it was last time he searched the guild for help, in fact, it almost looked like he had no problem at all.

And, from time to time, his azure eyes would shift towards a curious sword, newly acquired in a rather strange exchange between him and a mysterious foreign merchant. Guiseppe couldn’t help, but think there was something else going on with that armament. Still, at the current moment, he was drawing a blank. In the midst of this distraction, he kept working away, wondering if the same adventurers would be taking his request once more.
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"Oy Flare! Looks like the guild has posted a new opportunity in Ryke. Says something about retrieving a merchant's missing shipment that was stolen by bandits."

Looming behind the goggled artificer, the armored Flare would keen over Fraust's shoulder to inspect the request flyer. "A stolen goods fetch quest?" the elemental stated curiously, as they looked over the flyer carefully, "Sounds simple enough."

Even so, Fraust seemed to mumble something under his breath. "Doesn't say anything particular about what's in said shipments..." the goggled man mumbled while stroking his chin, "Wonder if he contacted the local police guards? They're usually pretty good at apprehending petty thievery crimes like these."

Flare merely shrugged. "I mean, hey. A job is a job. He gets his goods back, I get compensated. Like how bad can these thieves be?"

"You said the same thing about the goblins last time..."
Fraust replied mildly-sarcastically, turning to look up at Flare's flaming helmet with a tired stare., "Remember what we've discussed. Be careful. Do not underestimate your opposition, less you wish to burn out yourself..."

They raised their hands with a loose chuckle. "I know, I know," the elemental groaned dismissively, being more than aware of what happened on their first quest. They certainly didn't want a repeat of that to happen on that quest. "No need to remind me of... that. I promise to be careful."

Despite being raised in Ryke, Flare had never visited the capital until now. They were raised further west and the closest town was nowhere as extravagant as the gleaming metropolis they now treaded through. There were so many people and just as many unique faces. Many of which Flare had never even seen before in person; if ever. Unlike their presence the Faemeadow, the elemental weren't nearly out of place within the melting pot of citizens traversing about. Some even looked stranger compared to the rest, yet few truly paid any mind. Couple that while surrounded by noise and scents coming from all around them was nearly overwhelming.

Had it not been for the map, Flare would've been completely lost.

Eventually, the fire elemental would reach their destination. Entering the Mercantile Agency, Flare would exit the bustling chaos outside and enter the soothing calm room within. Finally their mind could get a bit of rest. Asking the receptionist at the front desk, they would be guided towards the room where their employer - Guiseppe Gasparo - awaited them. After stomping towards the room with a determined stride, Flare would knock gently on the door before slowly opening the door to enter. "Hey. You must be Guy-seppe right?" they asked the old man sitting at the desk, "Name's Flare. Here for the whole 'stolen shipment' request thing."
Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Flare Develius Develius

With her extra-dimensional adventures wrapped up, she'd gladly accepted more hugs from Viokii. Most of all due to Scylla casually handing Zolgen an instant-teleport into Scylla's bedroom whilst leaving Kalina out. Such a shame to see your love hand out bedroom invitations to someone they met only a while back without including you. She would've taken Scylla up on the offer of a round on her though. Kalina was likely going to leave her light-headed after dragging she'd been dragged to hell and back and then not even being giving a bedroom card.

Yet that was the past, however, as this day was today. She'd found herself a job to pass the time with in a city she'd been around a few times prior. Having turned into on of her alternate identities, Chandra Jarmil, she would've explained Viokii a bit more about the name and backstory of this one, so that they'd be able to keep their stories straight. Assuming she would've been able to convince Viokii to come along, that is.

She'd greeted the woman awaiting them with a pleasant “Good afternoon madam~” before being led further into the building. Eventually she'd be led into some sort of waiting room, but without further instruction on whether to continue into the office or not. How awkward.

Thankfully she could notice someone rather extraordinary marching right at the office and barging in without any wasted time, other than a short knock to which no time was wasted on awaiting a response. That made things a lot easier on her end. Following up behind Flare, she'd give a short bow. “Greetings, I'm Chandra Jarmil. I'm here for the same request.” Standing relatively close to flare, she couldn't help herself from adding. “Whoo! You're hot~” As she tried to peer past Flare and at their employer.
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario

The journey to the capital from the outskirts of Ryke with that... peculiar group she had found herself travelling with was a peaceful one without much issue. Alas, there was no chance to put her sword arm to good use on the journey, but at least it did give her some time to rest. Her memory of the journey was hazy, mostly thanks to the cumulative fatigue from her journey causing her to doze off on the wagon, not waking up until they had come into sight of Ryken on the horizon.

Finally, after countless days on the road, of restless nights sleeping out in the wilds, of enduring the anxiety that someone might be following right behind just out of sight so they might finish the job they started back in the Empire, they had made it to to the fame mercantile capital of the second continent. Walking through the streets of the city was a bit of a odd experience, the scene before Seira being both familiar and unfamiliar. The hustle and bustle definitely matched the city's mercantile reputation, an environment not too dissimilar to the busy cities she's been in the Empire. But it wasn't the activity itself that drew most of Seira's attention. No, it had to do with the fact that there weren't only crowds of humans walking the streets. Beastkin, Constructs, Fae, to see this kind of diversity was unheard of in Imperial cities.

After a while of walking, Seira had reached her destination. There had been a request posted at the local Adventurer's Guild about retrieving a shipment of goods stolen by bandits. What better way to find a new start than earning your keep by practicing one's craft? It looked like there were already others here to respond to the request, another girl and... is that a walking furnace? The silver haired swordsman cleared her throat as she appeared behind the other 2. "I assume you must be the one who posted that request at the Guild?" She said to the man behind the desk. "Seira Steelwind. My sword is at your service."
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Elvario Elvario Develius Develius Maxxob Maxxob

Seraphina was not sure how much time had passed when she had at last seen light in her dark lonely vault, but the person that had found her didn't really clue her in. The dreams had only scattered her brain intermixing what seemed like the past and the future, or another world. Seraphina had honestly never expected to be found, after all who would seek out a failure like her ? It turned out to be a merchant and she had decided to remain silent despite that meaning she had been put in a dark cramped box. The only good thing about that was that the ride had not lasted that long compared to the who knew how long she had languished alone in the rust filled vault. Despite traveling with the merchant Seraphina couldn't say she figured the world out much thanks to the box sealing her away and the few chances she got to see anything were as expected her being sold, or attempts at it. while Seraphina could have decided to reveal she was no normal sword, she didn't having an odd distain for the merchant and being sold. Seraphina wondered if she had been sold in the past before the forging but couldn't force any lost memories out.

Now she had been sold to some old guy who she doubted would use her for anything more than decoration. Really being a sword was annoying when you both didn't want to be used but were annoyed to just sit on a mantel. Well he wasn't just any random old man, he was an old man that ran a guild right out a video game, whatever those were. It was an odd thing that Seraphina noticed she seemed to know about things, yet also be completely unaware of them. She knew adventure's guild was a thing in games but didn't know what that meant or what these games were. Words just popped into her mind only to fall back into oblivion when she tried to focus on them. The odd thing was she had the urge to call this world a fantasy world, but it was the only one she knew of, or well it was the only one she was in there was another somewhere. Seraphina was always confused by barely remembered dreams that spoke of two worlds existing at the same time overlapping and melding in the back of her mind as if her mixed up ashes mixed up her memories. no matter the past the present was that she was a sword that was just a decoration and used as just another gift to get favors from someone in power.

The debate on what to do raged in Seraphina as she didn't know if showing she wasn't a normal sword would result in her getting put in a box again or perhaps lent out to go do stuff. She also debating on if she should call herself a sword, well she was one now but hadn't been one before, or had she? The scattered memories could be fake or from someone else and put in her head perhaps she had always been a sword. No she had existed only the living could feel the pain of the fires that were her first memory. At last Seraphina decided that she should show herself and started to weave a spell , the only spell she actually knew.

" Don't people normally start of catch lost cats or killing goblins in these kinds of things ? " A ghostly child suddenly appeared on the guild master's desk her legs dangling in the air as she sate. The white robe and her white hair flowing as if underwater in a slowly moving current. her tone was one of sarcasm though directed at who? " or are bandits where people start these days, really is so well done? " She continued though it was hard to tell how serious her words were and if she was mocking people or actually congratulating them.
Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Develius Develius Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Karcen Karcen

Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Viokii had been convinced to come along via the asking of Kalina, or rather at this point, Chandra. Her experiences in this world hadn't been all-so-bright, trying to cram in any extra time to visit libraries or places that she deemed of importance in order to broaden her understanding of it all and to find where to obtain a foothold. Her previous quest alongside 'Chandra' in some depth of hell was rather unorthodox, wondering that at some point she had to stop going on missions to different kinds of 'underworlds' especially since she had also went to a metaphorical underworld of a dangerous and dirty undercity. What her companion had suggested seemed something much simpler, albeit still dangerous, that would possibly at least give her a chance to see brighter parts of the world... that, and keep her attention to assisting trusted users rather than going off on her own for the time being.

Having eventually found where she needed to go, she met and got granted passage by the receptionist like the rest and headed deeper into the building, she found the office she was looking for and gave a light knock on the door (though her metal hand would make a harder thump than she was intending). Looking inside amongst the people present, there was quite a surprising range of people here... and then there was the familiar face of Chandra, which was always a good thing to know that someone trustable and recognisable was present. The appearance of a sentient construct(?)-like being was one of interest, peaking her curiosity to the reasoning of how such a being is sentient let alone alive. Though, she believed she should at least introduce herself for the moment. The people there would probably notice that... she's not very fantasy-looking in the slightest. She was blatantly a robot, and a sci-fi one at that. It wouldn't be rocket science to figure out she wasn't local... in fact, she'd probably be more related to rocket science than the locale area.

"Greetings, I am here to assist with the assignment and to assist one of my higher-access users. You may refer to me as my designated unit name 'Viokii', or my unit identification referral number '000001'. As fellow companions, I may grant you a given simple access grade of user status in order to make requests on any way I may help assist you, or make you feel comfortable. This may be: Different ways to refer to you, different personalities or traits to uptake when interacting with you, or simply any other troubles or criticism you may wish to make. I will follow my internal processing to make sure that I can do as much as possible to help assist you all and prove a perfect companion" she answered in a stale, robotic yet just slightly feminine voice. After introducing herself, she would look to Chandra. Lightly holding her hands together in front of her waist, the construct would give a small bow of her head.

"Greetings Mistress Chandra, it's quite an honor for you to personally invite me along. I hope I can prove helpful and pleasing to you. I have been making progress in my own information research in the meantime, though it is always nice to help repay your kindness when you offer me the chance" she spoke in a much more naturally human voice, giving Chandra special 'actually normal sounding voice' treatment from the fact that she was still carrying on past requests even if they were stated a long time ago from now.​
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

Guiseppe Gasparo

Guiseppe’s scribbling came to a sharp stop as he heard a knock at the door. His wise, azure eyes lifted, watching patiently as the door opened.

One by one, the adventurers stacked at the entrance of the office: Flare, a towering metallic form, which he thought to be a construct; Chandra, a black-haired swordswoman in leather; Seira, a silver-haired swordswoman in light armor; and Viokii, a tall mechanoid unlike anything he had seen in Widersia or the Grand Duchy.

The elderly merchant rose from his chair, masking his curiosity and surprise behind a lifetime of experience. He didn't want to make any of them uncomfortable.

Even his practiced composure faltered when a ghostly child materialized on his desk, bringing back memories of the wraith from his haunted estate. It took several moments for him to recompose himself, clearing his throat loudly.

“More often than not, bandits are quite similar to goblins. Sometimes, one can be more dangerous than the other,” he said, addressing the ghostly child. “Please, come in. Welcome to my agency. I am grateful for your interest and it's a pleasure to meet you all: Flare, Chandra, Seira, Viokii, and you, little miss.”

“I am Guiseppe Gasparo, the one who posted the request about the bandits.”
He introduced himself, opening a drawer to retrieve a sizeable folded paper, which he placed on his desk and unfolded, careful not to disturb Seraphina. It was a map of Ryke.


“The shipment disappeared somewhere along this road, between two of my mercantile checkpoints.” He marked the map with a red-inked pen. “This area is surrounded by dense forest on both sides, a known ambush point for caravans. I hired extra muscle, but I fear the worst has happened...” He sighed deeply.

Looking up from the map, his gaze met the adventurers'. “It is unlikely that whoever attacked the shipment managed to breach the strongboxes. They are mechanically and magically reinforced and should be easily recognizable by my agency's seal.” He pointed to a tapestry on the wall depicting a golden scale and feather.

“Besides recovering my shipment, I have one more request.” Guiseppe turned to a stand holding a massive greatsword, over four feet in length.


Despite its apparent weight, he lifted it effortlessly and placed it on the desk. “I would like you to take this greatsword with you. I have a feeling there is something special about it…”
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Elvario Elvario Develius Develius Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy


The old man's reaction was not exactly what Seraphina had expected. She had expected shock, surprise, maybe a scream; but the guildmaster was just mildly surprised. That was at least on the outside, but if he was good at hiding emotions Seraphina couldn't tell and well didn't care. Seraphina didn't pressing the guild master be ause of the last arrival. The thing that entered surprised Seraphina enough that her image ficked as she lost focus on what she wanted to be seen for a moment. Life really was beyond unfair she was a sword that couldn't move and who unless she tried hard defaulted to a child's form as a projection. The machine thing that came in despite clearly being as inorganic as Seraphina herself was designed as some nerds' dream girl. It even had bunny ears and a cat tail what weirdo designed this thing? Viokii, that was her name and she even sounded robotic. For once Seraphina was glad her projection only showed what she willed it to as if she could make an expression she would be a mix of anger, eny, and sone level of desire.

Bring aware of everything right around her physical self as if her body was one big eye she knew she was being picked up even if she couldn't feel. The guildmaster was handing her over he just got her and already was tossing her aside. Really that was insulting if he even realized the connection. Setaphina actully doubted he did given he just kept calling her a sword.

" Hey hey " Seraphina said forcefully as her projection floated off the table and towers the guildmaster. " something special is right here you are holding me " she pointed to herself fir emphasis. "Also I get the others but why is a sex bot going on this mission ?" She asked though her voice revealed her insulting nickname was not born of hate for the other being.
Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Flare Develius Develius Seranphina Karcen Karcen

“Oh my, aren't you an utmost adorable knight.” She stated upon turning around to see Seira, after hearing the latter speak up. “You've got gorgeous green eyes.” She added, staring into them for a bit. Although she knew this alternate identity was [Shy], she had too much of an annoying experience in the past trying to act the part, so she figured nobody would notice and that she could talk her way out of it if they did.

[Roguish Charm]: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
[Roguish] Character's actions can be seen as sly and crafty at times, they are not to be fully trusted yet come off as a very trustworthy person.

A fair bit of surprise formed when some weird ghost-like thing suddenly showed. It looked rather young as well. Her opening words made Kalina chuckle. “I'm not starting off, but I do think you're underestimating goblins. I heard those can be surprisingly nasty to the inexperienced.” Being part [undead] herself, she didn't have much fear about the unnatural, ghost-like nature of the kid. “I'm Chandra Jarmil, by the way, and who might you be, dear?” She asked the ghost kid. She'd offer a handshake, but the ghost kid seemed a bit too ethereal to try.

The moment Viokii showed herself, she'd jump the construct and hug her. “Thanks for coming love~” She'd say, happy to see the construct show up again, despite the fact she'd yet to find something actually nice to bring the construct. That said, there was something on her mind. She'd whisper into Vioki's adorably large ears. “Hmmm... I'm glad I managed to become a higher-access user of someone as adorable, lovely and amazing to be around as you, but you're really making me wonder how I can reach the last level, unlock the door to your heart and become a highest-level access user~” She'd whisper, before letting go of the construct again.

Turning a tad more serious when their employer spoke up, she'd stand straight and listen attentively. “A pleasure to meet you as well, sir Gasparo.” She'd politely reply.

Upon looking at the map, she couldn't let out an “Oh my...” upon seeing the big red circle. “That's a rather large area. Seems like we might be out walking and camping for a while~” She added. Although she was acting like it wasn't a big deal, she was secretly rather worried she might not have brought a big enough blood supply if this was going to be a multiple-day process.

“Our of curiosity, what type of muscle did you hire? Just so we know what to look for and to know what we're up against, as they seemed to have been beaten or trapped.” It didn't hurt trying to get some more information from the get-go. She couldn't help but chuckle when he left out something obvious. “Any chance of you telling us what's in them~” She stated with a wink and some Roguish Charm.

[Roguish Charm]: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
[Roguish] Character's actions can be seen as sly and crafty at times, they are not to be fully trusted yet come off as a very trustworthy person.

As for the other request. “Oh my, that's gorgeous~” She stated upon watching the weapon. “I'll admit I'm far more used to my thin and lightweight rapier, but I wouldn't mind giving this a go, if nobody else wishes to do so~” If allowed, she'd carefully trace a finger along the intricate patterns on the sword and lift it for a bit. She could lift it one-handed (Strength A), but highly doubted she'd be able to swing it efficiently like that. She'd need both hands, which would be a new experience. A fun one, perhaps, definitely something she'd wish to try at least. “Could always take turns of course, if you'd want a go~” She told Seira and Flare. She assumed Viokii wouldn't be too interested.

The ghost kid, however, confused her. “He's... holding you? Oh, my, are you a spirit bound to the sword or something?” That made it even more intriguing. “Would you allow us to bring you along and try to wield you, in that case?” She asked. Consent was important, after all.

On the topic of consent, she shook her head when Viokii just got called a sex bot. “Although I'd admit that Viokii is rather sexy and could probably serve such a function most excellently...” she debated if she should try it out some point, but now wasn't time to think about that “... I can assure you she's far more than that. She's intelligent, kind, helpful and clever. She's also got an array of useful options and I'm sure she can make the trip for all of us a lot more fun and enjoyable whilst also being able to contribute her fair share of ideas, skills and raw power whenever the need would arise.” She stated, unintentionally showering Viokii with another dosage of Roguish Charm.

[Roguish Charm]: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
[Roguish] Character's actions can be seen as sly and crafty at times, they are not to be fully trusted yet come off as a very trustworthy person.
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Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Viokii stood by patiently as instructions were delivered on what was needed to do for the mission, her eyes only slightly glancing over the sword that was suggested to be taken along with them. There were probably much better candidates here to be wielding a sword, if she had the training for it within her systems then it wasn't something she could so simply dig out of corrupted and encrypted files. That was something she was doing one step at a time, but it'd have to wait for her free time. The strange ghost that was present in the room however clearly had things to say to her, which were quite suggestive things that someone else would likely find very offensive. Though she was used to hearing things like this, and should expect any kind of things to come out of a sentient person's mouth. Sentient people usually had impractical mannerisms and ways of thinking.

"Such assumptions are not necessary. I am sure I will be able to provide assistance, for I am also here to accompany a companion user of mine. You should be more focused on your own capabilities and safety, for the fact you are currently within some sort of spiritual ghostly form my predictive algorithms tell me that you have already once failed at doing this. It would be quite a negative outcome of given variables of neglect to safety if something worse were to transpire" Viokii answered in response to Seraphina, looking to Chandra whom had greeted them with a much higher amount of affection. Giving a light hug back to the girl, her ears twitched at the sounds of whispering as she responded.

"That access is something I would most likely reserve for a creator of mine, or individual or family member that they have trusted me with a specific task related to them. Under normal circumstances, this would not be a rule that could just be changed on demand. Although, despite the conditions that my creators are not present in this plane of existence and that such ties to reality have given me an indescript amount of capability to edit and bypass these rules and regulations. I may not fully understand your inflections and manipulation of speech and wording to suggest specific tones, but my algorithms tell me that you may be making suggestive romantic remarks alongside questioning actual highest-tier access. I do not have a recommended amount of experience or knowledge in order to understand organic being romance and relations, so I cannot give you an optimal response or action to instructions relating to so. If you are highly interested in the highest tier of user access, then since I do not have an actual instruction on how to handle transferrence of said capabilities, I may suggest offering you a practice run of allowing you it to see what kind of commands you may do and if they interfere with my other given regulations too much that you are deemed untrustworthy and unsuitable. Though since there are no other candidates and for the moment I wish to remain rather independent so that I may work on my own matters, I will allow this 'trial of power' for your access. For: Indefinitely, for the time being, I grant you permission of Overrule Master-User access... placed below my own self-programmed descripancy" the construct spoke, fairly unsure what it could be that Chandra even wanted the highest tier of access for.​
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Elvario Elvario Develius Develius Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy


Two guess and two misses for her nature. This group or those two and maybe the guild master really had no power agonst illusions if they couldn't tell her simple one was just that. A soul bound to a weapon now that was just silly what kind of binding let the soul out? The machine with the sizable chest was one hell of a wordy machine. Weren't holems either stupid or just people instead of being overly analytical types? They had both failed to figure out her nature were ghosts that common?

" Talk about copying homework that is wrong " Seraphina chuckled " What you all see is just an illusion, and not even a very good one. I am seraphina and I am the sword, not some spectre that has attached itself to a chunk of metal and crystal. If I had choice in form then we might have two viokii's in this room" that much was true, but she didn't and even the illusion had an annoying default to her likely second life. "Anyways im not to picky about who picks me up as well this is all I can do sadly sitting in the dark for who knows how long has made me weak. So don't go putting me in boxes, or bags, or anywhere dark really " a bit of fear actully entering her voice on account as she thought of the dark.


| Maxxob Maxxob [Guiseppe] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

After being accepted in, Flare would stand to attention in front of Guiseppe's desk, awaiting further orders. Though they'd find other fellow adventurers joining in as well, starting with Chandra Jarmil, the black haired woman. "Heyo." the armored elemental casually replied, waving an armored hand. While weaving through, they also heard her comment on how hot they were. "Uhh, thanks?" they awkwardly replied, being confused on whether or not it was a compliment or an observation. They assumed the latter, "That's... kinda my thing."

A short while later, a silver-haired woman entered the room; referring to herself as Seira Steelwind. She appeared to be the modest and typical knightly-looking fella, with her surname appropriately highlighting her hair color. Flare acknowledged them accordingly with a nod and their name. Though as she turned to face their employer, a pale ghostly girl suddenly manifested right in front of him. Her sudden appearance startled Flare for a moment, flinching somewhat at her spontaneous appearance. "Ayo, please for the love of the gods do NOT do that again. You'll be giving us all heart attacks at this rate!" they addressed bashfully as their hand clenched their chassis. Though hearing them mentioning goblins at the beginning of their statement had them shudder at their visage. "You know, goblins are NOT to be trifled with, young lady." Flare stated sternly, wagging her index finger as if knowing exactly what they were talking about (which they did), "Take it from me... Last time I popped into a dungeon, everyone came out all traumatized. Curse those green bastards..."

And lastly, there was Viokii; a unique looking construct of a rather high tech origin. Though Flare would notice she sported a more... organic look to her form. It was greatly exaggerated in certain... hemispheres. Especially regarding the overall presence of large human breasts and enlarged thighs. Despite her voluptuous exterior, she seemed caring enough - as much as her robotic voice allowed her anyways - to address any concerns and requests to make her presence more comfortable to her companions. Flare appreciated it, giving a thumbs up and a nod to this particular individual.

As for Guiseppe, he too agreed with not underestimating goblins, let alone bandits. After introducing himself he showed them all a map of Ryke, as well as the location where the shipment went missing. It was a dense forest, perfect for caravan ambushes, and the reinforcements sent to deal with them had appeared to have perished at worst or gone missing at best. He didn't seem concerned about them breaking through the strongboxes carrying their precious cargo though, claiming they were magically sealed and thief-proof. However what was more curious was the fact they were to bring along a 'special' great sword with them, which Guiseppe placed on the desk with surprisingly little effort for an old man.

Flare took a careful look at it, eying the fine delicate engravings aboard its blade. "Cool sword, I guess." they casually remarked, despite looking skeptical about its authenticity, "I don't see what makes it special but-". That's when ghostly girl claimed it to be special, before asking why the 'sex bot' was coming along. Her blunt remark caught Flare off guard, as they snorted a short breath of flame from their helmet. "EXCUSE me?" they chuckled, trying to hold back any inappropriate raucous of laughter. Viokii fought back with their own scathing remark on their failure of keeping their mortality, though kept her cold robotic composure. Apparently she also had ties with Chandra, which was... interesting? Flare admittedly wanted to see them keep bantering, but the ghost girl would back down, revealing herself to be one with the sword. Seraphina was her name; and the ghostly form she projected was merely an illusion of her true self.

"Ok, I take it back. That's actually pretty neat." the fire elemental admitted, nodding her head with confirmation, "I guess you and I are more alike than I realized. I'm a... fire elemental, if you couldn't tell." They knocked on their chest piece twice. "And this? Not just a suit of armor. Currently need it to also keep me alive or else I, you know, gradually evaporate into the ether. Like I can get out for a bit but not for very long- It's weird, I know. Working on getting that fixed so like don't you worry. Though I, uh, hope you get your physical body back, or whatever you wish for you know."
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

Guiseppe Gasparo

The old man would nod towards Chandra with her polite reply. “That is correct, the area is a bit sparse. From my experience, this could be either a short or somewhat long endeavor. It will all depend on how thoroughly the bandits were.” He would offer, expanding on it. “If they are of the more ‘professional’ variety, they would try their best to hide their tracks, from my experience.” Guiseppe concluded, appeared to be pensive for a few moments.

“The muscle? They are members of the Salamander Brigade, a mercenary group. From what I saw, they were all donning a green armband with an image of the reptile sewn on it. All were heavily armored, armed with an assortment of slashing armaments, and on foot.” The merchant continued, giving the description of those he had hired.

And, as Chandra’s attempted to use her charm on the experienced merchant, a knowing wink being sent his way, his expression would slightly soften. “Ms. Jarmil, I am happily married… to my work. And I have a wife.” He said, almost apologetically, before continuing. “However, I suppose it should be useful to disclose the contents of the shipment: iron bark. A sort of specialty lumber, light as wood and yet durable as metal.” Guiseppe would add the information, seeing no harm in it.

A single eyebrow was raised from him, his azure gaze fixed on the floating ghostly child, having to look upwards to meet her gaze. “Holding you…?” His attention would drift towards the sword he had placed on top of the table, then back at Seraphina. “A cursed sword? Ugh…” The old merchant groaned in dissatisfaction, having had enough with the occult for the time being and not realizing his wrong assumption for the moment. However, as the ephemeral youth blurted out the nickname ‘sex bot’, even his life-long experience couldn’t keep his poker face, having to bring a hand to his mouth and clear his throat in a mock gesture.

The elderly merchant would silently hear the impromptu, and wordy, bantering between the Viokii and the ghostly child, until the latter decided to further expand on her existence. “I see… you are the greatsword, rather than a spirit attached to it.” His shrewd mind already began processing that such an item would likely fetch for a considerable price, a small smile appearing on his lips with the prospect of getting a premium for Seraphina.

And, as Flare would also further expand on their nature of being a fire elemental, which ended up correct his previous assumptions of their construct nature, his head would tilt slightly with schooled curiosity behind a polite expression. “Would there be any further questions about what the job entails? If not, and you are all ready to set out, I could have a carriage to drop you off in the proximity of the road." He would make the offer to the group, however, it would be up to them to accept it or not.
Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Flare Develius Develius | Seranphina Karcen Karcen

Although Kalina would've preferred more than just a 'light' hug back why else would Viokii have such giant bumper pads?, she was still happy enough with it. That said, the whole blurb of information made her head spin a little. “Hmmm... Do you want to learn organic beings' romance and relations? I'm not the most experienced myself, but I could teach you some things.” She'd whisper at Viokii upon hearing something she actually understood.

“Soooo... I'm the most important person in your life now?” Was that what all that meant? “I'm honoured! Then, I do have one immediate request! Step one is to figure out what you'd like. It doesn't matter if it's something to see, something to do or something otherwise. Just anything you'd like. Step two is tell me about it and step three is to make some time available so we can go for it~ Once this mission is wrapped up, I should spent some nice time with you after dragging you along with so many quests and missions.” She'd concluded Viokii had more than earned that.

As for Seraphine, she tilted her head in confusion. “What's the difference between being the sword and being a spirit attached to it... do you like... 'feel' as the sword? Or just identify as it... or something?” That bit was rather confusing to her. “I'm afraid I've got no experience with swords talking to me whatsoever.” She excused her lack of figuring out what was going on. That said, she laughed upon the next bit. “Viokii's form? You've got taste~” She joked, although a tad bit serious. Viokii had a rather particular shape, after all.

“Oh my, being put in dark boxes doesn't sound great.” She stated, having to hold back some recognition in her words. She'd woken up in a coffin, after all. Who'd have guessed vampires and sword had some things in common. “Well then, if you'd have me as your fated carrier, until someone else wishes to have a turn, it'd be my honour~” She'd state, as she'd figure out a way to attack the large sword to her back. That'd probably be the easiest manner of bringer the girl along.

Already being in a good mood, Flare's reply certainly added to it. The mild confusion was only making it more enjoyable. “Sure thing hot stuff~” She'd reply to the confused word of thanks. That said, something Flare mentioned later was surely of interest. “So... like, without this suit of armour... you'd just be like some dancing flame or something?” She looked Flare up and down. It was a bit tough to imagine the hulking giant as a simple flame. “Makes me wonder who made this for you, because it looks both pretty and capable and seems both extraordinary and unique.”

“If they took out a whole band of mercenaries, I'll go off on a limb and assume these bandits were rather capable.” She replied to Gasparo. She silently clicked her tongue. This was gonna be troublesome food-wise, wasn't it. She'd underestimate the circumstances. She'd look at the others. “Does any of you have experiencing tracking bandits, or are we going to have to just comb the entire area?” She surely hoped some Cayde-like figure would pop up and tell them how to figure this out.

“Slashing in particular? Huh.” That was a tad of an odd mention. “Sounds like we'll have at least advantage with diversity compared to our predecessors, as I'm assuming our fiery hot friend here can burn 'em if needed.” She glossed at the others. The sword was more of a slashers, Viokii more of a support. She didn't know about the knight. “Guess I'm kind of a piercer myself.” She'd state, motioning to her rapier. “Normally at least. I'm going to have to figure out my teamwork with Sera.” She looked at the sword, or well, the illusion it'd created. “What's your preference? Slashing or stabbing?”

Gasparo apologising allowed another chuckle to escape her lips. “No worries sir, we can ask both your work and your wife to join in~” She stated with some [Rogues Charm], before laughing. “No worries, that was a joke.” “Unless...”.

[Roguish Charm]: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
[Roguish] Character's actions can be seen as sly and crafty at times, they are not to be fully trusted yet come off as a very trustworthy person.

Deciding she'd teased their employer enough, she got serious again. “I'm surprised a speciality lumber can be that valuable. Although with that description, I can also see why. Does it need any special craftsmen to utilise it? If so, we might just be able to figure out who'd they be selling it to or whom they'd want to make something with it. That'd save us a lot of searching in a desolate area.”

After a short while, a few more people showed up, or rather apparated in the case of the ghost girl at the desk. It was certainly an... interesting collection of people here, what with the ghost girl, walking furnace, and now a robot that looked straight out of a sci fi game, aside from some... other features. That comment from the ghost girl was certainly an apt one, to put it one way. "That's an... interesting design you have... did your creator make you like that or...?" How many people can fit in this office room anyways? Are they not reaching room capacity at this point? "It always has to be the eyes, huh?" Seira had responded to the other swordswoman's remark. "Don't get me mixed up with those knight folk either. Never belonged to such an order myself and I don't really care to join one anytime soon, with"

"They really that bad, those things the size of a child?"
She said to Flare and Chandra after their remark on goblins. "Well... a monster is a monster at the end of the day, I guess. Doing nothing but killing decent folk until they're killed in turn, like the pests they are." Seira herself had never run into the pests before, but you can never be too careful around monsters, or really anything or anyone that is out for your blood.

Then came the matter with the ghost girl, or rather the sword spirit girl. "I've never heard of a sword that grows its own consciousness before, or a craftsman that is crafting such a fine blade that is capable of doing that. You remember much about who made you or anything?" Consciousness aside, she wasn't lying when she said she thought Seranphina was a finely crafted sword. From the looks of it, whoever made the blade was a master of their craft. When Chandra offered to take turns with the living sword in question, Seira shook her head. "Knock yourself out. I've only had experience in one handed blades."

Seira listened along as the job was explained to them. "A bandit group getting the best of heavily armored mercs? You sure we're just dealing with bandits here?" The silver haired swordswoman mulled it over. From what she'd heard from the merchants back in the Empire, bandits can indeed be a slippery bunch, dangerous if caught with your pants completely down. Either the mercs Guiseppe hired weren't worth their commission fees or there might be something else going on. "Did anyone else know about the contents of the shipment and what this special wood is capable of? I can't imagine run of the mill bandits raiding a caravan for wood otherwise."
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Elvario Elvario Develius Develius Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy


Seraphina didn't really like how the guildmaster seemed to change his attitude or the vibes around him seemed diffrent when she cleared up what she was. It felt like a merchant looking at merchandise and seraphina didn't want to be looked at like she was a slave or property. This world might still have slavery, that was a common trope in such stories, though no one here liked generic enough to be a protagonist. The elemental in the mobile oven's words did bug her as despite Seraphina saying she wasn't attached to the sword her words were close to something she might want.

As for her would be weilder she asked some pointless questions, or well Seraphina felt they were pointless. " Do you just identify as your flesh? " Seraphina asked though she didn't wait for an answer " My soul is as bound to my physical form as yours is to your body. I am a sword as you are a human " that was the simplest explanation the sword was her body a body of metal and crystal not flesh and bone. " And you seem to be the most intrested, just don't use me to block magic, time has made me fragile "

The silver haired sword woman spoke of her makers and Seraphina was glad again her face was under her control otherwise her hate for those monsters might show through. " My makers had to tried many times to before they made me, I don't remember much about them " she didn't want to remember them " Anyways let's look to the future not the past " she really wanted to avoid her past and that she was already telling lies.


| Maxxob Maxxob [Guiseppe] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

The fire elemental glared at Seira's dismissal of those goblin bastards, their fist gripping in silent livid animosity . "That's what they want you think." they stated ominously, hinting only the smallest possible portion of fear, "If you see one of em, you bet there's more nearby waiting to gut you and steal your things. Crafty lil' shits... " Still, the knight's default determination to vanquish the green menaces were enough to satisfy Flare's ire. They only hoped she didn't get the same introduction Flare had when they first encountered them.

"Erm... Kinda?" Flare hesitated for a second when responding to Chandra's first question. They had heard of "Dancing Flame" before - being a spell which forms a mobile horizontal arc of fire - but the fire elemental simply shook their head. "I'm not bound to any caster though... at least I don't think so. Like, I have a preferred form I like taking when out of the suit, if that answers your question.." Chandra would be able to make out the vague visage of an androgynous face forming just behind the grated helmet. It would be difficult to make out any notable features, such as hair or other facial features, though Flare would make it evident they weren't simply a mindless torrent of fire and flame within. Regarding the dark-haired woman's second question, Flare was more confident in their response. "Oh! You can thank my artificer friend, Mister Fraust, for making it." they stated proudly while moving around to show it off, "He calls it the 'Furnace' but I prefer the 'OVEN'. Has a better ring to it, I think. Took months just to get the materials alone; and a few more just to get it operational. Has plenty of room to grow and get stronger, but I quite like it as is."

In the meantime, it looked like Chandra had offered to be the chosen one who'll wield Seraphina for this quest. Though given her current form, she would seem to have difficulty even carrying the great sword, let alone carrying it strapped onto her back. She seemed more skilled in lighter blades, like those of rapiers... which Flare might've glimpsed one hilted on her person. "Jeez, Chandra, who let you have more than one blade?" Flare interjected jestingly, as as they looked down at the blade before them, "Let alone one of this size. Keep to your lighter blades, I'll be happy to wield something of more... heftier weight. That is, if she allows me to." While Flare hadn't properly wielded a sword before, let alone a two-handed weapon, they assumed it wouldn't be too difficult. If anything, her size at least made her capable of wielding her more efficiently and with heftier strength compared to the other individuals here. Through admittedly Serisa would've been a better choice skill-wise, had it not been to her limitations of one-handed weaponry.

When Chandra asked the others if they had any experience in tracking bandits, Flare shook their head. All they knew was that they too tended to be as sneaky as goblins, only that they were taller and focused more on looting and stealing valuables. They heard about them having hideouts from stories they read, but as how to find them, well, they didn't know. Less they sloppily left a trail of gold and rubies behind them... or whatever they happen to have stolen. Though they wouldn't have to guess for long, as Guiseppe revealed the contents to be "iron bark" - a material being light as regular timber but as durable as metal. Flare had never heard of such a material, but they could see why bandits might want them. Either they used them to build whatever contraptions or buildings they had or to sell them off for inflated prices and get a marked up profit.

They couldn't help but wonder if iron bark could be used to help upgrade their own suit, or perhaps as an alternate fuel source? Though given how valuable they seemed to be, perhaps the former was the better way to go...

Granted, there was one pressing concern which Serisa asked that brought Flare's attention. These bandits had apparently bested a mercenary group of heavily armored and weapon-prepared individuals. Run of the mill bandits were unlikely to take down such a force directly, less they had a trick or ace up their sleeve. Perhaps, as the knight suggested, these might not simply be bandits at all. This sounded curious. Flare silently pondered the thought as they listened to the conversation at hand.


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Viokii was a little hesitant on the truth of Seraphina's real form... well, if they were just a talking sword then what was the point? Were they just there to point out the obvious or did they have anything smart to say, from the sounds of it right now... no, it seemed like a rather pointless and impractical addition to a perfectly functional greatsword. Hopefully it wouldn't prove too annoying to Chandra when they went about giving it a try. If Chandra turned out to like greatswords, they'd most likely be able to find a more efficient one that wouldn't have the opportunity of talking back to its' wielder. Something of a greatsword felt like something someone more like Flare would do better wielding, but perhaps they'd pass off the opportunity to use it later.

"Considering you seem immobile as simply just a weapon, I doubt you will actually be providing much assistance on this mission on your own effort. It is unwise to criticise others, especially when you lack the arms and legs to... perform basic motor functions and actions. It may be simple to make remarks about ones' intentionally designed appearance, a classic saying is to not throw stones whilst you live in a glass house. I would only predict that it would feel unwise to make judgment of your party members when your entire life and physical being is literately in their hands" Viokii suggested to Seraphina, before looking to Seira. Giving a light nod, she answered.

"My design is for the upmost practicality in my everyday functions and activities. A humanoid design allows for relatability and feeling of familiarity in organic beings, specifically humans and humanoid beings that I am made to help assist and serve. It also helps provide physical comfort, make wearing humanoid clothing and armor easy to do and transition into equipping regularly. It also helps mask the potential value of my higher technological advancements and unique developments by giving the impression that I am a construct designed for low-grade and unproductive activities for questionably intentioned individuals that cannot obtain a suitable companion or partner that appreciates them in the way a living organic being could be able to and instead using a created replacement to fill the gap. It also is stated to boost morale" Viokii answered in long explanation over her design, turning her attention to Chandra so she could give a response.

"I am simply here to assist you in the ways that you require until I have suitably collected all the information and research I require to act upon my own algorithmically-controlled self-beliefs and interests. But yes, any assistance in research of any fields and topics is very much appreciated, your highness Lady Chandra. For the most part, I am also interested in decrypting and finding methodology to getting around corrupted files to understand myself better of which I am working on. Perhaps when these are better figured out, I will have much better services and capabilities to provide suitable assistance and satisfaction to you and anyone else who may require my aid" the construct answered, simply here to help out in return for the gratitude she felt and the fact that it was probably also helping her understand the world a little better. It also gave her the chance to stick around someone she knew was trustworthy.​
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Elvario Elvario Develius Develius Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy


For a being that seemed to be out of a text book on how to write a robot Viokii seemed to be rather catty. If Seraphina didn't know better she might think there was jealousy there. Could that thing actully be jealous or was it some sub routine to simulate it. Flare seemed to be intrested in weilding her so maybe the elemental was a better option. Fighting woth a cat bunny bot wpuld only be so entertaining before the hour long explanations became mind numbing.

" Not all of us can have a man of culture for a maker " Seraphina shrugged not letting any annoyance sneak into her voice. Her maker had been a child killing sadistic monster so really if she had to pick she would take being a boob bot over a fucking sword. " If you have a problem with my limits take it up with my makers they are the ones that left me in a vault till what I could do withered away " really if somone could drag those bastards out of hell it would be nice to beat some answers our of them. " Anyways if your worried I'm to close to Chandra here I'd hate to be a third wheel so perhaps flare weilding me won't set off your anti virus or whatever " Seaphina shrugged not even sure what anti virus or robots were but the words came to her.
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

Guiseppe Gasparo

A small sly grin sprouted on the corner of Guiseppe’s lips to Chandra’s invitation, followed by the man shaking his head, slightly, in negation. “I do appreciate the offer, tough.” He would say, before shifting his stance slightly, shifting to a more serious demeanor as well. “Well observed. That kind of wood does take special craftsmanship to work with. If the artisan isn’t skilled enough with it, they will either ruin the iron bark itself or their tools. This shipment, in particular, was making its way towards the Republic.” The old merchant added, giving information about the destination of the shipment.

His attention would then shift towards Seira, thinking about her first question. “Bandits would be the first thing that would come to mind, yes. Some might even have mages amongst their ranks. However, I won’t say that it is impossible to have been monsters rather than bandits.” Bringing his hand to his chin, he would begin to scratch his beard. “Could even be a combination of both, gods forbid…” The thought of it appeared to not please him one bit. “Mmm… the only ones aware of what was being transported were me and the buyer, Bartholomew Purrington, a cat-beastkin and merchant in that country. However, he wasn’t aware of the route being taken by the wagon.” Guiseppe expanded upon his answer, eyes focusing on the ceiling for a moment, before gazing upon Seira’s emerald ones.

The elderly man decided to stay out of the discussion of who was going to wield Seraphina, as apparently there was some contention between Chandra and Flare. He could understand the appeal of using such a unique armament, after all, it wasn’t often that a sentient weapon could be found. His mind was still very much directed on how much he could earn by selling the greatsword in the future. The prospect of making many times what he had paid for her enticed him to no end.

In addition, it appeared that there was a slight misunderstanding between the advanced mechanoid, Viokii, and the greatsword, Seraphina. Guiseppe also didn’t see fit for him to get into the discussion. Still, it would bring a slight narrowing of his eyes, worries about this conflict ending up damaging the prospects of him having his cargo back being in the forefront of his mind. He honestly hoped that it wouldn’t come to that.

The merchant appeared to be pensive, for quite a few moments, in silent contemplation. Eventually, his azure eyes widened fractionally, as if he had remembered about something. “I know of a single artisan who would be able to work with iron bark. His name is Ethan Kryvill, and he lives in the village of Etiva.” Guiseppe said, going back to the map and, dipping the feathered pen in black ink, marked the village on the map. “I am not sure if this will help you find the shipment, but hopefully it does.” He concluded, his expression showing that he clearly didn’t know if the information would be useful.

Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Flare Develius Develius | Seranphina Karcen Karcen

She chuckled when Seira mentioned it was always the 'eyes'. “The eyes are a window into the soul, are they not? Or would you rather have me tell you how pretty your silvery hair falls on the background of your fair skin?” She'd reply with a wink. “Oh, you're not a knight? My apologies, you're indeed too pretty to be one~ Then again, you don't strike me as a mere adventurer like me either..?” She questions, wondering that, if Seira wasn't a knight, she would proclaim to be.

Seranphina's question confused her. “Hmmm. Fair enough.” Probably best not to mention that she wasn't the slightest bit Human and that she would, in fact, feel like she was a soul attached to this body more often than not. “No worries, I'll take good care of you~”

It was oddly endearing to hear the giant flaming suit of a being talk so enthusiastically about their suit's creator. Seemed like Kalina had found a thing to bond over. “Mister Fraust must be extraordinarily talented to make all this, but I'd have to agree with you. Oven has a much nicer ring to it.” She leaned a bit closer, feeling some of the heat. “Hmmm... I wonder if I could touch it without getting burned.”

She clicked her tongue when Flare interrupted. “Tssk. Dear, I've already got more than one~” She'd show her [Spare Rapier]. “But alright, alright. Just be nice to our darling sword~” She stated, handing Seraphina over to Flare. “You'll owe me a massage though~ I've heard a bit of warmth can do wonders on aching muscle and with how long it seems like we'll be out and about travelling to go find these bandits... I'll probably need it at some point during this adventure~” She'd probably have aching muscles by the end of this.

A chuckle escaped her lips when Viokii confidently claimed her design was the utmost practical. “Perhaps they're jealous.” She'd suggest. “I know I like my VeeVee just the way she's been build~” That said, some of the words were a tad shocking. “Oof. You're not mincing any words~ Guess I'm lucky it's your cleverness that I enjoy even more than your form.” She'd rather not end up being considered to be in the mentioned category of sketchy individuals.

“Hmmm. I've got no clue how to help your research, but I'll try. Is there anything I should be looking for for this... what did you call it... decrypting stuff? Should we go look for a priest to help with the corruption?” She didn't like those Holy folk for obvious reasons, but if it was needed, she might be willing to test it out. “Oh, VeeVee, I want to do something nice for you in turn at some point, you know. You're just trying to serve even better, which is nice, but you know... Ah well, we'll perhaps get there.” She'd sigh.

Hearing Seraphina say she'd worry about being a third wheel, she looked from the sword to Viokii and back. “Oh, play nice, we're just starting our adventure~ We can all take turns or whatever. No need to get so feisty so soon. Besides, with what we're up for, we'll all likely have plenty of time to hang out with each-other.” She tried to calm them down a bit.

Listening to the replies, she was crossing off some options. “What a name...” She mumbled, wondering how thick one could lay it upon themselves to show what they were. “...probably won't be purring right now though.” She mumbled as well.

Looking at the name and location, she was surprised. “Hmmm. Seems like an area I've been before. Shouldn't be too far from what's left of Kananto. Worst case we'd have to deal with some remaining undead in that general area.” She recalled the many skeletons and whatnot. “Either way, it wouldn't surprise me if the bandits were going to go try to kidnap this guy or try strike a bargain with him. I say we travel to Etiva, hope that we arrive in time and see if we can lure the bandits into a trap. Given how highly advanced the bandits were, I honestly don't expect them to try sell such a valuable cargo 'raw' and suspect they'd either use the man to craft them items for themselves or to sell at an even higher profit.”


| Maxxob Maxxob [Guiseppe] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

As Chandra leaned closer, she would certainly feel an awfully warm heat bare against her fair skin. It wouldn't be enough to burn her, but it would certainly feel like touching their armor wouldn't be too pleasant; like touching a heater that had been on for just a bit too long.

The elemental gave a tired sigh, as the swordswoman showcased her spare rapier. "Tsk. Of course you'd have more than one..." Flare exasperated as their head cocked to the ceiling. It was hard enough to carry a spare blade - even if it was on the lighter end like those of rapiers - but they didn't imagine Chandra being capable of wielding a great sword as effectively with her build. Then again, what did they know? Frankly they just wanted to get their hands on a blade and join the sword club, at least for a little bit. Though the fact Flare hadn't properly used a sword up of this moment means it would be a slight learning curve...

But how hard can it be?

"Anti-Virus?" the armored elemental paused, scratching their head at Seranphina's claim, "Don't know what that is but... suuuuure." Though given some of the lingo mentioned by Voikii, it must be a construct thing. Even though Flare was no construct, they certainly looked like one; something they wouldn't blame anyone for. Ultimately, both Chandra and Seranphina would accept Flare's request, as an armored gauntlet wrapped around the four-foot great sword. Flare took a moment to inspect it, turning the fine blade around and posing briefly to get a good feel for it. It almost looked as if they were in awe, a chuckle escaping her helmet hinting at her true reaction. "So cool." Chandra would interrupt their train of thought, saying that Flare owed her a massage given the amount of strain they might endure on this journey. It was slightly odd request, perhaps, but Flare saw no harm in it given her reasonings. "Fine with me." they nodded, still looking over Seranphina for a bit longer.

Finishing their inspection, Flare then proceeded mount the great sword on their back. Aside from the OVEN emitting a good deal of warmth, Seranphina would find it relatively comfortable; pleasant even. She thankfully wouldn't have to worry about having their blade be morphed and distorted by extreme heat, let alone being melted into slag by the end of the quest. At least for now anyways.

Guiseppe would answer a few more questions, one of which regarded the possibilities of mages or monsters being in league with the bandits or even the actual culprits themselves. So long as they weren't Goblins, or anything exceptionally larger and above their pay grade, Flare was fine with whatever they'll come up against. As well as explaining how important Iron Bark was, Guiseppe also referred to an artisan in Etria who specialized working with it, being one "Ethan Kryvill". While he had little clue as if he could help them, Chandra assumed these bandits might try to kidnap or strike a bargain with the artisan so they could have iron bark items for their own benefits. She seemed to be familiar with the area after all. In addition, she suggested that they travel to Etria, hoping they could get to him before the bandits do; perhaps setting a trap if they were early enough.

"Guess it's worth a shot." Flare admitted, crossing their arms, "I mean it looks like we would be passing through the caravan's last seen location anyways. Maybe we may come across what's left of them to find clues; perhaps even recover some left over valuables while we're at. If we happen run into a Salamander folk, or... well, whats left of them, we could at least give thrm closure and send word to their families or something..." The fire elemental didn't truly have a good idea as how to approach this properly, but was also pretty open to others suggesting where to go next.
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Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Viokii gave a look to Seraphina, unsure what she was on about.
"Your information must be incomplete, your use of knowing about 'Anti-Viruses' and when said referencing is functional is incorrect. What you are currently utilising it as is in terms that it is some sort of ideals or beliefs, when an Anti-Virus software is an internal software application that checks the systems for erroneous and malicious additions which may harm the device. What you are thinking of is 'defensiveness' or 'pettiness'. I am not designed to have or utilise these personalities unless beneficial to the situation or asked of" she answered, letting it move on as she watched the blade be passed over to Flare to wield for the mission. It'd probably prove much more effective in the larger being's hands rather than Chandra... especially since Chandra was a lot more about light and fast attacks from the shadows from what it felt like. A big greatsword didn't lend much to that combat style.

On the matter of Chandra asking about how to help, the construct lightly shook her head.
"It is not an organic or biological type of corruption. Much rather, a technological one. It is difficult to explain, but internal data is sometimes... written in an invisible ink, one might say. Because this invisible ink is on a different plane of conceptualization, certain events may end up scrambling or making it unreadable. In certain circumstances, corrupt data is not reversible and lost forever. However, I believe this not the case. I'm afraid you will not be able to assist with this, this is something I must do myself. You are already doing enough to support me, I will make any points or requests if I have need be, m'lady" Viokii softly answered back to her over the matter of helping, there wasn't really anything she was in a rush to do and was just taking a look around the world to get a much greater understanding than what she had.

Viokii took mental note of the information Guiseppe had passed on to them, wondering if they could somehow deduce what was the most quickest or efficient route in order to predict an answer on the path they could take. There, they could possibly take the route and scout the best ambush locations that would give them a nearby path to take the cart off-course and move it elsewhere... yet with the group with them, people likely wouldn't have the patience for such an investigation. Plus with that the event had already happened an indefinite amount of time ago, they could have moved far enough away where said investigation may not prove beneficial answers to them.

This will still prove useful to the quest, thank you for this information. It’ll likely prove helpful to at least give visiting this Artisan to see if they might know anything. If it’s along the potential route, maybe we can find more answers to see if there have been any other attacked transportations or travellers. I can always attempt to personally investigate surrounding areas while you are investigating a point of interest, it may prove useful to spread our numbers to cover more ground if need be” Viokii suggested, thinking that she should try to better work on her detection systems in her off-time.

Unless there’s something else important to know, I am ready to leave. It would be best we don’t waste too much time as it only gives the culprit of the crime more time to hide or finish whatever plans they may have with the trade cargo they have stolen” the construct mentioned, ready to leave when everyone else was.​
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

"Uh... Ok... yea... that does sound like something those pests would do." Flare's response to her goblin statement was certainly something. They did say that they had a run-in with those little green shits before in a past party, was it really that bad? With what that gutting and stealing your things part of their response, she'd bet both of those at least happened to at least one of their past members. Hell, it could have been a total party wipe for all she knew with how they were talking about those monsters. "Best hope our culprits aren't one those green shits then. Something man-sized is easier to cut down anyways."

Seira then turned her attention to Seranphina as she answered her question regarding her makers. "Hm, I see then... I guess I won't pry then." If the sentient sword didn't want to talk about her creators, so be it. Seira herself has a few skeletons in her closet she would rather not divulge, so the sword's unwillingness to speak was understandable. "'Look to the future and not the past' huh... a nice sentiment, though often not so easy to follow as saying it." She said, then turning to Chandra as the sword and the 2 Constructs started talking about anti-viruses, of all things. Yea, no. The sword-girl and the robot lady weren't of this world either, unless some country in this world had invented computers already.

"...I guess I can't disagree with that." Seira said with a sigh at the justification to complimenting her eyes. Chandra certainly wasn't wrong about eyes being windows to the soul. Sometimes, the look in one's eyes can tell an entire story. The topic of her compliments the shifted to her hair. "It's pretty until you have to do something like hide outside somewhere that isn't a snow covered plain." She adjusted her bangs with a flick of her hand before muttering. "Still, it's not something I'm gonna change so soon..."

A slight chuckle escaped her at Chandra saying she was 'too pretty to be' a knight. "Yea? You can say that again. With their stifling codes and all that. If you must know what I am..." She went silent for a moment. "Just call me a sword for hire, no need to overcomplicate it."

"I'm not too familiar with this cou-"
Seira cleared her throat a bit at that slip of the tongue. "This part of Ryke. If you know what you're talking about, I have no objections with heading to that town."
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Gasparo's Mercantile Agency
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

Guiseppe Gasparo

“That is correct, it isn’t far from Kananto’s remnants. I doubt that place will ever recover…” Guiseppe agreed with Chandra’s assessment, adding his own opinion on the other village’s situation. As Flare and Viokii expressed no objections to visiting Etiva, the old merchant offered an interesting boon. “Very well, I will speak with the coachman to set the destination to Etiva instead. It would be wise to check on the artisan first. The transportation must already be waiting outside.”

With that, Guiseppe left the table and guided the group outside the agency. As he expected, his assistant had procured one of his wagons to take the group to Etiva. Curiously, the wagon was unmarked, bearing no symbols linking it to Guiseppe. The old merchant exchanged a few words with the coachman before returning to the group. “All is set. I wish you all good luck.” He nodded to each of them before stepping back.

The group entered the covered wagon, finding it quite spacious inside. A clear separation between the coachman’s seat and the passenger area provided a sense of privacy. Once everyone was aboard, the wagon began to move.

Soon, the vehicle was outside the capital, the roof shielding the passengers from the midday sun as the wooden wheels clattered over the cobbled road. The trip to Etiva continued, the wagon occasionally creaking over uneven terrain. The fauna of Ryke could be heard intermittently, with birds chirping now and then.

Eventually, the wagon reached the area where the shipment had disappeared. The coachman, unaware of the previous events, continued driving in blissful ignorance. “Whoa!!!” the group heard him shout as the horses came to a sudden stop.

“H-hey… I think you guys should check this out…” The coachman’s voice quivered with nerves. Outside the wagon, a few feet in front of the horses, the path to Etiva was drenched in blood, the viscous, crimson fluid splattered across the road. The coachman looked lost and awaited further instructions from the group.

The road ahead, flanked by sprawling and dense forests on both sides, was eerily silent. The towering trees, with their thick canopies, allowed only slivers of sunlight to penetrate, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The forest seemed alive with hidden eyes, as the occasional rustle of leaves and distant calls of unseen creatures hinted at the presence of wildlife. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, creating an almost claustrophobic atmosphere. Broken branches and trampled underbrush on the roadside indicated recent disturbances, adding to the growing sense of unease.
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