Bringer of Change
Arthur Verg

The one armed man walked away from the two he had antagonized just minutes ago, feeling good about his apology soon forgot about it. He walked on around the festival enjoying the festivities and his new surroundings, it was strange really... He wouldn't normally be doing this sort of thing alone, he usually had a couple of his buddies with him to stay safe, and now he didn't even have two arms. It was frustrating to him.
He let out a choked angry sigh, he missed his family, both of them, one he betrayed and the other that betrayed him... This was a great place to run a rigged game at, if you could get a small group of your buddies, five at the least, set a table up with one playing cards, the other four would the crowd. Rule is NEVER go near that table, if you play, you'll lose. Guaranteed. If you are standing in the crowd, you wouldn't even know it but you'll get your wallet stolen, being involved in any capacity will make you lose all your money.
Just as Arthur was thinking of the ploys he and his previous gang used to pull, he came across a stand where some guy was doing what he was doing, ripping people off out of their money. Arthur's eyes scanned the stand seeing that it pay a 100, possiblely win 5000. Most likely this guy has made more than 5000 already, if he's been doing this all day. Staying away from the crowd, Arthur stood and observed from a distance, he wanted to see what was exactly happening. This was a different world from his, there could have been a possible way to win, to see how this man was cheating. The frustration of everyone that was surrounding the table wanting this man to lose didn't really make Arthur believe they weren't in on the scam.
But this was a student of the academy, by his getup. They'd most likely try to keep the money for themselves, the less people in on a scam the lower the chances of getting snitched on. The former gangster smirked a little, this reminded him of old times. " Good times... " he mumbled under his breath, reminiscing. But this wasn't the time to be thinking of his people, this has probably gone on long enough, these people needed to stop falling for this scam. Arthur stood to the side of observed, waiting to see any sort of suspicious activity, having a clear view of everyone at the table.
The dealer. The player. The people surrounding the table. He observed every one of them to see who was involved or not. The dealer could be using mind magic too, the last student used his powers on him. Why wouldn't this one be doing that.