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Finished [Ryke - Caelia Barony] To be a Baroness' Useful Asset


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
This RP is part of Isekai Hell (link to join here), and takes place in the town of Stonewall within the Caelia Barony. This is a shorter RP with the goal of obtaining an asset (that'll be worked out within the RP itself) and mostly focused on casual/slice of life interaction rather than having any mechanics. Posting rounds will probably be every 3-4 days as usual, though can probably work to make it longer/shorter (if people can post faster than the rounds, and assuming I end up keeping up with posting times)

(Probably not much for goals since there won't be much else within the RP)
Cast & Goals
Regula Caelia ( Elvario Elvario ): Obtain an asset to aid towards working on a Complex Asset.
Alister Marrok ( Megilagor Megilagor ): Assist Regula with her goal.
Teuihua ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece ): Assist Regula with her goal.

The town of Stonewall, a town comfortably nestled in the territory of the Caelia Barony. Miyuki, a kitsune brought to the town as a place of stay due to the strange adventures that a certain lizard partook upon, had found herself toiling around rather emptyhandedly as she internally contemplated what to do with her time. Being held up somewhere far across the geographical map, she had very little to pretty much no place or purpose in the world whatsoever, but had found herself finding a comfortable and inviting stay at a Baroness' Keep in the meanwhile.

She wanted to have some ideas to help, she was pretty much living rent-free after all. The company, a place to rest, safety, food, amenities, the whole package and way more than she'd expect for the sole accomplishment of existing was right at her fingertips, and all she need likely do is ask... and probably not even a 'please' at that. It was beneficial and great, but... made one feel a little bit selfish, undeserving, whilst the likely deserving person who brought one to Stonewall in the first place had yet again ran off to do something she could only silently question and wonder what it was or what for.

So, in her awkward alone time, especially since even her two sisters had better to do than sit around all day doing nothing, Miyuki tried to get to work on some sort of plan or idea. Maybe a hobby or little bit of work to pass her time and better herself, maybe even work on her name a little, but also to try and figure something out to repay the Baroness for her kindness. It maybe felt like Regula probably didn't expect any repayment at all, but it was such kind of thing that was quietly eating away at her in the form of guilt.

It took her a while to come up with a few good ideas, and what to say about them, especially with some events to use as proof for them being good ideas... though much to her disappointment, a little something like this had inconveniently cropped up around the time she was ready, and she found herself putting it on hold. She could've simply waited for the Baroness to return, though... Miyuki only felt she was setting herself up for failure to try and put such things on her the moment she returned from whatever important business she got back from. So, she put it on hold. And then the next day came... and she didn't do it. Pressure got to her, and she became too nervous to try. And so, another day passed, and she decided it might as well be time to attempt to try before her hesitant nervousness kept her from doing it to begin with.

The light-purple kitsune had been nervously hanging around the front doors of the keep for around half an hour, double-checking and triple-checking and quadruple-checking through some given notes and pages for what was essentially a put together presentation of her ideas. She was hoping to be able to figure out or do something for Regula that would make her a beneficial help so she'd feel a little less like a parasitic leech. Fidgeting with her hands, she had been questioning whether to go seek out the Baroness herself or to wait for her, but couldn't come to a direct idea as she did her best to just ask guards and such if they could let Regula know if they saw her, that she wanted to talk with her if she was free... though, she had ended up asking also if they could keep her anonymous, feeling like she didn't want to affect the Baroness before she'd even arrive. Miyuki would've felt even worse if Regula thought it was some sort of meaningless little need beforehand. Though, Regula may also end up finding some information mixed in with the news that a merchant was wanting to show up today to discuss some things and potentially set up business, which would make said anonymity a lot more obscured.

"Oh... maybe this might just embarrass myself even more, she has everything she always does handled, she doesn't need my help... " Miyuki muttered under her breath, waiting outside the keep as she leaned back on a wall. With her, the things she needed to do her little show-and-tell of sorts. Though for the moment, whilst she waited, she was rather talking herself down more than anything. But for now, she was keeping huddled to herself hoping that Regula would actually show up in the first place. Considering recent things, and that it felt like they always had stuff to do, she wasn't sure if she'd just be passed off as some 'random thing' whilst she'd have better to do.​
Last edited:
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Femboy Femboy

With Yemaya back in order. At least, mostly so, Regula had been able to relax a bit for a while. Well, not really. It turned out the usual business had caught up the moment she returned. Even more so with administrative back-fire from letting in loads of new people into Yemaya. Who'd have guessed. She sighed. To make matters worse, someone had been talking about someone wanted to see her... something merchant? She wasn't clear on what it was, or why it was, as even the guards informing her seemed confused on the matter.

Eventually, she allowed curiosity to get the better of her. Asking her administrators to continue without her for a bit, she'd stretch her legs (and wings) as she headed outside of the cramped and dusty study room. She almost immediately spotted Miyuki. She was tough to miss, after all. “Good... morning? Or is it afternoon already?” She wasn't sure and the sun wasn't really giving it away either at the moment.

“How've you been?” She'd ask, as she looked around. “Oddly enough, I heard something about a merchant, or someone, wanting to meet with me. I've half a mind to have them arrested for how shady it is to try summon a baroness out of her keep without giving your name or reason. That sounds like what you'd do if you'd try get me assassinated, don't you think?” She sighed. “I don't suppose you spotted anyone? My guards seemed hesitant to even describe whom was waiting for me, for some odd reason.”

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Femboy Femboy , Elvario Elvario

Alister was just returning from The Keg a local Stonewall tavern, as his lunch there ended. Along with some sweet talk with Inola, one of the workers there, he liked her but did not want to take it too fast as he knew he sometimes was too overbearing with his approaches to women in the past. It was a lovely sunny day, though it was around noon-ish so the sun held itself quite high up. As he approached the keep he saw both Miyuki a guest of the Baroness as well as the Baroness Regula Caelia herself.
As he grew near he bowed deeply to the two of them while saying his greetings.
"This humble Alister greets you my Baroness Caelia, as well as you lady Miyuki. "

Upon hearing Regulas question about spotting anyone nearby he didn't exactly see anyone, sure some people walking around but they had places to be and did not wait there, so just to be sure he took a few good sniffs to try and ascertain his decision with the smells.
"I didn't see anyone new here when I was coming back here. And what the scents are telling me is that either that someone doesn't have a scent, or it was Miyuki here or someone with a similar scent like her sisters."
He said as he raised up from his greeting bow, pointing with his open hand at Miyuki, though he did not want to put her in the spotlight per se, but if not her, her family then it could only be someone scentless. But he preferred to first look at the closest one there for truth.
Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor

At this point Teuihua had probably not all that long ago had likely been finishing up patrol rounds for the morning in the Barony near wherever Regula had been. He tended to change his pattern up so it wasn't predictable, even if someone decided to try to path out a pattern of his operations, Teuihua as a [Sentry] was far too aware of the possible that bad actors posed as threats.

Of course he had reconvened not long after this activity, It was only logical for him to come with Regula, as if she had noticed the suspicious nature of this request, then Teuihua definitely had and wasn't going to take any chances, as powerful as Regula was. Plus he had been acting as a stand in body guard for quite some time at this point. Having been with her all over the place, and making sure that she and other important people were safe, it was routine at this point.

He'd keep watch with his 360 Degree Vision, and upon seeing Miyuki, he gave her a wave with the more flexible agile arm, pretty much his dedicated waving arm at this point. Upon seeing Alister once again, since he'd been there when Teuihua had last been opened up, Teuihua gave a wave to Aliste as well.

The Guardian Golem didn't have all that much to say other than giving a "Greetings." directed at both, while he stood near Regula and continued to be on guard for anything unusual and or threatening. These types of strange meetings put him on higher edge even more than usual.
Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
The kitsune waited around the... questionably unnoticeable time of day, seeing as the sun appeared to be hiding elsewhere in the clouds or something. Though, when Regula showed up, she was a little surprised to see she had made an appearance at all. Especially with her reasonable reasoning for not trusting such a thing, of which Miyuki immediately fell awkward that she'd attempt to set up an anonymous invitation in such a way.
"Eheheh~, I'm not sure what time of day it is, and I guess that does sound really shady... which... wasn't meant to be the intention at all... " she'd answer with a nervous laugh, trailing off a tiny bit as she eyed elsewhere and scratched the back of her head. Feeling like it had already been a hit and miss from minute one, she'd find them very quickly joined by the presence of Teuihua and Alister. She could recall finding Teuihua a capable and trustable person who appeared to be always around the barony, her mind growing a little bit foggy on experiences around Alister though only supposing he had to be in hand with the Baroness. That winged woman did have a lot of people working to support her, it was tricky to exactly remember them all.

"Ah, hello Mister Teuihua, hopefully this is not distracting of your time. I-I was just... trying to ask for Regula's attention, if she wasn't too busy, because I had an idea on something I wanted to try show her. Though, not if it's interrupting anything way more important, I'd understand... " she'd quietly mention, turning her attention to Alister and giving him a gentle smile.

"And hello to you too, t-though I don't think we've had a very good chance to be introduced as far as I can recall... though my memory might be a little foggy, i-if I can maybe ask for your name? Just Miyuki is fine, I'm no noble lady or anything like Regu- well, Lady Caelia" the kitsune would answer, correcting herself on referring to the baroness with a more professional title instead of first-name basis.

Though back to the important matter at hand, she'd pick up some things she had with her and clutch them in her arms or conveniently dropped within her tails like a portable method of transport and [Concealment].
"I didn't want to bother any of you but um... I was feeling a little bit, like I wasn't doing anything. And maybe... I had a few things I wanted to have a little meeting and propose them for your input, t-though maybe having the input of others would also help that too" she answered, whilst it would always be Regula's final call, the kitsune was a little hesitant over the matter of bias... she seemed to have a whole task force full of similar people, that it felt like her mind was hinting her at something related to it. Otherwise, she gestured to the keep.

"Uhm, w-well, I think there's a spare dining room or something else that'd serve as a place to sit whilst I do so... if you're free to attend that is. I don't know anything about a merchant, I... didn't ask them to say anything like that, I just didn't want you to think anything like I was distracting you if they knew I was asking for you. T-then again, I also didn't think that they'd all listen to me to not tell you of all people" she uttered quietly, poking her fingers together as she bit her lower lip. Otherwise looking to the three, she hadn't prepared to present for a group larger than one but it'd do. Hopefully her ideas wouldn't be torn into or criticised so viciously by this miniature council, especially since such planning and business was not her specialty in the slightest.

"So, if you or... w-well, any of you, are free, maybe you'd want to come and listen to maybe some ideas I have that could maybe help the barony and that maybe I could help with those in away? S-since it often feels like I'm sitting around not doing much but leeching off of the kindness of the Baroness by being here... ".​
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Alister Megilagor Megilagor | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“Good morning... or afternoon! How have you been?” She'd greet Alister with a smile. She still wasn't sure which one it was. Odd how time didn't seem to exist yet. At least it (probably) wasn't evening or night. She'd just nod upon his comment that he hadn't seen anyone nearby. It was odd, but not impossible. A lot of people passed by here, so perhaps the scents or sights had just gone unnoticed.

“Hello again. How was your patrol? Anything unusual, or are things as calm as normal?” She'd greet Teuihua.

Upon Miyuki confirming it was her, she was surprised. “Yeah, that it does. Although I guess that explains why the guards listened. They might've thought it to be some surprise or something?” That was her only logical explanation.

At first, Regula felt like simply saying 'but that's alright', yet it seemed the desire to help out was strong enough for Miyuki and she didn't wish to disappoint her. “Well, you certainly have me curious. I'd love to hear what ideas you have.”

She'd nod. “I'm free to attend, though I suggest we stick to the meeting room. Otherwise I'd be a hassle for Teuihua to fit.” Assuming Miyuki didn't know where said room was yet, Regula would take the lead. It seemed like Miyuki was wondering about something Regula had wondered about as well. “They must've thought it was some sort of surprise, otherwise I wouldn't understand them either.” She shared her earlier reasoning.

Sighing upon hearing the last, bit, she would at least counter that point. “I enjoy your company, so that's already a way to repay me in one way or another. Yet I'm equally eager to hear what other things you have in mind, as it's clear you wish to do more.”

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Femboy Femboy , Elvario Elvario , TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"That might be true Miyuki miss, though I know of you from what people described you. But yes this might be our first formal meeting rather than in passing. The name's Alister Marrok, as you can probably guess I am in Lady Caelia's employ, though my exact role escapes even me as sometimes I am but a butler at other times I handle odd jobs." Alister greets Miyuki with a slight bow and a more formal greeting by exclaiming his name and all that.

"Any idea could be a good idea with some refining. That's why I am assuming you tried reaching out to Lady Caelia, to discuss your idea. And personally I'm all ears to hear it out."
Alister exclaims with a small smile on his face as he looks between the people gathered here but especially at Miyuki, proud of her that she decided to do more than she already did despite the fact she did not know how much she was already doing.

"I have to double down on Lady Caelia's words. While you might feel like this just being by her side was already enough, as you can clearly tell sometimes our lady over here puts too big of a burden upon herself and forgets to take care of herself. That is why just you being by her side was already enough, as she knew she could rely on you even if it was just to get her mind out of all the work she has." Alister sighed and swung his head from side to side, not really in disappointment but the fact that Miyuki had so little self-esteem that she might not even take Regula's words into her mind without someone else to keep on reminding her of that fact.

"I am willing to lend an ear and word if need be. All of you can move to the meeting room I will join you shortly with some tea and snacks it shouldn't take too long."
Alister said looking at all of them but mainly at Regula to get her confirmation whatever tea and snacks are to be prepared or not for this meeting. If she agreed to it or did not disapprove Alister would go out to make some tea and grab some quick snacks before going to the meeting room.

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor

"There is no need of concern there Miyuki, my time is not interrupted, I am here in part in service of Lady Caelia after all." He responded with a warm enough tone.

He'd then give a little bow Regula's way. "Your consideration is much appreciated, while I can anticipate you've made up your mind in this kindness, I would still like to articulate that you shouldn't need to feel any pressure to adjust the meeting space on my behalf, but I suppose if my feedback is desired in addition as it sounds has been suggested then perhaps it's just as well I come along to the meeting room then."

Of course Teuihua would much rather be included but given his role and function in his past life and some of the work he did here, he fully understood if he were to just be tasked with standing guard outside of the space or something of the like.

At the question regarding the patrol, Teuihua responded honestly, "I have not witnessed anything out of the ordinary lately including on my most recent patrols, I've been particularly mindful of high interest areas where criminal activity is more likely and also have not witnessed anything particularly suspicious or out of the ordinary."

"If this changes on subsequent patrols, of course I'll alert the appropriate channels immediately."
He gave a nod. He might have offered to assist Alister with getting things but he figured staying with Regula to ensure nothing bad happened was still probably the correct move here. For now Teuihua stood nearby on alert, ready to move onto the next space.

"With all of this said, I would be more than happy to hear these ideas out as well." He added positively.
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor


Miyuki scratched her cheek with a small, awkward blush upon Alister's introduction, wondering if she was really that obviously noticeable only after being around for not that long. Then again, it wasn't like her colors or floofiness exactly camoflagued with the environment. Even though how everything was professionally handled in work relating to the Baroness, it was often still a bit intimidating to be so formally acknowledged in a place she didn't have much to do with. It would be like staying in a hotel where you were treated like royalty. Though, she gave him a small nod of her head and tried to avoid eye contact out of a little embarrasment and intimidation.
"Ah, h-hi there, it's nice to meet you too Mister Marrok. Hopefully you'll find any ideas I have workable for being useful, it's nice to hear that Lady Caelia can find such good people to help her" she mentioned, hesitating a little over the compliment of being able to keep the Baroness at peace after such stressful work.
"O-oh, I suppose, though I'm sure that there's a lot of you like you both who bring her peace of mind through it all... n-not that I'm trying to voice her opinion or anything, I mean I'm sure she knows best and I'm just... saying things" she stuttered softly, not wanting to suddenly speak on behalf of someone especially since they were already present. Having done a small nervous glance to Regula, though her attention soon turned to the large construct among them.

Despite Teuihua's kindness in trying to settle her nerves, Miyuki still felt like keeping someone so integral in the role of security away from their job felt like a terribly bad thing to do. Although if he felt it wouldn't do any harm, maybe it'd be fine for a few minutes or so of the day, however long it would take.
"Okay, as long as there's not something else that needs guard or such... though I guess you do also protect Lady Caelia a lot too... not to mention with how suspicious this all sounded in the first place" Miyuki answered, trailing off and mumbling a little bit, considering if it had been a little bit of her way of inviting the Baroness that he'd also show. Then again, she had also been already plentifully introduced to Teuihua since he had been around a lot, he had been there both times on Gala'Kraoth... that and, she had sat through plentiful ramblings of Gunhild explaining things, and her explanations of the 'Great Metalmans'.
"It's nice that you're offering to also come along to hear, thank you" the kitsune briefly added.

Miyuki hesitated a little, thinking that Regula's point made a bit of sense.
"A surprise, I guess that makes sense... hopefully you uhm, aren't someone who doesn't like surprises, I guess. Maybe for now and the future, just so I don't accidentally surprise you when you're unwanting" Miyuki mentioned, fidgeting a little as she perked up once Regula offered her time to hear her out. She initially only prepared that she might possibly get one person, and now she had three, which was... honestly stacking up a bit of pressure and expectation, but otherwise she just tried to keep as calm as she could. Nodding over using the meeting room instead, she'd agree in answer.
"We can do it there, I'd feel bad to make it uncomfortable for Teuihua if he's choosing to come too" she spoke, almost ready to go yet feeling a blush on her face over Regula's insistence that her company was pleasant enough repayment. Even though she had just heard it from Alister before, hearing it from the woman in charge herself was still different.
"Ahahah~, uhm, y-yeah, I guess so... but a-anyway, we should get a start on heading to the meeting room. So we're not using up unnecessary time..." Miyuki would awkwardly laugh as she'd turn her gaze away, trying to pass it off and move on as to not be too distracted by praise whilst she hadn't even done anything she was planning to do.

Only somewhat leading the way, since Regula's input would probably be needed to actually help guide the kitsune to where the meeting room was, she'd start putting down the things she needed.
"O-okay, um, you can all get seated and comfortable and... I'll be... ready... in... just... any moment... " Miyuki smiled and insisted, clearly having a little bit of struggle. She looked to her tails, aggressively shaking them up and down as [Concealed] things necessary shook and fell out like a comedic pocket dimension. Propping up her flipchart and finding the correct rolled-up presentation sheets, she did her best to set them up.
"I'll uh, I promise I'll clean this up-" Miyuki quietly muttered in unprofessional stress as her sight jumped between the other three, and the other leftovers of notes, writing materials and such that had scattered out of the Floof-Dimension hidden in her tails. But eventually having it ready, she'd gently clasp her hands together.

"Okay, um... thank you all for coming, I... didn't know if I'd be doing this at all, but I've come up with some ideas that I think could help the Barony, and I'd be glad to hear your inputs and, um, if any of you think they're actually good ideas... " Miyuki started with a soft smile, hoping everyone had the chance to get comfortable as she gently wagged her tails, being a little pleased she had managed to get this far.​
Femboy Femboy Megilagor Megilagor Elvario Elvario

"As you say the most important I should be protecting is right here." Teuihua reassured Miyuki, gesturing to Regula. "And I must admit I was a bit suspicious with how this came to be, but seeing that it's you who is meeting her I am at significantly more ease." He'd add.

"Of course I am more than happy to be of assistance. While I am aware my input may not be the same as having organic denizens provide it, I will try to make it as useful as I can." He added back with a warm tone at her thanks.

"And..thank you for the consideration then, both you." Teuihua replied, his warmth still coming through his voice, it felt nice to be considered just as anyone else would be actually, something which even after all this time still felt. a bit foreign with how long his past life had ben being seen as a tool or unit for a means to an end.

He gave a nod when she said they should get heading to the meeting room, he was ready whenever the rest were at that point, content continuing to protect Regula.

Teuihua then diligently followed, and when it was time to get settled down, Teuihua sat himself on the ground carefully and gently not that far away just behind the others, standing or sitting thankfully not being too much of a comfort question given how he was built, thankfully it wasn't terribly hard even for a construct of his size with the build which he had been given. He was somewhat impressed with how Miyuki shook stuff out of her floof, some landing on the floor.

Teuihua gave a nod, he was ready to listen to whatever, while this presentation was going on, he still passively did his [Sentry] work by keeping watch all around.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Alister Megilagor Megilagor | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Alister didn't answer her how he'd been, so she assumed 'bad' was the answer. What a shame. Seeing how he continued his exact role escaped him short after, she wondered if that was the source of him being in a bad mood. “Would you like a more formal function?” She figured she'd ask.

She'd chuckle at Teuihua. “Perks of being the baroness, I can go to any room I want.” Sometimes, she had to count her blessings. Going to the most convenient room without having to schedule, plan or arrange for anything first was definitely one such a blessing.

The next bit was good to hear. “Alright. I'm glad there's no more crystal antics lately either. Those were starting to become more and more concerning.” She really hoped the tree would be the last of it, yet she felt that might be too optimistic.

She noticed the awkwardness from Miyuki, but wasn't entirely sure how to respond to it. “Well, he's not wrong that your company is calming.” She'd eventually respond, the easiest and most wholesome way, which was probably also the most honest.

The question whether or not she liked surprises stuck for a bit. “I'm... not sure? I have a busy schedule most of the time, so whilst I'd love a surprise at times, I'd also dislike having to cancel things... Yet I guess a surprise that helps me out or that helps the barony would always be welcome? Hmmm... I guess it'd depend on the timing and reasoning.” She concluded, after some self-analysing.

Rather than sitting down at the head of the table, she'd side down to the side, to make it easier for Miyuki to present whatever she had planned form the opposite side to her and those with her. For some reason, Miyuki was shaking her tails and making Regula wonder if this was a way to tease her into really, badly, wanting to pet them. As if it was, it was definitely succeeding. Yet the baroness contained her [Tail Freak] urges.

“Sure, go ahead.” She'd smile to hopefully calm Miyuki down a bit and allow her to start presenting whatever she had thought about.

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Femboy Femboy , Elvario Elvario , TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"No need to be embarrassed Miss Miyuki." Alister replied clearly not knowing why Miyuki could be embarrassed for, after all there was nothing shameful in what she was doing. But at the same time this was a different world so maybe people thought way more differently than back in his world.

He turned his head towards Regula, his tail slightly wagging, so Alister was clearly stopping it from wagging too much. He was somewhat surprised by her question, it's not that he wouldn't enjoy one, it was that she asked the question at all, did he not hear her question and thus it spiraled into negative thinking, maybe but he doubted that so he simply answered as always in a bit of a roundabout way.
"As for your question Lady Caelia, its not that I dislike what I am doing right now, since I like being your retainer. But I am just that a retainer, I can't call myself your butler if I am not by your side in the keep, I can't myself a watchmen if I am not doing the job of a watchmen most of the time, I just do anything here that anyone could consider useful, I'm just that a odd jobs man. A person to fill in the blanks, one cannot exactly grow when they have no direction to grow towards even if they have all the things necessary to achieve such growth. And yet I can wait, I've lived a few scores of thousands, so what will a year or two do to me after all this time. It might just be you have not thought up a perfect place to use my expertise on."
As soon as Alister finished saying this a cheeky grin formed on his face before he sped off into the insides of the keep to make that tea for them, it went by quickly since he knew exactly what kind of tea to server at this very moment, though it was more so a remedy to Miyuki's nervousness than anything. With the tea having been brewed he placed it on a tray along with some teacups totally forgetting about getting some snacks and he spedwalked to the meeting room opening the door with the use of his tail and pushing the door open with his posterior.

Alister arrived shortly after the three of them arrived and sat down where they sat, he came up closer."The tea is here. It's Tulsi and Lavender, should be good for this moment." Alister said as he placed the teapot along with some teacups on the table and poured each person a cup even though he knew that Teihua couldn't really process the tea it would still be rude not to pour him one. The tea itself in both taste and smell was quite complex as it is both floral and earthy though they balance each other out with a hint of sweet minty spicyness, after drinking the tea one could feel less stressed out, more calm and more so clear of the mind. Having poured everyone a cup of tea and having sat down Alister was ready to hear out of Miyuki's ideas.
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor

Giving a soft smile as she was glad to have a patient audience, giggling softly at Teuihua's thanking them for acknowledging his comfort. Looking to Alister who had went out of their way to prepare tea, she was tempted to try although knew that she'd just be getting distracted. Miyuki's ears twitched at Regula suggesting she begin.

"Right, right, s-so... today I have put together this, uh, presentation in order to provide such ideas I think I could help with. So, because I've spent a lot of time in the past being like an entertainer and icon, I think I maybe have some ways to help improve population opinions as well as working on... social stuffs, with other people in Ryke and even other regions. Soo... as you know, the Caelia Barony has had some neat faires and stuff in the past as you can see here-" Miyuki began, flipping the first page on her presentation flipchart to show a graph containing bar charts of rough estimates. Primarily using a recent celebratory festival and a pretty large fair that showed a lot of interest and success, it compared average amount of participants between them and a few other more recent in months events around Ryke on their popularity. Miyuki had taken some time to research data and information on regional happenings, having another page that showed estimated increases in foot-traffic and visitors/tourists in said event-hosting areas.

"These events and such have shown that inclusivity with the community and active interaction that brings them together not only helps societal morale but stability and trust in eachother and their higher in-charge figures. The arrival of people outside of their communities have also shown improvement for the better, with the growth of their economics and tourism popularity. So... as for my first idea... " Miyuki continued as she flipped the page to the next.

It showed an okay-ish drawing of a plot of land, marked by worn down grass and outlined by stone and simple resources. It looked like a simple yet wide area with distinct ground markings and terrain modification for stable ground and identifiable plots. It also included a large stage for performance and other large public attention-seeking actions.
"I think introducing an Event Plaza to encourage working with the people is a first good idea. While it'd allow us more open space to run events, we'd be able to grant free non-problematic space for townspeople as well as visitors and others who wish to rent or have access to a public space to do... whatever they want. Like if businesses or something from another place like the Fae See or Republic wanted to host some event in Ryke, we'd be able to provide them space to do so. And then, um... " Miyuki spoke, looking like she was losing her reasoning or faith in herself as she faltered around for a little moment.

"And then, security can be sourced from willing event organisers as well as the Barony, and then more cooperaters can be found to make more opportunities, and... uhm... " Miyuki would fiddle with her hands nervously, trying to think about what else to say about her first idea. She had practiced the presentation quite a few times, yet now that she was being watched do it, it felt like it had completely seeped out of her mind. She was wondering if she was beginning to doubt the logics or functionality of her idea.

"And uh, if we can like, rent land out like you're a landlord, that funded money could go to renovating that space to improve the plaza space, and security and walls for more space, and for more buildings for houses and stores and businesses just by... making use of spare barony space that isn't under any use. You know, maybe just in case anyone anywhere wants to find cooperation partners or wants some space to do something... um... r-right, if a-anyone has any thoughts, or questions, t-that's just... only one idea... luckily... " Miyuki asked as she looked among the other three present for acknowledgement. There was a rather obvious desperation in her eyes that gave the idea she believed she'd already messed up greatly. A light flick of her tails, she glanced around nervously.

"Y-you know, because... evidence shows... big popular fun events are good and do successful... but, I mean, m-my other ideas are... a lot better... right uhm... w-well if there's nothing to say, I guess I can... move on... " the kitsune lightly twitched their tails, tensing up a little and coiling them around and close to her as she moved her hand to rest on the page. Her face looked nothing but nervous, clearly sweat present on her as she uncomfortably fidgeted. Waiting if anyone had input on the idea, she'd stay silent to see if she should just move on.​

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor

Teuihua chuckled back some at what Regula had to say, "Quite right you are my lady." Teuihua nodded at the crystal bit also,

"I did not witness any where I followed routes, I do believe even with that said we should continue to be vigilant for any more crystal sightings, particularly since it would seem they are ones related to my time and place more often than not lately sometimes with..unusual effects."

Mikyuki's giggle was welcome to be heard on his end.

While Teuihua listened to Regula and Alister's conversation he didn't have anything to voice on the matter himself, it didn't really involve him, though he did think he hoped that Alister could find some satisfaction in his work like Teuihua had found in his own, of course Teuihua did recognize part of the difference was that as a construct doing what he was doing, he had been designed for these sorts of tasks so fulfilling what his creators wished made him feel complete in ways that other things didn't.

When it got to the presentation room, and Alister brought the tea, Teuhua turned to him and gave a nod, "Thank you Alister, it's appreciated." Even if Teuhua couldn't 'drink' it in a traditional way, he could still do what he did so, he did take the cup and pour it onto his hand while he listened to what was being said, the tea quickly evaporating as he did this, tasting the flavors and 'drinking' it.

"hm, quite nice.." He'd comment softly.

Teuihua was pleasantly surprised by Miyuki's first idea.

When she got to the point of waiting it was then he would speak up.

"I believe that the idea of utilizing a..perhaps under utilized space in the barony to foster community and commerce makes sense logically. We would just need to take into consideration logistics and costs for such an endeavor, and if Lady Caelia was to agree to this project, make sure that we aren't announcing it's launch at a poor time, I have no doubts people are sensitive to where their taxes go and parts of the barony have had difficult times at points, we should make it clear how this sort of space could benefit the barony collectively. I also of course am in favor of enhancing the security for such a space, we had so many people participate in that fair you are bringing up that I will admit I was a bit concerned, but a more controlled space would prove to be safer for all involved I believe.

If it would be of assistance I would also be willing to offer to work with the relevant parties concerned with ensuring the security of this area."

His head turned to look to Regula when he mentioned 'if it would be of assistance. After he finished the sentence he then looked back to Miyuki.

"So in short, I believe that this is a good idea Mikuyi, we would just need to work out the logistics if it were to be approved, and of course I am just sharing my thoughts on this that it is a good idea, so take that as you will." Teuihua replied with a continued warm tone.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Alister Megilagor Megilagor | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She wasn't entirely sure what to make of Alister's reply, as part of it sounded like a complaint and another sounded like he was content with his situation. “Well, if you do want something more formal, the castle is currently lacking a formal steward.” She'd recall that nobody was really taking care of all day-to-day business. Most folk worked independently, which worked, but sometimes did get a bit complicated or messy. Especially now that more and more folk were visiting the keep and more and more of it was being renovated and used. Having someone take charge of it all, so that Regula would no longer have to do manage any of it, would be a fair bit of a relief.

Upon Alister returning with tea, she'd carefully sniff it. “What is... Tulsi? I don't think I've heard of it. Is it from the See?” She asked, a tad curious. It definitely tasted pretty wild. “I think I like it.” She stated, though she did feel like she'd need a bit more getting used to the flavour to really say for sure.

Regula would nod at the first bit. The fairs had been a hassle, but they seemed to bring back some life and popularity the the barony, which meant they'd been worth it. She'd look to the event plaza, thinking it through a bit. She was about to ask how they'd keep that safe, as it'd have to be outside ot the town walls, but Miyuki managed to beat her to it. “We might need a guard tower, or something else that allows us to oversee all of the area, to really ensure the safety at such a big area that's meant to become crowded.” She pondered, as just hiring external people might not be enough.

“It's not a bad idea.” She'd reply, although it also wasn't all that revolutionary. Renting out the plots to improve the same area with, however, did seem like a new idea. “If we can make the festival profitable or appealing enough for merchants or entertainers to pay us to be there, that would be a good idea.” She just wasn't sure about the former. Would her barony be popular enough for that to work? It seemed Teuihua was also sharing some valid concerns about logistics. “Indeed, timing would also be important. If it seems we're wasting money on trivialities, we'd fail before we're finished. Ideally, we would try to get a sponsor for it to avoid that.”

She'd nod. “Sure, I'm curious to learn about your other ideas.” She'd encourage Miyuki to share some more.

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Femboy Femboy , Elvario Elvario , TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"No thanks needed Teihua." Alister spoke as he partook in the tea he poured himself just moments before, once Regula offered the steward position Alister broke into silence for a bit trying to remember what a steward did, before answering her. "If that is what you lack then you soon shall not lack in a steward. Finally, I will have a direction to grow in." He said with a small smile on his face, while he did enjoy working for Regula how he worked till now he was spread too thin across a multitude of different things trying to find a job he would fit in and belong to but now with a specific role in mind he could focus on it and grow.

"It might be a word not used nowadays, I think the young ones call it Holy Basil nowadays, I found a small patch of it when we were returning from that apple incident and since then I periodically go there and nab a few leaves. From what I remember it is a rare sight outside of the See and Kuridan's mountainous terrains, so I can say we were lucky to have a small patch of it." At Regula's question about what Tulsi is and if it is from the See he simply asked with what he knew off, the herb itself wasn't exactly a luxury or a rarity as it tended to grow all over the world but only in a select few places would it grow in big batches entire plains worth of batches that is, they were lucky they had a small patch that was only as big as Teihua stacked on top of Teihua was.

"Guard towers might be a bit too much. They stand out too much, while yes it makes people see that they are guarded over by others it does also send a message that we need this kind of thing. An easier approach would be to have a few people patrol the area in pairs while blending in, with a few non-blended-in guards waiting near congested points where more traffic during the events would happen. Though it might not be the best choice for the most security, but it does lessen the unease of people due to having the feeling of being constantly monitored." Alister interjected after Regula's words about the guard tower, while guard towers were a good idea as they would show the populace and event goers they are watched over thus protected it would also make people unease due to the constant vigil from it, so he gave his idea of simply incorporating a few guards who would blend in with the event goers, especially since sometimes it would be impossible to find issues from the top of the guard tower.

"As for timing for now we could settle down for major holidays, bigger events like harvest season or even events to welcome a new year or season." He added shortly after, the timing would in fact be the hardest part of the whole thing to decide, after all if they did it too often it would be seen as squandering money, if it was used not enough it would be seen as waste of the hard work put into making it.

"Go on Miyuki, let's hear your other ideas, once we hear all of them it will be easier for use to pick one and try to develop it from an idea into something we can move into reality." After saying so Alister took another sip of his tea while gesturing with his other hand to the cup with tea waiting for Miyuki to be drank from, he wasn't gonna pressure her into drinking from it though if she did not want to, but her nervousness so far did not help with the whole ordeal.

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor

Her ears twitched as she listened to the given input over the matter, gathering a consensus that the idea of utilising space that went unused was a good idea although the practicality and logistics of her actual given application of unused area didn't seem so thought out. Glad that Teuihua seemed very cooperative with merely the first idea pitch, Regula's concern over the economical cost as well as the practicality of the idea left her a little reluctant over it.

"Right, right, expenses... those would be a big problem, and it might just... make people find it more problematic... " she murmured, choosing to accept Alister's tea after having left it the first moment. It'd only be the grateful thing to do, of which she took a small sip. A little hesitant having not really anything else like it since her arrival, she nodded.
"It's very nice, thank you Mr. Marrok" Miyuki commented over it, taking another small sip before placing it down. Since she'd gotten a basis of feedback, she tried to return back to what she was presenting.

"R-right, so, I get that it's sort of shared idea that it logically seems like a good idea... but putting it to practice probably makes more headache and potential problems than it might be worth.... y-yeah, it was... my first idea, which wasn't a very unique one. T-though I'm thankful for your crediting" she'd answer, giving a soft smile to the three and especially to the construct considering he seemed to have a lot more positivity in response to her idea. Though, criticism would be constructive, and she'd have to just accept her not-perfectly-planned idea wasn't going to hit bullseye immediately.

"R-right, moving on with a similar thought, s-so using up space that isn't in use seems like a good idea, as I maybe think we're all in some agreement over. Though a problem with using that space is renovation costs and security and the likes, which if there was a more cost-efficient alternative it'd be better, s-so... " Miyuki moved on, flipping the page with her tail. It showcased a somewhat-okay drawing of what looked like a highly tended garden with varieties of flowers and plants, but she'd fall reluctant at the sight.

"U-uhm, this was supposed to be a different idea for what I've drawn, but uh, my second pitch is... " the kitsune would begin, looking around as she tried to find the words for it.
"So, there's a lot of unused countryside in the Barony's territory, right? So, if we run some sort of, campaign or project or something, to help coerce the local ecosystem into growing, perhaps with new plant life variety and such, it'd increase tourism and local foraging business aaand local hunting business. Soo if we did that, it'd also give us a lot more natural resources, and perhaps allow us to create things especially to the Barony that aren't commonplace in Ryke. Say that, we breed or genetically invoke some new fruit or strain of flowers or something, or have some special creatures that live in these parts, and it becomes a new natural here. And, if we do that, and get more people working around doing their life in the Barony country, like hunters and foragers and just adventurers and stuff, we'll kind of just have like... free security, not that they're here for security, but there'd be more people around to keep an eye on things and report suspicious happenings. We'd just have to locate seeds and plan it out or... whatever it is that's necessary, but it'd increase public business that works with natural resources. We'd be able to rely on them for increases in the Barony's business and profit, and diversify community-sourced work. D-didn't we have... other weird stuff that happened around here, like that... weird apple thing? I don't get what stuff like that is about but... you know, there has to be some people who are interested in unique things like that, so we could try to make or discover something new. Along with populating and improving anything else, if we manage to stumble across anything new or unique to Ryke, there's probably gonna wanna be someone who wants to come look at it. And maybe they'll have a following or something, and then Caelia Barony will also be remembered for its' 'spectacle of an environment amongst the rest of Ryke' or something like that... and if it's a big project, we can just start with a smaller-scale garden like this, where we can build interest for those interested in such a project" Miyuki rather lengthily pitched next, clasping her hands together and lightly wagging her tails with a rather cheerful self-satisfied smile on her face. Although she somewhat had to improvise, she hoped that it would bear better fruits than the first suggestion.

A short moment after her pitch, there'd be an audible knock to the meeting room, Miyuki's face hesitating a little since it wasn't like she had expected anyone else to show up.​
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Alister Megilagor Megilagor | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“Holy Basil...” She didn't know that one either. “Perhaps it's been one of Gweniths experiments.” She did know the former orchardist had a love for experiment with various tea options.

She was a tad surprised by Alister's ideas on a guard tower. “Perhaps, we'll have to think it through if we ever make more concrete plans.” His own ideas would probably require a lot more manpower than they had available.

The next suggestion, Regula wasn't the most fond off. Not because it was wrong, but because it was all stuff that was already underway in some shape or form. “We've been trying to develop the land in multiple ways for a while now. Some of the most pressing manners are the lack of water and the amount of stone and rock in the soil. Whether it'd be for agriculture or forestry, we'd need more water and less rocks. I've tried hiring some Widersian-based Tinkerers to help come up with ideas on how to resolve it, like building ourselves an aqueduct and some reservoirs, but I've yet to hear back from them.”

There had been some other things in progress. “There's been some fruits native to the See, cocoa beans, that someone started growing near Kirkwall. We've also got a local farmer, Gwenith, trying to see what else can grow well here. As for unique things, right now the dungeons beneath Yemaya are already attracting a lot of people looking for adventure. Whilst wilderness might be less dangerous, it would likely also become a monster hide-out and we'd split our the adventuring forces between keeping what's underneath Yemaya from surfacing and from quelling what might take residence in such woods.”

She sighed. “Anyhow, your idea isn't wrong or anything, but we'd need something more concrete. A way to assure we'll have more than enough water year-round, an easy way to get rid of the many rocks in the soil, some crops that can grow well here. Perhaps some expertise from a mage or Fae on it. Either way, the idea is already being worked on, we just need a break-through discovery or the right connections.”

All in al,l this suggestion was rather disappointing, as it wasn't something new, nor was it concrete enough to put into action immediately. “If you'd be willing to help find someone that can help us further or help us find some seeds we could plant that wouldn't risk damaging the entire ecosystem or becoming too invasive, it'd probably help a lot.”
Interactions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor

Teuihua gave a nod to Alister, "Even so, I appreciate it." He then would listen to what everyone had to say next. Alister had fair feedback in his opinion regarding the matter, however Teuihua didn't necessarily see things the same way regarding the watch tower.

"We had plenty of those sorts of large watch towers in Mictlantechulia, I suppose for me they were a normal occurrence, people were aware that they were not only being watched but protected, perhaps deterring crime in the process..with that said I do understand that the sensibilities may have changed since then." He added briefly on the tower bit.

Teuihua looked thoughtfully, thinking about what was said from the pink one. He was in agreement that it didn't sound like a bad idea, but from what Regula was saying, she felt like there were multiple component of the plan which were already being addressed in some form and she just needed the right people to make it happen.

Teuihua felt like there was intrigue there for people to see new things and definitely the potential for tourism in that sense.

"I like the sentiment behind this idea, there Is room for attractions for tourism and this barony has some things of interest indeed, however I also understand Lady Caelia's points in response, In order to actualize that idea in a more concrete form, gathering people, perhaps experts for logistics in the respective areas of knowledge which are required to solve some of these existing issues would go a long way in improving and using what we have to offer here more fully."

Teuhua commented matter of fact, feeling like the feedback was fair, and what he had to say on the matter reflected his understanding of the situation and what would help out, until his attention eventually shifted to the knocking at the door, becoming alerted To it.

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Femboy Femboy , Elvario Elvario , TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"No thanks are needed, Miss Miyuki." Alister spoke up when Miyuki thanked him for the tea, even though there was no need to do that at all.
"That's true Teihua... I might be from a place where watchtowers had rather bad connotations for the populace. But still, too many watchtowers would raise unease, unless we just built them to not look like watchtowers but rather towers one would announce things to the event goers." He responded he did not think about it like that. Sure he lived in this world for some time but he was still mostly thinking in the ways he did back in his old world that probably wouldn't work in this one.

Alister listened to them, and upon hearing of a problem of the ground being rocky he mentioned a plant he knew of, he just hoped the plant grew in the same way it grew in his own world otherwise he would waste people's time with the search for this plant and tarnish Regulas trust in him at the same time. So if they decided to send someone to look for it he would probably move out himself.
"I know a plant that could help with the rocky soil. The problem would be actually getting our hands on its seedlings. All I know about it is that it likes to grow further up north and along rocky mountainous terrains. They are edible though if too much is eaten it will lead to Diarrhea if not Dyssentery for those with weak constitution. However animals like cows, goats, and similar seem to not care for that. They were called Sedum or Rockcrops back where I lived but what they are called here I don't know."
He quickly added to his previous statement, especially after hearing about the tinkerers, that an aqueduct along with Sedum would help out with the whole issue of how much is another matter.
"We could try and get a few seedlings of it on a small patch of land to grow while we wait for those tinkerers. It would at least help somewhat with the rocky ground."

"Cocoa beans you say, well there comes a few ideas. Chocolate, butter from its fat, cosmetics, and even medicine. However, I don't quite remember how to make any of them, only remembering bits and pieces of it, so that idea is shelved till the tinkerers get here anyway. And that's assuming those things aren't commonplace."

Alister commented once while he placed his paw on his head and tried to massage his forehead as if that was supposed to help him remember some specific information, eventually adding his proposition for a crop to just grow here since it could grow nearly anywhere in his own world.
"For a crop that can grow here. Hell pretty much anywhere, then it would be potatoes."

Megilagor Megilagor TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario

The watchtowers thing was a good point from both sides. Although people should take enjoyment and pleasure from the idea of bolstered security around the area, it was very much something people could easily become uncomfortable by. Perhaps from feelings of intimidation, maybe an invasion of privacy, or just the atmosphere of the design didn't feel very homey and inviting.
"Hm... I'm not exactly a 'Chief of Security' kind of person. A-although I could probably hold my own to help as security, n-not that I'd want to brag or anything b-but I do think of myself as capable enough to hold my own... I doubt I'd be a good fit for being professional help or helping set any of that up. The watchtowers and stuff do sound like a good idea, but I'd agree with Mister Marrok a bit. If we're concerned that depending on where we direct funding or what is done with future plans, doing something that might... concern inhabitants into feeling intimidated or worried or something doesn't seem like a good idea. Even if it is for the safety of the Barony. I'm not gonna pretend like everything is gonna be fine and always safe, but... m-maybe our- I mean, the, your security, is good enough to handle right now. And that higher security should be a focus when... there's more in or going on that attracts more public attention. Whilst the Barony has lower foot-traffic or activity, it just makes it less of a point of interest to anyone who wants to do bad stuff, right? I mean... w-when was the last dangerous thing that happened here? It must've been before I or Gunhild arrived... " Miyuki rambled on a little as she considered over the watch-towers and matters of security.

Though, the matter of security intimidating people did give her another idea, although not one she felt that proud of.
"Well... if we wanted to improve on security without scaring people or stuff... there's always... like, fight pits and stuff... t-though it's probably a dumb suggestion considering how... barbaric that would be. But, some places do use them as sources of entertainment, aaand it also doubles as a place to train whoever wishes to participate. It might also help boost people's morale that those people are the kinds of people who can protect them and the Barony, and get them used to... any scarier or less-appealing allies that might be assisting in the future. Then again, that is just creating a... rather barbaric combat environment and inviting innocent civilians to come watch. But, it might evolve into being able to encourage more skilled and capable combatants into visiting" Miyuki considered, finding it a rather weird and primitive double-edged sword of a suggestion. There was no page to show, for she had just kind of thought of it over the Watch-tower discussion that had briefly happened, glancing around to see if it was feasible or a bit too ridiculous for Caelia Barony standards.

Miyuki had been excited to share her ecological advancement plan, though it felt like her joy rather quickly sunk out of her as Regula appeared to have a lot of evidence-backed reasoning against her suggestion, whether it be that the suggestion proved rather void at this point or it wasn't very thought out.
"Tourism is a good idea to boost... sort of everything, getting money and business, new people and help, and all. But Regula's probably more right, I don't exactly know of or have any way to help fix those problems, and it's already kind of already being done so... I-I guess this idea's out of the picture, at least on my part, for now... " Miyuki considered as she answered to Teuihua, feeling rather dissuaded about her second suggestion although due to rather reasonable feedback.

Alister's mentions of certain products did peak her interest a little, her ears perking up as she clearly got a little distracted. Humming softly and nodding, she crossed her arms under her chest and thought to her self.
"Mhm, mhm, a-although Regula already mentioned about the water thing, I feel like being able to get more water could be a good idea to help with things like that... since, I'm not sure how prepared or desired that more farmland would be. Although, I have come and gone a lot of places, and things such as chocolate and products born of potato are very good. I have only travelled there once, and while it was... a little disappointing, I and Gunhild had travelled to a location called the United Kingdom... a-although it didn't seem anything like a kingdom. Well, it wasn't exactly a great trip, but the experience of a sunset at a beach, with high quality fish-and-chips? Oh anywhere else in that land, that dish is poor, but for some reason those who reside at the shoreline just understand it perfect. Dishes truly do attract a lot of positive attention, oh and homeland Tempura and Udon, it's so well done~... " Miyuki would go on to ramble a bit off-topic, clearly distracted into the realm of food by Alister's mention as the woman noticeably giggled and hummed to herself as she cupped her face in her hands. Drooling a little at the thought, she'd realise where she was and what she was doing and immediately wipe her mouth with a rather reddened embarrased face.

"A-a-a-anyway, um, a l-little Gunhildism, i-it happens... a-anyway... " she'd quietly trail off, trying to look for where else to go as she looked to her presentation trying to quickly remember whatever was on the page after the garden one. Though, her ears picked up on the knocking upon the door, of which she had noticed the construct's attention also be diverted to.

"I... don't recall inviting anyone, u-unless someone's looking for one of you... " Miyuki mumbled, though Regula nor nobody else had answered so she decided she probably should.
"The door is open, y-you can come in... " the kitsune answered, of which the door would shortly after open to a new guest taking a look around the room to see who was present.

Milky, a rather stand-out 'furpent' what with the excessively fluffy lower-half and long, poofy yet highly maintained hair would make her presence known, smiling and giving a small bow to those present. She carried a rather large, heavy-looking brown leather bag with her strap resting upon her shoulder.
"Ah, hello, yes, sorry to interrupt your little meeting here. I should have made better reservations and scheduling with you, but I was on a very tight clock and had to get an invitation passed through multiple people to get here, so it might have gotten quite foggy along the way. We have met before, Baroness Caelia, but if you've forgotten along the way, my name is Milky McDeuford. I'm a researcher, artisan and businesswoman, looking to expand my crafts and interests into your land for my own benefit as well as yours" she introduced with a small cheerful smile, looking to the other three who were present.

"I believe I have only met one of you, but our meeting was so brief it unfortunately evades my mind what your name is, so greetings to you all as if it were the first time~!" Milky mentioned to everyone else, giving a glance to Teuihua though not recalling the construct's name. Miyuki was a bit hesitant, since she hadn't expected this at all.

"I was in attempt to try and set up a meeting with the Baroness in order to offer a business cooperation deal, one which I have already put together planning and a managed budget to fulfil a part to try and minimize difficulty on her part in recompense for cooperation. I believe it will prove a great asset to your Barony as well as my Business, if you're interested to hear it out. If you would all be interested in being audience, having additional input and insight would prove useful, if you would wish to stay" Milky offered, a small lowering of her head in servitude as she humbly asked for permission to intervene Miyuki's own idea-shooting, which she was rather a little silent over at the moment. Not only had she not exactly hit a home-run of a suggestion yet, but it felt like competition was literately just showing up to spite her... though I'm not gonna comment on whatever basis Regula decides to consider what the 'competition and rivalry' was because of.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Alister Megilagor Megilagor | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She agreed more with Teuihua when it came to watch-towers, but she decided not to argue on and on about it. The only thing she did recall was a past thought. “Even if not at the place itself, having some more watchtowers in general might not be a bad idea. Like near the outskirts of the barony, along the borders and near the more forested areas. Perhaps we could go scout for some ideal locations for them n the near future. Your experience as a guard might be useful there.” She'd state to Teuihua.

Taking in Alister's answer, she thought for a bit. “That might work for areas that are more desolate, like those near Sootspire, but for the more vast and empty plots around here, getting rid of the rocks altogether would probably be far more profitable and worthwhile. If we find someone with a high degree of magic or with some sort of invention or machine that can get them out for us, we'd probably be able to make large amounts of progress in little time.” Then again, she didn't wish to deny his idea altogether. “Although finding such seedlings might still be useful, don't get me wrong. Like you said, it could work in the short term. I just don't think it'd be the most viable solution for all the areas in question in the long term, so I'd rather not spent too much time and effort on it.”

“Yeah, potatoes are grown here. A local chef cooks them in boiling animal fat, which makes them surprisingly tasty. That said, having better soil quality would probably make the work easier and improve the yields of even those. Including having more water available.”

She looked at Miyuki a bit confused. She talked a whole lot, but more and more of it felt unrelated and a lot of it felt less and less coherent. “Let's not have any pit fights.” Her answer was simple, yet resolute. She recalled reading about gladiator battles in her previous world, in the (non-Holy) Roman Empire. Those didn't seem like something she'd ever want and these pit fights sounded too close for comfort. “Although we could start hosting free self-defence trainings to those interested.” That, at least, was not a bad idea.

As for tourism being mentioned again. “If you want, you can come up with a plan for a next event. Something cultural, festive or sport-related. It seems you might be better off when you can work on a more concrete idea.” She'd offer the Kitsune, who seemed to be struggling a lot in getting something more concrete planned out. “If some of you know popular sports that aren't known here, we might have something to start organising that could draw some tourists in.”

“From what I gathered, growing chocolate requires a whole lot of water. Processing it might require even more water. Until we have that resolved, it'd be a no-go.” She figured she'd clarify, so that they wouldn't get their hopes up. Although the dishes mentioned did remind her of something. “You should discuss such dishes with chef Todo, at some point. He already introduced dishes from a different world before and might be able to help you do so again.”

As she looked at the one to arrive next, she nearly started drooling as well. The woman that was more tail than woman. Looking so utterly fluffy that Regula had to take a very deep breath to refocus. “You should have, yes.” She'd reply at first. Having people think they could just barge into meetings with her would set an absolutely horrible precedent.

That said, she had to admit that Milky had a far more promising plan than Miyuki. As much as she'd wish to support someone she cared about a lot more, she had to make decisions for the good of her barony first and foremost. “Very well, you have my attention. Although I suggest that you don't disappoint. For someone to barge in unannounced you're starting off on thin ice.”

Out of respect for Miyuki, she would at least try even harder than usual to avoid having her eyes rest upon that tail-like fluffy looking body and instead [Focus] on just about anywhere else. Which was tough, seeing how much of the woman was just fluff and how little of it was 'else' in that regard.
Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor

Teuihua nodded at what Alister had to say on the tower matter, deciding he had already said his own piece on the matter, even if he understood what Alister meant to extents. The same was true for Miyuki when she shared her opinion, Teuihua stayed quiet on it for the time being.
Perhaps the Baroness thought similarly based on her response or lack there of. Teuihua nodded when she spoke of having more watch towers.

"While I do not wish to be too presumptuous, I do believe that my experience as a guard would be helpful for that very purpose, I've spent much of my time around watch towers, probably a good deal beyond many organics for that matter, and I've seen where they are placed and where they have been most effective in the past. If you'd like my assistance for that purpose, It would be task which I'd certainly feel more comfortable with, Lady Caelia." He'd reply to her warmly after.

"Hm, yes free self defense training sounds like it could be useful for the common person to have access too to provide them skills in their arsenal should they need to defend themselves from those who would wrong them, for an added safety measure I say I approve, in better taste..at least in this time and place to my understanding than having..pit fights..It is to my understanding that the East Empire already has these kinds of fights..and I do not believe that it is necessarily in this Barony's interests to want to be more like them in that way."

"...I know of some sports, from my time..I do not however know if they would be popular in the time and place."
Teuihua added. He had protected VIPs in the audience at some of these very games which he referenced. For the parts that Teuihua had less to say on due to it not being his area of expertise largely, he'd politely wait and listen attentively.

Then there was the matter of the door, and the knocking which thankfully was quickly resolved with a familiar face which put Teuhua a bit at ease. "Greetings Milky." He'd reply. He did recall meeting her while he had been traveling that path with the others.

"As the Baroness is willing to give you an audience, I am also willing to provide my feedback where it seems appropriate." Teuihua said with a nod, maintaining a relatively positive sounding tone. Hopefully Milky would deliver something interesting and compelling so that they weren't just wasting Lady Celia's time, but Teuihua had a pretty good feeling about this for some reason.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor Elvario Elvario
Self-defense training for free sounded like a good idea, people would find use in that kind of thing... you know, as long as they were used for good and not for people to practice being dangerous. Fiddling with her thumbs, she nodded.
"Yeah, that could be nice. It'd be a service to help people out, as well as improving guards and such. It'd also perhaps help increase, like, amount of people in that line of work. You know, like, funding'll go down since there'll be more in that line of work so finding guards and people like that would be easier to do... or something... " Miyuki mumbled, not fully understanding how employment and pay worked, though rather just guessing. Teuihua's points were also in good agreement, considering such barbaric things did feel like they didn't belong anywhere around the Barony.

Though with Regula's offer about setting up an event, she was hesitant.
"I... guess, maybe... though I'm not entirely sure if I could be able to come up with anything for that that'll turn out well... " the kitsune mumbled softly, though it seemed like the newcomer in the room had a lot better planned idea-wise.

"Thank you for allowing my company, once again I am sorry for my poor timing, but I'll make sure to truly make it worth your while" Milky smiled and nodded, thankful that the Baroness and the Construct gave her opportunity to present. Miyuki, albeit she felt like like she was being rather overshadowed by this, just quietly nodded.
"O-okay, you can go ahead... " she uttered softly, taking a step back to give Milky the main-stage and stepping back to the side so she was out of the way. Curling her tails to pretty much a big floofy beanbag, she took seat on her own compacted tails since it'd probably prove easier than to sit on a chair with all that floofa.

"Thank you. So, I'd like to present a business opportunity as to set up some shop here in your owned land. While I'm working on expanding out of Ryke, most of my work is set up in Western Ryke, and I'd like to have some things going on the other side. Plus, I think there's benefit to locate certain useful resources within your territory that you may have not noticed or are not making use of. I'd like to ask for permission for construction territory to work on expanding your Barony's crafting businesses as well as utilising unused resources for new products to be made. Last time I was here and we ran into eachother, I think I told you a little bit about a game-and-figurine product I was working on. Whilst my business revolves around practical products, there is always a useful market in toys, entertainment and whatever else. I also want to set up better business routes for importing and exporting goods into and out of your land for my own routes, and being able to work in this location proves beneficial for me as well as some things I'd have access to. For offer of your cooperation, I was going to offer you a 10% claim on all income for all profit earned on products generated from resources procured from your land, or that have been transported through your land, for the sake of being given enough territory to set up what is needed for my work. That, and the permit to harvest and excavate resources. Though, considering I did rudely enter without much setup, I'm willing to raise that 10 to an 18%. It's only fair after all. It's almost double the free income for simply lending me land to work in your land~" the furpent would softly smile, placing her bag on the table as she opened it.

"As for what my plans are, currently I have no in-motion concepts for anything heavy that would upset the balance or social satisfaction of your peoples, so you do not need to worry about ecological damage or industrialisation of the local area. But, I was hoping that I could use your area as a starting point for this game-and-figure business for all ages. Creating a high quality product production line will give you a strong revenue that lacks higher levels of competition of designed products are uniquely chosen as to avoid heavy competition and scrutiny whilst proving popular... " she'd mention, giving a glance to Miyuki before reaching in her bag.

"I do have some examples of figure products, as you can see here... " she'd say as she brought out some small models of different species of humanoid figures, most of them were unpainted although some of them were... and to pretty high quality too. Placed on rather smooth and sturdy dark-grey bases, she'd gesture to them.
"These are made of some pretty unique materials, primarily Carboron. Carboron is... tediously rare to come across, despite being a self-renewing resource, though as I may come to believe, your land may possess some decent quantities of these in the mountainous areas to the north of your Barony" Milky pointed, pulling out another thing from her bag. It looked like a big, soft voodoo doll kind of thing... a big blank canvas of a plump plush cuddlable doll kind of thing.

"People like cute things, which is another thing I'd like to work on. Although these are blank, using some developed specialised transmutation magic that helps me present prototypes without having to go through the effort of making them. Although they're only temporary, it's quite convenient for pitches on ideas" Milky began, using her magic to cast such a temporary spell on the doll. Miyuki, despite watching and feeling rather... outplayed in every manner, was quite surprised at what Milky casted on the plush doll to turn it into.

"Although it's a simple change, we can use this basis of a model to mass-produce cheap yet highly adored dolls that are incredibly soft and comfortable but with high customisability and individuality to make them truly feel special to their specific owners. As you can see here, it is simply quite charming and adorable~" Milky giggled softly, having temporarily turned it into a rather small, stubby and plush-looking little Miyuki with all the sweetness and floofiness about it. Lightly pushing it forward to let the others take a closer look, she hummed softly.

"Of course, this is a small and quick mention, if you have any further questions or interest, I'll be happy to answer them. This is just a general basis of what I'd like to offer. Of course, I'd be happy to help supply you with products produced from my outside businesses at discounted costs, such as building and tinkering materials and tools and other such".​
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She listened to Milky's fairly lengthy sales pitch. The first bit wasn't the most promising. A 10% fee would likely be lower than some tax rates, land leases and rights to operate mines. Or whatever resources she wished to obtain. Starting off with such demands wasn't exactly the most enticing either.

That said, the rare resource mentioned and the figures shown made up for it. “Odd. This seems like the type of item baron Morbella liked.” It was a surprise. “I would not expect my own land to house the materials for them.” There was one thing she questioned, however, as it was confusing. “What exactly is this Carboron? You say it is rare, yet self-renewing?”

As for the next bit, Regula had to agree. “That it is.” Charming and adorable indeed. “Did you do any market research on how popular of a product this might be? It seems a rather wild guess to just hope people will buy a thing like this.” As fun as it looked, she feared it might be too strange for most.

“As for the earnings and costs. You'd be subjected to all regular taxes and fees, like anyone else doing business here. However, I am willing to invest some of my personal funds to help you increase the starting capital for your operations. At the very least, I do think there would be some demand for it. I would, however, want to hear more about the Carboron first.”

She'd look over to Miyuki. “What do you think? I fear products like these are too unfamiliar to me to have a good judgement on how popular they might become, yet I think you might have a better guess at it.” She clicked her tongue. “Now that everyone at least has food, clothing and shelter in the barony... I think I'd like to order a batch of these dolls for some of the children that got orphaned after what occurred in Yemaya. That should allow us to do a good deed and see how popular they are.” She'd look again at Miyuki. “Do you think that'd work?”

Then back to Milky. “If we were to proceed with this. How long would it take to get about a test batch of about hundred of these made and how much funding would you need?”

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