Spoiled Bread
The Lord of the Uneaten
This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting.
A rather seemingly easy job with relatively good pay had been posted on Ryken's adventurer guild. The mission is simply to escort the clients through the nearby dungeon. No specified monster to subjugate, no particular loot to look for. Just adventuring for the sake of adventuring. What can go wrong?
Annellnus Gilgramfried
Meredy Cainbell
Spoiled Bread
It was already half way into the afternoon when the three adventurers were told to wait in a room until their clients arrived. Spacious yet barebones, there's not much stuffs inside the room beside a couple of long benches, a few chairs and a long desk between them. The room was mostly reserved by people who need some secrecy for one reason or another. Fortunately it didn't take a long time before two cloaked figures entered the room. One was a young girl wearing a bold red cloak with similar red hair peeking out from the side of her hood while the other was an young boy, younger than the girl, he's wearing a dulled brown cloak as if he didn't want to draw attention to himself. The boy's hair was a tad lighter tone of red compared to the girl but both of them had equally dark blue eyes.
"Good afternoon, adventurers. I am Meredy, and this is my brother Damian. We will be your clients for the mission." The girl introduced both of them, her eyes scanned the adventurers one by one, staring at their eyes as she scrutinized them silently before taking her seat on one of the chair. Her tone gave a slight impression that she didn't actually want to be here in the first place.
"H-hello... P-pleasure to meet you all." Breaking his silence, the boy sounded rather nervous when he tried to greet the adventurers. His eyes wandered at the adventurers but he actively avoiding eye contact with any of them, especially Baharius. "W-we will be in your care."
"My brother want to try some adventuring, so we will go into the Shallowgrave dungeon a few miles south. Your job is to make sure no harm is done to my brother, understood?" Despite the rather ominous name the Shallowgrave dungeon was considered one of the safest dungeon around, its close enough to the city so rescue attempt cold be done quickly if the needs arise and the monster that spawned within its depth were consistently pruned by passing adventurers, making it a relatively safe place for any budding adventurer or fighter to practice their skills.
"B-before we go, can you please tell me a bit about yourself? At least the name?" The boy seemed eager to go, but he also seemed eager to know the other member of the party he would go with, he even pulled a small notebook and a pencil to boot. Ready to jot down interesting details about the adventurers.
A rather seemingly easy job with relatively good pay had been posted on Ryken's adventurer guild. The mission is simply to escort the clients through the nearby dungeon. No specified monster to subjugate, no particular loot to look for. Just adventuring for the sake of adventuring. What can go wrong?

Annellnus Gilgramfried


Meredy Cainbell

It was already half way into the afternoon when the three adventurers were told to wait in a room until their clients arrived. Spacious yet barebones, there's not much stuffs inside the room beside a couple of long benches, a few chairs and a long desk between them. The room was mostly reserved by people who need some secrecy for one reason or another. Fortunately it didn't take a long time before two cloaked figures entered the room. One was a young girl wearing a bold red cloak with similar red hair peeking out from the side of her hood while the other was an young boy, younger than the girl, he's wearing a dulled brown cloak as if he didn't want to draw attention to himself. The boy's hair was a tad lighter tone of red compared to the girl but both of them had equally dark blue eyes.
"Good afternoon, adventurers. I am Meredy, and this is my brother Damian. We will be your clients for the mission." The girl introduced both of them, her eyes scanned the adventurers one by one, staring at their eyes as she scrutinized them silently before taking her seat on one of the chair. Her tone gave a slight impression that she didn't actually want to be here in the first place.
"H-hello... P-pleasure to meet you all." Breaking his silence, the boy sounded rather nervous when he tried to greet the adventurers. His eyes wandered at the adventurers but he actively avoiding eye contact with any of them, especially Baharius. "W-we will be in your care."
"My brother want to try some adventuring, so we will go into the Shallowgrave dungeon a few miles south. Your job is to make sure no harm is done to my brother, understood?" Despite the rather ominous name the Shallowgrave dungeon was considered one of the safest dungeon around, its close enough to the city so rescue attempt cold be done quickly if the needs arise and the monster that spawned within its depth were consistently pruned by passing adventurers, making it a relatively safe place for any budding adventurer or fighter to practice their skills.
"B-before we go, can you please tell me a bit about yourself? At least the name?" The boy seemed eager to go, but he also seemed eager to know the other member of the party he would go with, he even pulled a small notebook and a pencil to boot. Ready to jot down interesting details about the adventurers.
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