RWBY: Grimm Encounters

There's a difference between opinion and fact...


Gonna give ya props for loving Banished
Then where is your facts, so far yours are opinions, only way a comp will not go out of date quickly is to spend thousands on an alien-ware then you might do some good

But I like computers never the less, I play all games
-_- Alienware? The most expensive parts of the damn things are the case! There certainly not worth the price, mines self-built at 1.2K, and it will outperform any console for another 2 generations of them minimum
I have some gaming laptop, I know self built ones are amazing and all but this arguement will go on forever, neither side will ever win, computers have there pluses, consoles have there pluses

My Steam name is oXBlackJackXo but I tend to never play anymore since my best friend started army training and I started doctor stuff
Consoles are designed for mass manufacture and those that don't care about specs. Casual gamers who only care about being able to run the latest AAA blockbusters
And what else do they mass produce my friend? I must say though, I can't wait for the steam console that sound awesome, I was brought up on consoles with games Computers never knew about. :o
Goooood Morning everybody ^^.....and Good Night Too some xD

(This Time zone Stuff is Confusing me o_O)

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