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Finished (Ryken) A Hellish Inheritance

Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human, Mundane
Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob Elias Wren Elias Wren Uasal Uasal Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia


The Basement​

For now, it appeared as though Marcus had no words.

He lived mostly in the moment, his helmet-covered face giving little in the realm of expression beyond furrowed brows and bloodshot eyes -- locked onto the monstrosity before him. The Sigil was in destroyed and the abomination from before him would be beset from assaults on all side. A grievous slash from Nox, was followed by Izuru, Kite stabbing the creature into the ground and Guiseppe collapsing the ceiling partially onto the creature. His eyes flicked down to the floor to confirm the success of the sigil's destruction. Once he saw that, he prepared his next move.

As the rubble rumbled, Marcus flipped his conventional spear in his hand so as to be thrown.

A loud stomp was heard as his foot hit the ground, body weight leaning into his throw. Just as the creature came up from the rubble, it would be greeted with a long-bladed shaft being thrust down into it's throat. [Hunter's Toss F] It may have had many mouths, but Marcus wanted to have the loudest of the mouths choke on his weapon.

Marcus remained careful of his footing as his spear lunged forward towards the creature again. [Stinger E] The trajectory shifted ever so slightly as with the creature going closer, he sought to for the spear to punch through the roof of it's mouth and poke out through the top of his head.

A firm twist of the shaft and he'd twist the spear in the creature's head as much as he could [Rapid Stinger F]. He wasn't sure if the creature still had a brain, but it wouldn't hurt to seek to turn it and whatever flesh remained in it's head into putty, as he sought to open the wound further.

If the creature never uttered a word into his ears again, it would be too soon.


HP: 3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
Armor: 1/1 (F Grade Heavy)

1. Hunter's Toss -
Fighting Style: Monster Slayer Spear F, Range F, Energized F - A technique older than written language itself -- a simple spear throw. Simple as it is, it is an effective means which man has long used to hunt down large creatures for food. Marcus employs this technique to strike at any number of foes from a distance. Can be a swiftly thrown up to a range of ten feet. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Target H10] (Effectiveness = Strength D + Winged Spear E + Hunter's Toss F = 6) [Target I10] (Combo with Action 2)

2. Stinger
- Fighting Style: Monster Slayer Spear E, Reach F - A strike which doubles the range of Marcus' spear, through the use of strength, footwork and dexterity -- extending it's range to 15 feet. A lunging strike borrowed from Fencing, the user slides their feet forward, begins the strike with two hands (or the aide of an offhand weapon) and then turns his body, extending the strike. Requires sufficient strength to use - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown. Target [J9] (Effectiveness = Artifact (Winged Spear ) 8 + Stinger E = 10 + 2 Combo = 12 ) [Target: J9)

3. Rapid Stinger -
Fighting Style: Monster Slayer Spear F, Reach F, Energized F - A strike based upon the "Stinger" technique but with more rapid strikes. Using footwork, strength and dexterity, doubles the user's reach to strike from twice their usual range. In the case of Marcus, he can strike targets from 15 feet away. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Effectiveness = Artifact (Winged Spear ) 8 + Stinger F = 9) (+1 Combo) [Target J9] [Combo with Action 2)

Note: Before combat begins, Marcus vandalizes the second Sigil with a single scratch of his spear towards it's outer edge.

Inventory (Misc)
  • Iron Key
Kite Vanzanth

Kite could sense they were nearing the end of this fight. His muscles burned from within and his mind cried out for rest, but he pushed through and cried out as he readied for another volley of attacks. “Die foul beast!”
He swung the burning blade in a horizontal trajectory attempting to slice across the creature's flesh. He flipped the blade in hand and brought it back in an attempt to slice the creature again before raising the blade above his head and bringing it down toward the main body in an attempt to impale the monster and end its miserable life.

Inferno Blade - Blight - Focus [F] - Elemental Affinity Fire [F] - Magic [F] - Fighting Style [F] Flame Blade - Fire Elemental Affinity [F] - The blade of Kite's sword is engulfed flames and strikes a single target for instant damage. - F grade - 0 cooldown

Basic Reverse Grip Slash

Basic Reverse Grip Stab

Strength D (+3) + Sword E (+2) + Ability Grade F (+1) + Attack Combo (+2) = 8 Base Effectiveness.


Nox assessed the scene with keen eyes, taking in the weakened state of the abomination. The fallen beam had crushed the flesh horror, and the destruction of the sigil had left it vulnerable. With the creature momentarily stunned, she knew this was the perfect time to end it.

Without hesitation, she leapt across the newly formed hole in the floor with graceful ease. Her lithe form sailed through the air, landing softly beside the writhing mass of flesh. The abomination’s many eyes rolled in its grotesque head, but it was too slow, too dazed to react.

Nox raised her katana, its blade gleaming with a deadly light. Then with deliberate, almost ritualistic precision, she slowly inserted the blade into the center of the beast. The flesh parting with little resistance, the dark, viscous blood bubbling around the wound but not reproducing like before.

As the katana reached the halfway mark, Nox twisted it firmly. Her eyes blazed with an unholy light, reflecting the power she was about to unleash. A pale blue flame began to spread from the point of the blade's insertion, quickly engulfing the creature in it's entirety. The fire danced and flickered, its ethereal glow casting eerie shadows on the walls. And rather ominously, cooling the air as opposed to heating it.


HP: 2/2

Actions: 3/3

  • [Movement] - F - [Acrobatics F] - f11 to h9
  • [Smite] - E - [Accurate], [Area 15ft], [Blight = Holy Flame], [Continuing = Holy Ice], [Penetrating], [Vorpal], [Aura Holy Flame], [Selective], [Incurable], [Hotshot], [Contact], [Enervation], [Quake], [Selective] - 0 Post cooldown/2 Action.
Effectivness= [Moonblade Sword] B + Strength A + [Smite] E = 13 Base Effectivness = 13 Base Effectivness + 2 Damage from Blight + 2 Damage from Contact. 2 True damage from Aura + 1 true damage next turn from continuing Holy Ice (2 turns). Penetration E + Hotshot + Accurate E. Selective: Sparing the Player Party and mansion. Place all Abilities of E and under on cooldown.

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Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Maverick Six Maverick Six Elias Wren Elias Wren Uasal Uasal

Watching as his plans that were less laid out than a throw rug came to fruition made Izuru question if he lacked something in the area of planning skills. Now that the sigil had been destroyed and the monster had been weakened. Izuru was in the mood to snipe it with his magic from where he was currently wriggling around. Unfortunately his body knew better than his ambitions. Perhaps in a minute or two but not right now. Any attempt to utilize his powers to that extent would just exhaust him and break his cane for no benefit. Taking a moment to stand up and dust off his clothes. Izuru decided to investigate the room further while the others were dealing the final blow to the blob monster. Although he had managed to get by on just the notes earlier. He needed to be more careful in how he looked around so that he wouldn't get denied his pay. Giuseppe was justified in ponying up for the others since they were able to play vanguard pretty well. Izuru on the other hand was just hitting the realms of mediocre. He needed some kind of achievement for when they all got the single sack of coins per person that this job was totally worth.

.Stand up
.Investigate = Arcana F + Appraisal F
.Try not to not get paid
Location: Kitchen
Time: Morning
saxon saxon | Azusa
Uasal Uasal | Nox
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | Izuru
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Maverick Six Maverick Six | Marcus

Guiseppe Gasparo

Location: Basement
Time: Morning

Prelude to Darkness - Fear and Hunger

With the sigil in the basement being destroyed, the flesh horror had been left defenseless and wide-open to every single attack that was dished out by the group.

As Marcus' spear was launched by the warrior with the utmost killing intent and practiced technique, it pierced one of the creature's mouth cleanly. It was as if the hardness which once had been present in its body had completely vanished. The open wound would make the black, viscous liquid spurt from it, as some of its innards left from the exit of the wound at the opposite side. The following attacks opened the entry would even further, fully tearing open the mouth which had been the target of the assault. Low, rumbling gurgles could be heard, as the monstrosity was chocking in its own blood. Some matter splattered towards the wooden floorboard, yet its alien-like shape made it hard to distinguish what it was.

Kite's flaming sword cut through across the being's flesh with ease, leaving a considerable horizontal gash on its flesh. Yet, it didn't bleed from this wound, as the scorching blade cauterized the wound, burning the innards instead. The smell of its foul flesh began to mix with the scent of mold and fungi, which already perpetuated the closed space of the basement. And, as the overhead reversed thrust was brought down on the gargantuan being, it pierced all the way down until the spellblade noticed the tip touching against the wooden floorboards. Quite a few of its eyes, at that moment, had already lost the vicious glint they once held. Its life was fleeting, rapidly.

And it had been finally cut off with the follow-up attack by Nox. With her gracious leap towards it, the katana impaled through the creature's flesh and into its very core. The thrusting, hitting many of its vital organs, didn't even allow for any sound to escape its many mouths anymore. In the next moment, the being was set ablaze with an exquisite hue of azure, from inward to outwardly. With its body engulfed by the blue flame, it burned brightly, casting ominous shadows of those present against the walls of the basement. The many eyes began to melt, along with the rest of the flesh horror body, until it turned dark, almost like charcoal. The gargantuan body slumped downwards, against where it stood. Whatever it had been, was no more.

With Izuru beginning his investigation, he couldn't detect anything. Not a single shred of magical energy, which he had felt earlier, was left in the place. Whatever forces empowered the bizarre being had been snuffed out for good.

An eerie silence perpetuated in the manor, nothing more than the breathing of each of the adventurers could be heard. Guiseppe's face began to quickly regain color, as the presence of the thing had made him pale as soon as he stepped into the basement. Regaining his wits, he walked towards the corpse of the uncanny being, holding a handkerchief against his nose to try and block some of the foul odor of charred flesh. His azure eyes peered against the form for a few moments, the old merchant shaking his head briefly, before turning towards all the present. "It is over... this nightmare is over..." He said in relief. After a long sigh, Guiseppe straightened his back, appearing to have recovered his wits. "I'm grateful to all of you for helping me deal with this... hellish inheritance. I shall be going personally to the Adventurer's Guild to report the success and give my evaluation about every one of you. Well done." His tone was one of genuine gratefulness, looking at Marcus, Kite, Nox and Izuru in turn.

The merchant was ready to leave that place, planning to take a few days off until he hired the manpower to fix the manor in its entirety. Right now, however, he needed quite many drinks to forget what he saw.
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The Basement​

The creature burned flames, both hot and icy.

"Hrgh..." Breath in.

"Hrgh..." Breath out.

Rinse and repeat.

Marcus breathed loudly as he stood idly in place with a bloody spear clutched tightly in his hands. Even in full plate, one could see the expansion of his chest, the rising of his shoulders, and the subsequent relaxation. His body greedily demanded air like some type of bull for what he had just put it through. His eyes searched left and right for more to be slain. More dangers may yet lurk around the corners. Yet he could find none here.

Without a word, Marcus began to walk over to the corpse. He clamped onto the creature's now limp jaw and opened its mouth. From there, he found the spear which the creature had choked on. His hand searched within the creature's innards before he found the shaft of his trusty spear once more. With a slow pull, his hand yanked out the spear from the creature's burnt corpse.

With one of his most steadfast tools retrieved, he flourished it, twirling it until any blood or spit was off it. The subsequent wind removed some from his armor as well. Undoubtedly, he'd have to clean it later.

"So that's it then?" He says as he looks around. "Praise be to the goddess Minerva." A small prayer to his god was the first on his list. But it was far from the only thing he had to thank. He took a moment to gather what he'd like to say and then simply let it flow.

"I'd like to thank you all." His hand motions about. "Izaru, for your keen eye and arcane knowledge, valuable arcane knowledge and support. You provided many pieces to the puzzle." He motioned to Nox. "Nox, for your power, experience, and focus. You ultimately were the largest contributor to the party's safety." He motioned to Kite. "Kite for your curious nature, righteous determination, and creativity. Perhaps you were new, but you performed admirably. It was you, after all, who shut the beast up." Something he remembered in retrospect when the battle had calmed down.

"You as well, Guiseppe. You are pretty brave. For a merchant. The bravest I've met so far." There still existed a faint degree of memory towards the information of the manor. Many mysteries still yet remained concerning the place. Such as whether or not the information was hidden or what the purpose of this mansion was. However, Marcus' ultimate objective was, and had always been throughout the mission, to preserve the team. With everyone standing before him alive and well. Not only this, but the old man had fought alongside them to contribute to such. He could have run, and Marcus wouldn't have blamed him at all.

Thus, it was that his mind was set at ease. In spite of the shock at the horrors he'd witnessed..., he felt content to leave the questions unanswered. It was to be left in the hand of someone else. The chimeric conduit compressed until it was a stick and was slid onto his hip. He rested his armor-piercing spear upon his shoulder.

"I will await you all in the lobby, just in case. After which, it seems a cart ride back awaits." He left to go walk up the stairs. With the waning of adrenaline, his body ached from the increased exertion. But it was a pleasant ache brought about by growth and development.

If he remained alive and free, he'd surely travel back to his homeland in the Empire stronger than before and with newfound goals. Given the horrifying creature he'd met reminding him of his own mortality, it seemed he'd need to work on his mind as well as his body for whatever lay ahead.
Kite Vanzanth

Kite withdrew his speed and moved away from the beast as it burst into flames, covering his mouth and eyes to shield from any ash or vicera. As the creature finally passed from this world his knelt to the ground and started to pant, his muscles screaming from overexertion in the recent battle. The silence was a welcome one after all that had transpired, and he took a moment to shut his eyes and regain his center.

The memories that were brought to the surface had faded just a little and felt more like a dream, but he held onto them in his mind as hard as he could. The face of his wife lingered in his memories. He watched as the others recovered in their own way or searched around the room, giving Martin a thumbs up from his position on the floor. “I may not know you well, but I count all of you among my friends from now on. We have done great work here, and no one died."


Nox stood silently for a moment, watching as the last remnants of the abomination smoldered and faded into nothingness. The ethereal blue flames she had conjured had done their work well, leaving no trace of the creature's vile existence. She sheathed her katana with a fluid motion, its surface now pristine despite the fierce battle it had just endured.

Turning to face the group, she took in their expressions—exhaustion, relief, and a sense of grim satisfaction. Guiseppe's words of gratitude washed over her, and she nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes softening slightly.

"Though It was a necessary battle," Nox said, her voice calm and resolute. "I am glad we could put an end to this monstrosity and bring some measure of peace to this place."

She glanced at Marcus, Kite, and Izuru, each of them having played a crucial role in the fight. "You all fought well. Our combined efforts were what led to our success."

Then, her gaze returned to Guiseppe. "I'm pleased we could help you rid this estate of its dark inheritance. Your evaluation and report will be appreciated."

Nox paused, taking a deep breath, the lingering tension in her muscles slowly dissipating. "Now, let us leave this cursed place. We all need rest, and some distance from the horrors we've faced here."

With a final nod to the group, Nox turned towards the exit, ready to lead them out of the basement and away from the remnants of their grim encounter. The silent corridors of the manor awaited, but this time, they would walk through them with the knowledge that the darkness had been vanquished, at least for now.

Time: Morning
saxon saxon | Azusa
Uasal Uasal | Nox
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | Izuru
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Maverick Six Maverick Six | Marcus

As soon as the group walked past the threshold between the foyer of the manor and its front gardens, there was a stark contrast. From the previous oppressive ambiance of that place to the gentle breeze which blew outside. The hustle of leaves could be heard, along with the chirping of birds. It was almost as if the whole experience had just been a terrible nightmare to some, however, that had been reality. A grim one at that.

The covered wagon was still waiting for the group, the driver waiting outside of it with crossed arms, having no idea what had just transpired inside those brick walls. From the outside, the place kept its cold, faded beauty. And, after the vehicle began to move, its image kept getting smaller and smaller on the horizon, until it disappeared. Soon enough, all of them would be back at Ryken, with the task being successfully completed with flying colors. As Guiseppe reported back, the actions of every member of the party, the guild representative heard nothing but praise coming from the old merchant.

Curiously enough, the Chimeric Conduits became nothing more than pieces of wood as soon as the merchant and the group parted ways. It looks like the human hid a lot underneath his veneer.

All characters:
Faction relationship Ryke Adventurer's Guild F (or upgrade if they already possess a grade in it) OR Ryke Merchant's Guild F (or upgrade if they already possess a grade in it)
Abomination Vanquisher: This character has successfully fought against an abomination. Others will often defer to them for leadership and guidance if they are fighting a similar creature.
Isekai Hell Grade

Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal saxon saxon Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Elias Wren Elias Wren Maverick Six Maverick Six

Too bad saxon was a slacker but everyone else did well. Nice use of maps to keep people from aoe'ing each other indoors. Way to go all out on combat, but it was apparent combats where a big chunk of the rp as a consequence. Nice little investigation elements to round it out though.




All characters may choose one of the following unless partial participant or already assigned something:
1. optional title/asset acquired [Ryke Adventurer's Guild F] - gain perks befitting the faction and grade
2. optional title/asset acquired [Ryke Merchant's Guild F]- gain perks befitting the faction and grade
3. optional title/asset acquired [Abomination Fighter] - fought a horror from beyond and lived to tell about it. More likely to withstand the terror of abominations encountered in the future.

Maxxob - 32pts

Nox - 60pts
Optional title/Asset acquired [Ryke Merchant Guild E] - character has good relationship with the ryke merchant's guild and can be reliably asked to accomplish basic tasks and objectives for the guild.
optional title/asset acquired [Abomination Fighter] - fought a horror from beyond and lived to tell about it. More likely to withstand the terror of abominations encountered in the future.

Izuru - 41pts
(you added suggested rewards prior to grading. Please correct your sheet and only choose one)

Kite Vanzanth - 36pts

Marcus Banecroft - 64pts

partial participants (not entitled to titles)

Azusa - 16pts

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