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Finished [Ryke - On the Edge of Sootspire Village] - Autumn Leaves


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
[Ryke - On the Edge of Sootspire Village] - Autumn Leaves

Conditions: Early Autumn; clear, warm days and chilly nights. Cold and damp when it rains.

Expected Duration: 1 In-RP week or less. Aiming for 1-2 IRL months.

Posting Rate: Minimum 2-3 times per week. No set posting order.

Goals: Aid Peat, the Sylvari, before the traveling menagerie, where she is a captive, leaves town.

Blood Slayer’s Menagerie 1000008328.png

“So that’s about the long and short of it, boyo.” The huge fur-bedecked owner of the menagerie concluded. “Welcome ta the team!” He laughed, thumping Cheshire on the back hard enough to nearly send him sprawling.

Blood Slayer--as he, and his entire crew, referred to himself--seemed a jovial fellow. But just like the gaudy festiveness of his tents, his ruddy, friendly exterior seemed to hide a darkness that tinged his laughter with a dangerous edge. Cheshire hadn’t really even accepted the job. Something told him that he might not really have a choice.

The tour Blood Slayer had given him had been… informative. At first there had been the usual creatures one might expect of a threadbare traveling freakshow; the sharp-ribbed “Unicorns” that smelled suspiciously like ordinary horses, the “Griffin” with wings that seemed rather too immobile and wooden to be much use in flight.

There were performers scattered amongst the iron-barred cage wagons as well. Cheshire had been introduced to the fire-eater and seen the banners for other acts who were not present--the menagerie not yet being open for business today.

The most notable of the menagerie, however, and the freak that Blood Slayer saved for last, had not been a performer nor a costumed fake, but a genuine Sylvari. Cheshire had needed to look closely into her cage for quite some time to be sure, but no--the horn-like boughs jutting from beneath her leafy locks had been genuine. Her bark-like skin; dry and cracked with disease as it had been, was no costume or clever manner of makeup.

Blood Slayer had a genuine Tree Nymph as a slave.

And she was dying. Her hair was thin and stringy; brown when it should have been a verdant green. Her mottled skin was stretched like parchment over the sharp angles of her wooden bones. Bruises bespoke an age of abuse and neglect, as did the gaps in her checkerboard smile when Blood Slayer had hammered on her cage and demanded one.

“Can’t riddle it, meself; that’s where yew come in, boyo!” The owner had said, tossing a sachet of nitrate fertilizer between the bars that had sent the Sylvari scrambling for her precious medicine. ”Keeps her flush with fertilizer, water, even cut that flap in me best tent,” he pointed to a gap in the canvas over their heads, “,so’s she gets an hour or two uv sunlight a day! What more could a damn leaf-**** ask?” He chuckled as he used a pejorative that was both misogynistic and specist at the same time.

Painting her sap-bleeding gums with nitrates, the Sylvari had flattened herself in the corner of her cage, watching Cheshire with dull ring-circled eyes the color of winter clouds. She’d snorted the rest of the fertilizer in one long inhalation that sent her into a paroxysm of rattling coughs.

”She’s me biggest draw--and yer biggest job--healer. I need that one healthy enough ta travel soon. We’re pullin’ up stakes and headed south before the rains come.” Blood Slayer had said, taking Cheshire by the arm and leading him back to the trailer he used as an office.

Which was where they presently stood, before a small cluttered desk in a wagon that wasn’t big enough for Blood Slayer, himself, let alone a guest. Cheshire might smell the stale scent of this mornings tobacco and last nights (or maybe also this morning’s) whiskey on and around the bulky man. ”Jus sign here.” He stabbed a document with no small amount of tiny print with a thick stubby finger. ”Hurry up there. We opens in an hour and ah’ve got business ta attend to.” He pressured Cheshire with his words, his attitude, and his looming presence in the claustrophobic space.

While it might have been a good idea--considering that he didn’t shy away from putting sentient beings in cages--to read his contract thoroughly, Cheshire would likely find himself in a great hurry to get out of that trailer and put some breathing room between himself and the menagerie’s increasingly-agitated owner. ”C’mon now, I hain’t got all day!” From his body language, it was clear that the fastest way for Cheshire to escape Blood Slayer (at least temporarily) was to sign the contract.

Upon closer inspection, the contract is a fairly standard document with boilerplate wording. It retains the signatory’s services for the period of a week. Surprisingly, it does not have any language about financial obligation of the signatory, should Cheshire fail to improve the health of any of his patients. Perhaps Blood Slayer grabbed the wrong contract
by mistake.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Last edited:
: Irihi Irihi
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

Cheshire begrudgingly signed the contract, although it hurt inside to see a Fae trapped. He would aid her to the best of his abilities and attempt to free her the best he could without any legal trouble. He couldn’t say that last part out loud though so for now he’d attempt to play the part. First things first though the Dryad did need to be healed if she was going to make a run for it later. Cheshire asked Bloodslayer putting on his facade attempting to cover up a childish demeanor.

“Right, going to need some details, Mister. What’s the medicine she’s been given? Was it prescribed by a mage or any kind of healer? I’m gonna need to make some observations myself as well. Also, I'm gonna request to be able to make some adjustments so she can have some natural sunlight and I’m gonna need access to water.”

After he spoke he sat next to the cage and attempted to whisper without Bloodslayer listening. Speaking in the native language of the Fae: Sylvan.

{How are you feeling? What’s your name Miss? I’m going to try and heal you but I need details, if I can successfully heal you I’ll try to free you when you recover.}

Was what he murmured to the Dryad. He wasn’t going to let anything extreme happen, but he only had the weak to heal her and get her out of there.

Language Keys:
“Common” {Slyvan}

Blood Slayer’s Menagerie

The large manager of the carnival stuffed Cheshire’s contract into a drawer full of disorganized papers. ”Medicine? Well, there’s her fertilizer; keeps her nice and cooperative.” Blood Slayer grinned. ”Smells like shit, but that slag loves the stuff.” He pushed past Cheshire, waving away the healer’s concerns as he alighted from his office/wagon. ”Sure sure. Water ‘n sunlight. You can grab a couple uv me boys and roll her cage out into the sun before noon. Jus’ make sure she’s outta sight uv the customers; an’ back inside by showtime. I hain’t given’ away no freebies!” He growled.

The wagon’s springs creaked and groaned as they were released from the burden of Blood Slayer’s prodigious weight. The menagerie owner waited for Cheshire to likewise exit his office, before locking the wagon up. He handed a set of cage keys to the healer that did not include one for the office wagon. Cheshire might later find out that the key to Peat’s shackles was, likewise, not included in his set.

Blood Slayer began shouting orders to his crew and overseeing the morning’s preparations for the afternoon opening of the menagerie. He would answer any other questions or requests from Cheshire as the healer thought them up, but he was not paying much attention to his new hire. In fact, he forgot one of the more critical pieces of advice--to tell Cheshire to be sure the Sylvari was deep in a nitrate fugue state before entering her cage.

In Peat’s Tent
The caged tree nymph was coming down from the transient high of the fertilizer she’d inhaled by the time Cheshire came to examine her. She scowled at him with an unfocused gaze, and slid, chain rattling, to the far side of her cage, speaking a single word in the common tongue. ”Demon.”

”Hey there, honey. You the new doctor?”
A new voice, low in timbre but distinctly feminine, purred in Cheshire’s ear. While he’d been focused on the Sylvari, one of the sideshow workers had come over to introduce herself. If Cheshire had been attentive to the freakshow posters, he’d recognize the slinky curves and costume of the woman who had crept up on him. Of course, he might be forgiven for staring at the trait that distinguished her from the other acts; the thick, coiffed and trimmed beard and mustache which adorned her delicate features. ”Charlotte.” The bearded lady proffered a hand, turned down at the wrist, such that it could be either shaken or kissed. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she regarded Cheshire. ”Charmed, I’m sure.”

Charlotte indicated Peat with a tilt of her maned chin. ”This is Peat. She doesn’t speak much; barely knows any common, poor dear. ” She informed Cheshire. ”She and I share a bit of a rapor.” Charlotte said, and her voice might have held just a hint of regret. ”I can introduce you if you like.” She held up one manicured bright red nail in Cheshire’s face in warning. ”In fact, I should, if you are thinking of going into her cage. You don’t want what happened to the last healer to happen to you.”

The bearded lady drew closer to Cheshire. Her blood-red nail brushed his cheek and then traced lightly across his neck, indicating just what had happened to the last person to enter Peat’s cage without taking proper precautions. She leaned in close to the healer’s ear, her beard threatening to tickle his jowl if he didn’t pull away. Sotto voce she spoke to him: ”I don’t speak much Sylvan, but I can guess what you were whispering about.” She revealed. ”Don’t worry, honey, your secret is safe with me.” She reassured him before continuing. ”I’m a friend; I’ll help you if I can.” If he didn’t move, Cheshire might find more ruby-red nailed fingers had joined the first, and all were now gripping his collar, keeping him close to Charlotte's beard-encircled lips as she whispered. ”I’ve known Peat a while; she told me--in her way--some of what she’s been through. I like the poor dear, and wish her no harm, but--healer--I’m not so sure that keeping her alive is really the kindness you might imagine it is.”

Charlotte released Cheshire’s collar. Only when she backed away would Cheshire realize that her beard had not been the only asset she’d cozied up to him. A seductive smile danced on her painted lips. ”Oh, honey, you’d be surprised at just how many boys like you are very into beards.” She said loudly, cocking a hip at him and giving him a grin that showed just a hint of fang.

The reason for Charlotte’s sudden incongruous statement became apparent a moment later as a pair of Blood Slayer’s roustabouts pushed in through the tent flap. They took a look at the expression on Chesire and Charlotte’s faces and burst out laughing. ”Watch out, kid! Chary’ll drain yer coin even faster than she’ll drain yer cock.”

“Like you’d know, boys.”
The performer sniffed. ”The two of you put together wouldn’t make enough of a man to handle me, even if there was a world in which you could afford to try.” She threw unabashed shade at the pair. ”Now run along, and stop bothering the talent.” She fixed the pair with an acerbic stare deadly enough to cause them real discomfort.

Muttering something about Charlotte’s talents--an insult that didn’t really land, as it was spoken with all the ferociousness of a whipped dog--the two backed out of the tent. More than one of Blood Slayer’s crew had learned--the hard way--not to trouble the performers.

When they were gone, Charlotte turned back to Cheshire. ”Watch out for them.” Her voice was back a silky--but earnest--quiet purr. ”You won’t have as much pull with Blood Slayer as I do, and they’re not all as stupid as they look. Don’t let them catch on that you might not be acting in their bosses’ best interest.” She warned.

Charlotte had a few more words for Cheshire, but she needed to prepare for the show to open--as did he. He would have, perhaps, half an hour with Peat before he would be ejected from the tent to make way for paying gawkers customers.

”Peat, babe?” Charlotte approached the Sylvari’s cage. ”This guy is a friend, okay? He’s here to help. You don’t have to be afraid of him, and you don’t need to hurt him.” She shook her head when the Sylvari pointed to the fertilizer dispenser. ”No, darling, I’m sorry; he needs to examine you when you’re not doped up.” She sighed. ”Can you do that, can you let him try to help?”

The Sylvari within closed her eyes. She gave a slight nod.

“Do what you need to do, but get to know her a little, first, if you can,” Charlotte encouraged Cheshire. ”If you have any trouble, come see me tonight after closing.” she said, starting toward her own spot under the bigtop.

As she walked past him, Charlotte intentionally grazed the young healer with her hip. ”Or come see me tonight, either way, honey.” Her silky laugh trailed behind as she sashayed away, leaving Cheshire standing before Peat’s cage.

Summary :

Blood Slayer gives Cheshire the keys to the cages. The healer is expected to work with all the animals and people in the menagerie, but focus on improving the health of Peat the Sylvari.

Peat is not happy to see Cheshire. She seems to not understand Sylvan language.

Charlotte, The Bearded Lady, guesses that Cheshire means to help Peat in a way Blood Slayer might not approve of. She tells him she is a friend, introduces him to Peat, and warns him not to let BS’s employees know what he’s doing. She also teases (or is it only teasing?) Cheshire.

: Irihi Irihi
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

Cheshire took a mental note of the fertilizer if they were giving her something with the equalizing of a drug effect that would have a horrid impact on her health. Cheshire was willing to wager that played a large factor on her condition at the moment after the meeting with the Charlotte who he found odd but knew ir was best to keep an eye on her if she knew what he was up to. Cheshire walked forward towards Peat carefully trying not to startle her to much. He tuned out of the conversation Charlotte was having with rhe others. He waved at Peat giving a silent greeting, and he tried to give her a small smile to appear more friendly, all he could do was try to approach Peat in the most non-threatening way he can. When Charlotte whispered to jump again this time he jumped then just nodded in acknowledgement. And when Charlotte properly introduced him to her it was time to do his best. He attempted to give her a name in a way she could understand with her limited knowledge of language he pointed at himself saying.

“i’m Cheshire.”

He had the keys, he could walk in if he wanted to. But he wanted her to feel safe which meant earning her trust Peat was in a terrible place at the moment. He then pointed at her,

“Might be uncomfortable at first.But will help.”

He said before using his ability [Diagnoses froma Witch [F] to gather information on Peat’s current health.

Language Keys:
“Common” {Slyvan}

Abilities used
Diagnoses from a Witch- Medicine [F], Appraisal [F],- Cheshire attempts to diagnose a single patient of wounds deemed relative to the current level of Medicine and Appraisel - [F] grade- 0 post cooldown

Peat the Sylvari

“Named Peat, is Peat, sez Peat,” said Peat in a rather redundant whispered introduction. She still watched Cheshire mistrustfully, but recognized that this demon, at least, was making an attempt to set her at ease before doing what he would with her. That was slightly better than average, for these fragile monsters. Also, this one was tiny and looked soft. If she angered him, the beating she would receive probably would not amount to much.

She closed her eyes as he wove some form of sensing spellcraft. It caused her boughs to tingle in response, but was otherwise painless.
Acute Life-Threatening Conditions:
Cyanide toxicity - from fertilizer
Phosphate toxicity - from fertilizer
Nitrate toxicity - from fertilizer
Sapticemia - (a tree pun on septicemia, or blood poisoning; sap poisoning in this case.) - from the Olive Tree limb grafted into her body in place of her left leg.

Serious Conditions:
Phosphate dependence - from fertilizer. Acute withdrawal may result if fertilizer is withheld.
Nitrate dependence - from fertilizer. Acute withdrawal may result if fertilizer is withheld.
Broken femur - from physical abuse/trauma, improperly healed
Broken collarbone - from physical abuse/trauma, improperly healed
Fractured wrist - from physical abuse/trauma,internally splinted with wooden roots
Malnourishment - from lack of soil.
Bacterial Leaf Blight - from general neglect and poor health.

PTSD - from trauma
Cotton Root Rot - due to grafting an olive tree to incompatible flesh. Exacerbated by a shortfall of magic.
Bark beetles - from general neglect and poor health.

Quality of Life
Xilophobia - acquired psychosis
Missing teeth - from abuse/trauma
Sanitation - from general neglect and lack of self-care
Extensive internal wooden splinting - armor against abuse/trauma, causes painful and unsightly physical and cosmetic distortions.

The list of Peat’s conditions was long and complicated. While, on the surface, it would seem that she might do well to stop dosing herself with fertilizer or have the tree grafted to her body surgically removed--if his medical sense was intuitive enough--Cheshire might get the distinct impression that he did not know what he was doing, in Peat’s case. A botanist or Dryad Healer would be better able to prescribe corrective medicine.

Then again, such talent probably cost a lot more than the internist Blood Slayer had hired to play doctor, veterinarian, and phytologist to his menagerie.

Nearby Sootspire, despite being primarily a mining town, had its fair share of plant enthusiasts with some herbal lore. There was also known to be a Dryad healer in town. Though their patients were primarily humans and Fae of flesh, rather than cellulose, perhaps they might be able to offer advice?

Peat’s expression had not changed much; it remained a narrow-eyed mistrustful scowl. “Likes what sees he, demon does?” She hissed. She knew he didn’t. That’s why she had let herself become this way. The uglier and weaker she was, the better treatment she received from these monsters.

For years she had made the mistake of repairing the damage from the abuses they heaped upon her. In her vanity she had tried to hold on to the form and figure of that verdant forest childe she’d been, before her tree was felled. In response, the demons had shorn her boughs and abused her body as they traded her between their brothels made of bones. It was only when she stopped caring for her appearance that she’d been relegated to farmwork.

Then, she’d been allowed out in the sunlight of their polluted farms where they perverted nature to feed their voracious appetites for her lesser chlorophyll-powered kindred.

Then, when she’d grown too weak to work, she’d been spared even the overseer’s lash. Blood Slayer, her erstwile savior, had bought her for a song and left her to rot as a curiosity to be gawked at in his cage of iron. Even so, at least he had not the lore to know to keep her boughs pruned. Ironically, caged, she had more self-determination than when she’d been free to walk cathouse halls or farm fields. Here, with her magic restored, they could not touch her unless she allowed. They could not force her to root in loam and prolong her fading life. If they withheld her drugs, she could misbehave until they had no choice but to grant her the chemicals that would carry her away to the blessed relief of mindless fugue where nothing; no
t her future, present; nor her past mattered.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Designer (64).png
WINREY | Beastkin | Enigmatic

"I don't particularly see the value in a circus." Winrey said to his parents in the carriage. It had been sometime since his last outing with them and he'd made it clear multiple times that something like a circus didn't appeal to him. They'd both insisted, however.

"Oh Winrey, you're going to LOVE the circus! It's going to be very fun, they have all sorts of attractions." His mother had said in her cheery voice.

"That's right, son. A circus can introduce you to new things you've never seen before as well, so it's a learning experience all in one." His father explained. "Besides, I've already got the coin for us to attend, and there's one not far from where we live here in Ryke. Think of it as a family vacation!"

Winrey wanted to groan at that idea, he'd not had much fun on any of their family "vacations" which really ended up being various ways to grow the church's congregation. Where ever they went, his father always tried to make it into a sermon, and to Winrey that meant he'd just have to do more priory work but outside of his own home. Regardless, he'd been forced to go anyways since he couldn't find suitable work from the Adventurer's Guild. And his friend
Kuro Nekomata, who he normally spent his free time with had gone all the way on a surprise trip to Widersia of all places. And she wouldn't be back for some time, not until her Uncle was done with work there. The carriage ride was bumpy, but not quite as long as he'd imagined it would be. They'd traveled all the way to Sootspire, a village he'd never visited before but that he knew his parents had spoken of many times previously. On the edge of the village, there lay the circus grounds.

"It's quite...lackluster, isn't it?" Winrey said. His parents had made it seem like the circus would be full of glittering gold light, and candy enough to fill his belly for days, and large vibrant tents that reached high into the sky. And sure there were tents, but the dull atmosphere around the whole place felt less like a fun traveling band for clowns, and more like a war encampment.

"Their probably still setting everything up, it's a bit early I think." His father said. "Oh but that doesn't matter, we have time enough to look around and stuff!" Winrey relunctantly followed his parents into the circus grounds, he'd hoped to find an opportunity to slink away and explore on his own without the two of them leading him around. Maybe he'd make his own fun being here in a circus, who knows?

Mentions: Irihi Irihi | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Blood Slayer and His Staff
Word had spread quickly to the menagerie owner that a wealthy-looking family had arrived by carriage. This was something of an exception to the circus’s norm, as the shabby sideshows and tired-looking clowns usually only drew crowds of local farm or mine workers, minor local merchants, or anyone who wanted a break from the mundane small town life. Out-of-towners visiting was not unheard-of, but something of a rarity; enough to justify Blood Slayer’s personal attention.

"Good afternoon, gentlefolk, and welcome to our enchanted realm of delight and wonder!” Blood Slayer boomed, striding toward Winrey and his family. The menagerie owner had quickly spruced himself up--as spruced as he was going to get, at least--dusting off his patchy bearskin coat, wiping sweat and grime (that was instantly replaced by fresh beads) from his florid face with a marginally less sweaty and grimy handkerchief, and grabbing his best and least-tarnished brass ringmaster’s cane.

“I’m the illustrious Blood Slayer, and it’s a pleasure to have you here! As the curator of this extraordinary experience, I’m thrilled to offer you an exclusive glimpse into a world where fantasy and luxury intertwine! He hustled to get in front of the family before they purchased regular tickets meant for the rest of the peasantry. Puffing slightly, he leaned down and stage-whispered to Winrey "Ah, greetings, young adventurer! If you’re on your best behavior today, I just might share the secret behind why they call me 'Blood Slayer.' It's a tale as grand and thrilling as our very own carnival! Just imagine—you could be the first to hear it, if you’re lucky enough!" The menagerie owner punctuated his statement with an equally-condescending wink.

Attempting to guide them away from the ticket seller with upraised cane and grandious words just as threadbare as the fur coat covering the arms with which he gestured, Blood Slayer went on: "Imagine a night where every corner of the carnival whispers your name, each attraction a testament to your family’s unique tastes and desires!"

If he was successful in attracting the attention of Winrey’s parents, Blood Slayer would offer them a personally-curated tour of his show for an exorbitantly inflated price; a good deal for anyone who preferred to view the same run-down attractions with a healthy dose of self-aggrandizing halitosis-laden bluster and vainglorious flair.

This would, of course, provide Winrey with ample opportunity to slip away and explore on his own, as Blood Slayer’s was not a distracting presence that could be easily ignored--no matter how much one might wish to.

Should he slip away, Winrey would find the menagerie as lacking on the inside as it was on the outside. Tired, malnourished, mundane animals--dressed up like the fantastical creatures their signs claimed them to be--stared glassily out from cramped cages. Threadbare clowns and and sideshow freaks with poorly-done makeup, prosthetics, and the occasional actual tragic deformity, halfheartedly pandered to thin crowds of scruffy laborers off-shift from the nearby mines.

For one group, the freak show performers, sword swallowers, fire-eaters, human pincushions, and the like were not entertainment enough. They had decided to make hazardous sport out of the “manticore”. They’d formed a crowd around the scrawny caged lion, and were prodding it into a frenzy while their compatriots stuck their limbs between the bars, drawing them out and laughing as the tormented creature futilely tried to attack its tormentors.

Blood Slayer accosts Winrey’s parents and tries to convince them to purchase an overpriced VIP tour.

Some patrons are torturing a caged lion.

Lolory Lolory
Designer (64).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
Winrey felt patronized by this strange Ring leader man, but his parents brought his whole schtick hook line and sinker. "Wow that sounds really fun! How much for a tour?" His father had taken out the small coin pouch they had brought with them to pay their way in. "I used to go to a circus just like this when I was a boy, oh what a time I had! Show us the way, Mr. Blood Slayer!" His father put the coin pouch into the Ring Leader's hand.

While his parents were preoccupied with getting a tour of this run down attraction, Winrey decided he'd be better off sneaking away now. He had no interest in this con man showing them the ins and outs of this shoddy pop up event. This seems like the kind of stunt Aunt Elvyra would pull to make a quick buck...He thought as he slinked off to find something more interesting. However, nothing on the fairgrounds was entertaining. There were a few animals in cages that were so obviously not the mystical creatures they'd claimed to be. Humans and other people with maladies and deformities that one was supposed distastefully gawk at also milled about.

Winrey couldn't help but feel a weird sonder for these people. They reminded him of his own experience back in Blackwell, when others would gawk at him in much the same manner. Here in Ryke, his features were more common, so nobody really paid all that much attention to him outside of wanting to pet his ears. As he walked further, he came across a scene with a "Manticore" trapped in a cage. On lookers surrounded the poor creature and were cruelly prodding it with swords and taunting it with their limbs through the bars.
How shameful these people are...They're tormenting it for their amusement. Winrey didn't much like the scene before him and it showed on his face. It seems very weak...the least I can do is give this poor creature a potion or two. Luckily he still had a few holy water vials that were small and round enough to fit through the enclosed space.

He took out one of the vials from his skirt pocket, and was thankful he'd saved a Feverfew potion in case of emergencies. Winrey's potions were different from the norm. You didn't have to drink them for it to take effect, simply splashing it on you would work too. He rolled the small vial into cage and hoped the lion would just smash it with its paw to feel better.

1. "A feverfew and far between"- Healing E, Alchemy E-Allows for the user to use Holy Water vials to heal themself or others by making a "feverfew" potion. -Grade E- 1 Post Cooldown

Mentions: Irihi Irihi
: Irihi Irihi
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

As Cheshire observed his diagnosis his face shifted to concern. He didn’t have the full skills to take care of every little thing on it. He could probably take care of a good deal of it but not all of it. He had to make sure she escaped and made it to the Fae See soon.And when Peat made her remark he told her.

“No. You have several underlining health issues, first things first we need to get you off the fertilizer. It is the cause of many of your health issues but we can’t just stop giving it to you we need to ween you off. I’ll ask Charlotte or Blood what dosages you’ve been given to properly handle that-“

And he hoped he could successfully ween her off the fertilizer by the time the week was ovet he clntinued

“-how the process will go is that you’ll still take some of it just in smaller doses each time you take it until your intake of it is at 0. Next issue is that we need to get you some soil, water and more time in the sunlight some other issues are caused by neglect of self care.”

He wasn’t going to pin the blame on her. He knew the cause.

”but unfortunately that is about all I can do on my own. I don’t know what to do about your sap poisoning and I think it’s too late to correct the healing in the limbs which did not heal properly. Maybe if things go well within this week I can find someone.”

He had to find someone. This right here was a harsh gamble if not find someone then find a way to get her out to the Fae See where finding help would be easier.

Language Keys:
“Common” {Slyvan}​
“Manticore” and Miners
The “manticore” did, indeed step on the phial and receive it’s invigorating effects. Roaring, it lunged with sudden unexpected speed toward one of the men taunting it. The miner pulled his arm from the cage and lurched backwards with a cry. His shouts quickly became shrieks as the lion hooked his arm with its claws, pulling him back toward the cage. The man’s compatriots, after a instant of shocked indecision, rushed forward to pull him away from the enraged beast. A confusion of screams, struggling bodies, and roaring ensued as a grisly tug-of-war played out.

The miner was, at last, freed from the lion’s claws, but not before nearly his entire arm was thoroughly flayed. Used to gruesome accidents, his friends worked quickly to staunch the worst of the bleeding, applying a makeshift tourniquet with two of them guiding the white-faced man to sit.

The lion, for it’s part, roared with frustration before settling itself in the middle of its cage to lick the blood from its paws with a slightly self-satisfied expression. No one else dared defy the numerous signs warning not to approach the beast’s cage.

As their friend’s serious wounds were triaged, the rest of the group--numbering five in total--started casting about for someone to blame.

”Wot caused the beast to attack?! One man growled, though the answer was quite obvious--the ill-advised tormenting of the lion. Even so, the men were looking for a scapegoat, not enlightened navel-gazing.
”There was a boy! ‘Ee did somethin’ to the it!” One of the more observant miners replied. ‘ee was a filthy little beastman--great big ears and such!”
While one of the miners stayed with their injured friend, the other three cast about, looking for Winrey.
“There! After ‘im, lads!” Whether Winrey had stood his ground to watch what his potion had wrought, or sped or slunk away, he was spotted by the angry patrons, who would charge at or after him.

If the boy had any sense, he would be able to tell from the furious demeanor of the men, that he’d be better of not being caught by them.

The invigorated Lion mauls one of its tormentors.

The friends of the injured man blame a boy with rabbit ears and chase after or confront Winrey, depending on whether he rabbits runs or not.

Lolory Lolory
Untitled4 (2).jpg
[color=brown] Peat the Sylvari [/color]
Peat looked listlessly at Cheshire. This diminutive demon was talking madness. BloodSlayer would never allow Peat to be weaned off fertilizer, even if the Sylvari, herself, wished it--and she emphatically did not.

Had he been any of the other “healers” Peat had seen--people only interested in patching her up enough to service whatever master owned her--she would have simply turned away and stopped talking. Dose me and do as you will, had been her attitude, ever since one of her earlier owners had discovered the drugs as a way to keep her docile.

“Gives them medicine Peat when wants something. She explained in a raspy voice. There was no schedule to giving her drugs--the scratches and smears of sap on the bars near the dispenser, where jeering patrons could pay a few Rykes to see Peat perform for her medicine were evidence enough of that. Sometimes Peat was flush with nitrates, other times she would spiral into hellish withdrawal if bad weather canceled the shows and BloodSlayer got too drunk to remember to dose his Sylvari slave.

It was painful to speak, more painful to speak loud enough so that this delusional healer could hear her from outside her cage. “Comes inside healer, sez Peat. She motioned for him to enter. “Strangles yew not does Peat.” The frail plant woman reassured him. “Promised Chary.”

If Cheshire entered or not, Peat would continue. “Roots not, will Peat.” She sighed. There were a great many reasons why she would not and could not root in the soil. Though she was much faster than her floral sisters, putting down a taproot--and drawing strength from the land--was a lengthy process. To gain real benefit, Peat would need to stand rooted in good soil for at least a day. BloodSlayer would never allow one of his main attractions so much time to convalesce.

Further, the last time Peat had rooted herself, the farmer that had owned her--at the time--had severed her from her taproot in a fit of rage. Being hewn from so much of herself had nearly killed the Sylvari. Worse--it had badly weakened her Olive tree leg, and the trauma of being felled was still fresh in her mind. But mainly, Peat would refuse to root because, “lives no more, wishes Peat,” she admitted.

Peat invites Cheshire into her cage and promises not to strangle him.

She tells him that she does not want to live.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Designer (64).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
As the lion mauled one of it's tormentors arm, Winrey stood back. He wasn't prepared for the lion to swiftly regain it's composure that quickly, though he was impressed by himself just a little bit. If his Feverfew potion was strong enough to reinvigorate a haggard lion back to it's former glory, he must have done something right with the formula. He had no time to stick around and admire his own work, however, as the men were angry and pointing towards him. They made their way after him, but Winrey would not let them catch him, and promptly ran in the other direction.

The circus grounds had suddenly become a maze, and he had no idea where he was supposed to go to avoid a beating from cruel carnies. More over, he couldn't find his parents anywhere. No doubt they were fully immersed in whatever faux tour the Ringmaster had swindled them into paying for.

Quickly, Winrey ducked into one of the available tents not caring who or what he disturbed upon entering. Maybe once inside he'd have a chance to hide himself or better yet, to face the angry crowd that was after him. I should've brought my veil...then maybe I could've hid my ears better. He sighed, dejectedly.

Mentions: Irihi Irihi

1. Run away from angry mob.
2. Duck into one of the carnival tents (random)
: Irihi Irihi
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

Cheshire’s face contorts into a frown. Right, Slavers would want to keep their slaves dependent. But this wasn’t medicine. The rise of doubt came into his mind that he would even get a direct answer from the man who hired him to help Peat. Blood Slayer didn’t care about anything other than money. He mentally started thinking of solutions that may help here. Hearing her invite him into the cage was all he needed he entered potentially hoping for more information about anything. He had to do what he could to save her. So when he heard her say that she wanted to die something broke. He told her.

“No. I can’t let you die, I refuse to let you and I refuse to kill you.”

He stated as matter of fact he then spoke in a quieter hushed tone.

“I’ll be sticking around for a week—that was how long I am contracted for—in that week I aim to heal you as much as I potentially can and by the end I hope to find a way to get you across the Fae See border…safe away from humans and with people who can help you more. But we only have seven days. I need to come up with a plan to help you and a escape plan without them knowing. But you cannot tell them this will happen if we can get you across the border without them knowing your life has a chance to get better.”

He held his hands up and five magic balls of shadows were in attempt to be shot at her. They wouldn’t hurt or feel strange.

“I hope this will ease some of your symptoms… at least for the moment Peat. Can you give me any details to go off of?”

He asks. Then he took off his bird hairpin and handed it to her.

“Here, an attempt at a show of sincerity.”

Language Keys:
“Common” {Slyvan}

Abilities used:
Black Puffball 2.0 - Magic [E], Componetless magic [E], Affinity [Dark] [F], Affinity [Non-lethal] [F], Selective Magic [F], Magic Targets [F], Magic range [F], Healing Magic [E], - Cheshire shoots five shadow balls the size of his palm that can hit up to 5 specified targets at 30ft and heal basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds and cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons - [E] grade- 1 post cooldown​
[COLOR=brown] Peat the Sylvari [ATTACH alt="Untitled4 (2).jpg"]1183406[/ATTACH][/COLOR]

Peat grimaced as Cheshire spoke more nonsense. The wildling Sylvari only understood about a quarter of what the healer was talking about. Her broken common precluded all but the most basic conversations between herself and the occasional sympathetic working girl, farm laborer, or--in this place--Charlotte, The Bearded Lady. She knew nothing of the politics of countries and empires, and only one or two of her acquaintances had even understood enough of her speech to recognize her delusions.

At the same time, Peat was simply ignorant; not brainless or stupid--as some, especially her masters, assumed when they heard her broken and sometimes unintelligible speech. Her mind was sharp and quick. For all her misapprehension of the world, she could still puzzle out meaning and deep insight when she so chose.

(The Demon) Cheshire wanted to make her well enough to escape BloodSlayer. There was a place of “Fae”, like others often called her--called a See, but not the actual Sea (which she had once seen). It had borders that Cheshire wanted her to cross. Once she crossed them, this demon judged she’d have a better life.

Oh, should I not tell my owners that you want me to escape? Peat fixed Chesire with a sardonic look, when he cautioned her against revealing his plans. If the man was watching her expression, he would likely note--for her weirdly shaky command of the common tongue--her bleached emerald gaze held the spark of an intelligent mind behind it.

Her brow quirked at his words and the magic with which he bathed her. It helped. She had to admit. The little puffballs of low-level magic dispelled the last vestiges of the haze of the nitrate fugue, and beat back the impending headache of withdrawal that followed her dosings much more closely these days. Her aches and pains were eased a little, and her focus sharpened.

“Troubles Peat much, your plan. Too much. No Fae aids Peat.” She said dismissively of Cheshire’s idea. “All dead, Peat’s people are. Demons…” She paused. Sometimes demons did not know they were demons. Peat pointed at Cheshire. “...you like, killed them.”

The sinews of Peat’s emaciated neck stood out as her jaw clenched. “Trees now empty, are all,” she shifted, and her prosthetic leg of a living olive tree emerged from beneath her rags of clothing, “except one. This one, Peat’s, and Olive’s, is.” She explained her apprehension of the world emptied of Dryads and Sylvari by some imaginary genocide. Her first captors had convinced her of the truth of this horrific lie, and used the crushing despair it brought to prevent her escape. “First demons told Peat.”

“Help Peat want you?” The Sylvari had an alternate proposal for Cheshire, in the unlikely event that he was not just another lying demon. “Then this week, dies Peat.” She said with conviction. She had slowly and carefully stocked away a stash of the phosphate fertilizers with which BloodSlayer often dosed her. Peat knew the arsenic contained in them was slowly poisoning her, and that a large enough dose would kill her with either acute phosphate toxicity or acute arsenic poisoning or--more likely--both. “Then buries you Peat.” She shifted so that she was close to Cheshire and her demeanor grew intense and focused. The healer would get the uncomfortable feeling that Peat wanted to threaten him--that she needed some guarantee he would follow her instructions. “Not burns; buries! Shallow; in the sunlight leg hers must be.”

Peat settled back, a empty, resigned look replacing the sudden intensity of her gaze. “Of us then, one lives on.” She said in a hollow voice. Her eyes shifted again to Cheshire. So how about it, healer? Do you really want to help me? “Promises this, you; buries, not burns?” She asked, accepting his proffered hairpin. "You, Peat, buries. This, takes you back then."

Cheshire’s Black Puffball 2.0 makes Peat feel better and she opens up to him a bit more.

Peat tells Chesire she believes all Dryads and Sylvari were massacred by humans.

She dismisses his plan to escape and asks him to bury her instead.

If Cheshire listens carefully, he may realize Peat has a friend, sister, or someone she cares about named “Olive” who is also tethered to her olive tree leg; likely the reason she insists she be buried with the leg above ground.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune


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[color=brown] Angry Miners[/color]
The miners pursuing Winrey were slower than the agile youngster--especially since they were dragging their bleeding, ailing compatriot along with them. Even so, they tracked Winrey as he ducked into a tent, following him with angry shouts.

[color=red] BloodSlayer and Staff[/color]
The disturbance had not gone unnoticed and one of the menagerie workers darted off to alert the owner of what had transpired at the “manticore” cage.

Generally, guests were allowed to make sport of the attractions--especially those worn-out creatures BloodSlayer dressed up as exotic creatures--with some limits. BloodSlayer found that he could extract more coin from the corpse of a “manticore” by extorting the patron that had slain it. Posted signs warned of the consequences of damaging (or being damaged by) the attractions, but the carnies were instructed not to enforce the rules, unless the rule resulted in profits going into the owner’s pockets.

Fights between patrons, however, were not as well tolerated--especially fights between peasants, who payed the commoner’s entry fee, and the children of well-heeled gentry who bought “grand tours.”

When one of his staff whispered Winrey’s predicament to BloodSlayer, he gave them a couple of quick, cryptic orders, and then steered Winrey’s parents toward the tent where the boy had holed up.

[color=cyan] Charlotte the Bearded Lady[/color] “How the fuck does BS expect me to ‘deal with it!?’ Where are the goddamn bouncers?” Charlotte demanded of the carnie who had interrupted her show. “Tch! Fine! You handle this crowd.” She huffed at the whispered response, ducking out of her sideshow to see to keeping Winrey from getting beaten to a pulp.

Angry bleeding men, check. Charlotte knew the ins-and-outs of the menagerie, and the tent where she worked especially. Kid with ears, looking furtive; check. She thought to herself, darting over to where Winrey was hiding. ”C’mon kid! Help is on the way, let’s make sure you’re in one piece by the time they arrive.” She said to him, motioning for him to follow her.

Assuming Winrey didn’t run from her as well, there were not a lot of options. Security was tied up with making sure crowds at the entrance didn’t sneak past the ticket sellers. BloodSlayer only hired enough muscle to protect his pocketbook, not his performers or patrons. Later in the night, when the opening crowds had dispersed into the show and drunken brawls and assaults were more common, she might have pulled a roustabout or two, but not at the moment.

Charlotte spied the open door to Peat’s cage and had a flash of inspiration; the Sylvari was no fan of angry men--that she thought of as “demons”, and she was some sort of Fae. ”Fae like beastmen, right?” Charlotte mused to herself as she tried to lead Winrey to Peat’s cage. “Quick, kid, get in and shut the door!” She pointed to the enclosure where Peat and that handsome young guy from earlier were holding conference.

Charlotte was pleased to see that Peat hadn’t strangled Cheshire.


She hoped the same would hold true for Winrey, if he chose to follow her advice and take refuge in the cage with Peat and Cheshire.

The miners follow Winrey into one of the tents.

The bearded lady tries to have him take refuge in Peat’s cage until BloodSlayer arrives to handle the situation.

Lolory Lolory
Designer (64).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
Winrey ran and ran, until he spotted a lady (with a very magnificent beard) usher him over. He didn't take the time to look where he was going until he was in what appeared to be a cage. He was at least safe from the angry mob, but now an entirely different issue had presented itself and he wanted to get out. He couldn't explore a circus stuck in a cage the whole time, and he had a sneaking suspicion that if he stayed for too long they'd make him one of the attractions. Turning around in the cage, he noticed he wasn't alone and that there were two other people also there as well. One seemed to be human, but the other was a creature that Winrey had never seen before, even in his old life in Blackwell.

Winrey could at least read that he was interrupting some kind of moment, what an awkward time to escape his fate at the hands of a mob. "Sorry to intrude. I was running from a crowd of mongrels that were terrorizing this poor lion." He said to the two of them. "Um...are you both human? I assume everything in these cages are fake oddities that man has made. Ugh..." He glanced up at the bearded lady who'd let him in the cage. "Though a lady with a beard isn't that impossible, I suppose. My name is Winrey, I guess we'll be sharing a cage for the time being."

At least until my idiot parents get back from that "grand tour"...
He absently wondered where they had even gone to, as he hadn't run into them when the circus mob was chasing after him. It was times like this that made him miss his Aunt Elvyra the most. She wouldn't have been duped into a tourist trap like this at least.

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Irihi Irihi

1. Go into the cage with Peat and Cheshire
2. Introduce himself.​
: Irihi Irihi Lolory Lolory
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

“I can’t let you die.”

he said. Concerned and trying not to cry, he shouldn’t be emotional. Not around patients he also wasn’t used to being able to cry. He didn’t have those privileges back in that video game. But this wasn’t a game this was a Dryad who had given up on her life…

“How about a compromise..”

He says.

“Let me try to help you, if I can help you recover enough to travel across the border…and get you to safety. Whether it be the Fae See or The Republic you will be safe there and have a new chance at life…let me try to achieve that for you…”

He answered. The Republic hated the idea of slaves if he recalled. Slavers were even for executed there. If not the Fae See…than perhaps the country of beasts might also be a safe haven. But she couldn’t stay in Ryke and she couldn’t be moved to Eastern Empire Borders that was a death wish.

“And if we fail to help you recover enough for travel by the end of the week…then I’ll…put you to sleep..”

It was a hard thing to say.

“And bury you and ‘Olive’ and make sure you rest in peace…and won’t suffer anymore…”

The fact it was as it was hurt him. But she shouldn’t have to suffer Cheshire had only the thought of her being free from it all either way. But he still hated the idea of her dying.

“Just let us try first alright?”

He then heard a voice and turned to the rabbit boy.

“I’m human. She’s a Dryad…my name is Cheshire. Wait are you even an employee?”

He questioned. On guard about this stranger that randomly showed up.


Last moment he decided to ask.

“How much did you hear…?”

Language Keys:
“Common” {Slyvan}

Charlotte the Bearded Lady “I’m not going in there!” Charlotte laughed, as she closed the door. ”Better lock it! Here they come! She advised, and then stepped out of the way of the angry men chasing Winrey. The sideshow actor would have stuck around to see how the drama played out, but she had been mid-performance when she was interrupted, so she needed to hustle back.

Also, if there was to be bloodshed, she did not want to be caught hanging around. BloodSlayer tended to assign culpability randomly, but odds of catching the blame were lower the further from the action you were when he arrived.

Angry Miners Peat’s cage might offer security, but it was not at all hidden. It did not take long for the miners to spot Winrey holed up inside. The chase had given their initial knee-jerk fury a chance to settle, and now a more calculating desire for revenge was setting in.

Rather than storm the wagon-sized cage and burst in, the leader of the group called to those within. ”You there in the cage! Got no argument wit ya! Send out the boy and we’ll take ‘im an be on our way!”

The miners hadn’t decided what they were going to do with Winrey just yet. Initially they’d thought to take revenge for the injury he’d caused their friend out of his hide. Now, though, with their bloodlust subsiding, the leader was having thoughts of extortion or robbery. After all, beating the boy to within an inch of his life wasn’t going to pay for their comrades' lost wages and his convalescence.

”That brat nearly got Sammo kilt, an now ‘is arm’s all tore up!” He added. “Don’t yew go siding with that little monster, an make us hafta bust in there!” He warned, ostensibly to Cheshire and Peat.

Peat the Sylvari

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The Sylvari noticed that Chesire was having an emotional reaction to her words. He wasn’t the first healer to try to trick Peat into thinking that he actually cared about her to get her to cooperate, though he was the first to do so and insist that he wanted to help her escape her captors. The floral woman squinted at Cheshire mistrustfully and made no promises as she considered his offer.

Even if he is lying, what do I have to lose? It was not so bad here in BloodSlayer’s menagerie. No, that’s not true; it just seems a little less hellish because of the drugs. Peat reminded herself. And this healer wanted to take even that small comfort away.

Peat pressed her knotted fists to her forehead. I can’t trust him… even to bury me. She thought. I’m not free. I don’t really have a choice. She closed her eyes against the burning tears. He’s going to take away my fertilizer, and I won’t even be able to end it! Why were they even talking? It was as she had said; he would do as he liked; all the demons just did as they willed, and it made no difference what she wanted, how she begged or pleaded or bargained.

While the black puffballs had helped Peat become a bit more lucid, they were not effective against her paranoia and psychological distress, and she began to spiral again, just at the thought of being denied her medicine--her fugue refuge from this awful place. The only thing that bends these monsters is strength, Peat thought, gritting her broken teeth. If I want to stop him, I have to hurt him. Then he’ll leave me alone.

Hurting people--even demons like Cheshire--did not come easily to the Sylvari. Having grown wild and scrub in an isolated copse, she did not know the lore of her people, but she did sense the will of the Urthmother; that she was supposed to grow and nurture, not harm and destroy. The Birch from which she had budded had no thorns nor stinging nettles, and using her magic to do harm felt wrong, unnatural, to Peat. Yet she had done it, and she could do it again.

Just not… to this man. He was going to torture her--maybe even out of the misguided goodness of his animal heart--and the only way to stop him was to do something Peat could not bring herself to do. The Sylvari wanted to scream at him, scream out the frustrations of her helplessness. But they didn’t go out. They stayed within her, because at the end of all the shrieking, she was still a slave. So, instead, she--

--and suddenly there was a large two-legged boy-shaped rabbit inside her cage.

Peat blinked as Winrey made his introduction and was accosted by Cheshire.

This was different. Different enough to temporarily shock her out of her spiral. “Named Peat, is Peat, sez Peat,” she introduced herself, again, this time to Winrey.

Then there were men outside her cage, shouting. That was not so different. There were four and about 9/10ths of them. One looked like he had a few bites taken out of him. Good. Thought Peat to herself. She had been in the menagerie long enough to recognize this type of patron. These were the kind that dumped fertilizer just out of her reach to watch her beat herself green and brown against the bars of her cage. Demons that would laugh to each other when they stomped on her questing, straining arm.

Peat was not a big fan of her visitors; [probably-]lying quack healer and didn’t-ask-if-he-could-come-in bunny boy. She was much less enamored of these other newcomers. Her hobble chains rattling, the Sylvari stood and shuffled to the bars of her cage that faced the miners, delivering to them a very familiar phrase in the demon tongue: Fuck you, sez Peat,” said Peat.

Charlotte goes back to her sideshow after suggesting someone lock the door to Peat’s cage.

The miners gather outside the cage and demand that Peat and Chesire turn Winrey over to them.

Peat impolitely declines.

Lolory Lolory DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
: Irihi Irihi Lolory Lolory
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

Peat wasn’t handling anything right. Even the healer could tell, Cheshire knew why though he knew what his species at done, and it was cases like this that made Cheshire wonder why his Fae parents had taken him in the first place. Why care for a species that seemed to lack so much compassion? He told Peat.

“Peat. I’m gonna do what I can to get rid of them, but they seem aggressive so if something happens to me prepare for the worst case scenario.”

He grabbed Winery giving him a dirty look and then tried to whisper discretely into his ear.

“Play along rabbit. Try to scram when I use my magic bonus points if you succeed while they are hopefully distracted.”

He would try to get Winery out with lesser complications than nessacary. But if this failed he would not intervene he had his priority and it was the dryad who needed a will to live…Cheshire would earn her trust—or so he hoped he could—he would help her escape if she recovered enough but if she didn’t recover enough in time to travel..he hated the thought.. but in a way he understood if life was so sufferable meeting Meldaron was probably a safer option as sad as it was. Cheshire attempted to drag Winery out of the cage and locked it behind him for Peat’s sake. He also attempted to push Winery out in front of the people.


He shouted using [Shadow-y distractions [E] to throw palm sized shadow balls at five of the men. Aiming towards their eyes with a swish of his hand. it wouldn’t be lethal. While he silently hoped Winery took the chance to dash he went over to the injured man and used [Black puffball [F] on him.

“This is what I can do for you at the moment now scram before I put you out of your misery.”

He threatens.

Language Keys:
“Common” {Slyvan}

Abilities Used:
Black Puffball- Magic [F], Healing [F], Componetless magic [F], Affinity [F] [Dark], Affinity [F] [Non-lethal]- Cheshire shoots a small Shadow ball the size of his palm that can reach up to 5ft and hit 1 target that heals basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds[F] grade - 0 post cool down

Shadow-y Distractioms- Magic [E], Componetless [E], Affinity [F] [Dark], Affinity F [Non-lethal] Magic range [F], Magic Targets [F], Selective Magic [F]- Cheshire casts 5 harmless balls of shadows at 5 selected targets as a distraction.note: cannot and is not intended to cause blindness- [E] Grade- 1 post cooldown.

E 0/1​
Designer (64).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Engimatic
Winrey didn't have time to chat with the two in the cage, as the angry mob had followed close behind and were hot on his tail now, standing outside of the cage with menacing glares. By all means, they had no real way to defend themselves trapped the way they were, and Winrey couldn't think of a solid means of escape. Luckily, he didn't have to think for very long as the doctor whispered a plan in his ear, and "shoved" him outside of the cage.

As Winrey landed on the dusty ground, he bolted immediately and headed away from the scene of the altercation. The doctor had thrown some kind of strange dust in the eyes of the men, so Winrey hoped that'd be enough to blind them and stop them from chasing after him. He really wished he'd learned how to make different potions but right now, all he knew how to do was heal properly. He didn't have time to make a potion for the poor "Dryad" (whatever that was) that was locked in the cage. Otherwise he'd have thrown Peat a potion too so she'd perk up a little.

Being a Beastkin, he was faster on his feet than most humans so he was confident he'd be able to outrun them. "I gotta find my parents while there's still daylight...I can't stand circuses!" Winrey muttered to himself, as he scanned the area for the familiar shape of his two parents.

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Irihi Irihi

1."While there's still daylight"- Fast E, Jumping F-Allows for the user to move quicker for a short period of time without tiring. -Grade E - 1 Post cooldown

2. Look for His parents while running.​
Angry Miners “Don’t be like that, now!” The leader of the men chasing Winrey growled at the hag swearing at them from inside her cage. “If yer gonna--ARRGH!” The miner was still talking when Cheshire burst from the cage and launched a magical assault on him and his companions.

The nearest miner is caught by surprise and distracted by the puffball. Surprise attack - no defense.
The three distant miners put their hands up to try to block the magic, but it passed right through their defenses. Unarmed, STR[D], Brawling[E]
The injured man stumbled and fell to the ground as his vision was obscured and the person supporting him let him go. Surprised - no defense.

“AUGH! I’M BLIND, Help me boys!!” The leader shouted, and his distress was echoed by the other four men. They stumbled around, flailing at the magic. Winrey would have a clear path of escape for a moment (one round).

[color=brown] BloodSlayer [/color] Winrey would have had a clear path of escape had BloodSlayer and his parents not arrived on the scene just then.

“Not. So. Fast.” BloodSlayer stepped in front of the fallen, injured man, staking his cane to the ground in front of the injured man and deflecting the healing spell.

Item Used: Ringmaster’s Cane [C] + INT [E] + Ability [E(F)] (Magic E, Magical Affinity: Deflect E, Magic Affinity: Vorpal F)

He gestured grandiosely for the benefit of Winrey’s parents. ”Well! It seems the young master has been having a perfectly-safe and carefully-curated Grand Adventure of his own!” He boomed, a huge but humorless smile pasted across his features. ”All part of the VIP experience here at my Marvelous Menagerie of Mystification!”

He leaned over and winked in Winrey’s direction (assuming the boy had not completely rabbited). ”Well done, Young Trailblazer! I see you’ve found our Main Attraction in your precocious enthusiasm! Not many guests have the opportunity to enter her cage and live to tell the tale! Well done, escaping her Villainous Vines and Nefarious Nettles!” He waved his cane at the furious Sylvari before whispering an aside to Winrey’s parents. ”All part of the act, of course. Never any danger.”

”Now, folks, as you experience Joyful Reunion; be sure to tell each other about All the Wonderful Adventures you’ve been having--I’ll just take a moment with my staff--then we can conclude your Grand Tour, immeditely thereafter!” BloodSlayer said, excusing himself from the cash cows couple before he stomped over to the door of Peat’s cage.

”Allow me to remind you, healer, I have retained your services for my possessions,” he growled at Cheshire. Not to provide free healthcare and free magical entertainment to every layabout who happens by! When you are on my time and my dime I expect your talents to go to healing what is mine!”

He would then attempt to collar Cheshire and drag him over to the distressed miners. Whether he had the healer with him or not, he would take a moment to speak to the patrons. ”Gentlemen! I see that you have injured yourselves in the process of disregarding the rules and regulations of my menagerie. May I remind you that the purchase of your ticket is an implicit contract to: not touch the exhibits; not molest, distract, or interfere with my performers; and to not quarrel or fight with other guests.” he said. ”By violating these terms, you have voided your tickets for the night!” He declared.

Peat the Sylvari
Untitled4 (2).jpg

Peat watched, boughs tingling, as Cheshire used his magic to distract the men and push Winrey to make a break for it. She was glad to see the rabbit-child escape and reunite with his family. Peat might hate and fear the demons, but she made an exception for their children.

Peat hissed at BloodSlayer from behind the bars of her cage, inadvertently playing into the ringmaster’s performance for the well-heeled family. With little else to do, she delved into a pocket of the ragged clothing the demons forced her to wear and came up with a hit of fertilizer that she snorted from a finger.

The miners are temporarily disabled by Cheshire’s magic.

BloodSlayer and Winrey’s parents arrive. BS prevents Cheshire from healing the injured man (for free).

Peat does a bump of tree coke.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
: Irihi Irihi
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

Cheshire internally groaned at his ‘boss’. As if the man had control over what was beyond the contract. Cheshire cast another [Black Puffball[F] while keeping one arm in front of Bloodslayer he told the remaining injured.

“Leave before he tries to sell you something that will make your injuries worse.”

He states coldly feeling like a black curtain of darkness covered his mind for a bit he turned to Bloodslayer.

“This isn’t on your ‘dime’ I do not expect you to pay me for this. Circumstances like this was not even covered in the contract. This is a one and done situation I was not going to let Peat become overwhelmed. Believe it or not not everyone is in it for Rykes why else would I be a cheap hire among a few other reasons I could name.”

He would then promptly holding a middle finger to Blood Slayer hopefully before the man left and walked towards Peats cage. He didn’t unlock it and waltz in though. Instead he asks.

“Do I have your permission to enter? How are you feeling?”

In a calmer and gentler toned that was mixed with concerned. If he was going to help Peat he needed to be seen as as a trustworthy support system. Something the Fae desperately needed from the looks of it and he would try to be just that. Silently he was conjuring up a plan though when he silently wondered in thought…

‘How easy would it be to trick them into entering Republic territory?’

Language Keys:
“Common” {Slyvan}

Abilities Used:
Black Puffball- Magic [F], Healing [F], Componetless magic [F], Affinity [F] [Dark], Affinity [F] [Non-lethal]- Cheshire shoots a small Shadow ball the size of his palm that can reach up to 5ft and hit 1 target that heals basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds[F] grade - 0 post cool down​
Designer (64).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
"Oh dear, is that a real Dryad?" Winrey's mother looked somewhat worried at the condition of Peat. It was obvious to the two parents who were both very skilled at seeing things at the end of their life cycle that this poor Dryad wouldn't make it for very long if she stayed in a small cage. "Is she...okay? She looks quite sickly."

"You've seen a Dryad before, mother?" Winrey asked quite curious. She nodded, with a grim expression.

"When I was around your age I used to do many funerary rites for people near the border of The See. Some were human, some Beastkin like us, but there were Fae at times. Dryad's do not normally look like this if they're healthy at least, and not close to meeting their end." She said with a sad expression.

"Oh that's right, Mr Bloodslayer did we mention? We're followers of Meldaron, the God of Death! We actually came all this way to take a break from our church duties for a while." Winrey's father explained. "I'm at least glad that no danger came to you, son. But try not to go into cages like that! Who knows what could've happened if you weren't so quick to get out."

Winrey looked back at Peat and a hollow feeling formed in the pit of his stomach. The condition of many of the animals here were quite poor, Peat wouldn't be the only one meeting her end if someone didn't help them. Winrey staved off the inevitable with a simple potion earlier for that "manticore". He wondered if it'd do the same for her? But it wouldn't work in his opinion. It would be better to put her out of her misery instead.

Winrey had the urge to sneak back and see if he could perform a rite for Peat. He's missed his chance now, but perhaps later...For now he'd just stick with his dull parents and the strange Bloodslayer.

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Irihi Irihi
BloodSlayerThe florid-faced ringmaster seemed to inflate and turn even ruddier at Cheshire’s words, yet he managed to control himself in the presence of his VIP guests. The smile he gave Cheshire was one hair short of murderous--reflecting his mood. “Very well, healer, I won’t tell you how to do your job.” He gritted out. He turned to his honored mealtickets guests and laughed with clearly-forced humor. ”As you see, the colorful characters of my menagerie expands even to my delightful support staff!”

Smiling hugely, he herded Winrey and his parents away from Cheshire and the recovering Miners. ”Ah yes; sage advice from your sire, young master.” He agreed with Winrey’s father, managing to load the words with several tons of condescension.

”Well, let’s give my expert medical staff a moment to see to our star attraction, ensuring she stays far from the gods who favor you.” He winked, trying to show that he was not as unsettled by followers of the god of death as he was. ”Perhaps we can revisit the fanciful field of our floral friend, later. For now, if you’ll give me just a moment, I’ll prepare your next exclusive escapade!” So saying, BloodSlayer ducked into the Charlotte’s sideshow.

BloodSlayer collared the carnie who had been lazing in the back of the Bearded Lady’s show after a moment of juggling her patrons. ”Tell Charlotte to wrap it up.” He hissed. ”She’s got VIP’s.”

Popping back out of the tent-within-a-tent, he bowed and scraped before Winrey and his parents. ”Honored guests, before visiting our next star attraction, let me present you with specialized options, not available to our regular patrons: You see, our next performer may present all of you with her fantastical world of whimsey, or--as a special private engagement--her edgier performance, more appropriate for couples, alone.” He twirled his cane dramatically before leveling it at Winrey. ”Meanwhile, my staff and I can escort young master on a special tour of the rest of my marvelous menagerie.” He offered.

Miners The fight had been wholly taken out of the miners by Cheshire’s magic and BloodSlayer’s declaration. However, though their tickets were supposedly revoked, BloodSlayer was too busy with his cash cows to enforce a ban on them. The injured man was the first to regain his sight, the second round of Cheshire’s magic had staunched the bleeding, though his arm was still mangled. ”Lads, I need a doctor.” He said quietly as the magic obscuring the sight of the others dissipated.

The miners held a huddled conference. There was anger at the healer’s interference, but also a generally hangdogged feeling at having been had. With Cheshire focused on the Sylvari, parents and ringmaster escorting Winrey, there was nothing for it but for the miners to slink off.

Peat the Sylvari Untitled4 (2).jpg

“Comes Cheshire as wishes he.” Peat shrugged, still standing near the door of her enclosure, at the limits of her chain.

The Sylvari recognized that the little demon had effectively banished the others from her space and shielded her from an argument that had nothing to do with her. That was certainly different from her usual experience. Charlotte using her as a speed bump to slow down the miners in their pursuit of the child was more par for the course--and that had come from a so-called friend.

It might have been the drugs, but there was a bit less mistrust in the Sylvari’s gaze, with which she regarded Cheshire. “Better.” She said, deciding she did not need to be so guarded around the healer. “Less aches head, less real feels hell this.” She backed up and gave Cheshire a blank look if he were to enter her cage. “Not sure stand living without fertilizer can Peat.” She closed her eyes. ”Not here.” Trying to focus her drug-addled mind on Chesire’s treatment plan; wellness then escape, she gave it real consideration. Yes, it seemed an insurmountable cliff--and he was probably just lying; patching her up enough to serve the desires of her master--but maybe she would think about going along with his plan.

“Stronger than looks Peat is.” Peat said. ”Frees her, Cheshire first. Then root--then heals--Peat better.”

BloodSlayer brings Winrey and his parents to the Bearded Lady sideshow. He offers Winrey’s parents a private engagement with Charlotte while he takes Winrey to more “child-appropriate” displays.

The Miners recover their sight and sneak off before they are thrown out.

Peat allows Cheshire to return to her enclosure. She tells him she will heal better if he frees her first.

Lolory Lolory DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Last edited:
: Irihi Irihi Lolory Lolory
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

“Even if you say I can come as I wish I’ll still ask you first…”

Cheshire told Peat while unlocking the cage with the keys and unlocking the door with a creak he shuts it behind him carefully and listens as Peat explains how she was feeling at the moment he nods.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

He answered. And then added more quietly.

“I hope to get you out of this hell soon..”

He answered and then thought over her request. Help her get out first then make her better? He could understand why, she wanted to be free but she had a hard time wanting to be connected to reality here and it was all reasonable, he secretly hoped Bloodslayer had a criminal title that way if something…unfortunate… happened no one would care. But if Bloodslayer had one it was beyond his Appraisal. He spoke again quietly

“I think we can work with that Peat. Might even be able to find someone who can treat the plant-related issues better than I can…”

He began thinking of a plan.

‘Maybe…we can try to trick him into thinking the answer is in the republic…but hmmm…no… that might be a risk to her as well because of how long the road trip there’s not a promise we’ll be able to start the trip… hmmm I think I got a better way to break her out…but it depends on that rabbit kid…I’ll need to talk to him later.’ Even then…that’s risky’

He nods and then speaks up asking.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you some questions about your medical history, know you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. So I’ll start with the first question: You have a Broken Femur, Collar bone and a fractured wrist all improperly healed are these from different incidents or the same?”

Medical history was a good thing to know he had learned that awhile ago. Back when he was a video game character he didn’t need that knowledge to heal players…but here he did this life truly was vastly different then his old game. Asking about it would also make this interaction look less suspicious.

Language Keys:
“Common” {Slyvan}

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