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Graded [Ryke - Ryken Outskirts] Who's the Lorax?


The Swiftest Shot In The West
Who's the Lorax?

In the bustling heart of Ryken, the capital of Ryke, the adventurers' guild was a hive of activity. The clang of mugs, the murmur of conversations, and the occasional outburst of laughter filled the air. Amidst this cacophony, a striking young woman sat alone at a corner table, her focus entirely absorbed by the parchment spread out before her.

Dée, a blacksmith by trade and a visionary at heart, was sketching a blueprint with meticulous precision. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a practical yet fiery ponytail, and a pair of protective goggles rested atop her head. Dressed in a practical yet distinctive outfit that combined elements of a blacksmith's apron with the functionality of an adventurer's gear, she exuded both strength and creativity. Her hand moved deftly, the charcoal pencil tracing lines that outlined a burgeoning dream. She had recently purchased a plot of land on the outskirts of the city, a small piece of the world where she envisioned a thriving forestry project. This land would supply her with the raw materials she needed and symbolize the rebirth of her family's legacy.

A few days prior, she had put out a request at the guild. The task was straightforward: accompany her to the outskirts of Ryken, help clear the land of any lurking monsters, and prepare it for the forestry project. Now, she sat waiting for those who had chosen to accept her call.

As she waited, Dée’s mind wandered to her plans. The sketch depicted neat rows of saplings, a small cabin for storage, and a forge where she could meld the raw elements of nature into works of art. She imagined the rhythmic sound of hammers on anvils, the scent of fresh wood mingling with the sharp tang of metal. It was a vision that melded her past with her future, a fusion of her heritage and her aspirations.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the creak of the guild door opening. She glanced up, her deep green eyes scanning the room for any sign of those who had answered her request. Dée was a striking figure, her toned arms a testament to years of wielding a hammer, and her entire demeanor radiated determination and resilience.

As she waited, her fingers continued to sketch, the blueprint growing more detailed with each passing moment. The noise of the guild faded into the background, her focus returning to the task at hand. Dée’s heart thrummed with a mixture of anxiety and excitement. This was the first step towards her new beginning, a chance to forge a future that honored her past.

The door creaked open again, and this time, Dée spotted a group of adventurers making their way towards her. She put down her pencil and straightened up, her eyes meeting theirs with a mixture of hope and resolve. Today marked the start of a new chapter, and she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Judas T. Priest
Judas entered the guild hall, his dark look making him a stand out figure in the room, though he didn't particularly care about it in the slightest. The other thing that caught some of the more timid adventurers sight was the beast that entered with him. Grudges were widely considered a dangerous species. Even among the beasts that called the world home. They had been recently causing quite a bit of mess around the continent, but to most, the lesser grudge was not a real threat. This one in particular seemed so docile. It strode in on all fours, snarling and sniffing about, but staying firmly at his masters side.

As it took its time taking in the area, so too did the tall man that brought it. His black eyes moving till they landed upon the woman he was here to meet. This job was his start. The starting point to his purpose is life. Ever since he had discovered the return of the Grudge species, he had been working tirelessly to help preserve this wonder of cryptozoology. This species was myth until they were uncovered so recently. They were a violent species, but as his gaze moved down to the grudge that
was now pushing its face up into his palm, begging for affection. They weren't entirely savage. This species could learn and work in a group better than most modern species. They were more than what monsters they were made to be. Now he would work to save them from hunting. He wouldn't let they be wiped out again.

As he moved towards the woman, grudge striding alongside him, he thought over this job. Some grudges may be in those lands. He could find them and keep them safe. Helping out with the land development would be a wonderful way to make sure some of the monsters were taken care of properly. Despite his personal issues with the destruction of a habitat, the chance to save what he could was worth it.

The woman he stood in front of seemed capable. Strong and determined. He snapped his fingers, the grudge sitting dutifully at his side "You're the one that posted the land development job, yes?" Judas gave a nod, trying to figure out all he could from these interactions "Call me Judas. Cryptozoologist and tamer. This is Smudge." He clicked his tongue, the grudge offering a small growl as a response. A very well trained beast.
Koralia Ironjaw
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy

Having her had fun with the fair going on in a place at the south of Ryke, it was time to go back to work. With confidence exuding from her form, Koralia entered a place which she was already slightly familiar with: the Ryken Adventurer's Guild. The giantess was amused, as always, as some of the adventurers stayed clear from her bestial visage, probably with good reasons.

With narrowed eyes, akin to a predator, she looked at the notice board, scanning the available jobs. One of them caught her attention, since it wouldn't be that far from Ryken itself, which included the escorting of the client, clearing of the land and helping prepare it for a project. It seems to be quite straightforward, plus the logistics of it made it a no-brainer. Not only that: it seemed their employer would be waiting to meet those who accepted the job that very day. The shark thought herself to be lucky, very lucky.

Holding the massive Zweihänder with a single hand, Koralia turned around and directed herself to where the client would be expecting them, her thick and long shark tail swishing left and right with every step. Eventually, she would come to stop, seeing a very particularly-dressed woman sitting on a table. Not only that, there was already a man, dressed in black, along with some curious creature with him. The mercenary had never seen such a creature, yet her animal instincts made her bare the serrated teeth in a primal show of dominance. That only lasted for a moment, as her attention snapped back to the employer, the shark expression relaxing a few pegs. "I'm also here for the job, name's Koralia. Eager for sum tussle." Her tone was guttural and brash, the beast in her clearly more apparent than the usual beastkin.
Valen 'Val' Rerin

Mentions: Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Maxxob Maxxob

Valen strided into the guild, following varied group of figures inside. His eyes glancing over the other parties partaking in drink or discussing the posted jobs. He paid them little mind, as he already had a job in mind and a person to find. He slid his way around the tables and scurrying serving maids. Eventually making his way to the table of the red headed woman.

A simple cloak, a assortment of leather and cloth. Nothing seemed special about this adventurer.Honestly he looked like he had just awoken from a nap. His golden eyes glanced over to another table where drinks were being poured and he licked his lips. Yet drinking before work never went well. He knew that all too well.

He quickly took a seat at the table with a certain auburn woman seated and gave a grin. Staying a small distance away from the grudge and the shark warrior. Always good to keep distance with those that that can bite back..considerably. "I assume this is about the Forestry Job? "​
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Dée glanced up from her sketches as the imposing figure of Judas entered the guild hall. His dark demeanor immediately set him apart, but what truly caught the attention of the room was the beast at his side. The lesser grudge, a creature of recent notoriety, prowled alongside him, its eyes scanning the room with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. Dée's eyes met Judas's as he approached, her green eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and determination.

Judas stopped before her table, snapping his fingers to command the grudge to sit.The grudge, now introduced as Smudge, responded with a small growl, showing its obedience and training. Dée nodded curtly, appreciating the calm confidence Judas exuded. "Yeah, that's me," she replied, her voice steady but with an edge of impatience. "Dée. Good to have you on board. We could use your skills."

Before she could say more, another figure entered the guild hall, drawing the attention of several adventurers. Koralia, a towering giantess with a shark-like appearance, made her way towards Dée's table. The sight of her massive Zweihänder and swishing tail caused a ripple of murmurs among the onlookers. As Koralia approached, she bared her serrated teeth briefly, a primal display that was quickly replaced by a more relaxed expression.

Dée offered her a nod of acknowledgment, impressed by the formidable presence of the giantess. "Good to meet you, Koralia. We’ll need that strength of yours."

As Dée was about to continue, a third figure joined the group. Valen, an unassuming adventurer with golden eyes, made his way to the table. He took a seat at a respectful distance from both the grudge and Koralia, a cautious smile playing on his lips. Dée gave a brief nod, her eyes sharp and direct. "Yeah, it is. Name’s Dée. Thanks for showing up. This job ain't a walk in the park, so I hope you’re ready."

She gestured to the blueprint on the table, showing them her vision. "This land will provide the materials I need for my blacksmithing. It's not just about clearing the land; it's about creating something lasting and beneficial for the future.". She looked at each of them in turn, her gaze intense. "This task won't be easy, but with your skills, I believe we can get it done. Let's move out and get started. Time to turn this vision into reality."

With that, Dée gathered her things, ready to lead her diverse and capable team toward the new chapter of her life. She moved with purpose, her demeanour gruff yet determined, embodying the strength and resilience that had carried her this far.


The journey to the plot of land had been long, but the group finally emerged from the dense forest onto the clearing that Dée had purchased. She set down her heavy bag of gear with a satisfied grunt and surveyed the area. Tall trees stretched towards the sky, their thick canopies casting dappled shadows over the forest floor. Bushes and undergrowth sprawled unchecked, creating a tangled mess of vegetation that would need to be cleared before any real work could begin.

Dée’s eyes glowed faintly as she inspected the plot, a holographic menu appearing in her vision that detailed the outline and dimensions of the land. She studied the menu for a moment, taking in the details and comparing them to the reality before her.

"Alright, here we are," Dée said, her voice carrying the same gruff edge that had become her trademark. "This place is a mess. We’ve got trees and bushes everywhere. Gonna take a lot of work to get it in shape."

She turned to the group, her green eyes sharp and commanding. "Before we start cutting anything down, we need to make sure there aren't any monsters lurking around. Judas, Koralia, Valen—spread out and scout the area. I don't want any surprises while we're working."

Dée watched them for a moment before turning her attention back to the land. The glowing menu in her vision provided a useful guide, outlining where the trees could be felled and where clearings could be made. She pulled out a set of tools from her bag, ready to start once the area was deemed safe.

"Be thorough," she called out to the adventurers. "I want every inch of this place checked. Once you’re done, come back here and we'll start planning the clearance. We need to make sure we do this right."

She glanced around again, the vision of what this plot could become clear in her mind. It was more than just a piece of land—it was the foundation of her future, a symbol of her determination to rebuild and thrive. And with this team, she felt a glimmer of hope that they could achieve it together.

Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Maxxob Maxxob EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy

You are free to kill F grade monsters in your post. Highlight how you might have explored and cleared the area of threat. Or how you might not have ran into any threats.​
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Dée's comment of Koralia's strength earned a very pleased hum and nod from the shark. If there was one thing which the mercenary was proud of was her physical capabilities, even though she knew that she lacked technique at the moment. And, with another one joining them, the beast-woman chuckled lightly as the man decided to keep a reasonable distance from her. It meant that she gave off exactly the aura which she wanted to. Or, at least, that is what she thought.

When the client pointed at the blueprint on the table, Koralia approached with her usual heavy steps. Leaning her forward, she would peer into the papers with predatory eyes. While she couldn't get the specifics of what was sketched upon the parchment, Dée's explanation unraveled what the blueprints were for. "Blacksmithin'? I gotto hand it to ya, first I liked this job 'cus of the pay, now also 'cus your trade." The mercenary said with a friendly grin tugging on the corners of her mouth. Blacksmithing was one of the few non-combat professions she respected. She was curious about what sort of tools for war her employer could. And, as excitement started to bubble inside of her, the shark redirected it to the task at hand.

In every step of the way until the plot, the thick tail kept swishing from side-to-side, plated sabatons crushed twigs when the group approached the sea of green. While Koralia was an aquatic beast, the forest brought her a sense of familiarity. It was a scenery she was used to, making her feel at home. Yet, Ryke itself was not all that familiar to her, the bestial nature made her senses to remain sharp.

The Dée stopped to survey the land, Koralia also came to a full stop, flourishing and sinking her sword tip first into the soil, so she could have her hands free. Crossing her arms under her ample bosom, she listened to the blacksmith, nodding as she mentioned the amount of work that would be necessary to make the place useful.
"We will get dis place sorted out in no time!" Her voice was confident as ever, rearing to get cracking.

But before that, it seemed that there would be an even more interesting task for the group. The one Koralia lived for, the one she yearned: elimination. With the orders of scouting the place and dealing with whatever monsters they find in place, a vicious expression began to appear in the shark's face. "Gotcha, chief! Dis will be fun..." With her muscles tensing, her hand grasped the handle of the sword and pulled out of the ground as if removing from an enemy. Turning towards both Judas and Valen, she offered them with a low tone. "If ya run into something ya can't handle, give a holler." With those words, she shot a glance towards Judas' unique 'pet', before turning around and walking away, ready for the hunt like an animal.

As Koralia traversed through the woods, she did little to make her presence hidden. Much on the contrary: her steps were heavy, from time to time slamming a closed fist against the bark of a tree to reveal her position. Every action was to attract whatever could be lurking amongst the vegetation to her. And, eventually, her brash and bold actions bore fruit.

After walking through two tall, thick trees, the shark would pick up on the sound of two distinct footsteps. Turning towards the direction of the sound, she could see two very short goblinoids. The small monsters barely had 3ft each and their form quite thin. Both were armed with rusted daggers, which would make one wonder if it was able to pierce or cut properly. No armor could be found on them, only ragged cloths covering their bodies. In addition, the creatures didn't seem that smart, as, despite the massive differences between them and Koralia, they seemed to be eager for a fight.

At the sight of it, a battle-fueled growl erupted from the mercenary's throat, ready to rid these pitiful creatures from existence. Even more dangerously, hunger reared its ugly head, making her stomach grumble. This was the perfect opportunity for fun and a meal. Without wasting the opportunity, Koralia charged towards the creatures, each time her metallic sound echoing each time her sabatons hit against the earthy ground. As she got close enough, the shark raised her arm, which held the serrated Zweihänder, bringing it down at full force against the first one. There was no grace, no technique to the attack, only brute, primal force.

The little green-skinned goblinoid brought his dagger up in a futile attempt to block the incoming attack. The momentum of the massive sword shattered the small blade in half, before connecting to the cranium of the monster, travelling all the way to the ground. It sliced through it like a hot knife against butter, severing the creature in two halves. With blood and innards now decorating the earth of that part of the forest, the gruesome sight, along with the metallic smell, just enticed Koralia's bestial instincts even further. Bearing her serrated teeth, her hunger was reaching a new level, as her breathing became more pronounced.

Meanwhile, the other little goblinoid didn't seem to show fear and flee. Or perhaps driven by a desire of revenge, it decided to take the opportunity and lunge himself towards the shark, bearing his dagger forward in a stabbing motion. Sidestepping the attempt, Koralia used her freehand to grab the shoulder which was connected to the arm which held the knife. Applying enough strength to it, jerking it upwards, the shark managed to dislocate the arm out of the socket, making the goblinoid shriek in pain and drop knife.

Lifting the creature off the ground, the mercenary looked at it with a vile expression directly into its face, her gaze burning into his, before opening her mouth, revealing the rows of serrated teeth. And then, in the next moment, the was no more screaming, only the sound of crunching and flesh being ripped away. Blood escaped the corners of her mouth as she chewed on the creature, staining her clothing slightly. The goblinoid didn't have a particularly good taste, tangy and citric, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

With deliberate slowness, each mouthful was chewed until only a paste-like substance was left in Koralia's mouth, which prompted her to swallow and take another bite out of the creature. At the end of the meal, she was visibly full, letting out a long, exasperated sigh of satisfaction. Running her tongue through her teeth a few times, she used her colored sleeve to wipe off the blood from her mouth. Spending a moment longer to look at the fallen goblinoid cut in half, she mused for a moment if she should wrap the creature for a snack later on, but decided against it. She would rather taste something different when hunger poked at her again.

When she felt comfortable enough to walk, she began walking once more, scouting, but didn't seem to notice any more creatures in the area she was searching. With that, Koralia made her way back to her employer, an expression of satisfaction and calmer bestial intent across her features. Holding back a burp before speaking, her azure eyes fell on Dée. "Done with the area I was checkin'. Wonder if the other two are alright..." Koralia mused, her tail swishing from one side to the other, showing her happiness of having had some exercise and food.
Valen 'Val' Rerin

Mentions: Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Maxxob Maxxob

Valen tilted his head and scooted across the bench to get a better look at the blueprint. His eyes scanning over it slowly, until his curiosity was sated and he scooted back away. His eyes wandered over the guild as Dee explained herself briefly. Meeting her gaze, Valen hummed and nodded his head at her. "To the future then" He said in the face of such passion, with a grin on his lips. "Then let us be off, the more light we have to work with the better." He drummed his hands on the table and rose. Following the others into the wilds and green canopy of the forest. As he walked with them he stayed mostly to the rear at a moderate pace. His pack burdened and filled with supplies. The occasional click of metal as they moved. His eyes scanned over the trees with a small smile. He seemed to be carefree, and his mind in a state of mindfulness as they made their way through the forests. Every now and then eyeing the grudge with a frown as it got close to him. "Your pet is..quite curious." He would comment to Judas as they walked.

As they finally made their way to a clearing, Valen slowed his pace and stopped at the thud of Dee's upplies hitting the ground. He looked around gazing over the land and taking a deep breath before setting down his bag and stretching. He turned and listened to Dee as she ordered them around. He raised a eyebrow as she gruffly gave orders and nodded his head when she was finished. He glanced at the loud boisterous Ironjaw and chuckled before looking at Dee and pointing at the large departing warrior "..What she said."

Yet Valen did not immediately wander off. He knelt and went through his gear. Taking out a few canteens and setting them in the open, while keeping one in hand. He uncorked it and took a few gulps, giving a sigh and wiping at his face as he finished. He then said in a clear and louder tone "Water here. We will need our energy for the long day." His eyes looked over everyone and he then said "Do not venture far." He then turned and walked away the memory of the blueprints in his mind.

Valen's eyes scanned over the land, the trees. It was a untamed mess. Yet it was a splendid sight to him. He started to take notes of where heavy vegetation was and would be difficult to remove. Small rocky outcroppings that they would they have to avoid. He would frown at the amount of roots that would snake along the ground like snakes. Truly a untamed area and untouched by others it seems. No trees with strange markings, the occasional large animal print. Yet nothing concerning to him. He moved deftly, eventually coming to a small pool filled with water where some ducks were bathing. Valen would grin and reach into his pack breaking apart a ration..and tossing some bits of bread to the ducks..A mistake as he was quickly swarmed. He gave a few laughs as he watched them peck at the food and his boots...until the faint sound of a roar far off. The ducks would scamper away off as mam duck honks at them. Valen would frown as he whipped his head towards the sound until it was gone. He hummed and stood still but heard nothing more. His eyes narrowed but he continued his scouting. Whatever had roared was not near..and he would not risk venturing too far from the group. . He soon returned to the clearing seeing the large warrior. He said from behind her as he walked up. "I live, no need to fear. Though did hear something faint. Like a roar..but it was far off." He would give a grin and then say "The land is rather untamed, and signs of some large creatures but I saw nothing."

Judas T. Priest
Judas didn't really speak much. He kept his eyes on the target he needed to look at it, took in all the information he needed and simply nodded along. It was clear he was a man of few words, but the question was if he backed his style up with action.

During the entire explanation and the entire trip to the land, he kept his mouth shut. He took in all the information he could possibly gather, watching as smudge trotted happily outside the cart. He needed to make sure that that little Grudge got his exercise. Not to mention, most of them were very uncomfortable inside carts. Once at the designated spot, he took note of where his position was and his area to clear. It was very intense how he stared at the map. He took in every geographical point that he could remember in his area. Taking in all the information that he could get from the map before snapping his fingers. Smudge, right on cue, took off towards the area. Judas following close at hand.

Judas divided his own area up into a grid, searching it piece by piece. Of course, he let smudge do most of the groundwork. The Grudge taking delight in prancing throughout the brush. Both of them taking extreme caution with what they were looking at. They didn't know anything about these woods, but it was a pretty underdeveloped place, so any manner of monster could be in there. After they made made a thorough search of one area, they would move on to another.

They found a few goblin, easily dispatched. Judas managed to punch one to death, to which smudge gladly partook in a meal. As they sat, Grudge violently ripping into a goblin, another attempted to sneak attack Judas while he was waiting. However, smudge immediately jumped into action, leaping past the one he called master into an explosive rage as he defended his master. It wasn't long before smudge came back, dead goblin in his jaws and continued to eat. Judas walked over and gave the feasting little creature a pat on the head. The Grudge seemed content with it, only allowing Judas to touch while he ate.

They continue pretty uneventfully for the rest of the area. Of course, Judas took note of some Grudge tracks. It was a good sign. Not so much for development, but maybe he could rescue a few grudges from being killed. He took a little bit longer getting back, following the tracks as best as he could to see if he could find The hideaway. Maybe get a count of how many were in this group. Once he had gathered all this information, he returned to the group he was a part of. Smudge faithfully at his side "Our area is also clear. A few goblins. Maybe a few more like Smudge, but I'll look into that later." He took a quill and marked very specific spots "These spots here seem to be a popular area for them. Usually, much like humans, a grudge will find a location and regularly return there if it contains something they need. As such, do your best to avoid these areas until I can figure out where these grudges are. One Grudge might not be too frightening, but an entire group is something to be wary of."

Dée took in the group's reports, her eyes glowing faintly as she processed the data. The holographic menu still flickered in her vision, outlining the plot with detailed precision. She set down her gear with a heavy thud, the weight of her tools indicating she was ready to get to work as soon as the area was secure.

Her eyes narrowed as she inspected the land before them, thick with trees and bushes, overgrown and untamed. She took a deep breath, savoring the smell of the forest and the challenge it presented. "Good job, all of you," she said, her voice gruff and commanding. "Sounds like the place is mostly clear, but we'll keep an eye out for more goblins and any other nasties that might be lurking."

She turned to Koralia first, noting the blood staining the shark-woman's mouth and clothing. "Koralia, good work taking out those goblins. Keep that energy up, but save some for when we really need it." Her tone was approving, yet firm, ensuring that the mercenary didn't overextend herself.

Then she faced Valen, her eyes softening slightly. "Valen, sounds like you found some interesting spots. We'll need to map out those areas you mentioned and avoid any potential trouble. Keep your ears open for that roar. If it gets closer, we'll need to be ready."

Finally, her gaze landed on Judas and his grudge. "We can't afford to lose any more of these creatures, but we also can't have them interfering with the development. We'll need a plan to relocate them if necessary."

With a final look at the group, she stepped forward and activated the holographic menu fully, mapping the areas outline to the map she had brought. "Alright, here's the layout," she said, pointing at various spots on the map. "We'll start by clearing the area first. Valen, you will take the northwestern corner. Koralia, you handle the southwest. Judas, you and Smudge take the southeast. Keep an eye out for any more monsters, and don't hesitate to call for backup if you need it. And remember, we're clearing the area so your cuts needn't be clean. I doubt this wood is of much value anyway given its age"

She took another deep breath, the menu flickering as she focused on the task ahead. "Let's get to work."

Dée moved purposefully to the northeast corner of the plot, her eyes flickering with determination. She set her gear bag down with a thud and pulled out her trusty axe, the metal gleaming in the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. She took a moment to assess the area, noting the density of the underbrush and the thickness of the trees. [Gear E - Wood and Plant Development Bundle].

With a grunt, she swung the axe over her shoulder and started on the first tree. Her movements were precise and powerful, each swing of the axe biting deep into the wood. She had developed a rhythm over the years, a steady cadence that allowed her to make quick work of even the most stubborn trees. The sound of the axe hitting the wood echoed through the forest, a testament to her strength and skill. [Logging E]

As she worked, she kept an eye on her surroundings, the glowing menu in her vision providing constant updates on the layout of the plot. She methodically cleared the trees in her section, chopping them down and then cutting them into manageable pieces. She stacked the logs neatly to the side, ensuring they would be easy to transport later.

Dée paused occasionally to wipe the sweat from her brow and take a sip of water. She listened to the sounds of the forest, alert for any sign of trouble. She knew the others were out there, doing their part, and she trusted them to handle any threats that might arise. Still, she remained vigilant, her senses attuned to the slightest disturbance.

Once the larger trees were down, she turned her attention to the underbrush. She used her axe to clear away the thick bushes and smaller trees, creating a clear and open space. Her movements were swift and efficient, a testament to her experience and dedication. She worked tirelessly, her muscles straining with the effort but never faltering. [Vitality B]

As she cleared the last of the underbrush, she took a step back and surveyed her work. The northeast corner of the plot was now open and ready for development. She felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

With the area cleared, Dée took a moment to rest, leaning against a nearby tree and catching her breath. She glanced at the holographic menu, ensuring that everything was in order. Satisfied, she picked up her axe and headed back to the central area to check on the others and see what needed to be done next.

Just like last time feel free to clear your areas as you see fit using relevant skills and abilities. Fail if you like. Even run into another monster if you dare. However, note that any monsters above F grade will require an actual narrated fight between myself and your character, in which case you may message me privately and I'll play the role of monster in you post.

EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Maxxob Maxxob
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Judas T. Priest
Judas took in the information while wiping the blood from the maw of Smudge. It was amazing to see such care coming from a person that showed so little emotion cared so deeply for this creature. Most would see them and run. They had a violent, all be it sparce, reputation, but the way the man looked as he cleaned his excitable little grudge made them almost seem like pets. Despite this Judas knew that he was trained. He studied for years to master the art of taming these beasts. Normal people should not be trying to interact with them. Only those trained should ever be approached. It was part of the reason he wanted to protect them. As he wiped more blood from the obviously chipper little monster. For the first time, a little smile came to his face as Smudge scampered off and began pouncing after a few butterflies.

Judas took a look at the map, back to his normal emotionless and cool head. After hearing her out he grabbed an axe and some other things. He then looked over to where he was assigned "Smudge."

The Grudge popped its head up, then began bounding over to its master's side. Judas pointed towards the area they were heading towards, and the grudge took immediate action. It dashed into the brush. Judas had trained them to take action against any perceived threat against him. The grudge was skillful. Hiding in wait, but never too far from his master's side.

Judas began his task by first taking out all the brush. This part was the easiest, but after the brush was cleared, he noticed that Smudge had been hard at work. He located a few bodies of wolves. At least five that had all been piled neatly. Judas knew this was the grudge way of stockpiling, so he left it alone for now.

After the brush was clear, Smudge took his place in the trees, still attempting to keep Judas safe. Judas started by recognizing that he was not the best for taking down all these trees. He took the time to mark the trees he knew he would have trouble with and just focused on the ones he knew he could get down.

After a few hours he stopped. Smudge was on edge and for good reason. Just ahead of them were two lesser Grudges. Both sick and spindly looking. He dropped the axe and immediately lowered himself. He watched as the larger one took a defensive position in front of the other, Smudge jumping down and growling back and Judas' side. Judas calmed the situation by placing his hand on his Grudge's head.

Taking in the information he could tell these two were in rough shape. He guessed they were pushed out of their original clan. Grudges were social beings at heart that lived in family groups. They weren't built for such small groups. It made him feel bad for his own grudges. The only two tamed he had, and he knew they needed more family. He slowly approached in his crouching stance. The grudges were hesitant but let him approach to about 15 feet. When he noticed the aggression coming from them increase, he stopped and held his hand out. In his hand was the dried meat strips he gave his grudges as a treat. Smudge was at his side, ready for a fight. Judas smiled at the two, noticing the smaller one was injured "Stay calm. I'm not here to hurt you. I want to help."

[Tamer Skill- Grade F]
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Hearing the steps behind her, Koralia turned around, seeing the approaching Valen. "Roarin', huh? That sounds pretty fun..." Smirking slightly, her tone was a bit lethargic, thanks to all the food she was digesting at rapid-rate. "My snack shrieked a bit, but I guess ya heard sumthin' else." She wondered for a moment what sort of creature the man had heard. Then she would turn towards the man dressed in black, which was accompanied by the exotic creature. With the possibility of having more of them around, a singular thought passed through the shark's mind: how did they taste like? However, even if she had the opportunity, she knew she wouldn't be able to eat so soon.

Moving her sword towards the ground, she cleared the excess of blood on it, her attention was once again back on her employer. "Thanks, chief. Will be keepin' my strength ready." She answered Dée, as she began rotating the shoulder of her free-arm, ready for the next part of the job. The shark eyes narrowed slightly as she at the map, taking in what part of the plot she would be working in. With her tail moving left and right against the ground, moving leaves around, she focused on the area which had been designated to her. "Time to get crackin'" Cracking her knuckles by forcing her hand closed shut, Koralia began walking towards southwest area.

With heavy steps once more, not even bothering to try to conceal her presence, she would finally arrive. The area had quite a few trees, but none of them were too thick. Approaching one of the trees, she first tried to use brute strength to simply 'push' it over. However, despite her force [Strength B], it seems that the roots gave it too much stability. With that, she changed her tactics.

Since their client mentioned that they could be cut in any manner, Koralia shifted her usual grip of the [Serrated Zweihänder C], grabbing it with both hands. Holding it as such, she swung at it, putting all her strength into it, hitting the side of the bark. As it connected, the blade was able to stick itself quite nicely into it. Following that, the mercenary began moving the sword back and forth, as if it was a makeshift saw, taking advantage of its serrated edges. It wasn't particularly an easy task, as she had two use both of her hands in a single point to keep the blade steady, applying force and counter-force at the same time.

Eventually, when she had cut it enough, the shark would push it to fell the tree in a direction that was clear. Every two trees, she had to take a small break, trying to not overt herself, as the last thing she wanted was to get surprised while tired. The more she repeated the felling of the trees, the more she got the hang of it. After sometime, when her stomach had finally ended up the digestion of her snack, the lethargy left her body and she was able to exert herself even further, becoming more efficient at it. [Enhanced Digestion]

Every swing made more droplets of sweat form around her face, but she wasn't bothered by it. When the last of the trees toppled over, Koralia let out a satisfied sight, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her colorful sleeve. She double-checked, seeing if she hadn't missed anything, taking the opportunity to get open the waterskin and begin to drink from it. The shark also poured some of it on her face, enjoying the coolness which it brought to her.

With her area properly prepared for Dée's plans, the mercenary returned to the central area, her sword resting against her shoulder. Seeing her employer already there, Koralia would stop a few feet from her. "All done, chief. What's next?"
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1702013459812.pngValen 'Val' Rerin

Mentions: Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Maxxob Maxxob

Valen soon was lounging against a rock as they all reported in. He would grin at their blue warrior and said "If that sounds fun to you, then by all means if whatever made it appears you may take the lead with how to deal with it." He chuckled yet internally, he felt a shiver as she spoke of her snack. He made a mental note to perhaps gives some of his rations to Koralia. Better to stay on her good side and not have her too hungry.

He rises as Judas speaks of grudges and nods his head as he looks at the map. "Don't need to tell me twice, you can handle all of that. Your the expert in these creatures.." He hums as he begins to make a few markins himself on the map and speaks to Dee as he does so "Interesting huh? Interesting spots seem like more work for us or just plain trouble. But well have to earn our coin somehow." He chuckles and says "These areas will be quite troublesome. Becareful of going here..some of the bushes there have a dew on them that can cause rashes..some of the flowers here their scent can cause you to become sleepy." He hums and sticks out his tongue as he looks at the map with narrowed eyes "Ground is rocky here, here,and a small pond here. Watch out for the quicksand there. It isn't that deep but still.

He nods his head and takes a step back as Dee takes the info. Valen watches her as her eyes scan the map. He tilted his head at Dee as she seemed to stare at the land and map alot, but he just put that to her vision of things to come. As Dee gave the final order he rose and got to it. He gathered a axe and blade for chopping and headed to his section. He gave a wave to Dee as she headed into her section of the north. As he would work he would sometimes make himself visible from afar. Just to show he was alive and working.

Valen took a moment to look around at his section. He unwrapped his cloak and started with the brush. Hacking through bushes and plants, clearing out the untamed vegetation. The sound of stems breaking, of branches falling filled the air. He huffed as he did so, not one for strength. Yet he was use to working in such tasks. Something mindless and just needed the proper touch. Good ole work with your hands. He even found a bush that had edible pears. He fancied himself a quick snack as he worked..eventually making good progress before getting to the trees. [Agriculture E]

It was a tiring task as he focused on the trees. Leaving the very large ones alone, as he knew his limits. As he did so he would pauses as a few trees had markings. Claw marks that could be seen going up the tree. "..Something large has been climbing these. That is..concerning." He hums and looks up into the canopy. His eyes slowly scanning. [Investigation F]

He would do what he could, not the best work. He never was much the physical type. He made his way back to the others nonetheless and as he approached he tossed a pear at Dee "Spoils of your land." He then sets a sack on the ground and unfurls it to show a few more pears. incase anyone needed a snack. "I saw claw marks on trees. Like something large was climbing them. Seems like we could be intruding on something's territory."
Just as she finished packing her gear, Valen and Koralia emerged from the forest, their figures materializing through the green haze. Dée's gaze shifted immediately to Judas's area, noting his absence. She hadn't heard any screams or sounds of struggle from his direction, so she wasn't overly concerned. Judas was either taking his time or had gotten sidetracked with something that caught his interest—likely that odd creature of his.

Valen tossed her a pear as he approached, and she caught it with a swift, practiced motion. She glanced at it, noting the fresh, vibrant color, and placed it gently beside her gear bag with a soft sigh.

"Thank you," she said, her voice steady and gruff. "But I do hope you removed the source of this fruit at the root. It's not an orchard I'm hoping to grow here."

Dée turned her attention to Koralia, who was exuding a satisfied and somewhat predatory aura. She couldn't help but smirk inwardly at the shark warrior's enthusiasm for the task. Her eyes scanned the cleared areas of both Valen and Koralia, mentally noting the progress they had made.

With a grunt, Dée hefted her axe onto her shoulder in a single fluid motion. The weight of it was familiar and comforting, a tool she had wielded countless times before. She took a step toward Valen's section, her eyes hardening with determination.

"Looks like you both did decently well," she said, her tone carrying a hint of gruff approval. "You guys can go help out Judas. I'll tidy up what you guys couldn't and then join you."

Without waiting for a response, Dée marched off toward Valen's area. She could already see the patches where underbrush still clung stubbornly to the soil, and the occasional tree that had been left standing. She was determined to make quick work of it, her logging skills honed to a razor's edge from years of practice. [Logging E] [Gear E - Wood and Plant Development Bundle]

As she reached Valen's section, she swung her axe with practiced precision, each strike calculated and efficient. The trees fell in quick succession, the sound of wood cracking and splitting echoing through the forest. She moved with a relentless rhythm, her focus unbroken. The underbrush was cleared away methodically, her axe slicing through the vegetation with ease.

Her mind was already on the next task, anticipating the work that lay ahead. The sooner she finished here, the sooner she could join the others and ensure that every part of the plot was cleared and ready for development. Dée was nothing if not thorough, and she wasn't about to let a single detail slip through the cracks.

With a final swing, she brought down the last of the trees in Valen's area, the heavy thud of its fall resonating in her bones. She took a step back, surveying her handiwork with a critical eye. Satisfied, she hoisted her axe onto her shoulder once more and turned toward Koralia's area ready to clear it too.​

The larger of the two lesser Grudges, with fur matted and patched, eyed Judas warily, a low growl emanating from its throat. Its spindly legs quivered slightly, betraying its frailty despite the defensive stance. The smaller one, visibly wounded and leaning against the larger for support, whimpered softly but did not look away.

The larger Grudge sniffed the air, catching the scent of the dried meat strips in Judas' outstretched hand. Its growl deepened for a moment, eyes narrowing with suspicion. The smaller Grudge let out a pained yelp, and the larger one glanced back with a worried expression, momentarily distracted from Judas. It quickly refocused, baring its teeth slightly.

Smudge growled back at them, his posture protective. The larger Grudge's growl softened, though its eyes never left Judas.

The larger one hesitated, its eyes darting between Judas, Smudge, and the food. Finally, it took a cautious step forward, sniffing the air again. The smaller Grudge whimpered, leaning more heavily against its companion.

With a low, reassuring rumble, the larger Grudge nudged the smaller one forward, encouraging it to move closer to the food. The smaller Grudge, limping and trembling, inched forward, eyes filled with pain and hunger. It sniffed the meat strips, then looked back at the larger Grudge, who gave a short, approving growl.

Slowly, the smaller Grudge began to eat, its movements cautious and wary. The larger Grudge watched closely, ready to react at any sign of danger.
Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Maxxob Maxxob EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Everything was going excellently in Koralia's eyes: the job was giving her a chance to practice manual labor outside fighting, as one would never know when that was going to be necessary, some fighting had been done, and she even got to satiate some of her more predatory and primal desires. On top of all, she was going to get paid for it. What a bountiful day it was!

Valen's comment earlier, about preferring that the shark led the charge in dealing with whatever big creature could possibly be prancing about, with addition of his latest reports of something climbing on trees, made the aquatic-humanoid eyes spark with a known glint. As she tried not to lose herself in the excitement for now, her attention fell upon Dée.

"Sure thing, boss." She said, already seeing the blacksmith's form becoming smaller as she walked away. The mercenary really appreciated the woman's direct manner, as exaggerated politeness and formality left a bad taste in her mouth, seeing those who use it as an attempt to lace it with lies and deception.

Turned to Valen, the shark opened a big grin, accompanied by narrowing eyes. "So, sumethin' big climbin' up the trees, eh? Maybe 'tis sumethin' I never ate before." Now, that Dée had walked off, Koralia let her excitement for combat fully show, the muscles on her traps flexing as the grip around the handle of the serrated Zweihänder tightened. "Was hopin' for a gorilla, but ya did say claw marks, right? Heh, guess sumethin' else then. Let's see what Judas got himself into." She began walking towards the area which had been designated to Judas, her mind half focused on the task, half focused on the possible dinner. While she certainly wasn't peckish, she would never miss a chance of tasting something new.

"So, you an adventurer or sumethin' else?" The shark would ask Valen, as her head turned left and right in almost predatory motions, seeing if she could catch whatever the man suspected to be there with her eyes. She would mimic her earlier actions, now stopping besides a stump of a tree which had been felled, hitting it with a closed left fist and trying to make as much noise as possible. While she waited for any result, she turned towards Valen again. "Imma a mercenary. Fightin', gettin' paid and eatin' preys. Not many other ways to eat constructs, fae, humans and beastkin without gettin' a prize on ya head, right?" Despite the horrible thing that she was saying, at least for someone normal, she didn't show any hostility towards Valen. In fact, her words had an almost humorous tone to it.

As she finally arrived at where Judas was, she started to watch his exchange with the two Grudges. Her stance began to shift, visibly, taking the form akin to an animal. At first, she couldn't exactly understand the interaction. She decided to keep herself a good distance from the man dressed in black, ready to pounce if things turned sour, a low, rumbling growl being emitted from her throat.

Judas T. Priest
Judas made sure not to move a muscle. Having spent his life studying these creatures, he knew this was a test. They had opened the door of trust, but one wrong move and they would close themselves off. He could feel the eyes of someone on him, but he couldn't worry about that now. The hope was they were smart enough to stay away so he could work. Nerves were still, breath calm as he watched the injured grudge eat, keeping a side eye on the larger one "Smudge, bring one."

The grudge growled a bit, keeping a keen eye on the larger of the strange members of its own species. The society of grudges there was one on top. The clan leader held all the power as the strongest. Taming placed Judas at the top of this hierarchy. He knew how they worked and what to do to ensure he stayed in control.

Soon Smudge arrived, carrying a freshly killed goblin corpse from the stockpile he was adding to earlier. With a hesitant posture Smudge approached the two. A tense moment filled the air as the larger of the strange Grudges growled with caution as Smudge placed the corpse at their feet. Smudge then backed up to his master's side, still growling at the other two as Judas pat his head for a reward. the larger grudge remained cautious, but the smell of fresh flesh was enough to slightly lower his guard as he began to tear into the fresh flesh.

As the guardian calmed, so did the injured one of the pair. When they both began to eat the fresh meat and Smudge Calmed, Judas knew he had earned the trust he needed. He remained slow and intentional with his movements to decrease unnecessary motions. His hands moved meticulously to go over the injured Grudges body.

'Thats not good.' Judas sighed as he continued to look over the creature 'Her ribs are fractured, and her hind leg is pulverized.' He went over his thoughts. He knew this would be rough, but he needed to reset all the bones in her foot and leg, then splint it before he had Smudge take them back to the farm. After a moment he stood up, allowing them all to eat. He pets Smudge "Look after them. I'll be back." Something akin to a purr escaped Smudge as he started eating with them. Judas walked off, leaving them to eat as he approached Dee, wiping his hands "I found those Grudges. There are only two and one is in pretty bad shape. I want to fix her up as much as I can before I have Smudge take them to my farm. Do you happen to have some medical wraps that I can fix her leg? That has to happen before I send them off."
Dée swung her axe with precision, the rhythm of her work meditative and grounding. Valen's area was clear now, the stubborn underbrush and remaining trees no match for her skilled logging. She was used to this, the repetitive motion, the satisfying crack of wood giving way. It was honest work, and she took pride in doing it well. The blacksmith in her understood the value of good materials, whether it was iron or timber.

She paused briefly, noting the return of Judas and Koralia. Dée hefted her axe onto her shoulder, giving a curt nod toward the two. But as Judas posed his question she couldn't help but sigh. Dée shook her head, her expression firm but understanding. "I don't have any medical supplies that would be of use to you, Judas. My skills lie in blacksmithing and logging, not in healing. Sorry, but that aside, our primary goal here is to clear the area, I can't have you wandering off to god knows where in search of herbs you can't identify. You've two options. Take the grudge and head back to the city in search of aid, or help it settle into it's death. I can't see any other alternatives." Dée gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder before turning her attention to Koralia's plot. She needed to finish clearing the area, and there was no time to waste.

She made her way to Koralia's section, her axe still resting comfortably on her shoulder. The first tree she approached was half cut, likely an unfinished task from the shark warrior. Dée set to work, swinging her axe with the same precision and force she had used before.

But as her axe struck the tree, a flash of green light erupted from the impact point, blinding her momentarily. Dée staggered back, her instincts on high alert. She gripped her axe tightly, still blind.​

As the green light dissipated, a figure began to take shape amidst the shimmering glow. Emerging from the ethereal radiance was a Dryad, a Protector of the forest. She stood tall and graceful, with skin that seemed to be woven from the very bark of the trees around her. Her hair flowed like cascading vines, adorned with delicate flowers that glowed faintly in the dim light. Her eyes, a deep and calming shade of green, radiated wisdom and tranquility.

Dée took a cautious step back, her grip on the axe tightening as she regarded the stunningly beautiful and serene being before her. The Dryad exuded an aura of ancient power, her presence commanding respect and awe.

"What is it that you think you're doing?" the Dryad's voice was melodious, carrying an undertone of gentle reprimand. Her gaze fixed on Dée, unyielding and penetrating.

Dée swallowed hard, the surprise of the encounter momentarily throwing her off balance. She opened her mouth to respond, but the Dryad continued, her tone unwavering.

"This forest is my home, and you, with your axe and your intrusion, threaten its very essence. Do you not understand the delicate balance that exists here?" The Dryad's eyes narrowed slightly, the serene mask slipping to reveal a hint of the fierce protector within.

Dée took a deep breath, finding her voice. "We are clearing the area to make a forestry area. It's necessary work, to prevent overgrowth and overharvesting."

The Dryad's expression softened slightly, but her eyes remained stern. "Necessary, you say? Perhaps in your world, but here, every tree, every blade of grass, every creature plays a part in the grand design. Your interference disrupts this harmony."

She turned her gaze in the direction Judas had gone, her expression darkening. "And as for your companion, Judas... he meddles with forces he does not comprehend. The Grudges are an invasive species, not meant to thrive in this ecosystem. By aiding them, he disrupts the natural order, endangering the native flora and fauna."

Dée's brow furrowed as she considered the Dryad's words. "We didn't intend to cause harm. I'm just trying to make this place a home!"

"To make a home is a noble goal," the Dryad replied, her tone softening. "But it must not come at the cost of the world around you. There is a balance to be maintained, a respect for the ancient laws of nature. You must tread carefully and consider the consequences of your actions. For some reason, the world has acknowledged you as the owner of this land. I know not why nor how it was transferred from my domain to your own. But, I have only seen you destroy, do you truly intend to create?"

Maxxob Maxxob EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
1702013459812.pngView attachment 1166799Valen 'Val' Rerin

Mentions: Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Maxxob Maxxob

Valen winced as he eyes his section of the woods and as Dee went off to clear out what he had missed..or left. He had left the tree as well, but had only thought of the fruit being something they could enjoy. He would nod to Koralia as she questioned him about the signs of larger wildlife. "Could be, I have no idea of what you have eaten." His eyes glanced at the large sword in her hands and she flexed muscles..that he realized he was sadly lacking himself. He followed her and raised a eyebrow at her question "Adventurer, yes. Though not the warrior like yourself. More of the exploring sort and helping in ruins. This is very...open for me." He says as he looks aorund the clearing that had been cleared by their party. Wood and brush having fallen to them quite easily. "..So do you fight for the pay more, or the chance to eat something?" He asks while walking a little bit slower to create some distance between them. He felt uneasy around this one. She was a natural predator a and she was very open about it.

Though maybe that was what they needed right now as Judas arrived and mentioned more grudges. Valen frowned as he heard him talk about finding some wounded ones. Wounded animals were horrendous to deal with, and quite dangerous. Valen opened his mouth to state as such but Dee beat him to it. Valen listened and nodded along. He agreed completely, they did not have the means to take care of a wounded wild animal right now. "Judas yes? Look I would say leave those beasts...But here." He takes off his cloak and hands it to Judas and says "Take that to use it to wrap up what you can. I am not going anywhere near them so you take care of them.I can always buy another cloak. But we must focus on the job..I do not know about you. But I need this." Valen would huff and cross his arms as he looks at the man before departing off back to the clearing.

He would see a bright flash in the distance. He would frown and squint his eyes, slowly scanning the clearing, picking up a faint sweet scent on the wind and the wind seemed to pick up. He would see the Dryad approach Dee and speak. Valen nervously looking around the clearing and considering his options before finally sighing and making his way forward to support Dee. Things do not seem to have become hostile yet though he maybe will keep some distance.​
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Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Upon hearing Valen's words, saying he had no idea what she might have eaten previously, she'd let out a hearty, booming laughter. The comment ended up pushing Koralia's good humor to a whole new level, thinking it was more of a joke, rather than an honest assessment. "It's easier to tell ya what I haven't eaten!" Her tone kept being light-hearted, knowing not of how unsettling it might have sounded. "Fish-folk, for example, pretty hard to come by on land." In fact, the shark couldn't even remember the last time she crossed paths with one of those, let alone rogue ones. "Explorin' and helping in ruins? Uhhh... that sounds... complicated..." Her free hand would move to her head, scratching it slightly, in a bit of a confusion. Koralia was by no means dumb, but she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. She could picture herself diving into ruins, cutting through whatever nasties could be found in it, but that was about it. Valen's next question would make the mercenary become pensive. "Mmmm... coin or food... difficult question to answer ya. Both are pretty good... then there is becoming stronger. Can't do that without some nice, real combat. All three is why I fight." Grinning, the shark answered him, apparently unable to choose which one she liked best.

And then there was Judas with even more of those odd creatures, Grudges, which she knew nothing about. One of them was hurt, by Judas account. Koralia silently listened the exchange between Dée and the man, a neutral expression being present on her face. Between beasts, a wound could be fatal: either they managed to heal on their own or they died. That was nature in its very essence, and, this essence, the shark knew all too well. Still, the fact that the human wanted to help the animal made her shift slightly, arching an eyebrow, if she were to have one at least. Internally, the shark felt that Judas tampered with things that he shouldn't. However, she chose not to voice that, wondering what he would do between both options: seek aid or put the Grudge out of its misery. And, while being indifferent to either options, letting the animal suffer needlessly bordered to being cruel in her eyes: it served no one. After watching Valen say his piece, giving his cloak to Judas as a why to try and bandage the creature, Koralia added. "If ya choose to put it out of its misery, but can't do it, just tell me." Her tone was flat for the very first time, strangely holding no glee or contentment if she had to go through with it. Valen had offered his cloak and that is what Koralia could offer.

It was then that her predatory eyes shifted to another direction, towards the section of the woods she had been working on. With the flash of blinding light and some sort of woodland sprite make its appearance, she would observe the exchange between Dée and the dryad for only a moment. The shark would rotate her shoulders for a moment, one at the time, as if getting ready for something. And, noticing Valen's nervousness with the unfolding situation, she would let out an amused chuckle. "Don't ya go looking so nervous, Valen! That veggie doesn't look so dangerous." Her tone was one of mocking, despite bestial nature getting ready for whatever it might come out of it. With heavy, announcing footsteps, she followed the human towards both Dée and the dryad. Stopping, she kept holding her Zweihänder firmly, albeit not showing hostility... at least until hostility had been shown.

Dée took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the Dryad's words pressing upon her. She met the Dryad's gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and newfound respect.

"Yes," she said firmly, her voice steady. "I do intend to create. This land is new to me, and I admit, I don't fully understand its balance yet. But my goal is not to destroy, it's to build a sustainable home for us. We need resources, but we also need to ensure that the forest remains healthy. Overharvesting and overgrowth both threaten that balance, and we are trying to manage it responsibly."

The Dryad's expression softened even more, though her eyes still held a trace of caution. "Your intentions are commendable, Dée, but good intentions alone cannot maintain the delicate balance of nature. It requires knowledge, wisdom, and a deep respect for the natural world."

"I understand that," Dée replied, her tone earnest. "And I'm willing to learn. I didn't realize the impact our actions were having, but now that I do, I'll do everything I can to make sure we approach this with the respect it deserves."

The Dryad nodded slowly. "That is a start. Remember, the forest is alive, and it feels every change. If you wish to truly create and not just take, you must become a part of this land, not just its master."

Dée took a moment to absorb the Dryad's wisdom. "Thank you for your guidance. I promise to tread more carefully and to seek ways to coexist with the forest."

"As for your companion," the Dryad continued, her gaze shifting briefly towards where Judas had gone, "his actions with the Grudges are troubling. They are not native here and can disrupt the natural order. He must understand the consequences of his interference."

"I'll speak with him," Dée assured her. "We'll find a way to address the Grudges without harming the ecosystem. We didn't know they were invasive, but now that we do, we'll take appropriate action."

The Dryad's expression finally relaxed into one of cautious approval. "Very well, Dée. I will be watching. If you truly wish to create and not destroy, then you must honor your promise. The forest and I will know if you stray from this path."

With that, the Dryad began to dissolve back into the foliage, her form merging seamlessly with the trees and vines. "Remember, Dée, the forest is your ally, not your enemy. Treat it with care, and it will provide for you."

As the last traces of the Dryad's presence faded, Dée felt a renewed sense of purpose. She turned back to her task, her movements more deliberate and respectful. She would ensure that their actions from now on honored the balance of the forest, and she would make sure her companions understood this as well.

Determined to uphold her promise, Dée approached Koralia's plot once more. She struck the first half-cut tree with a precise and respectful blow, mindful of the Dryad's words and the responsibility that now rested on her shoulders.

A few hours later and the plot had been entirely cleared, made ready for development by everyone's combined work. The hard part was over, and now the aspect of replanting came into play.

With the Dryad’s words echoing in her mind, Dée approached the task of replanting the forest with a newfound sense of reverence and responsibility. She knew that creating a sustainable forestry area required careful planning and consideration of the ecosystem’s balance. Determined to honor her promise, she set about her work methodically and thoughtfully.

Dée began by thoroughly surveying the cleared areas. She walked the land, noting the types of trees that had been cut down, the existing flora, and the overall layout of the terrain. She paid attention to the spots where natural water sources flowed, ensuring that the replanting plan would support the forest's hydration needs.

Understanding the importance of maintaining the forest's natural balance, Dée focused on replanting native species. Oak, pine, maple, and birch were among the varieties she selected, ensuring a diverse and resilient ecosystem.

Before planting, Dée and her team took the time to prepare the soil. They removed debris and rocks, tilled the ground to aerate it, and added organic compost to enrich the soil. This step was crucial for ensuring that the new plants had a healthy environment to grow in.

Dée planted the trees in a strategic manner, considering factors such as sunlight, spacing, and the natural growth patterns of each species. She made sure to leave adequate space between the trees to allow them to grow to their full potential without overcrowding. She also planted shrubs and ground cover plants to prevent soil erosion and promote a healthy undergrowth layer.

After planting, Dée and her team diligently watered the new saplings to help them establish strong roots. They also applied a layer of mulch around the base of each tree to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. This would give the young trees the best chance of survival and growth.

Dée knew that replanting was just the beginning. She set up a schedule for regular monitoring and maintenance of the forestry area. This included watering during dry spells, checking for signs of disease or pest infestations, and ensuring that the new plants were thriving. She also planned for periodic thinning and pruning to maintain the health and vigor of the forest.

As Dée stood back and observed the newly planted area, she felt a deep sense of fulfillment. The forest would take time to grow and flourish, but she was confident that her efforts would create a sustainable and harmonious environment for both her team and the natural inhabitants of the forest. She had taken the first steps towards creating a home that respected and nurtured the world around her, just as the Dryad had advised. The project had taken a number of days from start to finish but it had all been worth it.

It wasn't the most advanced of setups, it wasn't the most efficient either, but it was hers and she had made it with her own two hands.

Elsewhere in the forest, Dée's five forge spirits gathered in a secluded glade, their small, ethereal forms flickering like the soft glow of embers in the twilight. Each spirit embodied an element of the forge—fire, metal, earth, water, and air—together representing the essence of creation and craftsmanship that Dée held dear. They knew their master’s heart and her genuine desire to create a harmonious forestry area, but they also sensed the forest's ancient power and its protectors, particularly the Dryad, whose presence had been both a challenge and a blessing.

The forge spirits had watched Dée's interaction with the Dryad from afar. They had seen the determination in her eyes, the careful planning, and the labor she had poured into replanting the forest. They knew she needed support, not just from her team and the local community, but also from the forest itself. And so, they decided to seek out the Dryad and implore her for aid, knowing that Dée's success depended on a deeper, spiritual alliance with the natural world.

Elsewhere in the forest, Dée's five forge spirits gathered in a secluded glade, their small, ethereal forms flickering like the soft glow of embers in the twilight. Each spirit embodied an element of the forge—fire, metal, earth, water, and air—together representing the essence of creation and craftsmanship that Dée held dear. They knew their master’s heart and her genuine desire to create a harmonious forestry area, but they also sensed the forest's ancient power and its protectors, particularly the Dryad, whose presence had been both a challenge and a blessing.

The forge spirits had watched Dée's interaction with the Dryad from afar. They had seen the determination in her eyes, the careful planning, and the labor she had poured into replanting the forest. They knew she needed support, not just from her team and the local community, but also from the forest itself. And so, they decided to seek out the Dryad and implore her for aid, knowing that Dée's success depended on a deeper, spiritual alliance with the natural world.

The spirits moved quietly through the underbrush, their flickering lights guiding their way. They soon reached a serene grove, where the Dryad, Lorax, stood amidst a circle of ancient oaks. Her presence was calming, her beauty ethereal, as she tended to the forest with a tender touch.

Sensing the approach of the forge spirits, Lorax turned her gaze upon them, her eyes filled with curiosity and ancient wisdom. "What brings you here, little ones?" she asked, her voice a soothing melody that resonated with the essence of the forest.

The fire spirit, glowing with a warm, fiery hue, stepped forward and bowed respectfully. "Great Lorax, we are the forge spirits, bound to Dée. We come to seek your support and aid in her endeavor to restore and create a sustainable forestry area. Our master means well, but we recognize that her efforts would be greatly enhanced with your blessing and guidance."

The metal spirit, shimmering with a metallic sheen, added, "We understand the importance of balance and harmony in this forest. Dée's intentions are pure, and she wishes to create a home that respects and nurtures the natural world. But she needs your wisdom and support to ensure her work aligns with the ancient laws of nature."

Lorax listened intently, her expression thoughtful. "Your master has shown respect for the forest, and her efforts to replant and restore are commendable. Yet, the balance of nature is delicate, and her actions must be guided by the wisdom of the land."

The earth spirit, its form sturdy and grounded, spoke next. "We humbly ask for your assistance, not just for Dée, but for the future of this forest. With your help, we can ensure that the replanting efforts are truly sustainable and beneficial to all inhabitants, both old and new."

The water spirit, flowing gracefully, added, "Your influence would bring a deeper understanding of the forest's needs. Together, we can create a thriving, harmonious ecosystem."

Finally, the air spirit, light and ethereal, whispered, "Dée does not know we have come to you. We wish to silently support her, to ensure her success and the well-being of the forest she loves."

Lorax regarded the forge spirits with a serene smile. "Your loyalty and dedication to your master are admirable. I will lend my aid and wisdom to this endeavor. Together, we shall guide Dée in her efforts to restore balance and harmony to the forest."

With a gentle wave of her hand, Lorax summoned the energy of the forest, weaving her magic into the very soil and air around them. The forge spirits felt the powerful, nurturing energy infuse the land, enhancing their master’s work and ensuring that the newly planted trees and plants would thrive. Their growth would be far faster than normal so long as Dée retained the Dryad's blessing.

"Go now, little spirits," Lorax said softly. "Your master shall feel the support of the forest, even if she does not know from whence it comes. Together, we will create a home that honors the ancient balance and nurtures all who dwell here."

With gratitude in their hearts, the forge spirits bowed deeply before the Dryad and returned to Dée’s side, their silent support now bolstered by the forest's ancient protector. Unseen and unknown to Dée, the forest itself had become her ally, ensuring that her dream of a harmonious, sustainable forestry area would come to fruition.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment and hope, she turned to her companions who had worked alongside her.

"Thank you all for your hard work," Dée said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. "We’ve made great progress today, and it’s all thanks to your efforts. Valen, Koralia, your help has been invaluable."

Dée’s eyes softened as she looked at each of them. "We’re building something meaningful, and I couldn’t do it without you. Let’s keep pushing forward together."

As the group shared a moment of camaraderie, Dée’s gaze shifted to where Judas was standing, a bit apart from the others. She walked over to him, her expression serious. "Judas, I need a word."

She took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "I appreciate everything you’ve done with the grudges. I know you have a unique bond with them and that you’re trying to help. But I’ve had some time to think, and I’ve also had... an encounter that’s made things clearer."

"The grudges are an invasive species here," Dée explained. "They disrupt the natural balance of the forest. If they stay, they’ll cause more harm than good, no matter how well you train them or how much you care for them."

Dée placed a hand on his shoulder, her voice gentle but firm. "I’m sorry, Judas, but they need to go. You’ll have to take them with you. It’s the best way to ensure the forest can thrive and remain in balance."

As the day drew to a close, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden light over the newly planted saplings. The forest seemed to hum with a quiet contentment, as if acknowledging the efforts made to restore its balance. Dée gathered her companions one last time, her face illuminated by the soft twilight.

"Everyone, before we part ways for the evening, I want to thank you again for your hard work and dedication," she said, her voice carrying a note of heartfelt gratitude. "We’ve made significant strides today, and it’s all because of your efforts."

"I know it hasn’t been easy," Dée continued, "but we’re on the right track to creating something truly special here. This forest will thrive because of what we’ve started today."

She paused, a smile playing on her lips as she looked at each of them. "And once I’ve got my forge up and running, I’d be more than happy to make each of you a weapon. Consider it a token of my gratitude for everything you’ve done."

Dée watched them go, a sense of peace settling over her. She knew there was still much work to be done, but with the support of her companions and the blessings of the forest, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the forest settled into the quiet of night, Dée took one last look at the young saplings, the future trees that would one day stand tall and strong. She whispered a silent promise to the Dryad and the forest itself, vowing to protect and nurture this land as her own.

With a final, resolute nod, Dée turned and made her way to her own resting place, her heart full of hope and determination. This was only the beginning, but it was a beginning she was proud of, and she was eager to see what the future would bring.

Suggested Rewards and Important Information

Narrative Points: 35

Narrative Reward Considerations:
Judas - 2x Grudge Pet Chance (Noting Grudges not tamed will be relocated or killed)
Dée - [Developer (Wood and Plant)] utilised on [Land F] Asset.
Dée - Narrative Booster (Craftswoman) - x2 Points when the Character takes a scene in rp to draw out plans for their upcoming build/craft.

Suggested Rewards:
Title: Tree Whisperer - This Character has witnessed a Dryad in the flesh... bark?​
Isekai Hell Grade

Uasal Uasal EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Maxxob Maxxob Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

It's unfortunately we aren't all still here, but a nice enough rp. Way to squeeze in everyone's needs while doing the main job of the rp. Very well put together. Generally it is just the narrator deciding what creatures are around though. The planning requirement was barely met. I typically prefer 3 rounds for a scene. Much less than that and I'd wonder what the purpose of the scene was. Similarly, a child sized goblin may be a tight squeeze to gulp down all at once even with size and gastric acids on her side. Could afford to try a bit more.




Dée - 98pts (narrative booster)
optional asset exchanged [Plot of Land F => Harvester Resource Woodlands F]

Judas T. Priest - 20pts
optional buddy acquired [monster buddy F] - if taken, the monster will go to live on the farm

Koralia Ironjaw - 64pts (narrative booster)
optional title acquired [baby eater] - character ate a baby. whose baby doesn't matter much. just so long as it was the toddler form of a creature. surely it had it coming.

Valen - 18pts
optional title acquired [Tree Whisperer] - This Character has witnessed a Dryad in the flesh... bark?

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