Junior Member
Out of Character
This roleplay is a part of the Isekai Hell roleplay community in RPnation’s hosted projects. Interested in joining? Click here to find out more.
what to expect from this roleplay: there will be a bit of combat. The over all goal is to deliver goods to an orphanage and then return safely.
Echoette: personal goal, to earn an f grade social asset with the Ryken adventurers guild and the official f rank member title.
Nicola: personal goal, just to get paid.
Spoiled Bread
Rei: personal goal, to earn an f grade social asset with the Ryken adventurers guild and the official f rank member title.
Anastasia: personal goal, to gain {Logging company F} asset
Gunhild: personal goal, to earn an f grade social asset with the Ryken adventurers guild and the official f rank member title.
This roleplay is a part of the Isekai Hell roleplay community in RPnation’s hosted projects. Interested in joining? Click here to find out more.
what to expect from this roleplay: there will be a bit of combat. The over all goal is to deliver goods to an orphanage and then return safely.

Chapter 1: Embarkation Day Part 1
Adventurer's guild: Tuesday, 10 am
Madeline Schaffer, an adventurer's guild receptionist extraordinaire, and the young lady currently handling new members sat behind the desk in her office. Opposite her stood a Cervitaur whom she had just spent the better part of her morning walking through the process of becoming a ranking member of the adventurer's guild. They had filled out all the required forms, they had tested and recorded her mana level, skills, and abilities. They had even chosen a first mission, completion of which would be the final step in the process.
Madeline adjusted her glasses as she read over the job posting one final time ensuring it would not be more than the young beast girl could handle. Her hazel eyes burned through the words rapidly before finding their way up to the young Cervitaur's face. She gave the girl a warm and friendly smile as she slid the document across the desktop.
" There you go, this should be well within your capabilities Miss Oct-Xyn. Just go to the location listed in that document at 8 am tomorrow and follow the instruction they will give you. Once you've finished the job and have returned to Ryken just come see me here to finalize the entry process and receive your payout. Once that's all finished I will give you your official guild card and rank." She explained warmly. " Best of luck, and have a good day miss Oct-Xyn"
With that, Madeline intimated that their business was concluded and quickly rose from her seat to give a small polite bow.
" If you would be a dear, send in the next customer on your way out please." she added with a very professional smile.
Adventurer's guild: Tuesday, 1:15 pm
Jocelyn Granfeld, Adventurer's guild senior receptionist, sat at her desk shuffling a few papers. Her long black hair was held in a tight bun atop her head. Her blue eyes sparkled brightly as she worked. Sitting across from her was a young girl from outside the country, an adventurer registered in the republic, and currently seeking her registry in Ryke's adventuring guild. This was a rare event to be sure, but well within the guild's normal operating procedures. Thus, Jocelyn had walked the girl through all the standard registry procedures. They measured her mana, noted her skills and abilities, and filed all necessary documents. All that was left was for the girl to complete a mission posted with the Ryke guild.
" Well, all of the paper work seems in order Miss Unagishi." Jocelyn declared, her voice friendly and professional " You simply need to complete this mission and report it back to me here."
She slid a single paper across the desk to Miss Unagishi. " Just complete that posting For Tomas and son's and you will be an official member of our esteemed guild." she concluded.
Tomas and son's distribution LLC: Wednesday, 8 am

Tomas was a man in his late forties, Short , and of a roundish pear like build. His mustache was neatly trimmed and thin, and his eyes sat wearily behind bags that indicated much lost sleep. In his pudgy hands he held a clip board with the cargo manifest as he stood counting each barrel and every box that was being loaded in the freight wagon. The Loaders, muscular and angry looking men carefully arranged each piece of cargo in the wagon carefully tying them down. The early spring sun glared through the small and poorly kept warehouse's windows. A small chill breeze crept into the building via the open dock doors, and carried with it the sounds of other much busier freight companies that resided nearby.
For Tomas this order for food stuffs and clothes was of the greatest importance. If he could secure a contract with St. Rumilda's orphanage, then his other projects would have the time to bear their fruit and all would be well. Yet, if this deal fell through it would mean the end of everything he had ever worked for. His life would be ruined. The very thought of it soured his stomach. It had also formed the impetus for his decision to hire some adventurers to guard his cargo. Normally the two hulking men hard at work filling the wagon were more than enough to scare off many would be attackers. Yet those small one off contracts were nothing compared to the monthly order that St. Rumilda's was offering.
Tomas had sunk every penny of his into this business, and had even cancelled his wedding. Choosing to sink the money his parents had provided for services into the floundering business. He now stood at the crossroads and it was eating him alive, well emotionally anyway. He had even posted for this job everywhere he could think of. He placed it in city hall, the guild, and every inn/bar he could think of. Now, as the final provisions for the journey were being loaded he impatiently awaited the arrival of his hirelings.
" These Adventurers better hurry up." He declared to the thin man standing next to him " We are already on a tight schedule, the last thing we need are lazy adventurers eating up the time."
" Well that seems standard for those shits." The man replied " I mean Edward and James could easily handle this shit. Our personal provisions are already loaded in the second wagon. That just leaves this last bit here. I say if they aren't here by the time this primary shit is loaded we just cancel their contracts and press on."
Tomas thought deeply for a moment. Rupert's words made a lot of sense, and he really couldn't afford to just waste money. He turned to look at the sallow thirty year old standing next to him.
" Rupert, I agree with the sentiment but...this job is just too important to risk it." he replied.
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