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Fandom RWBY: Grimm Hunter (An RWBY X Monster Hunter Crossover)

The agent silently acknowledged the age of the mansion and nevertheless he kept a watchful guard about what he would be stepping into, even after the slight act of hostility invoked during the dance, though a feeling crept down his spine like no other.

Agent Nevada

Hopefully this place has a decent place to sleep...

As he walks along with gamora and her companion.


H.P. Lovecraft

My eyes discern from place to place, receiving notion from the definable state of which this mansion is in. At the very most I would have expected something a little more, suitable.

I continue walking towards the manor, and had the reluctance set in for a time, though looks are not to speak for everything reassuring myself.

Yet within the steps I felt odd, almost as though I were being watched.

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as you saw the others leave you felt a little woozy and a little to late realized how everyone got drunk "the punsh wa spkd, hehehe" evry thing fels greet ol a buddun... bah rets party!

a little while into curlys second song you noticed that everyone started acting strange and so did shaa. wondering if this is a part of dances you ask shaa about it and he replied "hehahe da punce, da punhc... da push, da dreink wa spikd so ewrey 1 ish drunk hehehe..." after he stumbled away you just decided it's probably a dance thing and take the "spiked" punch and drank some. after a bit the world started spinning "wooooo! heheheheeheheeheeh" yoush star- ststrt- srted- yoush spinned wid a red face heheheeehehe

after seeing that pretty much every one drank the spiked punch you smiled and started on the last part of your plan. a program that would make you forget the plan and make you drunk, or as close as you can get anyway, and your gonna join the party. starting it and ooooooohhh...
heHehE, youre gonna... yoursh gonna du a crowd shufsh, heheheeee "WOOOOOO! Cwowd sursh!" before jupin you presed a buttem on te dee jays tble. yoush gonna enjay toonight
About 6 months later
The crew is throwing a Baby shower for the lovely ladies who are carrying bundles of joy. Sonora looked at Damian, and smiled as she sat in a relaxed position. "I am getting huge! Pretty soon these girls will be in our arms, crying and crying, and they will get lots of love!" Damian chuckled at her enthusiasm, though he was a bit cautious due to family history, but he warmed up to the idea of having kids. "We got a lot of love for 'em, don't we?" "Yep"

"Are you alright, cassie?" Clifford asked worriedly as he watched Cassie get up, with a huff and a puff. "Cliff, for the thousandth time, I'm fine! It's just hard to move around with lil' miss feisty moving in there." She said as she rubbed her belly, and smiled with a giggle.

"today is beautiful, isn't it?" Gamora smiled as she asked Wayne and looked at him. She could not believe she was having twin boys with her significant other, but the feeling excited her.

"Hey Yukari! How are you feeling? Y'know... With the twins in there. Verde and Midori, right?" Peter asked for the thousandth time now, he was so nervous he was forgetting the names of his children as he rubbed Yukari's back.

Magnus smiled on as he stood next to Lovecraft, and looked at the stone faced man. "Y'know, there is food and drinks if you want some." He said with a sigh, and looked at the sky. "What a beautiful day." CapRock CapRock nimona nimona Lord0fFate Lord0fFate
Wayne had no words to speak, only a smile as he held gamora's hand until he felt a hand land abroughly on his shoulder turning around to see a serious looking lovecraft.

Agent Nevada

Oh, hey there-

H.P. Lovecraft

I interrupted the foolish man with no discretion as I led him out to a corridor where we could discuss matters in private that were to be dealt with long ago!

I suppose the fornication was to much to resist hmm? I spoke with a sarcastic snicker to my tone looking at him intently comptimplating what I should do with him.
Should I remind you? I took his hand tearing off the wrapping that hid the mark of the contract he made showing him what he seemingly had forgotten about.

He remained silent hiding behind his helm in shame I reckon, I let his hand fall back to place turning my back to him frustrated as I commence to rub my forehead.

Agent Nevada

I... I didn't intend to Mr. Lovecraft, Damnit... This isn't good. . .

Wayne looked down to the ground before resting his arm on a wall lost in confusion.

Look, it is my business to choose what and what not to do! Why now?! I just can't leave gamora and my unborn children for god's know how lon-

H.P. Lovecraft

Hold your tongue I barked at him with my head turned towards him.

Then in the seconds that past felt like an hour I thought of his children, and in a strange sense I felt a pitty for them.
I too lost my father, should it not be same?
No. . . It shouldn't.

In the time I had change of heart, it was odd, though I felt in the pocket of my jacket the bits and pieces of what was left of the portal gun I had built.

I turn to the young man in a presentntable manner with my hands neatly folded.

Mr. McCloud, consider yourself lucky, I know not what affairs your exact intentions revolved around with the elder gods but as I have concluded, you may stay behind, the threat of your intimate death would be too likely, and only for your children would the acception be valid, but however... I would suggest a confession to your. . . Lover. .

I walk away sollumly pondering about the events to come.

Agent Nevada

Thinking: Th-Thank you. . .

Wayne walks over to gamora smiling at her with a look of conscern in his eyes.

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"Is.... Something wrong?" Gamora asked as she reached for his shoulder, and rested her hand tenderly on it. She was worried for Wayne, and looked him in the eye with the greatest sincerity.

Yukari chuckled, and looked at Peter. "Darling, I am fine. And yes, we did agree upon Midori and Verde." She chuckled at her lover, who was basically sweating oceans. "It will be fine, Peter. I am sure you would make a great father. Besides, who doesn't love that goofy smile of yours?" Peter nervously chuckled as he scratched his head.

"Ok, Ok. I just.... I guess I have been a little too anxious lately. Afterall, we are getting close to meeting Sini..." Cassie chuckled as she looked at Clifford with a smile. "Don't worry so much! You are a softie, arencha?" Cassie asked teasingly as clifford blushed hard.

Sonora and Damian were just acting lovey dovey towards each other. "Damian, I have to ask. When did you warm up to the idea if being a daddy?" "Well, My little wolf, Seeing as how the girls will be raised in good hands, and a badass grandpa, figured it would be for the best I look to the future... For Sonora Jr and Cherry." Damian said as he kissed his girl, making Peter jealous.

There was stomping from afar, getting closer and closer. What was it? Only one way to find out. Magnus readied himself for a fight. "Damian, Cliff, Peter, Wayne! Get the girls inside, now! Cassie, make sure aslan is alright. Curly, Shaa! Stay out here with me, make sure whatever it is does not hurt anyone!" Curly nodded "Yessir! We can get the job done!" She exclaimed with an eager smiled as shaa nodded. "Roger, Mr. Roja." nimona nimona CapRock CapRock Lord0fFate Lord0fFate
With a mild look of worry Wayne took gamora's hand into his with a little rub of comfort as he makes eye contact with a little more meaning than usual.

Agent Nevada
The least I can say is that Mr. Lovecraft and I have matters at hand that require-

Wayne sprung up to the loud stomps in confusion then following after barked the rugged commands of Magnus causing Wayne to spring up into action quickly throwing on his helmet and grabbing his DMR loading it to prepare for action.

Agent Nevada
Come, I must get you to safety!

As Wayne looks to gamera whilst in a protective stance.

A.I. Deta
Oorah! About time for some action!!

Agent Nevada
Deta, run biolife-scanners on sensory!

A.I. Deta
Sir yes sir!

As Wayne continues to get gamora to safety an unwary man walks about until not a few moments later does he hear loud booming steps.

H.P. Lovecraft
Well well... I think to myself.
A beast has decided to show itself in the midst of strong willed competitors...
Oh this will be a treat to witness!

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers CapRock CapRock nimona nimona
With the girls safely inside the house, Magnus turned his attention to the thing stomping towards them. Upon walking out, a Glavenus appeared from the woods, and it had a saddle on its back. "What kind of monster is this?" Magnus said quietly as he slowly walked towards it. The Glavenus was more interested in the bbq that was sitting out, and began to chow down on the ribs, steaks, and even the sausages. "Hey! Stop!" Magnus exclaimed as the Glavenus stared him down, before returning to its meal. "BLAZE!!! BLAAAAZE!!! WHERE ARE YOOOUUU!?!" A young voice cried out as the Glavenus roared in reply, and walked up to the entrance it came from, and roared again. "That monster has an owner...?" Shaa asked as he walked up closer to magnus. Soon enough, a young girl in a blue tunic pops out of the woods, stumbling onto her face in the grass. "There you are, buddy! Don't run off like that! I was so worried about you!" The little girl got up, and hugged her loyal mount. "Does this belong to you?" He asked with the little girl nodding in reply. "Yep! This is Blaze the Glavenus! I am still trying to get him trained to obey my commands, but he has a mind of his own!" The little girl exclaimed as she smiled and scratched the monster's chin. "But hey, at least he can fight like an adult!" Magnus studied the creature, and then the girl. Some of her features seem familiar to him, the war paint on her face, the shade of blue her hair was. "What is your name?" Magnus asked. "I am Gamora of Hakum village!" she exclaimed with a bow, and a smile. "Oh dear... we found another one."
images.jpg (Rider for scale) 20180909_141932.jpg20180909_141849.jpg (Gamora Hakum and her Rathian hairdo)
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Bidding goodbye to Yukari was never easy, but at a time like that, Peter had no other choice. He readied his trusty Avalanche and prepared himself to fight the beast... Only that it wasn't the best at all. Well, at least not yet. That monster happened to have an owner, a girl from a distant land with the same name as Gamora and a familiar look to boot.
"What are the odds?" Peter commented with a nervous snicker. "Nice to meet you, Gamora of the Hakum village. I'm Peter, Russet. Since you said your Glavenous can 'fight like an adult'... Care to help us out here? Seems like something big and nasty is heading our way."
Next to him, Damian was squinting at Gamora. Peter wasn't exactly surprised; the young man was never good around new friends. He wondered if he'd scowl at his kid too, given that's all he could do. But for now, his focus returned to Hakum Gamora as he awaited for her answer.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers nimona nimona Lord0fFate Lord0fFate
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Russet! We would love to help out! And at the same time, Blaze can get some training in!" The little girl exclaimed as glowing red eyes were visible from the forest, as well as an orange glow coming from the creature's mouth. A Hellblade Glavenus, a Deviant who had adapted to many battles of survival, stepped out into the open, its tail blackened with a red streak running in the middle of it and a red powder gently falling from it. "What on earth...?!" "Whoah! I have never seen this species of glavenus before!" Gamora exclaimed as Blaze growled, and grabs his own tail by the mouth, and pulled the two part from each other forcefully, the sound of metal grinding against a natural shell sounded terrifying, but once the tail was free, Blaze roars, his tail now sharpened and ready for a duel. The new Glavenus did the same, but its tail turning red hot, with no powder falling off. The creature roared as it then charged, with Gamora Hakum and Blaze charging in. She unsheathed her sword, and put up her shield as she ran. The Hellblade then swung its tail to the right to hit her, but blaze goes in for the block with his tail, now turning red hot. The two creatures stare each other down before the Hellblade pushed Blaze away. This marked the start of an intense battle, and all hands were needed on deck to fend it off.
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MHXX-Hellblade_Glavenus_Render_001.png(When its tail is hot)

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As Agent Nevada got gamora to safety he promptly readied his DMR as his fellow AI ran the bio-life scanners revealing a hulking creature headed towards the base.

Agent Nevada
Deta. . . at what given time will my rifle be useless in this situation?

A.I. Deta
Ehh. . theoretically your rifle is the best option but realistically. . . Your skill in hand to hand combat would be best advised.

Agent Nevada
Heh! So the energy sword it is!

In a fluid motion combined with a flick of the wrist the crackling sound of plasma radiates off the edges of the force field bound energy.

A.I. Deta
Ahh yeeaah! Time to whoop some ass!
In the town not far from the manor yet far enough to be ignorant of the destruction taking place a small group in a park had stopped what they were doing to watch an odd sight. A girl crouched before a barking dog that was tied to a pole. The dog was a big one and sounded its barking and atempted bites more than enough to scare away most, yet the girl stared at the snarling dog with a discernable expression.

Lapis stared at the dog wondering how she should feel. She was not curious like a normal person, but more like a machine asking for what code went next. Fear she should feel fear, but what was fear like? She had felt it years ago but she could not recall in words what it was like. Lapis looked to those watching her there was s crowd for some reason and she guessed they were scared but why? Were they scare for her, of her, or of the dog? Lapis did not know for but their faces were likely those of fear. Lapis tried to mimic them at the dog but her faces were wrong.

"Are you scared?" She asked her dog her tone sounding calm and serious despite what she was doing. "You must be scared or perhaps sad?" Lapus said not quite understanding the difference at least in dogs.

She could tell the dog had been her for some tim by how thin and dirty it was. The dog must have no owner. When one found a dog with no owner then it was alright to take it and when one was left tied up it was better for it. The lapis figured she should take this dog with her rather than leave it here.

She reached out with fear and aginst everyone's expectations the dog didn't bite her. Lapis was soon petting the dog "I will call you wolf" she said her voice though lovely lacking any warmpth. With a swift mothing Lapis stood and cut the rope tying wolf to the pole and the crowd seemed like they were going to have an awe moment before horror once more came over them. The moment wolf was fear a white light appeared below it a rift and wolf fell vanishing.

"You will be more helpful this way wolf" lapis said telling the people what ever had happened was done by her will and as Lapis started to walk off they parted to freaked out ask what she had done.

Peter was glad at Gamora's reaction, she seemed pretty reliable for someone who they had just met. That earned him enough courage to look again at the approaching threat and take a fighting stance... But not for long. Once he did get a good luck at the Glavenous, all trashing and angry, it was though as if all his caurage packed up bags and left; not only for himself, of course, but also for the safety of all the girls waiting inside. I can't afford to put Yukari at risk like that... I gotta get help! Forgetting to tell everyone what his logic was, Peter simply made a run for it, saying:
"I'll be right back, guys! Hold it off for me!"
To which Damian just stared at the boy like he needed serious help.
Peter ran towards the nearest town, hoping to find anyone to ask for help. After a few moments of frantic searching, he ended up in a large crowd of people in a park. Inside that crowd, he found a poor "little" dog tied up to a pole and a pretty, if cold-looking, girl who seemed intent on helping it. First off, he figured that whoever was just staring at the scene wouldn't be of much help against the monster; however, that one person who decided to help was likely a different story. He watched the scene quietly at first, rooting for the girl to save the dog like she wanted. He was ectatic when she managed to pet the dog and talk to him, punching the air and opening a bright smile. What a way around animals she had! But then, Peter's jaw dropped.
"What on Earth...?" He asked out loud, then shook his head. "It'll have to work. Hey miss!" He added to her, approaching. "You look like a huntress. There's a monster attacking our friends just over the woods there!" He said, pointing to the direction he came from. He held her hand with both of his hands and stared at her with his best impression of puppy eyes, hoping that wouldn't get him sucked into a portal. "If nobody helps, they'll be dead meat in minutes! Could you help us? Please!?"

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Lapis could not say she was surprised someone came up to her, though what he had to say was not what she expected. Well it didn't matter what others may think about what she had done, if anything Lapis just wondered what she should feel; embarrassed perhaps.The boy's observation of her being a huntress was true and thus his request was not unreasonable. Lapis was a huntress she fought the Grimm and whatever else threatened people, that was a truth. Still that a monster of some kind was attacking and that no one had alerted the city that something might be happening. when the boy took her hand and seemed to me making puppy god eyes she didn't quite understand why, she was a huntress why would she not go to fight the monster that was what she did.

" Your eyes and gestures are lost on me" She said her tone never changing and seemingly cold " I am a huntress lead me to your friends" She continued having only said the first part just to inform him that she wasn't going to be swayed by emotional gestures.

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Blaze roared as his tail grew red hot, with Gamora Hakum standing by her companion's side. "Blaze! Use Flaming Chakram!" The small glavenus then slammed his tail on the ground, and spin around and created a forward spiraling ring of fire as he flicked his tail. The blow managed to push back the massive Hellblade, but it also pissed it off as it began to huff steam. The Hellblade then grabbed its tail in its mouth, and proceeded to pull on it both directions, until it let go and did a spin attack, with everyone dodging out of the way. "Wait until its throat starts to glow! Then go for it! It will cause an explosion that can topple it over!"

Magnus gets up, with Gamora of Astera's palico, Oakris, standing right by his side, with what appeared to be a bottle shaped like a gajalaka mask. "EAT MEOWLOTOV COCKTAIL, MEOWNSTER!!" She exclaimed as she wobbled over, and once close enough, threw it with all her might, making a large "BOOM!!", and pushing the hellblade back. CapRock CapRock Lord0fFate Lord0fFate Karcen Karcen nimona nimona
Agent Nevada
Ahhh yeaaah!!!

A.I. Deta

Seeing his opening the agent sprint jumps unto the hellblade in his best attempts to gain leverage in a strained grapple.

Agent Nevada
Oof! -We-Well! you're n-ot so bad at-all!

Wayne says aloud referring to the hellblade.

A.I. Deta
Wooo!! Time for a RODIO!

The A.I. says in an iconic country accent.

H.P. Lovecraft
From wary distance I stand aside and take a moment to observe to ravaging beast.

How profound! I say to myself with a smirk stricken across my face, I witness wayne leap and bound unto the beast with ease.

Heh. . . Lest not our hero not get blasted.
Adjusting my glasses I then begin to motion the palm of my hand over the space of air in front of me as the necronomicon levitates flipping through various pages until stopping where various texts begin to scintillate with a crimson hue.

Muttering the passages I lift my left hand towards the beast where a void of crackling energy manifests at the centerfold of my palm. Looking towards my adversary I whisper the final incantion. . .
"N’ghft-or uaaah!"
From my palm bolsters a kinetic blast of void energy aimed to the side of the hellblade.
Peter & Damian

"Oh, n-no, I..."
Peter fumbled with his words to Lapis' unexpected reply. How on Earth did he manage to accidentally flirt with a girl, when he couldn't even do it on purpose? "I'm a commited man! But alright, follow me!" He said, pulling her by the end into the forest.
Meanwhile, Damian was helping out any way he could to fight the evil Glavenous; he picked up his sword and, using his semblance, turned it into a net of steel strings; he quickly dashed in and enveloped the creature with his net, keeping it in place long enough for Lovecraft's attack to score a direct hit. Recovering his net and retreating to analyze the situation, Damian noticed Peter reappering from the corner of his eye.

"I'm back!" Peter exclaimed when he was first sighted.
"Where the hell were you?" Damian asked. He then noticed the boy was holding hands with a pretty girl he'd never seen before, which pissed the man off. "Listen here, brat, I could care less if you want to ruin your marriage this early on, but don't do it right in the middle of a fight, dumbass!"
Peter blushed almost immediately, which wasn't helping his case at all. He stared at Damian, then at Lapis, somehow hoping this was all a horrible dream, before he finally let go of her hand and produced his weapon, as well as a response:
"This isn't what it looks like! She's just help, I swear!" Damian simply sighed and shook his head, turning back to the monster battle. Peter then spoke to Lapis again: "See those two monsters? The little one is our friend, and the big one is evil. I'll explain everything better later, I promise!" He said before jumping back into the fight with his gauntlet.

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Lapis didn't understand how her words had lead the boy to the idea she had any interest in him. It was also odd that he was married as he appeared no older if not younger than Lapis herself, she was under the impression marriage was something for older people. Still Lapis didn't really understand such things she didn't know what such love felt like she couldn't even imagine it, descriptions in media were also odd. Well that didn't matter love was not something she felt and she could busy herself with killing things. When they arrived at the site of the two monster's Lapis wasn't affected by the talk while normally one might be embarrassed, her face didn't change she didn't even seem to have noticed the comment, but in truth she didn't care. The major concern was of course the monsters or well one monster, though to Lapis both monsters should be killed she was a huntress after all.

" It is a monster so it needs to be killed that is enough" Lapis said her voice still its cold monotone almost sounding bored.

There was a bright light as Lapis vanished and soon another appeared above the monster they were fighting and from it came Lapis now holding her weapon out as a two headed glaive. She used this surprise to stab the blade into the monster's throat letting gravity take her down spreading the deep gash letting loses a torrent of the beasts' hot red blood. The beast went to roar only for Lapis to change hr weapon's mode and allowing herself to drop into another bright rift. Then she reappeared on the monster's back her weapon in another configuration allowing her to shoot into its spine as she ran down. The monster tried to throw her off but only launched her into another bright rift as an exit opened near where Lapis had started tossing her out letting her skid to a stop after her first assault.
The Hellblade went on the offensive, going so far as to bite at Lapis, until Blaze shot an oozing fireball of combusted soot at the larger foe, which then exploded, sending it back, and bringing the aggro back on him. Blaze then dodges as the hellblade attacks, and severs the tip of the tail, revealing all the muscle and bottom layer of skin as the metal cooled, its blade now useless. "Good job Blaze! Someone is getting an extra helping of steak tonight!" Gamora of hakum said as she then charged in, bashing her shield into Hellblade's head, and knocking it down. "Now! Go for it!" Magnus ordered as he charged in, his muscles growing bigger.
"Nya! Mess that meownster up!" Oakris cried as she hopped over to the toppled beast, racing to Magnus' side. CapRock CapRock Karcen Karcen Lord0fFate Lord0fFate nimona nimona

Though he was slightly worried wuth the girl's words, Peter couldn't afford to think too much about it. Thankfully, the huntress seemed to be pretty skilled, zipping around in portals and cutting the beast enough to get Hakun Gamora an opening. With the beast now downed, it was quickly being overrun by the defenders. Peter himself definitely wouldn't want to stay behind. He had been studying Glavenous and other monsters lately. Th regular Glavenous had a known weakness to water, and this one had fire sprouting from just about everywhere. With that, it definitely didn't seem like a stretch to pick the weapon he wanted. \\\running forward, Peter reached out to the pocket dimension of his semblance, saying:
"That's pretty good, ms huntress, but you're not the only one with portals here! Let me introduce you to my little friend... I call it 'Halliday'!"
When Peter's hand left the portal, it was holding a traffic-sign sized pole, tried to an ivy spiked ball through a chain. By holding the pole with both hands, the young man leaped and swung the weapon around him from the top, reaching the ground again at roughly the same time as Halliday slammed into the monster. When it did, the ice dust inside it exploded, firing spikes into the monster and inflicting its wounds with frostbite.

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The Hellblade had just about enough of these attackers, and then roared as loud as it could. The beast gets up, injured, and furious. The deviant went after peter, biting down at him as red powder flies out of its mouth. Even though he dodges out of its attacks, the powder still finds a way to latch on, and starts to crackle as it slowly began to change color. "ROLL PETER!!! ROLL LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!" Gamora of Hakum shouted as the beast smacked her away, and smacking a charging Blaze away into some trees. And with the beast preparing to spit out a boiling globule of soot and flame, gunshots were heard, and 3 bullets made a splash on its face, certainly catching its attention. A woman in silver scale armor stood there with a gun of a (Japanese) serene motif. The woman had the very same face paint and hair as Gamora of Astera. "Good thing I got here when things ramped up! Let me finish this!" She said as she set down a shock trap, as well as a piece of meat as the Hellblade charged. She backed away, the beast stepping on the trap and becoming paralyzed. 2 tranq shots was all it took to bring the beast down. 3 huntsman soon followed behind her, and groaned and growled. "You monster hunters... Always taking the glory..." "Shut it. You at least get the credit for hauling this thing to a sanctuary or something. Or would you like me to feed you to it when it wakes up?" the huntsmen had looks of fear on their faces as they made a call to their client, while Gamora of Bherna, the woman in silver scale armor, walked to the group. "Nice job, not many can handle themselves against a Deviant like that. You guys got guts, I li-" she stopped and looked at Gamora of Hakum, and shook her head. "Sister, what the hell were you doing here?! You could have been killed!!" "Well at least I had Blaze with me this time!" The little girl retorted as she and Blaze got up.
CapRock CapRock nimona nimona Karcen Karcen Lord0fFate Lord0fFate (Whenever you guys are ready, we can move on with the next Arc. I would like Cap to start us off on the arc.)

"No, Cassie, you have to stay-"

"I'm done staying! I need to see if they're alright!"
Reckless as ever, the redhead Hunter made her way down the stairs and out of the house as fast as her pregnant state allowed her to. Making it out into the porch, she was met with quite a scene; after rolling his way into a tree, Peter had latched on to its trunk and climbed it a couple meters, latching on to it like a scaredy cat while Damian tried to talk him down from it. There were significantly more people at the scene, including two of what she could only assume to be Gamora's relatives, a few Hunters and a new huntress lady. Cassie sighed in relief, but her hands on her hips and said:
"You're all growing soft! We didn't use to need all this backup just to take down a little monster." Despite the scolding words, she didn't seem fully serious about it. She then turned to the new faces, especially the girl, and added: "Thank you all for helping. I'm Cassie. Nice to meet you." She said, extending her hand for Lapis.

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Lapis did not smile at their victory, and she watched the other monster her expression unreadable as she held her hand by her sword, before she moved her hand away seemingly not attacking it just yet. Lapis was a huntress she killed monsters and the monsters she was used to could not be reasoned with, they could not be tamed, death was the only way to deal with them. This monster was different it was more like an animal than a Grimm. Lapis would still watch it for it was a monster and she was a huntress there was no lasting accord. Then one of those from inside the building came out a woman who looked no older than Lapis herself, though it seemed she had decided that was old enough to have children. Such a person should not be near a battlefield they had no place fighting they were a distraction.

Lapis took Cassie's hand though there was no smile on her face and no joy in how she moved her hand, instead it was an awkward robotic thing seemingly from someone that only really saw it on tv. " Lapis" She said letting go of Cassie's hand " You should move to a safer location this place is no longer safe for one in your condition " Lapis continued her voice lacking any real concern for the girl and clearly seeing those with child as not able to contribute to a fight.
"It's clear you never fought a deviant before!" Gamora of Bherna jokingly chided as she walked towards cassie. "Name's Gamora, I'm from Bherna village. And the little tike is Gamora from Hakum Village." "I AM NOT A LITTLE TIKE!" Hakum shouted as she crossed her arms and moped. That was when the expectant Gamora walked out, barely able to stand on her own as Clifford walking out with her, with Sonora on his other side. "I tried to warn them, Magnus! But they...!" He stopped, and looked at the two blue-haired girls, then back at Astera Gamora. "Uh.... is it just me, or are they multiplying?" "Pretty sure they are related to our friend from Astera, Cliff. Can't you tell?" Sonora sat down on a chair, and studied the two, who were looking at the huntress carrying her twins. "Damn, sis! You're the first to expand the bloodline! Pops would be proud, if he were around." Bherna exclaimed excitedly as Hakum walked up closer to her Asteran sister, and gave her a hug. "It's so nice to finally meet you!" She exclaimed as she got tears in her eyes. Meanwhile, Blaze stood there, studying the women out on the deck. Magnus shook his head and chuckled. "Sonora, you are just as stubborn as usual." "Got it from you, old man!" Sonora playfully joked as they both giggled.

Wayne walks up to his lover, and put his arm on her shoulder, and smiled down on her as she smiled back. "And ummm... This is my lover... Wayne." The two gamoras look at the couple, basically stunned as they tried to piece it all together. "So he is the dad for the little one?" Bherna asked as Astera giggled, "Little ONES. I am having twins." The two gamoras were stunned as they looked at each other. Wayne Then kneeled next to Gamora as Clifford rushed to cassie. "Hey cass... maybe you should uh... I don't know... cut 'em some slack? That thing was bigger than the little monster! And one of the gamoras obviously knew the monster better than everyone else!" Clifford was nervous as all get out, not knowing if what he was saying was either on the verge of angering his expecting mate, or making her giggle at his anxiousness. "Clifford, calm down. She is just playing around!" Sonora said in hopes of somewhat calming him down. Truth be told, Clifford was unsure if he was ready to be a parent, he has so much more to learn about the world around him. What if his daughter ends up being like him? What if he messes her up in some way? Or what if he does not give her what she needs? He is already having a tough time with Aslan as a dad, but he is figuring things out as he goes. Oakris then hopped out of the house, and up to cassie. "Aslan is asleep, nya! He is a rather fiesty one, like a Rajang!" She joked as she shook her whole body, and looked at what appeared to be 2 gamoras. She then looked back at her master, then at the two again, and then at Lapis. "Who is she? She looks Purrty!"

Clifford then looked at Lapis, and he felt rather intimidated by the stone-faced huntress. "Uh... hi... I'm Clifford, and this lovely red is my mate, Cassie!" He said as he wrapped an arm around cassie, and brought her close with a nervous laugh. Magnus nodded, and walked up to lapis. "I am Magnus Roja, and I own this estate. I assure you this location is safe for people who are expecting, like my daughter and her sister in law." He said with believable confidence. nimona nimona Lord0fFate Lord0fFate Karcen Karcen CapRock CapRock

"Oh, that's very considerate of you!"
Cassie replied to Lapis, putting her hand over her mouth to giggle. "Maybe I should, considering our, a-hem, 'guardians'." She glanced at the tree, where Yukari was still trying to talk Peter down the tree. Clifford approached her and asked her to cut some slack, but Sonora was the one who understood what she truly meant. "Maybe I'm kidding, maybe I'll be giving those slackers some hardcore training sessions after I have my kid. Who knows?" She added, laughing some more as she leaned on to her partner. And then, when Oakris showed up, she smiled in relief and gave her a scratch behind the ear, saying: "Thank you, Oakris." Balancing her life with parenthood had proven harder than she initially thought, but Oakris and everyone else had been of great help in it.
Shortly after things calmed down, Damian passed by the group in stern silence, glancing angrily at Clifford, then suspiciously at the newcomers. reaching Sonora, he held out her should and said:
"Let's head in. All this heat won't be good for the babies."
"You're right, bro!"
Cassie said. She turned to the Gamoras and Lapis and said: "If Mr. Roja wouldn't mind, why don't you come in? We'll treat you to a nice meal as a thank you for your help."
Cassie turned and found Damian glaring at her. She understood what was going on, but not why, which only served to worsen her mood. Eventually, the huntress ignored her brother and added to Lapis:
"Please ignore my brother Damian. He's just been especially moody ever since he found out he's gonna have to change some diapers for the next few years. Should we get going?"

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers Karcen Karcen nimona nimona Lord0fFate Lord0fFate
Lapis was not sure what she had gotten into the people here mostly seemed around her age and most of the girls were with child. This kind of scene was only common in maternity wards and cults. This place did not seem to be a hospital so Lapis assumed it was some kind of religious organization. The group was made of hunters that was for sure, yet a normal hunter would not have children in their prime and only reduce their abblity to fight. Lapis did not show these thoughts as always her expression was the same she was almost doll like in her composure. If this was a cult the Lapis knew she would not be converted she had no emotion to prey on and if they tried to keep her then she would not be one to show mercy.

"Very well I can eat though you have many girls here that look better served in a maternity ward" Lapis said stating facts over really being concerned for the girls.

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