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Active [Ryken-Ryke and the surrounding area] A not so simple mission.


Junior Member
Out of Character
This roleplay is a part of the Isekai Hell roleplay community in RPnation’s hosted projects. Interested in joining? Click here to find out more.

what to expect from this roleplay: there will be a bit of combat. The over all goal is to deliver goods to an orphanage and then return safely.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Echoette: personal goal, to earn an f grade social asset with the Ryken adventurers guild and the official f rank member title.

Karcen Karcen Nicola: personal goal, just to get paid.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Rei: personal goal, to earn an f grade social asset with the Ryken adventurers guild and the official f rank member title.

Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia: personal goal, to gain {Logging company F} asset

Femboy Femboy Gunhild: personal goal, to earn an f grade social asset with the Ryken adventurers guild and the official f rank member title.​

Chapter 1: Embarkation Day Part 1

Adventurer's guild: Tuesday, 10 am

Madeline Schaffer, an adventurer's guild receptionist extraordinaire, and the young lady currently handling new members sat behind the desk in her office. Opposite her stood a Cervitaur whom she had just spent the better part of her morning walking through the process of becoming a ranking member of the adventurer's guild. They had filled out all the required forms, they had tested and recorded her mana level, skills, and abilities. They had even chosen a first mission, completion of which would be the final step in the process.

Madeline adjusted her glasses as she read over the job posting one final time ensuring it would not be more than the young beast girl could handle. Her hazel eyes burned through the words rapidly before finding their way up to the young Cervitaur's face. She gave the girl a warm and friendly smile as she slid the document across the desktop.

" There you go, this should be well within your capabilities Miss Oct-Xyn. Just go to the location listed in that document at 8 am tomorrow and follow the instruction they will give you. Once you've finished the job and have returned to Ryken just come see me here to finalize the entry process and receive your payout. Once that's all finished I will give you your official guild card and rank." She explained warmly. " Best of luck, and have a good day miss Oct-Xyn"

With that, Madeline intimated that their business was concluded and quickly rose from her seat to give a small polite bow.

" If you would be a dear, send in the next customer on your way out please." she added with a very professional smile.

Adventurer's guild: Tuesday, 1:15 pm

Jocelyn Granfeld, Adventurer's guild senior receptionist, sat at her desk shuffling a few papers. Her long black hair was held in a tight bun atop her head. Her blue eyes sparkled brightly as she worked. Sitting across from her was a young girl from outside the country, an adventurer registered in the republic, and currently seeking her registry in Ryke's adventuring guild. This was a rare event to be sure, but well within the guild's normal operating procedures. Thus, Jocelyn had walked the girl through all the standard registry procedures. They measured her mana, noted her skills and abilities, and filed all necessary documents. All that was left was for the girl to complete a mission posted with the Ryke guild.

" Well, all of the paper work seems in order Miss Unagishi." Jocelyn declared, her voice friendly and professional " You simply need to complete this mission and report it back to me here."

She slid a single paper across the desk to Miss Unagishi. " Just complete that posting For Tomas and son's and you will be an official member of our esteemed guild." she concluded.

Tomas and son's distribution LLC: Wednesday, 8 am

tomas n sons.png
Tomas was a man in his late forties, Short , and of a roundish pear like build. His mustache was neatly trimmed and thin, and his eyes sat wearily behind bags that indicated much lost sleep. In his pudgy hands he held a clip board with the cargo manifest as he stood counting each barrel and every box that was being loaded in the freight wagon. The Loaders, muscular and angry looking men carefully arranged each piece of cargo in the wagon carefully tying them down. The early spring sun glared through the small and poorly kept warehouse's windows. A small chill breeze crept into the building via the open dock doors, and carried with it the sounds of other much busier freight companies that resided nearby.

For Tomas this order for food stuffs and clothes was of the greatest importance. If he could secure a contract with St. Rumilda's orphanage, then his other projects would have the time to bear their fruit and all would be well. Yet, if this deal fell through it would mean the end of everything he had ever worked for. His life would be ruined. The very thought of it soured his stomach. It had also formed the impetus for his decision to hire some adventurers to guard his cargo. Normally the two hulking men hard at work filling the wagon were more than enough to scare off many would be attackers. Yet those small one off contracts were nothing compared to the monthly order that St. Rumilda's was offering.

Tomas had sunk every penny of his into this business, and had even cancelled his wedding. Choosing to sink the money his parents had provided for services into the floundering business. He now stood at the crossroads and it was eating him alive, well emotionally anyway. He had even posted for this job everywhere he could think of. He placed it in city hall, the guild, and every inn/bar he could think of. Now, as the final provisions for the journey were being loaded he impatiently awaited the arrival of his hirelings.

" These Adventurers better hurry up." He declared to the thin man standing next to him " We are already on a tight schedule, the last thing we need are lazy adventurers eating up the time."

" Well that seems standard for those shits." The man replied " I mean Edward and James could easily handle this shit. Our personal provisions are already loaded in the second wagon. That just leaves this last bit here. I say if they aren't here by the time this primary shit is loaded we just cancel their contracts and press on."

Tomas thought deeply for a moment. Rupert's words made a lot of sense, and he really couldn't afford to just waste money. He turned to look at the sallow thirty year old standing next to him.

" Rupert, I agree with the sentiment but...this job is just too important to risk it." he replied.
Last edited:
Nicola " Nik" Armstead
Languages: Common Analog


Nicola had found herself in this world after one of her experiments had over taxed her reactor and caused it to go super critical. The ultracite might not have been a good idea in hindsight, but old record suggested she could use the strange mineral to generate not only power but a field that would make her near untouchable. Well apparently it had blown a hole in reality and sent her through it, though if the others had been sent her she was unsure, they had not been where she had woken up. Still the world might be different, but some things never changed, money made the world go round and caps were no good here, they didn't even have cola which was likely going to drive Nicola mad as she rather licked it even if it was flat. She needed a source of revenue and just like the wastes people had stuff they wanted done and in a dangerous world could not do it themselves. In other words odd jobs, from scientist to errand girl again. This world was even worse of a start as she couldn't just squat in some ruins and repair any devices she found there, as advanced technology seemed to be lacking. There instead seemed to be magic, which admittedly if her world had, or had in high quantity as she had seen some weird stuff, then they might not be as advanced as they were or had been. How advanced people were in her world varied city to city sadly as knowledge was lacking and those that held it hoarded it. this world didn't need her people's technology, as who knew if the elements would even be the same, as magic likely could do more with less. That did mean that Healing could perhaps heal her broken body, though it seemed the magic she needed was rare and well people here had no concept of DNA it seemed thus if healing would fix her or just give her limbs for a bit was unknown. It was study she needed and study required money.

That was what brought her to what appeared to be a simple escort job get some food from point a to point b don't let others steal it. That was nothing complex simple caravan work that was common even in her world and just about any world that lacked security she assumed. Before people saw her they would be able to feel the rumble of the ground as she neared the foot falls of her power armor heavy and slow compared to others, but each step moved her just as fast as any other. Her armor had given those around her the impression that she was something called a construct which seemed to eb the catch all for machine life. Nicola didn't really care to correct the misconception that she was a massive unstoppable machine of war. The pistons in her armor hissed with each step and along with her shocking armor she held a shocking weapon a cannon, a small naval canon that she had altered to be portable by herself and without her armor the kick would be enormous, but being a walking tank and wielding the heaviest of weapons was what power armor was made for.

Nicola walked up to those that were by the wagons of supplies at the location she had been told to meet at. " Are there others" She asked the voice coming from her speakers was not hers it was a mans and highly mechanical. it had been made to resemble the machine liberty prime's voice, mostly as it was far more intimidating to hear a man's voice over a woman's voice. Power armor scared most, but for some reason hearing a woman just made to many people reconsider running away it was much easier to simply be mistaken for a man.
Anastasia Von Arbin

The rhythmic clatter of heeled boots against cobblestone announced Anastasia’s arrival long before she stepped into the dim warehouse. She had not rushed. A noblewoman—even one walking the fine line between aristocracy and industry—did not rush for the sake of impatient men. The scent of damp wood, dust, and old freight greeted her as she passed through the open doors, the sunlight spilling across the threshold at her back casting long shadows against the walls.

She took her time surveying the scene before her. The loaders—hulking brutes with the permanent scowl of men who carried more than just physical burdens—continued their work with measured precision. The crates were stacked well enough, though even from a distance, Anastasia could see that the distribution of weight was not as even as it could be. If the roads proved unforgiving, that could be a problem.

And then, of course, there was him.

Tomas, shorter than she had anticipated, with the complexion of a man who had not slept well in years. He was the kind of businessman who had wagered everything on a single outcome, his entire fortune hanging in the balance of this one contract. Anastasia knew the type well—desperation had a scent, though she did not yet know if it would serve as motivation or as a fatal flaw.

At his side stood another man—sallow, thin, smug—a man who thought himself sharper than he was. Rupert, was it? His body language reeked of skepticism, arms crossed tight over his chest, his weight shifted just so, giving the impression of someone who thought himself just barely above the situation.

Anastasia let a few beats pass before speaking, just long enough for the two men to notice her, just long enough for their assumptions to begin forming.

“Seems your adventurers have arrived. I'm Ava.”

Her voice was clear, cool as the spring breeze drifting through the dock doors. It carried none of the weight of impatience, nor did it hold the rough edge of someone eager to prove themselves. Instead, it was measured, deliberate—a statement, not an excuse.

She stepped further into the space, her sharp gaze sweeping over the cargo, taking stock. Then, at last, she turned her attention fully to Tomas, Rupert and an astonishingly well-armoured individual, offering a small, polite smile that never quite reached her eyes.

“I take it everything is proceeding as planned?” She tilted her head just slightly, tone neutral, but with the barest thread of suggestion beneath it.

Because if things were not proceeding as planned, then they would see soon enough why she was here.

Karcen Karcen heartspan heartspan

Important Notes:
  • [Rundown Yemaya Warehouse property F] > [A.V.A Freight Company E]. Transition the rundown warehouse property into a standard freight company via investment.

Point Booster:
  • Narrative Booster D - Striking a Business Deal
Novama Novama
"Good morning People~" The door slammed open as Rei giddily entered the room. She seemed to be in a good mood based on the goofy smile on her face. She eyed the people on the room briefly, Tomas and the man beside him looks like they belong here, but she didn't expect the one who looks like a noble or the one who don such heavy armor. She thought the mission was simply about delivering some foods, but it might be more important than she initially thought.

"Nice mini fuller there." She playfully elbowed the side of the heavy armor before she shifted her attention back to the supposed client of her current mission. She gave Tomas an eager salute as she introduced herself.

"Name's Rei Unagishi. Ready for duty!"
Echoette (#d6c6ff)

Ms Schaffer yesterday was a lovely lady. Echoette could only hope that the others she'd meet would be so kind, as were her thoughts as she speedily trotted on over towards the large warehouse despite being out of breath, not wanting to be late on her first day.

Reaching the doorway, her nerves were jittery and all over the place. She barely even slept a wink last night. Being such a spoilt princess, other than occasionally helping with some robotics here and there, it was her first real time working proper. In a brand new world no less. Her head felt woozy and faint from all the stress and anxiety, no clue if in the end, this was all just some fake, simulated reality game.

Shaking such thoughts away as she caught her breath, she following in after the little horned lady who had entered with such liveliness, glad that she could just follow her lead and introduction. "H-Hello, I'm Echoette. A-also ready for duty...?" She tried her best not to stutter so much, but with her eyes swimming anxiously and the hands on her staff trembling... it probably didn't help her first impression on the hardy folk she was meant to aid.

All the eyes on her, if briefly, was overwhelming. In the end however, it was the hulking mechanical-armoured fellow that bewildered her senses most, making her wonder if she had returned to the mecha factory of her old world for a second. But noticing the two in the back moving goods to and fro, she quickly forced herself to snap back to reality.

"A-ah, is there anything I can h-help with?" She spoke up quickly, wanting to make up for her tardiness by accelerating things here. Even if it was just to hold some cargo whilst they were re-arranging things, she moved to rest her staff against the side of the caravan and stretch out her arms timidly.

heartspan heartspan Karcen Karcen Ersatra Ersatra Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Chapter 1: Embarkation Day Part 2

Tomas and son's distribution LLC: Wednesday, 8:05 am​

A slight tremor passed through the ground. This was followed by another, and then another. Building a steady cadence that drew the four men's attention. They shared a look of confusion, each man trying to understand what might be causing it. The cacophony growing as if something heavy was drawing near. Then came the hissing of pistons and then finally the origin of the noise was revealed. A seven foot tall war machine entered their humble establishment. It carried a weapon the men could only guess the purpose to, and as it came to rest it's strange and metallic voice crackled into the silence. Ominous and frightening, the voice inquired if there were others.

For the space of several heartbeats a silence descended on the little company of people. This broken by Tomas clearing his throat as he cautiously peered around for the automaton's owner, but not seeing anyone else he chose to address it directly.

" Er..a-ah..er n-not just yet." he stammered before turning to tell the loaders to get back to work. In this he tried his best to appear unfazed by the great machine now occupying a portion of the warehouse.

To their credit both Edward and James were quick to follow orders. They did their level best to ignore the machine and to simply load the last of the cargo. Though occasionally they would steal a glance at it. Rupert on the other hand simply crossed his arms over his chest as he shot the metal-man a disdainful and smug look. He had no intention of allowing a machine-man to intimidate him.

Rupert's thoughts were interrupted by the tell tale clicking and clacking of heeled boots on the cobble stones just beyond the dock doors. Though he didn't dare to turn away from the construct lest it deem him subservient to it in some way. Yet as the clicking and clacking came to an end, and a calm cool voice announced itself, he could not help but turn toward it's owner. His green eyes were greeted by a slender and attractive woman. When she spoke it was with measured well chosen words. His haughty gaze deepened as he took in her form from stem to stern. His eyes devouring every inch of her as she took in the men and the state of the place.

Tomas took a single look at her, frowned at both her introduction and the presumptuous way she inquired after his business. He made a derisive snort as he turned back to his work.

" I'll have you know; we are more than adequately on track no thanks to yourselves." He barked back, temporarily drawing the loaders attention as they worked.

Tomas was about to continue, his temper rising as the loaders began chit-chatting about the newcomer. However, his tirade was ended abruptly in it's tracks by a sudden load bang as the front doors of the warehouse were tossed open violently. The heavy oak slammed against the stone with a great crash as a horned woman giddily wafted in from the street beyond. Her cheery greeting filled the silence where Tomas' complaints were about to find their home, and overshadowed the hoofbeats of the Cervitaur following in the girl's wake. The horned girl teased the great war machine before giving a grand salute to Tomas. He took in her tail, her horns, and her goofy smile and without thinking saluted her in return.

Then came the Cervitaur's stammered introduction. She was shy and bewildered, flustered by the eyes of everyone who had now turned their attention to her. Thus, without waiting for a reply she dashed passed the still saluting Tomas, and the leering Rupert, and directly up to the loaders as they stood, boxes in hand, their eyes wide at the sight they had just taken in. She timidly offered to help them, holding her arms out like a small child trying to help it's parents. Neither James nor Edward had ever seen a beast person so close up. Let alone a Cervitaur, and one of such beauty. They both quickly stammered a denial while their faces burned with a bright blush. Then quickly they went back to work, this time each was doing his best to appear both manly and professional.

A few moments passed before Tomas angrily dropped his salute

" You there... Echoette, leave them alone and come over here!" He bellowed " All of you listen up!"

He gave a moment for everyone to turn their attention to him before continuing.

" This mission is of the utmost importance." He began, but grew more angry as he spoke " You can not, I repeat can not damage any of the cargo. You can not under any circumstances anger the orphanage caretakers or the kids. I'll be sending Rupert here along, not just as a driver, but as my liason. If I hear even the slightest shit has gone wrong I will end your contracts and deny your payment. Now load your shit in the wagon with everyone else's and get ready to go, the boys will be finished in just a few minutes. Rupert show them where to stow their shit."

With his orders given and his manifest checked off Tomas left without further word, returning to his office and the rest of the day's business. Meanwhile, Rupert smiled a greedy smile at the girls and intimated for them to follow him toward the wagon already laden for the journey. Turning a hungry look toward Ava as he stood to the side to allow the girls to load their gear.

" I think, I'll have you ride with me on the second wagon. The rest of you can walk or pile on this one with Edward and James." he declared, his green eyes never leaving Ava as he spoke.

This wagon while mostly full still had room for some of them to sit, though the larger of the companions would be forced to walk for certain.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Ersatra Ersatra SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Karcen Karcen
Anastasia Von Arbin

Ava’s lips twitched, just barely restraining an amused smirk at Tomas’ tirade. He was wound tight, that much was clear. The poor man’s nerves were frayed from the weight of his gamble, and he was lashing out the only way he knew how—by barking orders and pretending that his authority meant anything to her.

She exhaled softly, shaking her head. As if cutting my pay would make the slightest difference. She wasn’t here for coin. This was simply a necessary step in a larger game—one that Tomas wasn’t even aware he was a pawn in. Still, she listened. Not because she feared losing his favor, but because understanding a man like Tomas meant understanding his weaknesses. And weaknesses, after all, were leverage.

Rupert, however, was another matter.

As he made his oily little proclamation, his gaze lingering on her in a way that reeked of self-satisfaction, Ava let a beat of silence pass between them. It was the kind of silence that suggested she was considering his words, weighing them in that cool, detached manner of hers. Then, without looking at him, she flicked her fingers in a subtle yet unmistakable gesture toward the warehouse entrance.

Five figures strode in, their steps swift and precise, each clad in the distinct patchwork of leather, mail, and cloth that marked them as seasoned professionals rather than common thugs. Their presence was neither hurried nor hesitant as they set about inspecting the carts.

“These five will be joining us,” she said smoothly, clasping her hands behind her back as she addressed Rupert in the same tone one might use when informing rather than asking. “They will ride in both wagons, ensuring that this delivery arrives unscathed.”

Her gaze lingered on him, deliberate, assessing. “Extra security, you must be delighted. ”

It was a challenge wrapped in politeness, one he could hardly refuse without looking either reckless or cowardly. Either way, he’d lose.

Ava let the ghost of a smirk touch her lips before stepping past him, toward the second wagon. “Good. Then let’s be off.”

And, only then, did she finally slide into her seat beside Rupert. She let the silence between them settle, let him stew in whatever misplaced assumptions he had about her.

Then, ever so lightly, she leaned back against the seat and spoke just loudly enough for him to hear as a member of her guard settled in beside her.

“Shall we?”.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Karcen Karcen heartspan heartspan

Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.

Ava - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
Nicola "Nic" Armstead

Languages: Common Analog


A fuller what was a fuller? That was the first time that anyone had called her warcasket a fuller and not just assumed she was an automaton. The girl in question was horned and tailed, some kind of mutant that was common in the world. Though the word mutant was wrong, this world had no FEV to cause sue radical mutations. Still Those that weren't human that she had seen were mostly easily identified as being human mixed with some form of animal. This girl was not any sort of animal that Nicola recognized not even with the mutated life of her world, or was she? No the features were not right to be one of those death machines known as a deathclaw.

" What is a fuller? " Nicola asked her voice mechanical thanks to the voice changer " Is that some form of construct or automaton?" She continued more willing to play into being a construct right now as that seemed to be to her advantage.

Then came in a deer like girl that Nicola did not feel was suited for the work she was trying to undertake. She seemed scared and nervous almost shy. Instantly Nicola was hit with memories of Bean the mutant she had bought and kept as an assistant as Nicola didn't believe in slavery. Bean had been unsure and almost childish despite her seeming immortality. Nicola briefly wondered what had happened to Bean, but put that aside Bean could heal from just about anything she was fine. It was her robots that were likely destroyed, or perhaps here in this world. Nicola didn't know which she wanted more for them to be here but away from her or to just be dead. That was at least as dead as machines could get. Still in the present Nicola felt an urge to shelter the deer girl, despite said deer being taller than her, which thinking back to it so had Bean. it was just a momentary things she would have to watch out for as playing helpless was the best way to set people up.

The caravan master it seemed ran a tight ship, so that was good, though he also seemed to be a bit shady given how he treated the other human woman on the team. That was why Nicola used her voice changer and was okay with being taken for a machine. The job was simple get the goods to the drop off, don't let them get hurt and don't piss off the client. It was as classic a caravan as they got. Still the need the go over these rules did make Nicola wonder if something else was going on. Yes it was good to have rules and make sure all knew them, but they should be clear by the job type unless said cargo might cause questions to be asked. They should just be taking supplies for the orphans food stuffs and the likes what could require as don't mess with the cargo reminder? Well right now it wasn't her problem she was just a guard she didn't need to know what questionable goods might be in those crates. That was until they caused issues if they did.

The human woman Ava had a surprise for the caravan master more armed men, that was rather suspect. adding unknowns to a roster last minute stank of raider trickery. Such things should be cleared with a client first, but well Nicola wasn't in charge of these things as if she had been this stunt would get Ava removed from the group for not clearing things with her first. She was not the caravan leader and thus she did not have a choice in this matter. As for who was riding where it seemed that only Rei and ava could rise with him Echoette and herself would be walking as fitting in wooden wagons was unlikely.

" You " Nicola said pointing to Echoette before signaling for her to come closer " With me" She half ordered. Nicola was used to giving orders to Bean and her robots the idea that she wasn't doing so now didn't occur to her as out of that learned habit of protecting the immortal mutant she decided to keep the scared seeming deer girl close.
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex, Fates' Chosen [Gunhild x Toaster (Flare)])
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild sighed as she smol'ed around the local area, her last search for just the perfect gift she had been looking for turned out unsuccessful. She'd been led into the undermarkets along with a group of complete strangers only to completely forget about whatever it had been she was doing and proceeding to get trapped within space and time for an inconvenient amount of time. Gunhild, going about her regular business, decided not to question how she had so simply escaped the clutches of the literal universe withholding her into a confined space that questionably may have laid outside of reality, but ignored the logic of it because Gunhild didn't care. Besides, it wasn't her fault that she somehow ended up here, and everyone else there would be fine. They were responsible adults who could handle themselves, the man of Peas and that other guy could willingly take such a challenge. Plus, they had Gunhild's not-actually two gay dads on their side, so they'd be fine with the terrifying dangers of buying carpets in a carpet store. It did suck, she really wanted that nice blue carpet. It was an absolute dream to roll around and wiggle on. Alas, no carpets for Gunhild. Kinda sucked, she wouldn't have minded hanging around her two gay dads longer. The puppy was so nice to her, and Mister Sink-Fries gave her a cool piggyback ride.

Her easily distracted adventure however kept her to the confines of Ryke, her searches for the perfect gift having led her to the Adventurer's GUild just to hear if there were any prime pieces of information that might help her. That being said, it was a big fat NO, but she did hear about another little quest that caught her interest. The last time she went on an Adventurer's Guild quest-

Well the one time, she got blamed for arson, and destroying a church, and they never even made it to the destination to finish the quest. From that experience onward, she had originally vowed to not even try working with complete idiots again, the thought of it giving her a complete headache. Though, this one sounded more bareable, and she'd heard about some other orphanage-related stuff going on in Caelia Barony recently. Maybe if she started doing good deeds around Ryke, Regula would be proud of her, and it'd be a good day. Clearly, that was enough convincing for her, as she set off to find this 'Save-a-Baby' quest or whatever the details were.

It wasn't hard to find her way around, Gunhild was good enough at navigation. She kept herself shrunk to a comfortable 2' because it helped make sure that she didn't attract unwanted attention to herself. Clearly nobody would question the unattended tiny lizard girl crawling around towns and in the woods all on her lonesome, it was rock solid logic. And rocks were good. That being said, she'd find herself getting close as the sight of a bunch of complete standout oddballs were in sight. Along with stuff that looked like it was gonna be moved from one place to another. Classic 'people doing people things', Gunhild thought.

"Hmhmhm~, ah, ah-" Gunhild hummed to herself quietly, trotting along with the stubbiest of legs as she got briefly distracted by a really cool stick. Grabbing it in her mouth, she'd draw small lines in the dirt as she scooted along with it up until she joined the rest of the strangers. This felt like the task she was supposed to come to. Sitting her tiny self on the ground, Gunhild calmly placed her cool stick down on the floor like a presented gift before looking around at the people present.

"Hellos, Gunhild is Gunhild. Gunhild helps save babis" Gunhild blankly stated, eyeing around. There were some peoples, some guys, a guy, some lady who looked like a noble or something, a horse or something, and yet another metal person. Gunhild was beginning to think it was a strange instance just how many metal people she was beginning to meet in her life. This one didn't look as actual metal as the rest of the others she knew, so perhaps it was something else. Plastic-man. Or Plastic-woman. Probably was a girl, the rest of the metal people she knew were very masculine. Well, her example of Teuihua anyway. He was the most masculine metalmans, and the bestest fren to ride on the shoulder of. This metal/plastic/whatever person was tiny. A baby metal-person! Oh, she did wonder where they'd come from. It must be 'materialising in the middle of the woods for serious quests'. Considering her own previous mission that one time was figuring out where fruits and stuff grew from, she could only determine they just magically appeared on trees because 'that's just what they did'.

"Hellos peoples, hellos Plastic-Ladyman, hellos Normals-Lady, hellos lizardy-fren, hellos big stick-haver horse" Gunhild greeted with a tiny wave of her tinier hand, having noticed the other tailed and horned person. She of course had no clue who they were, but they were similar enough to Gunhild so clearly that determined them as a certified fren.
"This babi-saving do fren group, yesses? Yesyesses? Yesses" Gunhild hummed in agreement to herself, answering herself as she blankly stared around. It felt like they were going to be going off somewhere already, gosh where her stubby little limbs tired.

"Bleugh" Gunhild grumbled on finding out that they were already off somewhere, faceplanting herself into the ground for a moment as she allowed herself to meditate via pressing her face into the floor to space out and reconvene her energies. Though it'd only be a few seconds before she was back on her feet.

"Okies, is go times. Gunhild do a beeg do, Gunhild bestest do-do's do. Gunhild bestest Hild. Gunhild no scaredies-do any stinkies thingies. All bad stinky-do peopleses fearsies Gunhild. Beegest Gunhild do bestest. Alsos, Gunhild helpies, Gunhild do finds bestest gift for fren. Gunhild knows gift, but is BEEG SECRIT!! Beegest secrit. Only Gunhild know. Gunhild findsies its, Gunhild do BEEG go-places, Gunhild sees alls Undies-Markets, all beeg hillsies, manys places, bestest floor shoppie, many frens findses, no's bestest gifties. Is HERE, Gunhild knows, Gunhild knows stuffs. Big stuffs. Bestest stuffs. Gunhild finds gifties, Gunhild do gifties gifties do PrettyBirdie and FloofYuki and bestest Metalmans, ands do is goodest days. Yesses. No tells ANY oneses, is beeg secrit! No oneses knowses" Gunhild rambled, her tiny self stumbling around in small circles as she scuttled and ran around the feet of the people she had found herself in company of, eventually ending her adrenaline spree by tumbling and falling into a roll across the floor before settling on her back.

Wiggling her stubby limbs in the air, she'd roll back over and utter a smol sneeze as she'd been brought back to reality. She never truly realised how energetic she felt when she was smol. Otherwise, she looked back around, ready to go on whenever the do got to doing.

1. Smolhild - Size Change (E) + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] (F) + Energized (E) - Gunhild scampers around on all fours as a little 2' version of herself. Sometimes it's easier being a little gremlin than a reptilian behemoth - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
Echoette (#d6c6ff)

The sight of the two men suddenly growing beet red was incredibly worrisome, with Echoette immediately wondering if they were sick, and that she had accidentally triggered their symptoms in some way. "A-are you two oka-" Echo began softly, before literally jumping at Tomas' yell with a discreet yelp. Quickly trotting back on over, her long ears flattening fretfully against the sides of her head, she obediently listened up in her bid to try her best to make up for everything she was doing wrong.

"I u-understand." The cervitaur quietly nodded with a relatively even tone, despite deep down wielding little hope in herself, believing that somehow somewhere, she'd mess up again, inevitably. It was not hard for her to simply accept the fact that she'd likely not get paid, and would have to take on another mission later... But she would try her best anyway. Time and experience would get her used to things... right?

The sight of five more individuals suddenly entering, falling in line behind the red-eyed lady, was a little startling. But she didn't pay it too much heed, as even on entry, Echoette had never assumed that lady was an adventurer like them, simply thinking her an intimidating colleague or business partner of Tomas or Rupert and co.

The deep voice suddenly directed at herself made her flinch, but at the sight of who's voice it was, she relaxed her hunched shoulders slightly. "Y-yes!" Retrieving her trusty staff, she leant against it as she scuttled on over, her gaze roaming Nicola's power armour set timidly, yet full of an oddly focused wonder.

"I uhm... c-can I ask where you got your suit f-from? C-can I go there?" She asked softly with a genuine, doe-like anticipation in her vacant eyes. The cervitaur had lost hope that this world held any technology she could even faintly recognize at all, but this, although foreign, had a functionality at least faintly familiar. Perhaps it was even somewhat close to on par with what she was used to... if down a different technological advancement lane.

But her line of thought was cut-off by another entering the warehouse... a baby...? Echoette watched in bewilderment as the little lizard draw doodles in the dirt, before scampering around all their legs excitedly and blabbering incoherencies. Immediately concerned for her safety, afraid of her getting even more lost or trampled on, she quickly put her staff aside and bent down to scoop up the little lizard, ignoring the sudden pain in her back from the sharp bend.

"H-hello baby... c-come sit in the wagon..." She carefully placed her in the supply wagon, standing close to prevent her from dashing out and hurting herself. "D-do you know where your parents are? W-what are you doing here?" She tried to ask in a coaxing tone, considering the baby could speak.
Narrative Goal: Help out and get to know St. Rumilda's. Talk to them about Syncretism.
Active Point Boosters: N/A
Title/Asset Goals: Upgrade Ryke Adventurer's Guild Member E => D
Wanted/Criminal Titles: N/A
Special Skills: N/A
Notable Titles: Syncretist Bishop, Ryke Adventurer's Guild Member E
Notable Skills: Summon Creature B | Pocket Dimension C
Using Downtime?: Yes (on asset upgrades, see sheet during grading for latest information).
Character Sheet: Ceylan



From: Microsoft CoPilot
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}
Mentions: heartspan heartspan | Gunhild Femboy Femboy | Echoette SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Ceylan had been on his journey back to Ryken with Gunhild in tow. Despite being rather different than the lizard-like woman, he shared one sentiment. Whatever had kept him trapped in some weird space-time thing was something he'd rather not think about too much any-more. Nor about what had happened to the others, among them the unicorn knight. He could only hope and pray they'd gotten out fine. Oddly enough, he also agreed with her that saving Orphans was the thing to be doing upon arriving back in Ryke. Perhaps they were more alike than he thought.

His inner [Fetcher] got a bit envious when Gunhild got hold of a really nice looking stick, but thankfully his inner [Daddy] was stronger and just smiled. “Good find.” He'd compliment the nice stick she'd found, as well as her ability to have found it.

To his surprise, however, it seemed they found the people that were already working on the quest at hand. It did seem like they arrived just before the group would leave. “Apologies for being late, we just learned of this quest and came here first thing, hoping ot make it before departure.” He would explain to them. “My name is Ceylan, Bishop of the Syncretist Faith. Although I am not sure if St. Rumilda's is directly associated with our Church, I would still be honoured to help out in any quest to aid it.”

He looked around at the group gathered here. As expected of adventurers, it was a rather diverse group. A giant construct (?), a woman in red, a woman with horns and a tail, Gunhild, him and. “It is a pleasure to meet all of...” Then noticed the last person. From behind. His face immediately became reddened and flustered, as he turned his eyes away and held his hand in front of it. “... I... Ehm...” He stammered. The priestly good boy had not expected to be confronted with such a particular sight at the start of the mission, as she hastily stepped to be besides Echoette. “My... my most humble apologies. The... cultural.. differences caught me off guard.” He tried to stammer in apology to her. He'd continue his introduction, but he was a bit too flustered.

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